Danganronpa Midnight: Lantern...

By sleepyysanctuary

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Chiyo Yagami was looking forward to the first day of her final year at Hope's Peak Academy. That is until she... More

Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - The First Day
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Unfamiliar Surroundings
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Unfamiliar Classmates
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Welcome To Camp
Nozomu Academy Interlude
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Satoshi, Finn
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - Motive
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Kokoro
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Ryoko, Shunsuke
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - The Party
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 1 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 1 - Scrum Debate + Class Trial 2
Chapter 1 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 1 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 1
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Akihiro, Kairi
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Tatsuo, Akihiro and Shouko
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Motive
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Shouko, Yuna
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Camping
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 2
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 3 + Scrum Debate + Closing Argument
Chapter 2 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 2
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Kenjiro, Ryoko
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Akihiro, Satoshi and Hidemi
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Motive
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Kokoro, Shouko
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Movie Night
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 3 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 3
Nozomu Academy Interlude 2
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Beach Day
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - FTE: Shimura, Kokoro
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Motive, FTE: Kenjiro
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - FTE: Yuna, Shouko
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Boating Trip
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 4 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 4
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection
Happy Anniversary!
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Shimura, Satoshi
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Ryoko
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Motive
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Kenjiro, Shouko
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Last Supper
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 3
Purgatory 5
Chapter 6 - An Encounter of Destined Despair
Epilogue - Greetings To An Old Conclusion
Final Game Stats
thank you!! (again)

Chapter 5 - Post Trial and Execution

234 8 13
By sleepyysanctuary

We were swallowed by silence as Monokuma took his sweet time counting up five votes. As he dragged it out as long as he could, my eyes just lingered on Shimura.

I've got so many questions, but will I even get answers to all of them? I hope so, but knowing the nature of this twisted game and how Shimura's been acting so far, I doubt it..,

"And...Aha! That's it!" Monokuma applauded himself with a sharp smile before facing us all. "There has been a unanimous decision! How exciting! With all these votes counted, I can't wait to show the results."

"You only had to count five." I turned my attention to the bear, giving him a pointed stare as I impatiently tapped my foot against the marble floor.

"Oh quiet, girlie! You'd never understand the difficulties of a job like mine." He moped, acting as if he had suffered the most out of any of us.

"Excuse you! What difficulties-"

"Anyway!" He interrupted me, his jolly persona re-emerging. "If you'd take a look at the TV screen above me, we'll announce the votes."

As routine at this point, our attention was directed to the screen. Each of our votes appeared accompanied by a chime, all next to the same portrait.


There's no go back now, huh? This is it.

"There you have it." Shimura declared with his arms across his chest. "The result I wanted."

"Don't get too excited yet young man, for we still have to unveil the identity of the killer to see if you all were right!" Monokuma chuckled. "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Who is the real blackened? Did you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one?"

The image on the screen had changed, now showing the slot machine. As the lever was pulled and it began to spin, I could feel a cloud of indescribable dread looming over not only me but every single person in that trial room.

That dread only increased when the three slots finally stopped, displaying one face.


I knew this was the answer. I knew this had to happen...

Yet my breaths couldn't help but quiver at the reveal of the truth. Even with the clear answer before me, it's still so painful to see Shimura turn out like this.

Fake cheers and confetti filled the room, poking at Shimura's feet. All of our eyes were on him at this point, but that didn't stop him from avoiding our gazes. Instead, Monokuma just spoke up again.

"Now I'm definitely happy with these results...Two nuisances out the way in one case!" Monokuma cackled, holding his metallic stomach in roaring laughter for settling down and continuing his announcement. "You figured it out! The person behind the brutal, violent, savage and absolutely vicious murder of Ryoko Tadashi is none other than the guy whose been hidden this whole damn killing game. That's right! It's Shimura Kurayami, the Ultimate Toxicologist!"

"We figured," I mumbled.

"Well," Shimura spoke up, finally meeting our expectant eyes. "For my first class trial, that wasn't too bad. I still don't understand the appeal though-"

"Shut the fuck up, you idiot!" I exclaimed, marching my way over to him. Once I was there, I gripped the collar of his shirt, dragging him down so we could see each other eye to eye. "You said you'd explain! So get to it!"

"You want the explanation right away, Chiyo?" Shimura gently grabbed my fists and removed my grip from his collar. "I should've known. You really are predictable."

"What's that meant to mean?" My glare only grew more intense as I rested my hands against my hips.

"I didn't mean it in an insulting way." He sighed. "I suppose after weeks of us working together, I've come to know you extremely well."

He can't say stuff like that before his execution! Because then...

...Then it'll hurt so much more.

"Chiyo is right," Satoshi spoke up, nervously interjecting. "We were promised answers. And I think I speak for the rest of us when I say we all want to hear them...if that makes sense."

"I understand." Shimura began, stepping back. "Now, if we say chronologically, does that mean from when I supposedly died or last night when-"

"We clearly mean last night." Kenjiro interrupted him. "The way you faked your death... I-Is that important right now?"

"At least you're honest." He weakly chuckled. "If you're curious as to whether I planned to initially kill Ryoko or not, I'll have you know I didn't."

"Wait, really?" Shouko blinked.

"Yes, really." He nodded. "I was just in the morgue doing nothing as per usual. But well...when I heard banging on the door and opened it to see Ryoko, I didn't even have time to react."

"A-Are you saying she shot you as soon as you opened the door?!?" I exclaimed.

"Ryoko sure didn't waste any time. And you catch on quick." He smiled in my direction. "I assume she attacked straight away to force me to go with her. Ryoko would rather use force than try and talk to me if all people, seeing as her obsession over Chiyo shifted over to me."

"So she...was into you instead of Chiyo now?" Satoshi realised, appearing dumbfounded. "Yikes."

"You can say that again. She's far from my type." Shimura replied but chose to carry on. "As I said earlier, I was only grazed by the bullet, yet my luck seemingly ran out when she placed those cuffs on me. Before I knew it, I was being dragged behind her as she explained her whole elaborate plan to kill everyone."

"Was it then when you realised you had to murder her?" I bluntly asked, cutting to the chase.

"To be fair, I did want to kill her. We all know Ryoko was insufferable and I meant it when I said I didn't regret what I did." Shimura said. "As for when I devised to kill her, I'd say it was from the moment I saw her at the door to the morgue. In that split second, before she fired the gun, the look of pure evil in her eyes was enough for me to want her dead."

"And I thought I was too honest," Kenjiro mumbled.

At least he doesn't sugarcoat it. Ryoko was a brat. And after everything she had done, I think she deserved it.

"Now that you know what happened at the start of the crime, I'm sure there's another question buzzing in your head." Shimura tilted his head as he met our eyes. "Why did I torture Ryoko instead of just killing her? I mean, torturing her would've just left more evidence and taken way longer. So why in the world would I do it, right?"

"You're the one who should be answering that." Shouko reminded him.

"Let's see..." he thought to himself for a moment before answering. "I suppose if you were to ask me, then you'd imagine I'd say revenge or maybe even that she deserved it. And yes, while those are all true, there was a bigger reason."

"Which is...?" Satoshi trailed off.

"To find the truth." He coldly stated. "The truth behind her change in behaviour, this killing game, her involvement and...everything. She spoke with Kei before me, remember? Who knows what she knew."

"W-Wait, you tortured answers out of her?!?" Kenjiro widened his eyes.

"Of course I did. If you're going to suggest that I should have asked her politely, then clearly you don't know Ryoko in the slightest. It was the only way to get her to talk - even if she barely did..." he sighed.

"She barely told you anything...?" I said.

"For the most part, Ryoko just told me the same things Kei told me about the nature of the game and all that shit." He continued. "When I turned the questions to be about her, it took more pain for her to finally reveal the answers, but I got them eventually."

"W-Wait! Can't you tell us the truth behind this killing game now? Because apparently, you've known for ages now." I asked.

"I would, but you'll find out very soon anyway. So why should I bother when the experience will teach you a lot more than my words." He replied.

"What do you mean soon?" Shouko inquired, glaring at him. "How soon?"

"Eh...an hour or so, give or take." He estimated.


"But that's a matter for you to deal with later, so worry about the present," Shimura reassured us. "I asked Ryoko questions which related to why she changed so much and why she did what she did. Before the game, she wasn't such a twisted freak - photos in Kei's room under this court told me that."

"You mean...Ryoko was once normal?" Satoshi blinked, awkwardly laughing. "Now that seems a bit unbelievable."

"It may sound that way, but you better believe it," Shimura told us. "Her answer...I'd rather not reveal it. It wasn't clear at all. But something about her changed upon entering the killing game. Something that made her so much worse."

"Enough about Ryoko then!" I exclaimed. "You're about to be executed, so who gives a shit about her right now? We just...want to know why."

"Hm? You're going to have to elaborate more on that, Chiyo." Shimura playfully scoffed. "What do you mean 'why'?"

"Why exactly did you kill her? What the hell do you mean by 'saving us all'?" I asked, my frustrations only growing. "Why did you do all of that?!? What does it mean?"

"Well, didn't I already say?" Shimura crossed his arms and glanced at Monokuma. "This killing game ends with me. And not only that, but Monokuma will die with me. So then you guys will be free to escape."

"H-Huh?!?" Even Monokuma seemed flustered, flailing his arms around in anger. "What nonsense are you saying? I-"

"If you have more questions, then feel free to ask. As I said, I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. However..." his voice trailed off as he chuckled dryly. "If you're going to ask me how exactly my death will end the killing game, then I'm afraid you'll have to wait until you're actually out of here first. Then you can ask Kei yourselves."

"W-We...will see Kei?" Satoshi put two and two together.

"Yes, but please refrain from fanboying or anything of the sort." Shimura clarified. "Not that Kei hates that sort of thing. I'm sure a rich and famous guy like him would be happy to give out autographs. It's a shame I can't stand self-righteous guys like him. But oh well."

Right, I remember. I'm sure Kei isn't a bad guy or anything - unless he actually is the mastermind of course. Shimura just isn't exactly the biggest fan of rich people in general.

Well, who could blame him after what his family went through? I'm surprised Shimura even agreed to work with Kei of all people anyway. I suppose he put away his hatred to put a stop to the killing game.

Not only his hatred...but also his life, it would seem.

"Why do you assume I would be a fanboy in a situation like this?!?" Satoshi wondered, apparently taking offence.

"No reason in particular. I just happen to know your...admiration for many men like Kei, that's all. Chiyo told me." The toxicologist revealed with a shrug as Satoshi gasped, his head turning over to face me.

"Y-You told him?!?"

"You make it pretty obvious anyway," I mumbled, giving him an apologetic look.


"And besides, it would just be embarrassing to fawn over someone like him. I sure don't see the appeal." He concluded the topic of Kei there.

"But why won't you tell us how your death saves us?" Shouko glared at him, apparently disliking Shimura. "Or...are you just being difficult again?"

"Well, firstly I simply believe it would be better for Kei to tell you. He's the one really orchestrating this, so he's the expert on it. Secondly, I'm not even that sure myself. I might be just as blind as you all right now." Shimura then smirked. "And third, I'll be dead. So how would I know the answer to such a...grave matter?" He suppressed a laugh, yet all of our faces were stone and still.

"Is...he seriously making puns right now?" Satoshi whispered into my ear in disbelief at what he just heard.

"Don't pay attention or encourage it." I groaned. "It's kind of his thing."

"Oh come on." Shimura looked at our blank expressions. "Don't tell me you've all hit a...dead end." At least point, it was useless for him to try and stop himself from laughing.

"You should stop joking around," Kenjiro advised him wearily.

"Seriously? Fine." He begrudgingly said. "If you all think you've got better, then about about you take a stab at-"

"Cut it out!" I exclaimed, furrowing my eyebrows at Shimura before he could even finish his third pun.

"...Alright." He cleared his throat, the cough awkwardly filling the room.

"If you're still taking questions, then I'd like to ask you something," Satoshi spoke up once again. "Why is Kei involved in all of this? I mean...murder?!? That's not like him at all!"

"It wasn't like us either, but then how will you explain eleven deaths," Shimura replied.

"...Touché," Satoshi admitted, lowering his head. "But I still don't get it. Why would Kei be involved in something like this? He has no reason to!"

"Well, if you really want the answers concerning Kei's involvement, then it's better if you just ask him yourself when you leave this place." Shimura began. "Although, I'll just say there are more people than just him from the outside that are involved in this. So if you're mad at Kei for putting us in here, well...maybe don't pin it all on him."

"Oh really now?" I scoffed. "I thought you hated wealthy dudes like him. Or are you both best buddies now?"

"We're not that friendly if that's what you're wondering. But let's just say I hate him...less." Shimura replied, but then met my eyes with a playful smile. "What? Don't tell me you're jealous I left you to spend time with that rich idiot. I'd still rather talk to you, Chiyo."

"Hey! Why would you even think that?!?" I perked up. "Would you stop with the silliness?"

"Then I suppose jokes like those are banned too then." The toxicologist sighed. "Nothing I can do about that I guess. Whatever. Do you guys have any more questions?"

"I do," Shouko spoke up, stepping towards Shimura.

"Then go ahead."

"Why did you act like that?" She asked without hesitation, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Huh?" He blinked. "Act like what?"

"Like the mastermind!" She reminded him. "Why did you act like you were the mastermind and a horrible person? Seeing and hearing you right now...You're just like how Aki said you were. Sure, kind of strange, but a good person. B-But now I don't get it!"

"You mean that?" Shimura folded his arms. "The answer is not that complicated. I was suspicious enough already but I figured...Well, why not ensure I'm the one executed?"

"You mean...you acted like you trapped us here to get us to vote for you?!?" Kenjiro realised.

"Of course. I wanted it to be clear that I was the one who had to be guilty, no matter which way you looked at the case. By painting myself as the mastermind, that practically ensured my death." Shimura paused momentarily. "Though, even with Chiyo seeing through it, I still got the majority. So I'd say it was still worth it. Killing Ryoko and then being executed - it's all according to my plan."

"What about Akihiro?" Shouko then coldly questioned him.

"W-What?" Shimura stammered, clearly not expecting her to talk about Akihiro again.

"Didn't you think about Akihiro at all last night? Do you think he'd want you to do...all of that?" The ghost hunter tried to talk sense to him.

Shimura remained silent for a moment before replying. "He'd be glad I did what I did."


"I know you and Akihiro were extremely close, and this isn't meant to invalidate you in any way." He began. "But...I know Akihiro. I'm sure you know we were also quite close. And not only that, but-"

"You guys being lovey-dovey has nothing to do with my question!" She cut him off harshly.

"...I wouldn't put it like that. And I'd say it has everything to do with it."

"Just...Just tell me. When you killed Ryoko, did you ever think of Akihiro and what he might have thought of it?" Shouko asked once again, as clear as she could be.

"Of course I did. You and Chiyo of all people should know that I couldn't stop thinking about Akihiro even if I tried. And when I pushed and poisoned Ryoko, I thought of him just as much." Shimura went on to explain. "I knew he'd be glad."


"Ryoko got Akihiro killed. It was Kairi's trap, but Ryoko lured him straight into it. Both of them are to blame. Kairi is lucky she got executed when she had the chance." He claimed.

"Are you saying you'd kill Kairi too?" Kenjiro wondered. "For revenge?"

"No, Kairi is different than Ryoko. But that doesn't mean she wouldn't deserve it for how she murdered him." He replied. "Ryoko had answers and got Akihiro killed. Both of those were more than enough to justify her death."

"I...see." Shouko lowered her head, unsure about whether to accept his answer or not.

"I'll be seeing Akihiro soon anyway," Shimura mentioned. "Just give it a few minutes."

"What do you- O-Oh! The...purgatory thing I still don't get." Satoshi remembered. "I still don't get most of this to be fair."

"As I said, you'll get it soon," Shimura reassured him and then looked over at Shouko once again. "I'll tell him you said hello."

"...You better." Shouko sighed.

"Aren't you scared?" I then asked with clenched fists. "Are you really just going to die?!?"

"I mean, it's not like I have a choice. It is my execution you know-"

"No! Shimura, listen to yourself!" I exclaimed, grabbing his shirt collar once again. "Since when were you okay with dying? The Shimura I knew wouldn't accept this...he'd fight back! He'd refuse to die like this!"

"...Chiyo, listen-"

"We worked together!" I cut him off, tears brimming at the corner of my eyes. "When I was struggling with Ryoko or hell, even myself, you were there. When I was dying, you saved me! And when you were hurting, I was there. We were partners...no, not even that. We are friends, close ones at that!"

"So Shimura is the one who saved Chiyo when she was in the infirmary...Now that makes sense." Satoshi commented from the side.

"Even if it's part of you and Kei's plan...I don't care. To see you just throw away your life like this isn't like you at all!" I tried to reason with him.

"We were never meant to get that close." He admitted. "But I'm glad we did. Chiyo, I can see where you're coming from."

"You can? It doesn't seem like it!"

"With all that will and determination I had during our conversations, it does seem like I'm giving up, huh?" Shimura chuckled. "Then I'll fight back against death or whatever for you. Even if nothing will change or the outcome is the same, at least there might be a chance."

"...There has to be a chance." I sighed.

"We'll see about that," Monokuma interjected. "After all, it is nearly time for the execution."

"A-Already?!?" Kenjiro stuttered.

"It would seem so." Shimura carefully removed my hands from his collar once again. "It's Monokuma's death along with mine, so please don't panic much."

"Stop saying shit like that!" I exclaimed.

"Fine, fine."

"I agree with her for once!" Monokuma continued. "Stop saying nonsense. Me? Dying? Don't make me laugh!"

"We'll see about that, then." Shimura just adverted his eyes.

"Hmph. If you're so confident then here! I've prepared an extra special punishment for you, Shimura Kurayami, the Ultimate Toxicologist who lives just to get on my nerves! How are you worse than Ryoko?!?" Monokuma growled, clenching his paws.

Shimura scoffed. "Worse than Ryoko? I suppose I'll take that as a compliment in this context. Just call it one of my many talents."

"Does he ever stop?!?" The bear cried out to no one.

I guess it is pretty funny to see Monokuma get all frustrated by Shimura just existing.

"So you're really just going to...die? We only realised you were alive like an hour ago and you're already going to get executed?" Satoshi wondered.

"Seems like it." The toxicologist sighed, adjusting his tie. "It's going to be like I was never even here at all, huh?"

"How can you say that? We just discovered you killed Ryoko. I'd call that quite an impact." Kenjiro said.

"Oh really now?" He smirked. "I'm sure it was a positive one."

"Uh, well- I never said that!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's not make my final moments about Ryoko now." He cleared his throat. "I didn't really bond with any of you, so don't worry. I'm not expecting you guys to start bawling or anything."

"Well, we did have like, uh, two discussions before you died- Um, faked your death. So it can't be helped." Satoshi corrected himself with an awkward chuckle.

"Exactly." Shimura nodded, then glanced towards me, pausing. "Chiyo? Are you-"

"You really are an idiot!" I cried. "How many times do I have to tell you? We're friends! I don't care if you never meant to get close to me! Now you're just going to die?!?"

"Chiyo." Shimura sighed, stepping towards me and placing his hands easily on my shoulders. "I'm glad we became friends."


"I thought I'd be alone when Akihiro died. But then you discovered me in the morgue that day...Well, of course, I was distraught at first. But I eventually realised that it was one of the best things to happen to me in this killing game. I can't thank you and Akihiro enough."

"Shimura...You're such a dork." I mumbled, wiping the tears that finally spilt from my face.

"I know." He sighed. "But it's not like you hate it. So I'd say you're complimenting me right now."

"You're insufferable even during moments like this!" I weakly laughed, wiping my tears.

"Yet you stuck around." Shimura exhaled a deep breath, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"Ok, enough feeling bad for this irrelevant guy! He was gone for most of this killing game, so who cares?!? Let's give it everything we got...!" Monokuma cackled, raising his hammer and hovering it teasingly over the button before him.

"Again, I know you might hate me after this...But trust me, please?" Shimura suddenly whispered in my ear. "I promise it's better than the surprise visit I gave you last night."

"Eh? S-Shimura, what are you talking about this time-"

"As soon as my execution is over, get the things you need and leave this place, ok? Don't let yourself or the others hesitate." He instructed me, meeting my gaze. "But, check the morgue one last time. There you'll find...a surprise, you could say."

I barely trusted him last night. So am I supposed to trust him again?!? And why is Shimura always so vague with what he says? And what the hell is in the morgue now?!?

"Alright...?" I replied cautiously, making sure to completely wipe my tears and nod.

"Perfect." He gently smiled and let me go. "You were always a great partner and friend. I'm glad things turned out this way, Chiyo. I wish you all the best."

"Thank you," I replied. "Thank you so much, Shimura."

"Well then," Shimura turned away from me, looking directly at Monokuma. "If I'm such a pain in your ass, then get on with it already. I'm ready for whatever you have coming for me."

"If I have your permission," Monokuma grinned. "Then...

It's...Punishment time!"

"With this, your safety is secured." Shimura addressed us all. "You can all return and seek the answers you desire. I'm sure that will make you all happy. Once again, I'm glad..."


Shimura Kurayami has been found guilty!
Time for the punishment!


Prescription Panic!

Before he could utter another word, a familiar long chain emerged from the foreboding metal door behind us. It latched and wrapped around Shimura's neck, tightening and dragging him away helplessly to his fate.

As I watched Shimura get yanked backwards into the execution room, I stepped forward and inched my hand forward. But I knew I had to stop myself. There was nothing I could do at this moment and that thought was only emphasised by the booming echo of the doors shutting once again.

Shimura's fate had been sealed. And like every other haunting execution in this hell, we are going to be forced to watch it.

The screens above us eventually flickered back to life to broadcast what was happening behind those metal doors. At first, all we could hear was the steady beeps of a heart rate monitor before the screen faded from black, revealing Shimura.

He was confined to a hospital bed, the abnormally long tube that connected to the IV pole beside him wrapping around both him and the bed to keep him in place. Aside from the freakishly long tube and the strangely coloured liquid following through it and into Shimura's body, the rest of the set just seemed to be a normal hospital room.

But what is that liquid?

Shimura must have read my mind, as the camera followed his eyes which darted over to the bag held on the IV pole. As if it couldn't be stated any clearer, a big skull and cross were printed onto the bag.

Poison, then. I guess that's fitting considering his talent...

But is this all Monokuma is going to put Shimura through? Considering how annoyed he was at him, I expected something more...gruesome.

Maybe I'm speaking too soon.

The beeping continued as the door creaked open, and a Monokuma dressed in a doctor's jacket entered the door.

Speak of the devil.

The bear held a tray which had 5 different syringes on it and a folded card which read 'antidote(?).'

So is this just some guessing game?!? They're poisoning Shimura...and there's only a chance that the antidote is there? That's not fair at all.

Then again, this killing game never did care for fairness, did it?

Monokuma set it on the small table beside the bed and carefully picked one of them up, admiring its green liquid in the light above Shimura. The toxicologist could do nothing except close his eyes as the bear brought the syringe down against his arm.

He marvelled at how the liquid entered Shimura's veins, eerily laughing while the man on the bed stayed still, breathing steadily and calmly.

A few moments passed, and Monokuma observed that the only change that had occurred was that Shimura's heart rate had slightly increased. However, whether that was from panic or the mystery liquid was unknown. He turned back to the tray and picked up the next syringe, but was suddenly stopped.

Shimura had managed to steal a scalpel from the jacket's pocket while Monokuma had injected the first 'antidote' into him. During those few moments of observation, he had been able to discreetly cut the IV tube imprisoning him and sat up, jamming the scalpel straight into the back of Monokuma's head.

Sounds of screeching metal and gears jamming were heard as Monokuma slowly turned to face his attacker. But before he could even get a word in, Shimura slammed the scalpel down into his red eye until it ceased flickering.

Shimura stood up, stepping and breaking the syringe that fell from the bear's hands, and threw the broken Monokuma aside. He then turned his attention to his arm where the syringe still was. He carefully removed it and winced, the veins already bruising and changing colour slightly as they swelled up.

Shit...just what was in that syringe? Was it contaminated or something?!?

Clutching his clearly wounded arm, Shimura approached the door to try and escape whatever awaited him in that dingy hospital room. Yet he was taken off guard by a sharp pain in his leg.

Looking down, another Monokuma appeared, opting to wear a nurse costume instead of a jacket. The bear had taken the other three syringes from the tray and held two in her paw, the other now lodged in Shimura's leg and drained of all its unknown liquids. The substance seemed to take effect immediately, numbing Shimura's leg and making him fall to the floor.

Monokuma clearly wasn't done as he pushed Shimura against one of the bookshelves, slamming his head against it. This caused not only books to fall on top of them both but also his glasses to fly off his face, shattering on impact.

While Shimura tried to reach for the scalpel once again in his disadvantaged state, Monokuma took the opportunity to inject both of the last two substances into his neck, leaving the syringes there as macabre decorations.

After finally locating the scalpel by relying on his sense of touch, Shimura stabbed it straight into the bear on top of him, kicking him off with his uninjured leg. The now deactivated Monokuma was tossed aside carelessly, parts of him spilling out.

With no one in his way, Shimura tried to stand the best he could with one leg out of commission, using his hand to steady himself against the wall which he used as a guide. He had essentially been blinded by both the lack of his glasses and now the blood pouring from the back of his head.

That wound must have been a result of the bookcase.

He took a few moments to locate the door handle with just his touch again but left the room once he did. Slowly, Shimura dragged himself down the hospital hallway, one hand stationed on the wall to his left.

The other Monokumas scattered around the hospital and just stared at him in shock or panic. I couldn't really blame them. Shimura was covered in needles with his veins all discoloured and swelled. Blood ran down his face and dripped from his mouth, splatters of it erupting every time he coughed as a trail was left behind him.

He seemed like he was straight out of a horror movie.

Shimura was either also very paranoid or hallucinating, yet knowing the fact he had been poisoned made me lean towards the latter. He had brought the scalpel and held it in his hands, pointing it at nothing frantically while he breathed deeply.

This is already so difficult to watch...

Is this going to go on until he succumbs to the poison? Or is Monokuma going to do something else?!?

Soon, Shimura's hands felt a door handle before him, causing him to grin in his poisoned and abnormal state. It appeared to be a side entrance to the hospital and led to the parking lot where many ambulances and cars were parked.

Before he exited, Shimura pulled out two items from his pocket which were out of view from where the camera was. Although he couldn't see and wasn't even himself right now, the fact that they were there and seemingly safe in his pocket was enough to get another smile out of him. Shimura clutched them in his fist as he finally left the hallway through the door.

He had no real idea or sense of direction and just walked aimlessly forward as the sounds of sirens boomed around Shimura. Since he must have been confused in his drugged state, he glanced around yet obviously had no luck with any ideas as to where to go.

But he suddenly stopped when he saw faint flashing lights approaching and drawing nearer. Shimura must have assumed this was some kind of escape as he reached his untouched and uninjured hand forward to grasp at the light.

But as it continued to come closer at an alarming speed with its sirens getting loud and colours getting brighter, Shimura realised what this light was too late.

The ambulance ran into Shimura and didn't even stop, driving forward until it crashed into a wall ahead, dragging Shimura with it.

After a short fade to black, we were finally shown the aftermath of the accident. The ambulance was still crashed against the wall, trapping Shimura's head between the bricks and the vehicle. The rest of his mangled and unrecognisable body was caught and stuck, tangled in the vehicle's engine and front wheels.

The camera panned down across his face, the needles still standing on the side of his neck beside his disfigured face. His jaw was almost severed completely and one of his eyes seemed to burst from its socket. The heart rate beeping that played in the background eventually flat-lined.

As the horrifying sight of my close friend's mutilated body was engraved in my mind, the camera continued to pan down, finally showing us what he smiled at from his pocket as the items lay on his palm.

When I realised what those two items were, my heart sank further.

It was the photo I had found in one of the yearbooks and given him. The same one that displayed both Akihiro and himself smiling together. Alongside it was one of Aki's distinct and colourful hair clips - the ones Shimura would always wear when he wanted to get his hair out of the way.

Now they were just accessories to the bloody wreckage beside them.

Seeing Shimura's now butchered body was painful as I couldn't even try to stop the tears this time. Another scene of bloody murder which could never be erased from my memory. I knew I dreaded this moment...but I never expected something like this. So cruel and heartless. But in the end, I just stared at the wreck on the screen while I waited for it to fade to black like it did after every execution.

But the screen never faded. It remained still. As it if had froze...?


At first, I paid the frozen screen no mind. I was too busy going through everything I had just seen as I was unable to form words through my tears.

Shit...I was going to try and not cry. But I couldn't help myself. Shimura would probably tease me or something right now.

But...He just died. He first got poisoned then got run over! What the fuck is wrong with this place?!!

I desperately tried to wipe all the tears from my face and steady my breathing after such a horrifying display of violence, but a voice snapped me out of it.

"I-I didn't know Shimura that much. Or well- Also not for that long either." Satoshi cleared his throat as he tried to make sense of his words.

"Neither did we," Shouko added.

"That is true. It's just," he paused and exhaled a deep breath. "I feel bad for him."

"I understand what you mean." Kenjiro agreed with a soft nod. "It's a fact that we...didn't really get to be friendly with him. But Shimura just seemed a bit, uh, lonely? I guess when he saw us all he realised that."

Shimura was...lonely?

It's true that first he had Akihiro to talk to and then he became friends with me, but aside from a few times, I never realised how lonely he must have felt alone in the morgue all day for weeks - surrounded by dead bodies on top of that!

It's not like he ever acted like his solitude bothered him much. Shimura seemed fine with it. But...

Ugh! When did Shimura ever openly express what he really felt?!? The damn guy acted as if he didn't give two shits about Akihiro's death until I practically forced the truth out of him.

To be fair, the only times he was open about his feelings were when he felt hatred towards Ryoko, his friendliness towards me and his obvious mutual crush on Akihiro.

Aside from those three, he practically knew no one.

I wonder if there's a world out there where Shimura didn't fake his death. Would things be any different...?

And...was Shimura really lonely?

"What's up with the screen?" Shouko bluntly asked, stepping forward and startling me. That was enough to take me out of my thoughts.

"I was wondering the same thing actually," Kenjiro admitted with a sigh. "It would've faded to black by now. But instead, it's just," he gestured to Shimura's dead body plastered on the screen. "Stuck on...that."

"It's creepy." Satoshi shivered, glancing up at Monokuma's throne where the bear would usually be sat. "Did something break- H-Huh?!?" The taller boy blinked at the sight, stumbling backwards.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my eyes following his to the throne.

And that's when I saw it.

Or, well- I saw him.

Monokuma was slumped over, his normally bright and pulsating red eye now dull and lifeless. His head hung low until he eventually tumbled off his chair, hitting the floor with a loud clutter - part of metal and gears flying everywhere upon impact while his head rolled away from his body, leaving a trail of nuts and bolts.

"W-What the...?" Shouko blinked, running around the podiums to see the whole scene. "Monokuma broke?!?"

"Huh? But- No, How?!?" Kenjiro questioned as he followed behind her while Satoshi and I followed.

At our feet was Monokuma's now very broken down body, the red eye now shattered with its fragments scattered between the robotic entrails of his head and body.

"He...actually broke," I said in disbelief.

Is this what Shimura meant by Monokuma dying with him?!? How did he even manage that?

"I should've known something was off when he didn't make some joke after Shimura's death," Satoshi murmured but shot up once he realised something. "H-Hold on! How are we meant to leave now?!?"

"Eh? Leave the camp?" Shouko replied.

"Y-Yes! If Monokuma is dead- er...broken, then the killing game is over right? But then how are we meant to leave the camping grounds?" He panicked.

"Well, he is a robot. Maybe he has spares? Or...this is a prank?" Kenjiro tried to be reasonable.

"A spare would have turned up by now though. And it doesn't seem very prank-like." I honestly answered, crossing my arms. "What are we meant to do now? Are we seriously trapped-"

As if someone had been watching us, the screens which were previously frozen on Shimura suddenly glitched, now playing...cheerful music?

The music was then followed by the flashing phrase 'YOU WIN!!!' in big, bold red letters across both the big screens. On cue, confetti fell from the ceiling, though the fanfare died down pretty quickly as they were preceded by a big cough of smoke from each machine.

"You...win?" I read the screen, clearly confused as I glanced at the others. "What the hell is going on?!?"

Only more questions were formed by the sound of two thuds and a sudden relief in my wrist. When I looked down, I realised that the wristband I had been forced to wear this whole time had finally detached itself from me and landed on the floor alongside one that fell from Kenjiro's feet.

Are we...really free?

"Does this mean the killing game is finally over?" Shouko assumed.

"Now that my wristband is gone, it does feel like it. But, uh, maybe this gives us a clue to what's happening...?" Kenjiro trailed off, crouching down beside Monokuma's body.

His stomach opened, though his door fell off immediately. Out came a small spring, presenting two items to us: the first was what appeared to be a set of car keys while the other was a small red button. Kenjiro took the button and inspected it as I picked up the keys.

After flipping it around in his hands for a while, the psychologist shook his head. "I've got no idea what this is for. There's no hint or anything!"

"I'm sure we'll figure it out soon, right?" Satoshi tried to be positive, holding his hand out to help the other boy up. In the meantime, I stared at the car keys, trying to figure out what they were for.

It's not like we've got cars here. I suppose there are Tatsuo's motorcycles, but he has the keys to all of them in his lab! So then what the hell are they for-

That's when I realised.

This really was our sign to escape.

"The bus." I blurted out my revelation. "We all arrived here on the bus! And now we're meant to use it to escape!"

"T-That makes sense!" Satoshi nodded. "It is pretty messed up after the crash...But it should still work, right? We can drive away from this place."

"So we figured out the bus." Shouko recounted. "But what about the button? I really want to press it..."

"D-Don't! Unless you know what it's for." Kenjiro advised her.

"Can you blame me? It's a big red button." She defended herself.

"I've got an idea as to what it's for." I turned around, marching towards the elevator.

"Eh?!? You're already leaving?" Satoshi blinked before trying to catch up.

"Of course. We all are." I responded with a smile. "Thanks to Shimura, we're escaping this hell."


The four of us made it to the clock tower's lobby. It was of course spotless, hiding any clues that a murder had been committed here last night. I was about to lead the group out but paused.

"Shimura wanted us all to go see some 'surprise' in the morgue," I remembered, looking back at the others. "We need to check that first before we leave."

"Alright, then lead the way," Kenjiro said.

They all expected me to walk out the door, but we were confused when I retraced my steps and turned to one of the walls.

"Uh, aren't we going to the morgue?" Satoshi nervously chuckled, confused as to what I was doing as I placed my hand on the wall.

"Exactly. That's where I'm taking you all." I removed my hand after pushing the wall in, it retracting and sliding to the side to reveal the staircase that led down to the morgue.

"H-Huh?!? A secret room!" Shouko grinned, seeming more excited than the other two.

"What the...Was this always here?!?" Satoshi blinked.

"Yeah. The morgue is down here." I stated, already starting the descent.

"N-No way..." Kenjiro was in disbelief. "To think the morgue was here all along..."

"Follow me if you don't believe it." I beckoned them. They didn't really have much of a choice anyway, so with caution they climbed down the stairs.

Once we reached the bottom and I pushed open the door, they were able to see the morgue in all its morbid glory.

"So this is it." Satoshi took a steady breath. "This is where Shimura stayed for so long."

"It sounds cool in my head. But...I could never." Shouko shook her head.

"I don't even understand how he managed down here." Kenjiro tried his best to figure it out, but he just couldn't.

I approached the rows of metal doors and hesitated, eventually placing a hand on Shimura's new door with a sigh.

After weeks of sleeping in these slots, now one has his name on it...Properly this time, seeing as it had originally been under Akemi's yet had now relocated to be under Ryoko.

Satoshi saw what I was doing and then scanned all the names, stepping forward himself to glance at Hidemi's door as Kenjiro followed closely behind him.

Shouko chose to hang back behind us, her eyes lingering over Akihiro's door.

As much as I wanted to stand here and mourn the deaths of my eleven friends and ignore Ryoko, I knew I had to search for what Shimura had left us. I elected to avoid opening the occupied slots for now and slide open the one under the toxicologist.

Luckily, it seemed I didn't have much more searching to do, as on top of the metal slab was a cup of now very cold coffee and a folded-up piece of paper with the words 'addressed to you all' written on the back.

The coffee was presented in the same mug he had served me with the last time, and the liquid appeared to be made exactly to my liking from the coffee machine that had originally been his. However, my attention was focused on the paper as I picked it up and unfolded it, noticing that it was in fact a letter to all of us.

"Shimura wrote a letter for us," I told the others, gaining their focus as they all turned to me. "Is this what he meant by a surprise?"

"If it's for us all then...read it," Satoshi suggested. "What did he want to say to us all?"

"That's a good question." I took a deep breath and unfolded the paper, its creases easing into my fingers before I cleared my throat to begin reading. "Ahem...

To Chiyo, Satoshi, Kenjiro and Shouko,

By the time you're reading this, everything would have gone according to my plan and I'll definitely be dead. If so, then congratulations on your newfound freedom. I hope you've figured out what the button and keys are for.

At the time I'm writing this, the class trial should have begun. As soon as I'm done, I'll join you guys down there and end things once and for all. But you all are probably confused as to why I'm even writing this in the first place. After all, I should've said everything I wanted to before my execution, right?

Well, that's what I hoped. But the truth is that the small frame of time I'd be given before my death wouldn't be enough for me to reveal all I want to say. And not only that...but my own stubbornness would never let me be this vulnerable and drop all my walls in front of you all while I'm alive.

Therefore, I chose to write this letter and talk to you all through it now that I'm dead. Even now as I write this with Ryoko's blood still on my hands, I couldn't possibly say everything in my mind. And since you're all in a rush to leave, I shall try and condense this as best as possible.

Kenjiro, it's true that we never were close. I'm pretty sure we've never even had a one-on-one conversation. However, as strange as it sounds, I do cherish you and everything you do. Your talent has provided comfort to many of our classmates during our time here and that comfort is enough for every to stay grounded. Your meetings with my closest friends Chiyo and Akihiro have truly helped them and I can't thank you enough for that. I hope you continue to help and give care to others in the future.

Satoshi, similarly to Kenjiro, we never really spoke. In fact, when I 'died,' I was under the impression you were like me - a cold, standoffish person who'd rather do anything else than talk to someone. Yet through Chiyo and Aki's words, I've come to learn much more about you and who you really are. I think you'll be a great writer one day if that's what you want to pursue.

Also, I understand I must have been an asshole to pull out that gun in front of you after everything you went through that I heard about. No matter how many excuses or reasons I give like to earn votes or to incriminate myself, I know you must have hated it. So from the bottom of my heart, I apologise for scaring you like that.

Shouko, I understand you cherished Akihiro greatly - so did I. I hope you keep his memory alive as best as you can. And who knows? Maybe you'll get to see us as ghosts or something. But if you do, be sure to invite the others to see us as well.

And finally, Chiyo. I'm sure I've already said a lot of this to you before my execution, but it's still true. I'm so grateful for that day when you found me in the morgue and I'm glad we became as close as we are. I know I act like I was fine being alone all the time, but as embarrassing as it is to say, it did hurt. But now as I write I know I can classify you as one of my closest and only friends. No matter how many times I thank you, it will never be enough. Without you, I'd probably freeze to death in the morgue from just the distraught I felt after Akihiro's passing. But with you and our shared determination to end this killing game, I was fuelled to do what I did.

If you resent me for committing murder, then I don't blame you. In reality, I'm not better than Shunsuke, Kokoro, Tatsuo or even Kairi. Perhaps worse. But if you don't hate me...Then thank you for understanding.

As I run out of paper and words to write yet am also reminded of my hatred of doing paperwork, I should end this letter and meet you for real this time. Anyway, you all probably want to ride that bus out of here instead of reading a letter.

Thank you all again. I truly wish from the bottom of my heart the best for you all, even if I sound nothing like myself right now. As I said, I'd never let myself say all of this in person due to fear of embarrassment, so this was the best option.

Good luck with your future endeavours.


By the time I finished reading the letter and lowered my hands, I could feel a fresh wave of tears roll down my face. Shimura's words also reached the others who weren't as emotional as me, yet still hung their heads in mutual respect and sadness over his passing.

Shimura, I should be the one thanking you for letting us leave this place. I wanted to leave with you by my side...but knowing that you're watching over us will be enough it would seem.

No one dared utter a word after such a sincere display of words, so I just wiped my tears, folded and tucked the letter in my bag and attempted to put on a brave face.

"Let's leave this place."


The four of us arrived at the large wooden doors that imprisoned us in the campsite - the same doors that Akemi and I faced together all those weeks ago. Before we knew the horrors that awaited us.

On the way, we passed by the fountain, seeing only four lanterns remained alight. Twelve lives were snuffed out just like that...As for why, we still didn't know.

Kenjiro handed me the button he had taken from Monokuma's destroyed body and nodded for me to press it. With a deep breath, I did and just what I had expected occurred.

The doors finally opened for the first time in what felt like forever. For once, escape was in our reach and we could see the outside once again.

But when they did open, a familiar feeling approached us all as the wind picked up. I turned around to see the campsite, yet it had obviously changed.

Just like when Shouko had shown me purgatory, things began to change. From the sky, floor and buildings, they all seemed distorted. They split apart and crumbled while some inverted as a white void began to consume the decaying camping ground.

"W-What the hell is going on?!?" Satoshi blinked, confused. "It's like some video game-"

"Is...now really the time for games?" Kenjiro wondered.

"He's right!" Shouko agreed with him. "Like with purgatory. It looks like...some massive glitch."

I was initially frozen in place, but when I realised the void was slowly creeping towards us, I panicked.

"We need to get out. Now!" I instructed, turning on my heel and running towards the abandoned school bus which remained crashed and dirty. The others didn't take long to follow behind me, but there posed a problem.

"The bus...It's got that massive tree branch in it!" I announced to the others as I got into the vehicle. "And it's got no gas! It might be busted."

"How are we meant to get it out then?" Shouko asked. "And where are we meant to get gas?!?"

"Another question is how do we sort out the engine?" The psychologist sighed.

Kenjiro, Shouko and I just tried to think, yet were coming up short with answers. But our panicked ramblings were interrupted by Satoshi.

"Tatsuo's lab. There must be gas and tools there..." He bluntly said and without a second thought began running back into the camp.

"S-Satoshi?!?" I called out, sticking my head out of the door to see where the hell he was going.

"What are you doing? That's dangerous!" Kenjiro yelled.

"I need to help out somehow!" Satoshi yelled back, turning his head slightly while he kept going. "Just...t-trust me! Please!"

Before any of us could argue further, Satoshi disappeared behind the walls of the camping ground, leaving us extremely worried.

"He's actually going to kill himself." I held the sides of my head. "Since when was he this reckless?!?"

"...Oh." Kenjiro paused, rubbing his temples. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"Mean...what?" I looked over at him.

"I told him to be more impulsive and stop worrying about little things...B-But I didn't know he'd take it this far!" He groaned. "I should've stopped him-"

"I think he's doing a good thing," Shouko interjected.

"What?!?" I exclaimed. "But he could die!"

"Someone had to do it." She reminded us. "Satoshi probably wanted to prove himself to us...or something like that. Instead of worrying, we should thank him."

"You make a good point there." Kenjiro acknowledged her and soon nodded. "Right. W-We Are going to escape! We should have faith."

"Suit yourselves then." I shrugged, getting off the bus. "I'll start checking the engine."

"I'll help." Kenji then walked over to stand beside me.

"You...? Check the engine...?" I blurted out. "Are you serious?"

"It might not look like it, but I know a bit about mechanics and work like that." He smiled. "It's a funny story actually-"

"I don't want to know right now." I cut him off. "You can tell me all about it after we sort out this engine."

"Very well."

"I'll just...sit on the bus." Shouko excused herself.


After a few minutes, Kenjiro and I were right back to worrying.

"Where the hell is he?!?" I paced around the bus with Archie consoling me from the palms of my hands.

"Please be ok, please be ok, please be- Huh?" Kenjiro's rambling was interrupted by his eyes landing on something in the sky. My gaze followed his until I noticed exactly what he was looking at.

Satoshi's leather jacket was flying around in the sky, the wind carrying it around like a kite before it got caught on a nearby tree.

"That...doesn't look good." I looked back at Kenjiro.

"S-Satoshi?!?" Kenjiro gasped, getting up from the floor. "What happened to him?"

"I thought it was a ghost at first." Shouko sounded disappointed.

While we spoke over each other again, another voice - or rather distressed breaths - could be heard.

"I...got...eh...the stuff!" Satoshi ran back, nearly tripping on his own feet as he set the toolbox and cans of fuel down on the floor to catch his breath. He was clearly fine, the only thing different about him being his lack of a jacket.

At first Kenjiro and I were shocked until the former rushed up to him. "I was worried sick."

"Oh! I-I'm sorry, I should have-" Satoshi immediately apologised, but was interrupted by Kenjiro tightly hugging him.

"Now that Satoshi I back, we can hurry." I exhaled a sigh of relief before calling out to the two boys. "I know you missed each other, but let's get to work, ok?"

"You missed him too, Chiyo," Shouko stated.

"S-So? Of course, I did!" I cleared my throat. "Kenjiro and I will fix the engine and sort out the fuel. Shouko and Satoshi, you guys handle the branch."


I inserted the keys into their rightful place and was delighted to hear the sound of the bus starting up again while the others took their seats. I was sat in the driver's seat, Archie crawling across the wheel to help.

"I assume you don't have a license." Satoshi nervously said.

"Duh. None of us do." I shrugged. "Won't stop me though. How hard can this be? Besides, we don't have time to complain seeing as that white void is literally going to get us in a second."

"B-But wait! I need to go back." Shouko perked up. "I have to bring my notes with me! I've learnt too much about ghosts here!"


"Me too. I need to get my plushies. You know how important they are, Chiyo." Kenjiro joined in.

"No way-"

"My notebook!" Satoshi gasped. "It has all my story ideas-"

"No!" I yelled. "No one is going back to get anything. If the mastermind could somehow bring all your notes, plushies and books in here at the start then they'll probably be back at the outside too. So let's just get going."

With that, the bus began to move - starting with a sharp U-turn courtesy of me and Archie.

Maybe the turn was too sharp seeing as it sent my friends nearly falling out of their creaky bus seats.

"H-Hey!" Shouko gasped.

"Please...Be more careful." Satoshi took a steadying breath.

"I agree." Kenjiro comforted the boys

"Sorry." I quickly apologised to them before continuing the drive. Soon, the camping site became nothing more than a small spot on the horizon.

Both because of its distance and the fact that it had vanished into the void.

In fact, this void had seemingly picked up the pace, creeping from the sides as well.

"Shit. This is looking bad..." I clenched my jaw in frustration but paused at the lack of reply.

Slowly, I craned my head back, my heart sinking as the wind picked up once again.

Half of the bus had been torn off thanks to this mysterious force following us, dragging all of my friends down with it as they plummeted down the abyss, leaving me and Archie.

"No!" I cried out loud, getting up as Archie crawled onto my shoulder. "Shit, shit...What am I meant to do?!?"

The situation became hopeless once the distant cities I saw ahead of the bus had vanished, replaced by the void.

It was coming towards me dole all sides now. Surrounding me.

There was nothing I could do anymore. Is this it?

I couldn't ponder it any longer as the final part of the bus had been destroyed, throwing me and Archie out of it as we too fell into the abyss with everything else.

Is this where I die? After two times I thought my light had been sniffed out, it this the time where it stays out?

My questions would soon be answered.

As if it were a tradition at this point, my reality as I knew it had come to a temporary end.


Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection
- END -


Surviving Students: 4/16

Pink - Victim
Dark Grey - Culprit
Purple - Punished


New Items Acquired!

- Grandmaster's Faux Glasses
- Toxicologist's Precious Patterned Tie #17


To be continued...


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