After Biting the Heroine, the...

By Yuri_allrounder

124K 5.8K 333

THE WORK IS NOT MINE, FOR OFFLINE PURPOSES ONLY Title: 咬了女主一口,恶毒女配变A了[穿书] [Atypical abo, female a without org... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153 [END OF TEXT]
Chapter 154 Extra Story: Amnesia (Part 1)
Chapter 155 Extra Story: Amnesia (Part 2)
Chapter 156 Extra Story: Amnesia (Part 3)
Chapter 157 If We Meet in the Real World (Part 1)
Chapter 158 If We Meet in the Real World (Part 2)
Chapter 159 If We Meet in the Real World (Part 3)
Chapter 160 The Prince Consort (Part 1)
Chapter 161 The Son-in-Law Is Here (Part 2)
Chapter 162 The Son-in-Law Is Here (Part 3)

Chapter 30

1K 53 3
By Yuri_allrounder

Jiang Xuenian saw in the video that he was leaning on the head of the bed with his eyes half-closed, and Shi Qingfan was sitting next to her, staring at the tip of her nose, and said softly: "Jiang Xuenian, you It's amazing, I only have you in my eyes during the game."

Jiang Xuenian: "..." What should I do if I feel ashamed and pleasant!

Jiang Xuenian's cheeks were a little hot, so he paused the video, fanned with his hand beside him, took a deep breath, and continued watching.

In the video, she said blankly to Shi Qingfan that she didn't hear it, and asked Shi Qingfan to repeat it.

Jiang Xuenian really wanted to travel back in time. At that time, she would not be half-awake and would not be able to hear Shi Qingfan's praise.

With such a temperament as Shi Qingfan, it is already very good to praise her once, how could she ask Shi Qingfan to praise her again, Shi Qingfan could not possibly agree... ? ?

Shi Qingfan's beautiful face slowly approached his ears and said, "When you answer the question, you seem to be a different person, the light on your body covers everything around you, I stand Not far away, you can only see the dazzling you."

After a pause, as if shy, Shi Qingfan looked away and said, "Jiang Xuenian, you are great."

Jiang Xuenian: "!!" She really boasted! !

Shi Qingfan said "Jiang Xuenian, you are great".

"God, who can stand this..." Jiang Xuenian covered his face.

At first she approached Shi Qingfan, but just wanted to have a good relationship with the heroine and avoid the miserable end of a vicious female supporting role in the future. how nice.

Shi Qingfan is cold on the outside, but gentle on the inside, and likes to think about others. Not only does she have a look that makes Jiang Xuenian obsessed with the face control, she also has a very cute personality, and she will always be inadvertently cute to Jiang Xuenian.

Jiang Xuenian has never met such a person who fits all her aesthetics.

Now Shi Qingfan has become friends with her, and he seems to admire her very much, so he praises her very seriously... Jiang Xuenian's face is getting hotter and hotter.

"Crack!" The door on the right was opened from the inside, Shi Qingfan came out, saw Jiang Xuenian covering his face, a little strange, and asked: "What's wrong with you?"

The video on the TV has just finished playing once and starts to loop for the second time.

"Jiang Xuenian, you are so outstanding, I only see you in the competition."

Shi Qingfan did not wait for Jiang Xuenian's answer, but heard her own voice on the TV, which was what she praised Jiang Xuenian yesterday.

Shi Qingfan quickly turned his head and saw himself and Jiang Xuenian on the TV.

Shi Qingfan: "…"

Jiang Xuenian closed his eyes, cleared the picture and voice in his mind, and forced his face to cool down, "My brother just gave me the USB flash drive that stores the video shot by the pinhole camera, squad leader, no I think you'd be quite a compliment."

Shi Qingfan's light brown eyes flickered for a moment, and there was a two-point tremolo in his always calm voice, "Linglang suggested that I learn from you, but it's not very good." Listening again, I always feel that it is not as sincere as Jiang Xuenian's boast.

She was fortunate that Jiang Xuenian could not see it, but she did not expect to encounter the pinhole camera incident.

Jiang Xuenian looked at the TV and said, "It's a good compliment, and I even complimented it twice. After I hear it, don't mention how happy it is~"

"When you answer the question, you seem to be a different person. The light on your body covers everything around you. When I stand not far away, I can only see the dazzling you."

"Jiang Xuenian, you are great."

After the video finished playing Shi Qingfan's second compliment, Jiang Xuenian wanted to turn his head and talk to Shi Qingfan, but the video didn't end.

Just now Jiang Xuenian covered his face and patronized, embarrassed, and didn't look behind at all.

At this moment, she watched the video that she accidentally slipped, but Shi Qingfan did not hold her, and fell down together, into... her arms? ? ? ! !

Jiang Xuenian watched this scene in shock, and Shi Qingfan next to him also saw it.

In desperation, Shi Qingfan came over and covered Jiang Xuenian's eyes with his hands, "Don't look at it, it was an accident."

The tone was calm, but there was shyness and panic in his eyes.

Will Jiang Xuenian misunderstand that he likes her?

What if Jiang Xuenian confessed to her on impulse?

Tomorrow is the final, if she rejects Jiang Xuenian's confession, Jiang Xuenian's poor performance will definitely cause discussion.

In an instant, Qingfan thought a lot in his mind, and even made up for what would happen after she promised Jiang Xuenian's confession.

She... doesn't seem to reject being Jiang Xuenian's girlfriend.

Jiang Xuenian quickly regained her composure after her biggest surprise. She felt Shi Qingfan's fingertips over her eyes trembling slightly, raised her right hand and pulled her hand down, Find the remote with your left hand to turn off the TV.

"Monitor, I..."

Shi Qingfan's eyes changed slightly, come, Jiang Xuenian is about to confess.

Jiang Xuenian tried to comfort Shi Qingfan, but he was interrupted by Shi Qingfan before he finished speaking, "Don't say it yet! I need to think about it."

"?" When Jiang Xuenian saw Qingfan's face, he nodded involuntarily, "Okay."

Although she didn't know what Shi Qingfan was thinking about.

Shi Qingfan returned to the room after Jiang Xuenian agreed, took out his mobile phone and wanted to tell Gong Linglang about the current situation, but thought that Gong Linglang did not like Jiang Xuenian, he hesitated Then, he clicked on another Wechat that sent Xiao Tang Xiuran.

Shi Qingfan: Tangtang, are you there?

It took about thirty seconds for Shi Qingfan to receive a reply.

Tang Xiuran: Here~

Shi Qingfan: I have something to ask you for advice.

Tang Xiuran: Say it and listen, I will try my best to help you~

Shi Qingfan briefly summarized what happened before and summed it up in one sentence.

Shi Qingfan: Someone wants to confess to me, I don't know how to reply.

Tang Xiuran: [surprised.jpg] What's wrong with this, just like you rejected those mad bees and butterflies before.

In terms of refusing to confess, the four of them are young and have rich experience in the Qing Dynasty.

Tang Xiuran never thought that Shi Qingfan would ask him for advice on such a matter.

Shi Qingfan: It's not that simple. She is a very nice person, and I don't want to lose this friend by rejecting her confession.

Tang Xiuran: ?

Tang Xiuran: Qing Fan, don’t you like each other? [Dignified.jpg]

Shi Qingfan's heart skipped a beat and replied immediately.

Shi Qingfan: I admit that I have a higher opinion of her than others, but I really don't want to fall in love too early.

Tang Xiuran: So you want to reject her, but you don't want to hurt her feelings, and you want to be friends with her, right?

Shi Qingfan: Yes. Is there anything you can do?

Tang Xiuran: That's not easy, that person hasn't confessed to you, just intends to confess. Before she confesses, just pretend to accidentally reveal that you will never be in a relationship now.

Tang Xiuran: If she really likes you, she will respect your decision. If she still insists on confessing, I think you must have read the wrong person, she is not as good as you think.

Shi Qingfan: Thank you Tangtang, I will try this method as soon as possible.

Tang Xiuran: What are you polite to me~

In the living room, Jiang Xuenian stared at the USB flash drive for two seconds, thinking that Jiang Yue was right, this video is indeed worth cherishing.

However, it is necessary to obtain the consent of Shi Qingfan.

At half past eight in the evening, Jiang Yue finally finished dealing with the pinhole camera, called Jiang Xuenian and asked her and Shi Qingfan to go to the dining room downstairs for dinner.

Jiang Xuenian was surprised: "Is there a private room?"

Jiang Yue said: "Advanced users can use the private room."

Jiang Xuenian:…

Come on, rub the privilege of the rich.

Jiang Xuenian hung up the phone and knocked on Shi Qingfan's door. Shi Qingfan came over to open the door. Seeing Jiang Xuenian, he felt nervous.

Jiang Xuenian said: "Squad leader, my brother has finished dealing with things, and told us to go to the restaurant to find him and have a meal together."

"Okay, I'll change."

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan came to Jiang Yue's reserved box.

Jiang Yue's eyes lit up when he saw the two of them, and he smiled and let them sit opposite.

"Miss Shi, my sister is a little naughty. Thank you for taking care of her at school."

Because Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan were still students, Jiang Yue held up a cup of tea, "Tea instead of wine."

Shi Qingfan took a sip from the teacup and said, "Jiang...Xue Nian, she is very good, not naughty. The classmates like her very much, and I don't need me to take special care of her. You're welcome."

Jiang Yue glanced at Jiang Xuenian with a smile, with a narrow look in his eyes, "The classmates in the class like you very much~"

Jiang Xuenian: "..." Brother, what are you thinking about?

"Because I love my classmates, everyone treats me as a good friend. Isn't that the monitor?" Jiang Xuenian said to Shi Qingfan.

Shi Qingfan nodded, "Yes."

Jiang Yue almost couldn't help laughing as he watched his sister and her girlfriend sing together.

However, the little girls have strong self-esteem, he must hold back, and the ridicule should not be too obvious, otherwise he will offend Shi Qingfan, and he will be angry with him every year.

"I really envy you, how good you are in school." Jiang Yue suddenly said.

Jiang Xuenian was quite speechless: "Are you showing off that you skipped a grade and left school early?"

Jiang Yue was wronged: "Of course not! I mean, I envy you for being relaxed and free, and you can fall in love if you want to fall in love. Unlike me, I am so busy with all kinds of training every day that I have no time for myself. ."

When Shi Qingfan heard the word "love", he couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xuenian.

She thought that now might be the best time to inadvertently reject Jiang Xuenian's confession.

"We are usually very busy with studies, and we have to participate in various school activities, which is not as easy as you think. And we are too young, not mature enough, and have no ability to help ourselves The other half is in charge. I think it's better to fall in love a few years later, and now we all just want to concentrate on studying."

"Is that right?" Shi Qingfan asked Jiang Xuenian.

Jiang Xuenian was surprised that Shi Qingfan thought exactly the same as hers, nodded and said, "The squad leader is right."

When Shi Qingfan heard Jiang Xuenian's reply, his heart skipped a beat.

I agree with her completely, does it mean that Jiang Xuenian really likes her?

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