Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR...

By PinkPrincess00

129K 2.2K 252

All Rights Reserved 2012 ©PinkPrincess00 Book One More

Unexpected News [1]
Nothing [2]
Baby Girl I'm Your Dad [3]
No Place Like Home [4]
Wardrobe Changes & Pap's[5]
Mushu [6]
Cheater [7]
I Love You [8]
Ken Dolls [9]
Saturday Dreaming [10]
Princess Tellie [11]
Harry's Dream [12]
Hitting and Kicking [13]
New York [14]
first xmas <3 [15]
YEAH!!! BUDDY! [16]
Completely Alone [17]
WHO'S POV? [18]
TMH TOUR! [19]
It's Finally Hit Me... [20]
So Darian's Not Keen To Share [21]
Oh shit Lou! [22]
Tour & Imagination [24]
The Party Don't Start 'Til I Walk In [25]
Oh thy Romeo [26]
Eidee Will Save Us All!
If We Do It Right We Do It Once
Well That's Just A Slap In The Face
Ed Sheeran
Don't Ya Think It's Weird? Weirder Than Weird?
I Guess It Runs In The Family/ Oh Shit Lou P2
I Love You... But You're so Bad...
Killian You Bloody Pervet!
A Lie Is Formed
Thank-You Eidee
It's Not Really The End

Bitch Slap Her [23]

2K 50 14
By PinkPrincess00


My stomach was like an endless pit as I followed Niall and Zayn through the hospital. Zayn looked almost sick but relieved at the same time and Niall... Well he's very chipper...

I pushed through a crowd stopping as I found myself starring at a pair of eyes I never thought I'd see again. Phoebe. Elizabeth. Walker.

"L-l-l-Louis what are you doing here!" She snapped.

"I could ask you the same question..." I retorted.


"I mean the fact that you’re dead."

She looked at me startled. Her eyes grew wide and get face got scared. This was my time to have it out at her.

"W-w-well..." She stuttered. "I uh..."

"I know what you did Phoebe! You faked your death out of selfishness and left the daughter I never knew I had with me! I mean come on Phoebe! You don't have a guys kid and never tell him! Or let him find out cause you died! And so now you’re trying to kidnap her!" I screamed getting pissed.

This woman was here to steal my daughter. I know I'm not cut out for this father stuff but that was my daughter. Phoebe didn't have to here her constant questions about why her mom wasn't around anymore... And she didn't see Tellie's face in that church... When they had a coffin up there and they said her mom was in there...

"Darian told you..." She muttered looking scared and betrayed.

"Oh no Zayn did." I replied smirking.

"Louis it's not what you think!" She begged. "She's my daughter to! God Louis you didn't have to give birth to her and stay up all night cause she was crying!"

"No maybe not... But I will have to go through everything else." I replied getting annoyed.

"BITCH SLAP HER LOU!" Zayn yelled. "She's here to kidnap your daughter!"

I looked at Zayn and Niall who were acting a punching scene were Niall pretends to punch Zayn who dramatically fell to the ground.

I looked back at Phoebe as beautiful as ever. She just might want me to. I put my hand on her cheek. She stepped closer to me.

"Phoebe when we broke up... " I started. This will be fun!

"I know Louis. You were heartbroken." She said moving closer so our lips were inches apart.

"Actually... I was as happy as fuck."

Her jaw dropped at my words. Oh I know how to break Phoebe and rejection is definitely the key!

"I bet I'm the best girl you've fucked." She snapped throwing my hand off her face.

"Phoebs... You’re the worst. You see i dedicated Rock Me to Eleanor."

She scoffed. "Louis I am the best girl you have and will ever fuck!"

"Your the worst."

"I lost my virginity to you!"

"Well it's a shame there's no return policy! Although I have no issues with our results"

"Well Louis I'm the only girl you've fucked who got pregnant."

"Your the only girl who wouldn't use protection." I pointed out.

"And your glad I didn't." She snapped.

"Well yes now I am." I replied truthfully.

If I had give out a biggest bitch of the year award i would definitely give it to her!

"Guys... I'm the best anyone will ever fuck so Lou lets go." Zayn snapped. I nodded and followed Zayn away.

"GO DIE IN A WHOLE LOUIS!"I herd Phoebe yell from behind me.

"I will bitch slap your so hard you think your surrounded!” I snapped back.

"Louis I will win." She threatened.

"Bitch I don't think so!" Niall yelled standing next to me.

"Fuck you leprechaun!"

I laughed. Typical Phoebe. She has the most childish comebacks even if she throws a swear word or two in there.

"Lets go guys." Zayn muttered.

"Yeah she's a mother fucking-"

"Niall!" Zayn and me yelled.

"Sorry..."He mumbled.

"She is a BITCH!" I sang loudly.

"What do I do with this recording? "Zayn asked looking on his phone.

"Recording of what?” I asked looking over his shoulder.

"A recording of that bitches plan." Zayn replied smirking.

"What do we do with it?" I asked getting confused.

Which Bitch? Darian or Phoebe? Ah well! (A/N @DARIANJADE YOU ARE NOT A BITCH IN REAL LIFE)

"That's what I'm asking you!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Geez calm down Malik."

"English men! Calm down!" Niall yelled.

"Oh shh Irish." I snapped walking out of the hospital.

"HELLO!"I yelled walking into my house.

"IN HERE!"I herd Harry yell. I followed his voice and found myself in the living room... Typical.

"So... What happened?" Liam asked.

"Oh I just ran over Darian." I replied shrugging.

"HI FIVE!" Harry yelled high-fiving me.

"Yeah but than I saw her dead sister..."

"Wait... Tellie's mom?" Liam asked I could see the worried look in his face.

"Where’s mommy?"

I looked down and saw Tellie tugging at my jeans. Her little face had sadness filling it. I sighed and picked her up. She had no idea about the stuff happening... I remember her face during the funeral as they removed the coffin, as she clutched to my hand not knowing what was going on. But what four-year-old understands? All she knows is that her moms not here.

"Daddy where’s mommy?"

"Uh... She’s uh..."

I looked at Liam for help he's the one who knows how to take care of kids. Liam shrugged his shoulders. Damn!

"Tellie." I started. "Your mommy's... Uh well she's... I really don't know... She was in- in heaven but she apparently didn't like it there so she came back and now she.... Uh... Yeah she just came back..."

She nodded but she didn't look like she understood what I was saying... I herd laughter and I looked towards the boys.

"She didn't like it there! Oh Louis! Ha ha." Niall laughed. I glared as Niall rolled on the floor laughing.

"Lets see you explain it then Niall." I challenged. He stopped laughed and looked up at me.

"No thanks.... I'm good."

"Try Niall."

"Ok I will."

He got to his feet and knelt down in front of Tellie."

"Tellie." He started nervously. This will be funny... "Your mom has had Nandos her whole life and well she got sick of it- I have no idea who would get sick of nandos! Seriously! She's a weird woman! So she didn't want to hurt nandos feeling so she faked being sick and went to McDonald's leaving you in nandos. She then decided that she wanted you to come to McDonalds with her- so she's here trying to take you to McDonald's."

I laughed hysterically. Once i stopped I noticed Harry and Liam in fits of laughed and Zayn looked like he'd just stopped.

"Niall." I laughed. "Please don't addict my daughter to food."

I admit it feels weird saying my daughter... and Phoebe was the last person I'd ever want to have kids with... She's cocky, stubborn, annoying, sassy, beautiful, mysterious WHAT AM I SAYING? I'll never admit it to the other boys... but Phoebe was that girl i pretended to love and told her anything cause I was.... you know just trying to have sex with her... and being her stubborn self she wouldn't use a damn condom! She was literally the perfect girl... she was flawless: beautiful brown eyes and her long gold hair... she had every boy begging for her which was kinda why I seduced her... I was a legend from that day. She may have acted all 'I'm the best' but she is a real insecure girl and my sweet talk just made her go crazy for me... After I dumped her.... her dad chased me around Doncaster with a chain saw... I don't know if it was because I dumped her or because I had sex with his daughter who was a virgin....










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