Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amne...

By perildeath

20.8K 958 1.5K

The BloodMoon twins find everything change in the spam of one hour, how? Sun hitting them in the head with a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Wendigo Drawing
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Halloween Art!
Wow !
Stupid doodles
Quick Character Analysis or something
He's Goofy

Chapter 4

737 33 35
By perildeath

A/N: okay... those search results are just, what? Also I'm in the SCP fandom so seeing the peanut worshiping cult got me chuckling

"Okay" Sun said to the BloodMoon twins who looked like they were vibrating with energy, literally. "Okay" Sun sighed "you two, I want you to sit there" points at couch "and draw" BloodMoon twin confusion. They don't know what drawing is? Big bonk for sure. Sun groaned and sits on the couch "sit beside me" the BloodMoon twins ran over and sat next to Sun, "okay see this?" points a paper, "ooooh whats that?"  BloodLust asked cheerfully "paper, paper has many used but I'll only show you one right now" Sun said he takes a crayon and draws a circle.

"OOOOOOOH!" BloodMoon leaned forward, they looked at Sun as if asking for permission to try, Sun sighed, "go ahead" BloodMoon took a yellow crayon and drew stuff and Sun got up rubbing his eyes. Only one hour with the twins and he's tired. One reason why is because he needs to charge badly after sharing his heat with Lunar. 

Oh right, Lunar. How am I going to explain this? Hey Lunar after you left I bonked the BloodMoon twins in the head with a frying pan and now he has amnesia! Nope, that won't work. Sun was trying to figure out how to tell Lunar what happened to the BloodMoon twins when he felt something tug on his sleeve. 

Sun looked over and BloodLust cheered "look!" Sun sighed as they showed him a drawing, an ant. BloodMoon and BloodLust looked really proud of their ant drawing so Sun said "it's good" the BloodMoon twins looked happy and they hugged the drawing to their chest still pretty much vibrating like a cat on catnip.

God, where'd all that energy come from? It's like it just spawned in them, "okay" Sun said "ya'll need to stop vibrating it's bad for your joints and servos" the BloodMoon twins didn't stop in fact it got worse. Oh boy, they're vibrating more! How?! They're going to use up all their battery! Sun took a deep breath and grabbed them "stop, your battery gonna go down faster" the BloodMoon twins looked confused by they obeyed anyway.

Finally, they stopped vibrating and just looked up at Sun with curious eyes. Tbh, it's kinda cute, once again Sun's reminded of a child from BloodMoon's behavior. "Okay" Sun said "I love your drawing of ant" the BloodMoon twins were too gullible and... innocent... to hear the uncertainty in Sun's voice. Sun hated ants, he saw them as pests and that's it, he really didn't see the appeal. 

"Thanks!" BloodLust cheered, the twins jumped up and down like an excited child. "Why an ant though?" Sun asked and BloodMoon said "ants are cute!" again Sun didn't see the appeal but he didn't say anything, he just shrugged "okay then, you wanna keep drawing-" and BloodMoon cheered "I wanna explore!" Sun sighed "not now" BloodMoon and BloodLust looked disappointed and Sun instantly found himself feeling guilty. 

Sun sighed "fine, we'll explore the daycare"  the twins perked up and hopped up and down. Sun knew the two of them have not explored the play structures, and now they act like a child so no doubt they'll love the play structures. Sun sighed, I swear if they somehow find a way to hurt themselves... Sun climbed up the ladder and said "okay, I need you to jump off the balcony" BloodMoon and BloodLust had a dumbfounded look on their face.

Oooh, right I forget how insane that sounds. Even someone with amnesia see's the problem with that, "It's the only way to get down" Sun said, he noted the twins looked nervous by this. "Uhhh, it's very... high" Sun sighed "you won't get hurt, were robots just land in the ballpit and you'll be a-okay" BloodMoon face "fine, I'll trust you..." "okay..." BloodLust said hesitantly, Sun sighed wondering if he should jump down to prove his point that it'll be fine ooooorrr stay up here and convince the twins it's fine.

"Okay" Sun said "take a deep breath and jump" BloodMoon and BloodLust looked uncertain but they did as their told. They hit the ball pit balls and yelled "you were right!" Sun jumped down "come on follow me" the twins struggled in the ball pit, they were smaller then Sun, about 5'2. Sun picked them up and put them on the rainbow bridge. 

The two of them ran off and Sun sighed "oh boy what have I gotten myself into?" Sun ran after them "no no, wait, don't go through those doors"  Sun said "why?" BloodLust asked curiously, Sun sighed "because were going to explore the daycare" points at the play structures "not outside of it for now" "okay!" BloodLust said cheerfully, it was then that Sun's battery warned him he was low, flip.

Sun's got an hour to show the twins, good enough. Sun watched as the twins bolted full speed for a play structure and began cleaning some barrels. Sun very rarely let his battery get so low, but he's got an hour left, might as well use it with the twins which MOON LEFT ME TO TAKE CARE OF! Yeah, Sun very salty about that. Sun watched the twins run around the play structure and go on the bridge. 

They waved at Sun and Sun waved back and they ran back into the opposite play structure excitedly, Sun sanitized some barrels at the front counter as the twins cheerfully ran around the daycare, man... he's pretty much just a curious kid at this point.

Sun knew that amnesia can change a persons personality and being, but this much... their bloodlust is pretty much gone... he hasn't asked for blood yet... and Sun knew it only a need coded into the twins, he didn't need the stuff to function, they only wanted it. Now, it seems like that string of code has been deleted...  Sun watched them run around chattering with each other, they really are like kids...

The twins ran over to Sun and asked curiously and excitedly "whatcha doin'?" Sun replied "disinfecting the barrels" Sun could tell the twins had absolutely no idea what he was talking about "it's where you remove the gross stuff thats gets humans sick, not robots, humans" and then BloodLust asked "whats a human?" Sun was stunned by the question but quickly reminded himself, Sun he has amnesia, amnesia.

"Humans pretty much rule the world at this point, they own this building and... us" BloodMoon had an 'EXCUSE ME?!' face, okay so even with amnesia he still understands how horrible that sounds, cool. "Yeah" Sun said "I was built to work do the stuff humans don't want to do, such as deal with children, humans tend to get overwhelmed and annoyed with children (not meant to be offensive somehow yall) you were built by a psycho to do who knows what" Sun was not going to mention the twins purpose of being built for their sake.

"Oh..." BloodMoon said "so... you're just sentient property..." ouch... the way BloodMoon put it... "yep" Sun said disinfected the barrel. "How can you say that... casually?" so the twins still know stuff, he still has a built in dictionary and such, and he seems to know that being property is bad.Sun shrugged "I was built for a purpose, I do the purpose" BloodMoon and BloodLust were silent for a moment then they said "okay then..." they didn't seem very happy about this.

"Hey hey I'll be fine" Sun said "a-okay" the twins looked unconvinced but they nodded "okay... now, EXPLORATION!" the twins ran off quickly forgetting about the conversation they had just had, Sun... couldn't though, it circled in his mind especially the 'so... you're just sentient property...' Sun shook his head and focused on his work.

He can't let these thoughts get in the way of his chores and work, he's gotta get ready for the kids, sure they won't be coming today, the daycare's closed on Sundays, the daycare has to be spotless for the kids! He can't have the kids getting sick, or or or getting an infection from the dirty floor! Spotless spotless spotless! Sun scrubs the barrel harder.

His cleaning protocols were taking control at the moment, he cleans the barrels and stacks them around the daycare and the twins watched curiously and went on with their own playing. Sun sweeps wrappers and dirt that his scanners had somehow missed off the floor and took out the trash, cleaning around the daycare.

Sun's warning beeped that he was going to shut off soon if he didn't charge and Sun called BloodMoon over and said "time to go back to the balcony" he said tired and BloodLust groaned "awwwwww" and Sun said "I need to charge" the twins stare in confusion and Sun said "you probably need to charge to, follow me you little gremlins" Sun said waving them over.

The BloodMoon twins

The twins ran over to Sun and Sun said "time to go back to the balcony "awwwwww!"  BloodLust groaned and much to the twins confusion Sun said "I need to charge" 'what could he possibly mean by that?' BloodLust wondered to BloodMoon and BloodMoon replied 'no idea what Sun's talking about, I'm sure he'll explain in a sec' the two stare hopping that Sun will explain and Sun said "you probably need to charge to, follow me you little gremlins" BloodMoon was surprised by that.

They had no idea what 'little gremlins' means, but Sun's tone of voice was new. Softer? They were confused but they knew it was good, they ran after Sun as he walked off and looked around everywhere. They saw the giant golden statue and BloodLust said 'I wanna climb it' BloodMoon nodded in agreement 'it looks fun to climb!' but before they could do anything Sun pointed at the teleporter "you know what to do" the twins ran over and punched the teleporter and were on the balcony, Sun appeared a moment later beside them. 

"You know, I don't think you needed to punch it" Sun said, "you almost punched a hole through the wall, and knowing this company it won't be fixed for many months, heck even years" the BloodMoon twins had no idea what Sun was talking about and Sun said "okay, I need you to lay on that couch and shut yourself off" excuse me? What?

The twins stared at Sun in confusion and Sun said "lay down and imagine clicking a button that shuts you off" the twins didn't like the idea of being shut off, it didn't sound right. "Okay, it's pretty much taking a nap" Sun tried, more confusion, Sun sighed "okay, lay down" the twins looked at the couch and at Sun, they trusted Sun. They laid down and Sun said "now imagine drifted off to sleep" Sun tried, the twins did not know what that was. 

They could tell Sun was getting frustrated, that scared them a bit. They didn't want Sun to be frustrated... Sun said "okay, imagine pressing a button that makes everything black" the twins frowned shrugged and tried so, they managed to shut themselves off and charge.


Okay... that was harder than it should have been, how the heck do you explain sleeping? Sun wondered and then his systems got madder and Sun dragged himself to his room, he pushed open the yellow door and plopped on his bed. Made strong for robots so it didn't suddenly just break in half or something, he laid their for a sec thinking about today.

I never expected today to end up like this... I never expected to bonk BloodMoon in the head with a frying pan, have him get amnesia, Moon not wanting to help, BloodMoon acting like a curious child, get excited over a freakin' ant, oh boy. Okay, a lot happened today, a whole lot. Sun's systems were still mad at him for staying up so late and not charging himself. 

He was about to drift off when he remembered the talk with BloodMoon, the one about being property. He never worried about it before, but now? It seemed wrong... Sun forced himself to shut off and charge, nothing to worry about, nothing we can do anyway about it, were robots after all, robots were created by humans.

That was the last thing Sun thought before he shut off and got some very much needed charge.

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