His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

42K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


210 6 0
By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 551 - Approval

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C551 - Approval


Chapter 551 - Approval

Long Jinjing excused herself from the party, whispering to her sister and friends that she needed to go to the women’s powder room. But the truth was that she desperately needed some time alone to make sense of everything that just happened.

Although she was a daughter of Long Tengfei, President-CEO of Long Industries, she never considered herself as someone more special or of higher status than anyone. She was just Long Jinjing, child of Sun Jingfei, owner of a small bookstore.

She wasn’t a celebrity like her sister Xiulan, nor the heir apparent like her eldest brother Hui, or even a competitive high achiever like her second brother Jian. She only studied hard because she wanted to make her mother proud and to show her father that she appreciated him paying for her expensive education. That was it.

A simple, peaceful life with her mother...then someday with her own family of a gentle, loving husband and their cute children. That was what she always wanted.

But before she knew it, she and her best friend Chen Fei declined her father’s job offer and worked for her sister’s company instead. And now she was a Chief Financial Officer right after graduating from university. Not only that, their company Orchidia Beauty was now the hottest trending topic in the beauty community. They sold out their pre-orders... Then tonight, they sold out everything in their inventory in five seconds.


Her brain automatically crunched the numbers.

Just from the revenue of tonight’s sales alone, the estimated net profit of Orchidia Beauty after all expenses and taxes were deducted would still instantly make the company a million-dollar company.

"Add the revenue from the pre-order sales from before and that’s more than a million dollars in pure profit. US dollars, not RMB. And this is only from the first batch of products released in the country," Long Jinjing murmured as she continued walking in the dark hallway. "Oh my God."

She pressed her hand against the cold and hard wall, while her other hand clutched her chest, trying to steady her wildly beating heart. Closing her eyes, she took a few deep breaths to stop herself from having a full-blown panic attack.

When did her life suddenly took a sharp turn and become so amazing like this?

An image of her beautiful sister appeared in her mind.

Iris’ existence was like the devil to Long Jinjing’s life before, especially when they were younger. She couldn’t count how many times she cried in anguish after her sister tormented her in the past. She hated and resented Iris for bullying her, yet she couldn’t make herself fight back because she felt ashamed for being an illegitimate child. She always thought that if the two of them fought, she would be always the one to lose because Iris was the legitimate daughter while she was not. So she just endured...and endured...but it hurt so much. Yet she still endured despite the pain because she saw that her mother, Sun Jingfei, did. If her mother could endure and stay strong, then she could do so too.

And it seemed that enduring for all those years paid off because her sister changed for the better after waking up from coma. Iris was no longer a malicious bully. Her beautiful face now reflected a beautiful heart.

Although the scars from Iris’ bullying all those years ago couldn’t be completely erased from her heart and mind, Long Jinjing couldn’t find it in herself to retain any lingering hatred or resentment for her sister. She didn’t how to explain it in a logical way.

"It’s as if the Xiulan back then and the Xiulan now are two completely different people," she murmured as her eyes opened.

Now calmer, she continued to walk along the dark and empty hallway. The rhythmic click-clack of her high heels on the floor slowed down her heartbeat and cleared her mind, almost sending her into a meditative state.

She became so relaxed that she failed to pay attention to where she was walking. Her high heel snagged on a crack in the floor. She was already falling forward before she even realized what was happening.


Her eyes closed on instinct, waiting for the pain that was sure to come after her body crashed to the floor. But right at that moment, something wrapped around her waist and pulled her up all of a sudden. Then her back crashed into something warm and hard, knocking all her breath away.

"What a clumsy woman," a lazy masculine voice said beside her ear.

Long Jinjing froze as if electrocuted. Her heart which managed to relax just a few moments ago began to beat wildly inside her chest once again.

She turned her head and came face to face with the devil...or at least that was what he looked like in the shadows.

"Lu Zihao," she whispered.

"Long Jinjing," he said.

Alarm bells started ringing like it was the apocalypse inside her mind.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

Her survival instincts were telling her to run away as fast as she could away from this scar-faced man, but she couldn’t seem to look away from his devilish eyes. They were like bottomless pits of pure darkness and mystery hypnotizing her.

"A woman shouldn’t walk alone in a dark and empty place like this," he suddenly said, breaking the moment.

Long Jinjing regained her senses and realized that the man’s arm was still wrapped tightly around her waist while her entire back was pressed against his chest. She could feel the hard planes of his body, making her face and neck flush red in embarrassment. Fortunately, the place was relatively dark.

"Mr. Lu, you can let go of me now," she said, doing her best to make her voice sound calm.


He didn’t let her go right away. It took him about three to four seconds before his arm unwrapped around her waist.

Once she was free, Long Jinjing stepped away from the man until they were separated by about a couple of metres.

"Thank you for saving me back there, Mr. Lu. I appreciate it."

Lu Zihao walked to the nearest glass window and sat on the ledge. The dim illumination from the moon in the night sky failed to soften the harsh planes of his features. In fact, it made them even more intense. He crossed her arms over his chest and looked at Long Jinjing, like a predator looking at his prey.

Something inside her shivered in fear from his intimidating gaze, but her chin lifted, refusing to back down. The man was only human, just like her. He wasn’t a monster or a god. Why should she be afraid of him? Besides, he was close to her sister. They were so close that Long Jinjing sometimes felt a little jealous that they acted more like the siblings than her and Iris.

"If I didn’t save you back there, you would’ve fallen on your face. Clearly a woman who has no awareness of her surroundings. I hope you aren’t that careless when handling the finances of my sister’s company," Lu Zihao drawled with his lazy voice.

His insinuation of her incompetence infuriated her. However, she controlled herself from lashing out at him.

"Mr. Lu, rest assured that I’m doing my job properly as the CFO of Orchidia Beauty. The company might be owned by Xiulan but I along with Chen Fei, the Bauer siblings, and the others working for it all want to watch it grow and succeed. Not only am I the CFO but Xiulan, the CEO, is also my sister. I won’t betray my own sister nor her company that she worked so hard to build."

Lu Zihao didn’t reply. He just continued looking at her with his dark predatory eyes.

Long Jinjing felt like all the hair on her body was standing up, like he was able to see everything about her. He was like the devil, sizing her up, judging her, deciding what to do with her. She couldn’t take it anymore.

"Thanks again for saving me from falling," she said after clearing her throat. "If you’ll excuse me, I have to return to the party. My sister and my friends must now be wondering where I went."

Then she turned and started walking away without waiting for his reply.

"She’s my sister," the voice of the devil was soft yet penetrated her mind like a sharp sword.

Long Jinjing stopped in her tracks. She turned to face him again.

"Xiulan is MY sister," she couldn’t help but retort.

"Woman, if we compete against each other for her affection, guess who’ll win."

Long Jinjing’s eyes became dazed for a second when he flashed her with his blasted devilish smile. Good thing that she was able to quickly recover. Her daze transformed into annoyance. She wanted to retort again, to tell him that she and Iris were blood sisters, that their relationship was deeper than what he had with her sister. However, she already knew who would be the winner for Iris’ affection between the two of them.

She had seen how close Lu Zihao was to his sister. At first, she thought that Lu Zihao was trying to steal her sister away from Jin Liwei. But upon closer observation, Long Jinjing concluded that there was nothing romantic or sexual in their relationship. The bond between Lu Zihao and Iris was that of close-knit siblings, of a brother and sister who loved each other dearly.

Compared to the relationship of the two, Iris treated Long Jinjing as a friend more than as a blood sister. Perhaps it was because of their not so pleasant relationship in the past and the fact that they only became close recently.

This made Long Jinjing sad. She sighed.

"I’m not going to compete with you. There’s no reason to," she told him.

Lu Zihao’s devilish smile became wider but his eyes remained unreadable. "Hmmm... A smart person knows when to withdraw. You pass. Barely."

She frowned. "I don’t need your approval."

"I’m giving it, anyway," he replied.


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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 552 - Grandpa Lu Wants To Know!

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C552 - Grandpa Lu Wants To Know!


Chapter 552 - Grandpa Lu Wants To Know!

Lu Zihao straightened to his full height and walked using his long legs to reach Long Jinjing’s side in just a few steps.

"Let’s go, CFO Long. Don’t keep my sister waiting."

Long Jinjing pursed her lips, annoyed that the man kept on callingher sister as his sister. But no matter how annoyed she felt, she decided not to say anything. She could sense that the man was vastly different from the straightforward Iris and Sir Lu Jianhong. Lu Zihao was a man whose real depth couldn’t be measured based on his outward devil-may-care persona. She would only lose badly if she decided to pit herself against someone as enigmatic as him.

So she ignored him—or tried to. All of her senses were focused on his presence. She started walking ahead of him, but in just a moment, their positions were reversed. His legs were longer than hers. Now he was walking in front of her while she struggled to keep up with him.

Then she noticed something peculiar. He could’ve already left her behind. However, he was deliberately slowing his pace.

Was the man waiting for her?

"Mr. Lu, there’s no need to wait for me. I can find my own way," she told him.

"Like I told you earlier, a woman shouldn’t walk alone in a dark and empty place like this," he replied without looking back at her. "It would greatly inconvenience my sister if something were to happen to you. Even she wouldn’t be able to quickly find a person to replace you as the CFO on such short notice."

The corners of her mouth turned down. Here she was thinking that the man was finally acting like a gentleman to her, but it turned out that he was just doing it because he wanted to rub his close relationship with HER sister, Iris, to her face.

Later, they returned to the noisy, lively and cheerful grand hall together. Their arrival wasn’t noticed by most of the people but it didn’t escape a certain old man’s sharp hawk eyes.

The two went their separate ways. Long Jinjing headed to where her sister, friends and colleagues were discussing the Orchidia Beauty products with the enthusiastic beauty influencers who attended tonight’s grand launch. Lu Zihao returned to his spot beside Grandpa Lu.

"There you are, Haohao my boy! Where have you been? I want to know! Your beloved grandpa had been so bored waiting and waiting for you! I almost fell asleep!"

"Sorry, Grandpa," Lu Zihao murmured, picking a spring roll from the old man’s plate on the table and tossing it into his mouth. "I had to go out for a bit to listen to my subordinate’s report."

"Well? What’s the report?! I want to know!!!"

Lu Zihao told him about the trespassers his subordinates and Jin Liwei’s men blocked from slipping inside the party.

Grandpa Lu nodded hearing what happened.

"Good job on raising such disciplined subordinates, my boy! Your beloved grandpa is so proud of you! Bahahaha!"

Then the old man "patted" his grandson’s back. The loud thuds sounded disturbing, like some of Lu Zihao’s internal organs might explode from the force.

The surrounding guests looked alarmed and concerned for Lu Zihao. However, when they looked at him, he just continued swiping food from his grandfather’s plate and eating like everything was normal. Seeing his bulky body under his tailored tuxedo suit, the onlookers could only conclude that his muscles were so big and hard that he had become impervious to regular pain. After being assured that he would be okay, they stopped paying attention to the grandfather and grandson.

"By the way, my boy! Your beloved grandpa saw that you returned with Xiulan’s sister. So tell this old man right now! Is she your type? Is she? She is, right? I want to know!!!"

Annoyance flashed in Lu Zihao’s eyes. He didn’t bother replying to the old man—what a hassle. He continued eating instead, taking Grandpa Lu’s plate for himself.

"Why are you not saying anything? Are you feeling shy? Bahahaha! So you rascal still know how to be shy, eh? Bahahaha! Just so you know, your beloved grandpa likes that girl! A little on the quiet side—too quiet for this old man’s taste. Too nice, too. Not like your Little Sister Xiulan who has a sharp, ruthless and merciless tongue beneath that heavenly face. But that Jengjeng girl is—"

Lu Zihao scowled, muttering, "Her name is Jinjing. Long Jinjing."

Grandpa Lu hid a mischievous smile under his perfectly groomed mustache. His sharp eyes had been closely watching his grandson’s expression.

It was regrettable that Iris couldn’t be an official member of his Lu family by becoming his granddaughter-in-law via marriage to his flesh and blood grandson, Lu Zihao. However, Grandpa Lu was still pleased that his other grandson, Jin Liwei, was going to marry the girl.

What pleased Grandpa Lu even more was seeing the unbelievable closeness between Lu Zihao and Iris. There wasn’t anything romantic or sexual about their closeness. It was purely a sibling relationship—a very close one at that, even closer than most real flesh and blood siblings.

In fact, Grandpa Lu was quite taken aback at first upon observing with his own eyes how close the two were. They were like the ideal siblings by how they treated each other. He had never seen his grandson so protective, gentle and loving of a young female to this degree before without seducing said girl. There were also many times that Lu Zihao looked like he wanted to punch his Third Brother in the face because Jin Liwei was acting too perverted—cough cough—"touchy-feely" with Iris.

Although Iris’ name couldn’t be entered in the Lu family registry, Grandpa Lu was still happy about her close sibling bond with his beloved grandson, Lu Zihao. But ever since her entrance to their lives, she had become the old man’s ideal granddaughter. In this aspect, Jin Liwei succeeded in being decisive and taking Iris to be his future wife before other men could have a chance to pursue her. Grandpa Lu couldn’t wait for his beloved grandson, Lu Zihao, to find a wonderful woman like Iris to marry and give him cute great-grandbabies.

The main problem was that even though his grandson had become sensible and responsible ever since he returned to the country, his stubbornness from before didn’t go away. In fact, it became even more extreme. Grandpa Lu had never heard of his grandson hooking up with a woman (or even a man—what? It was possible!) ever since the rascal returned to the country for good.

’Did the bloody accident kill off his libido? What about his sperm? Are they still okay and healthy? Will his little swimmers be able to give this old man great-grandbabies? I want to know! Maybe I should call his doctor in Canada to ask. At this rate, I’ll be dead before this dunderhead marries and makes babies! Hmph! This can’t go on!’

Grandpa Lu leaned towards his grandson who already finished all the food on his plate. He lowered his booming voice, so it wasn’t as loud anymore.

"That Jengjeng girl—"

"Grandpa, her name is Long Jinjing."

The old man’s lips twitched but fortunately he was able to stop himself from laughing in delight. He pretended to wave a dismissive hand, as if he didn’t care about the young woman’s correct name. "As I was saying, that girl has a good head on her shoulders. Not as impressive as your Little Sister Xiulan, of course—"

A faint devilish smile lifted a corner of Lu Zihao’s mouth. "Of course. My little sister is the best. Nobody could come close to her."

’Don’t change the subject, you pinhead! We’re talking about Jengjeng—I mean Jinjing, not Xiulan!’ Grandpa Lu complained in his head but nodded in agreement at his grandson’s words.

"True. Very true! Xiulan my girl is the best! That boy Liwei hit the jackpot by taking her for himself. How about you, Haohao my boy? When will it be your turn? I want to know! This old man isn’t growing any younger, you know!"

Lu Zihao swirled his drink lazily. "Grandpa, if it’s time, it’ll come. If not, then it’s not meant to be."

"Bah! Boring! You sound more like the old man than me! You’re Lu Jianhong’s grandson! Never leave anything to destiny! If you want something, go pursue it and grab it with everything you have! Hmph!"

Grandpa Lu continued to complain, not noticing that his grandson’s eyes darkened when he said that Lu Zihao was "Lu Jianhong’s grandson". Coldness, loneliness, and something unreadable flashed in his grandson’s eyes before it disappeared, replaced by Lu Zihao’s usual devil-may-care expression.

"Grandpa, that woman...Long Jinjing...she is no one to me. Don’t get any ideas," Lu Zihao drawled. Then he stood up. "Excuse me, Grandpa. I’m still hungry. I’ll go get more food."

He already left and headed to the buffet tables before the old man could say anything.

Grandpa Lu watched his grandson "running away" from his interrogation.

"It’s so difficult to read that boy! Hmph! That bloody accident must have messed up his brain so much that he became so different. The very same thing happened to Xiulan my girl, I heard. Perhaps that’s why the two became so close. But at least the changes are positive. He’s also showing incredible leadership—truly my grandson! Bahahaha! Just look at his impressive subordinates!

"But he’s become so secretive! He doesn’t tell his beloved grandpa anything anymore! He always disappears to who knows where and then reappear at random times. Hmph! What he needs is a nice young lady to help him settle down and make him happy, just like how his Third Brother found Xiulan my girl—and most importantly, give me great-grandbabies! This old man wants GREAT-GRANDBABIES!!!!!"

The surrounding guests looked at him as if he had gone crazy, talking to himself and yelling about great-grandbabies. However, they pretended not to hear anything, not wanting to offend Sir Lu Jianhong.

The old man stroked his perfectly groomed mustache and directed his mischievous eyes at Long Jinjing who was greeting some of the guests at a distance.

"Will it be that girl, Jengjeng—I mean Jinjing? Hm? Not bad...not bad at all! Looks like a pushover at first glance but this old man knows that she’s responsible and reliable. She could even stand up to Xiulan whenever my girl displays her hard-headedness!"

He nodded, pleased at Long Jinjing. As Iris’ business mentor, he knew all about Orchidia Beauty’s working environment, including all the key people running it. He knew that Long Jinjing took her job as the company’s CFO very seriously. She wouldn’t budge when it came to protecting Orchidia Beauty’s budget, even against the stubborn and willful Iris who liked to do whatever she wanted.

Long Jinjing was able to calm Iris’ risky attitude towards Orchidia Beauty’s money. Grandpa Lu had a very similar mindset as his student, Iris. Both of them were kind of extreme when it came to handling their finances. Fortunately, Grandpa Lu had his best friend and brother, Jin Liwei’s grandfather back then. The two had opposite personalities and philosophies in business but it was also because of this that they were able to balance each other out and build what was now Jin Corporation, the most successful company in the country.

In the same way, Iris also needed someone to balance her extreme mindset when it came to business. Jin Liwei, who was very similar to his grandfather, could be that person. The only problem was that the man doted on Iris too much—nothing wrong with that. It just made it difficult for him to say no to her.

After observing how the girls were running Orchidia Beauty together, Grandpa Lu concluded that both the level-headed Long Jinjing and the feisty Chen Fei were perfect for balancing Iris’ extremely risky and aggressive business mindset.

The longer Grandpa Lu looked at Long Jinjing, the more pleasing she appeared in his eyes.

"Will she be the one? Will she? I want to know! Let’s see how it’ll play out. Haohao has become so protective of his Little Sister Xiulan that he doesn’t even look at other girls at all! Instead of looking for a nice young lady to marry, he spends all his time bulking up his body and looking scary! Hmph! What is he bulking up for? Does he want to compete in bodybuilding contests? I want to know!"


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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 553 - Liberté

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C553 - Liberté


Chapter 553 - Liberté

Grandpa Lu’s curiosity about his grandson and Long Jinjing was interrupted when Giulia Moretti sat beside him and began chatting with him.

Everyone was stuffed with the delicious and hearty food. They also felt happy with their gift packages. Not only were the guests celebrating the grand launch of Orchidia Beauty, but they were also making meaningful and beneficial connections with some of the most influential personages in the country (and abroad, too!). The guests didn’t expect that there would be so many advantages by attending this grand launch tonight.

The atmosphere was very relaxed and informal. Nevertheless, all the guests could sense that the security in the place was tight and strict. Each member of the security looked intimidating. Some even emitted scary aura. Nobody dared to make trouble. They wanted to maintain the cheerful atmosphere. Besides, there were so many important personages present tonight.

Who would want to give a bad impression to the Jins, the Lus, the Fengs (to the handful of people who recognized the real high status of the low-profile cousins, Feng Wan and Feng Jiu), and the impressive students and alumni from Cross Academy?

Not them!

And so the merry-making continued.

Later, the two lovable emcees, Dom and Clover, called for everyone’s attention. Iris Long stood together on the stage with them, looking even more dazzling than she did earlier.

Ever since her first comeback in showbiz, she became the type of person that the more one looked at her, the more beautiful she became. She was already naturally beautiful to begin with, but this effect only increased her attractiveness even more. Too bad that she was already engaged to marry the most powerful businessman in the country of his generation. The males and bent females present could only sigh, feeling a little regretful for not getting to know her before she became engaged.

Dom: "We have some announcements! Ehehehe."

Clover: "Exciting announcements!"

The guests quietened down.

Clover: "Does anyone here likes perfumes?"

The people felt confused. Perfume? Was Orchidia Beauty going to release perfumes too? So soon?

Dom: "Is anyone here familiar with the perfume brand Sang Bleu?"

His question was met with blank stares. The perfume brand was well-known mainly in Europe and in places where there were still existing royalty and nobility. It wasn’t popular in China or most parts of Asia.

However, some people in the audience reacted by widening their eyes, obviously recognizing the brand’s name.

Feng Wan, her three posh friends, and her cousin Feng Jiu. Everyone from Cross Academy...well, except for Amanpio Kileksy who looked as clueless as the rest of the guests. A few others, especially those who frequently travelled around the world.

Then Clover gave a short summary of the old French perfumery, Sang Bleu. She described its long history of creating customized perfumes for aristocrats and royal families.

The audience listened, becoming even more confused. Why were the emcees talking about an old French perfumery all of a sudden? Wasn’t this supposed to be an event for Orchidia Beauty?

"In short, Sang Bleu is no longer in business," Clover said.

’Then why are you talking about it? What’s the point?’ the audience asked in their minds.

Dom: "We are proud to announce that Boss—I mean President Iris Long has acquired the old French perfumery, Sang Bleu! Meaning, President Iris Long is the new owner not only of Orchidia Beauty but also of Sang Bleu! Yay yay!"

The people who were familiar with Sang Bleuwere shocked. Feng Wan, her three posh friends, and her cousin Feng Jiu gasped. Even Iris’ friends and mentors from Cross Academy didn’t expect that she had acquired the bankrupt perfumery.

Iris took the mic from Dom.

"To those of you who recognized Sang Bleu, you know that it doesn’t have the a very pleasant reputation among the masses," she said.

Feng Wan and the others nodded.

"I might now own Sang Bleu but I don’t plan on repeating history and continuing its past discriminating practices. Thus, I am rebranding Sang Bleu and taking it under Orchidia Beauty as a subsidiary company. From today onwards, Sang Bleu is no more. Instead, it is now known as...


Jin Liwei, Grandpa Lu and Lu Zihao led the applause for her. The others followed suit.

Iris continued speaking, "Sang Bleu means ’blue blood’ in French. The name reflected the perfumery’s old practice of catering exclusively to royalty and aristocrats or those with ’blue blood’. But that was then. Now, under my ownership, the perfumery is renamed Liberté which means ’freedom’!"

Ooohs and aaahs erupted from the audience, finally understanding the significance of the old and new names of the perfumery. So there was a deeper meaning to why Iris Long renamed it.

"Just like its meaning, Liberté will be available to everyone who wants to buy it—as long as it’s in-stock."

The guests chuckled when Iris added the last part of her sentence. She had to mention it, especially since Orchidia Beauty just sold out in five seconds earlier.

"There will be no discrimination! What blue blood? All of us have red blood! Even my mother who is now a viscountess still retained the redness of her blood. And I bet you all that her viscount husband also has blood as red as yours and mine."

Applause and cheers, led by Jin Liwei again as usual.

"Just like our vision for Orchidia Beauty, all Liberté perfumes will be 100% natural!"

More applause and cheers.

"I will be releasing my first perfume soon under the Liberté brand," Iris announced all of a sudden.

The Black Stars went crazy. There were secret Black Stars attending as guests in the party who almost jumped on top of the tables in their excitement. Good thing that they remembered their dignity just in time and controlled their urges. Orchidia Beauty’s official livestream was also still ongoing. It now had almost 4 million viewers, leaving the other livestreams of the event in the dust. The live comments exploded.

"Kyaaaaaaah! Boss Iris’ perfume! I’m so excited!"

"What’s she gonna call the perfume?"

"The perfume should be called ’Goddess’! Just like her!"

"Her name ’Iris’ is perfect!"

"No! Her perfume should be called ’Slippers’—"

"Idiot! Who would want to buy a perfume called ’Slippers’?"

"Eeeeeh? But aren’t slippers our symbol as Black Stars?"


"Yeah...you’re right..."

"Oh, I know! ’BOSS’!"

"Yeah! Excellent idea!"

"I like ’Boss’, too!"

"I can’t wait to buy Boss Iris’ perfume! I want to smell like her! I want to smell like a boss!"

Iris didn’t know that her announcement sent her fans into frenzy online. However, she was pleased to see the expressions of the guests present.

"For the men, Senior Jin Chonglin will also be releasing his own perfume at around the same time I release mine."

It was now the turn of Jin Chonglin’s army of fans to go crazy. They took over the livestream and drowned the Black Stars’ celebration. As expected, his influence was still greater than Iris Long’s. The Black Stars didn’t mind, though. Both fan clubs were in a celebratory mood.

"We are still working on Liberté and the perfumes at the moment. Please stay tuned for more announcements. However, we promise that Senior Jin Chonglin and I will release our own perfumes for Liberté within this year at the earliest or next year at the latest," Iris announced.

Chen Fei’s laser beam eyes shot a glare at Jin Chonglin.

’You heard her. She said that both of your perfumes will be released either before the year ends or next year. Now stop being an indecisive diva and finalize everything on both your skincare and perfume lines! You better not take more than a year or else...’ her eyes silently threatened him.

Jin Chonglin paled, feeling cold sweat run down his back. He threw a sullen look at Iris Long on the stage before covering it up with his killer smile because he noticed many cameras pointing at him. He almost forgot that there were several livestreams covering the event.

’Why are you rushing me? If you want to release your own perfume early, then do it! Don’t involve me in your fast-paced timeline!’

He complained inside his mind but didn’t dare do it at the moment. He might complain to Iris later when nobody was around—certainly not that annoying bossy woman Chen Fei and not his strict overprotective big brother Jin Liwei either. However, he knew the probability of Iris changing her mind was very low. They had been working closely together since the summer on their two music collaborations, so he already knew that she could be very bullheaded in her decisions. She was also extremely decisive...unlike him.

But so what? What was wrong with being indecisive? As long as he was satisfied with his final decision, that was what mattered the most. Her decisiveness allowed her to accomplish major things in a short period of time. As for him, he needed some time to mull things over, to make sure everything was as perfect as he could make it.

Nevertheless, Jin Chonglin admitted that Iris Long had a positive influence on him. If it weren’t for her swift rise to fame since her first music comeback, he wouldn’t even think of writing his own music again. And certainly not accomplishing it in mere months to compete against her. But he was able to do it because Iris Long inspired him to challenge himself and do better.

Just like right now. Although he was complaining that they were rushing him on his skincare and perfume lines, he was actually feeling quite motived and determined at the moment.

’Just wait and see. I’ll sell more perfumes than you,’ he swore silently while looking at the beautiful Iris.

Back on the stage, Iris hadn’t finished all of her announcements yet.

"Next, I would like to inform everyone that I have created my own foundation focused on charity and philanthropy. The idea first came from my mother."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Wei Lan who stood up and waved at everyone.

"Before my mother returned to the country, she mentioned travelling with her husband to some of the poorest parts of the world and seeing the sufferings of the less fortunate. My mother, now Vizcondesa Lan, encouraged me to use my celebrity status to give back and share my blessings. After thinking about it, I realized that she is right. Thus, I decided to create my very own foundation to accomplish this. It’s called...


Once again, Jin Liwei led the applause. This time, everyone wasn’t only clapping for Iris but for Wei Lan as well. Wei Lan was acting very dignified and classy...appearing to be humble amidst the loud applause.

"My foundation, Iris of Hope, will support various short-term and long-term causes. The short-term causes would be based on immediate need. I’m only announcing it now but the truth is that you have already begun supporting Iris of Hope by buying Orchidia Beauty products. For every purchase you make through our official Orchidia Beauty store, a small portion will be donated towards helping various causes my foundation is supporting."

The applause grew louder. The guests even rose from their seats and gave a standing ovation, delighting in the thought that they were able to "give back" without even knowing it.

"In addition, it’s also my pleasure to announce that CEO Hou Liang and CFO Wu Chen of the gaming company Planet Monkey are also supporting my foundation. For more information about how they will do that and which causes they are supporting, please talk to them directly," Iris said, dumping the responsibility of explaining on Hou Liang and Wu Chen.

Wu Chen waved at everyone while Hou Liang only nodded.

The Black Stars who were watching the livestream went even crazier, taking back the live comments from Jin Chonglin’s army of fans.

"All hail our bros MonkeyFace and iEatSlippers! They have ascended to heights beyond our imaginations!"

"Maybe we’re already supporting Boss Iris’ foundation by playing more ’Supreme Ascension’! Awesome!"

All members of the Black Stars, especially its sub-unit the Slippers Army, were very proud not only of their Boss Iris, but of their fellow members, Hou Liang (a.k.a. MonkeyFace) and Wu Chen (iEatSlippers).


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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 554 - Iris Of Hope

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C554 - Iris Of Hope


Chapter 554 - Iris Of Hope

Although Iris couldn’t read her fans’ comments online right now, she knew in her heart that most of them would be supportive. Fortunately, Hou Liang and Wu Chen were both onboard when she first informed them about her idea of connecting her foundation to Planet Monkey.

"My mighty slippers support this idea!" Wu Chen immediately agreed.

"You own both the company and the foundation. Do whatever you want," Hou Liang said before returning to work.

Back to the present, Iris was also pleased to see the standing ovation the guests were giving her foundation, Iris of Hope. To be honest, she was a little nervous of announcing it. This was an unfamiliar ground for her. She could be very generous, yes, but she had never really thought about "giving back" to strangers at this scale before Wei Lan planted the idea in her head.

"My mother will be helping me run my foundation. She will be one of the foundation’s main ambassadors equal to myself," Iris continued announcing.

Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise. Although it was reported that the mother and daughter had repaired their relationship and became closer recently, they still couldn’t believe that Iris Long would give Wei Lan such a big and important responsibility.

What if they fought and became estranged again? Would the foundation be alright, especially since Iris Long claimed that it was inspired by Wei Lan? Would it still continue to exist and function properly even if the mother and daughter fought?

These kinds of the thoughts ran in the people’s minds. However, they didn’t have a definite answer right now. They would only know the fate of the foundation for sure when Iris Long and Wei Lan fought again like they always did in the past. They felt skeptical that the mother and daughter would be able to sustain the peace between them for long.

"If you want more information about my foundation, Iris of Hope, or to sign up as one of our patrons, please visit our dedicated booth over there. They’ll answer all of your questions," Iris told them.

The guests turned and saw a big booth occupying an entire corner at the back of the grand hall. It was a covered by a partition wall earlier but now it transformed into an information booth bearing a big "Iris of Hope" sign. There were also a few people standing by wearing Iris of Hope T-shirts. They held brochures containing information about the foundation.

Everyone was impressed at the professional set-up. They began looking at Iris Long in a completely different light. Although many people weren’t sure if all of these were her own work or if she depended on her fiancé Jin Liwei, they knew that everything presented tonight bore her name and image.

Tonight’s grand launch wasn’t just about Orchidia Beauty. It was also about Sang Bleu...oh right, she changed the name to Liberté. And finally, about her own foundation, Iris of Hope.

Iris Long wasn’t the first celebrity to establish her own foundation. There were many others before her. However, the people felt that Iris of Hope was special because it was first announced at such a grand event as this. Just look at the people in the guest list!

The current two top business families in the country were here—the Jins and the Lus.

Feng Wan, her three posh friends, and her cousin Feng Jiu were also quietly influential. Only a handful of guests present in the party knew about these ladies’ deep backgrounds not only in high society, but also in the entire country. The most powerful among them, Feng Wan, was the least recognizable but she was actually the most influential. Her own family, the Fengs, and her husband’s family were from both extremely powerful clans. Gaining Feng Wan’s support was equal to the support of several influential families. Even Iris had no idea that one of her fans was this powerful.

In addition to them, there were also the current students and alumni of the legendary school of geniuses, Cross Academy. These figures would be welcomed with open arms by almost every nation in the world. Which country wouldn’t want to be connected to the prestigious academy?

There were also many celebrities, big and small alike, who attended tonight’s grand launch. Just from this guest list, Iris Long already succeeded in establishing herself apart from the other celebrities doing the same thing. Some of the other celebrities might be more famous than her, but did they have this kind of high calibre connections? They might have one or two...but Iris? She had a large horde of them!

And indeed, after her announcement, her impressive guests headed to the booth.

Feng Wan, her cousin Feng Jiu, and her three posh friends were some of the first ones who signed up to support the foundation. The Jins, the Lus and the Longs also signed up, of course. All the foreign guests from Cross Academy also did so.

Seeing them, everyone else signed up to pledge their support. Not a single guest stayed back on their seats.

Wei Lan positioned herself at the front and centre of the booth, already performing her duty as a main ambassador of Iris of Hope. With an impassioned expression, she shared her experiences travelling with her viscount husband to some of the poorest places in the world.

"I swear upon my title as the Vizcondesa of Castillo de Estrellas that I will do my best to use my daughter’s foundation, Iris of Hope, to help those in need as much as I can and to do good in the world," she announced in a solemn tone.

Those who were familiar of her in the past didn’t believe her. They thought that she was just acting and pretending to be a Good Samaritan. However, many of the celebrities and beauty influencers invited in the event were only familiar of her identity as Iris Long’s mother but didn’t know much about her personality.

It wasn’t only the guests who signed up to support Iris of Hope. The Black Stars, some of Jin Chonglin’s army of fans, and many of the viewers watching the livestream also signed up for newsletters online via the foundation’s official website. No donations were asked. It wasn’t compulsory. People could donate anytime once they found a cause they wanted to support.

This entire process took more than an hour. When the crowd at the booth petered out, the lights in the grand hall dimmed, replaced by flashing party lights.

Dom: "Ladies and gentlemen!"

Clover: "Please welcome our first performers of the night..."


The small stage lit up. Blaze, Eros, Night and Thunder appeared in loosened ties and tuxedo suits. Their slightly rumpled looks elicited giddy shrieks from the younger members of the audience.

Pandemonium played one of their relatively popular rock songs. Next, they played "Nightmare" which became viral when Iris Long became the band’s substitute lead guitarist after Eros accidentally burned himself at their "MusicFest Tonight" performance.

Although the older members of the audience couldn’t relate to the loud and intense music style, the lively and cheerful atmosphere of the party made them tolerate almost anything.

After performing "Nightmare", the sweaty Blaze looked at Iris who was sitting beside Jin Liwei.

"We would like to invite Senior Iris to sing this next song for us," he said. "It’s our band’s most famous and biggest hit song to date. This song opened so many doors for us as musicians thanks to Senior Iris. Please sing this song with us, Senior! You wrote it!"

The audience’s eyes lit up. They knew which song Blaze was talking about! It was the song that won Iris Long the special technical award for inventing new musical techniques.

"YES! SING IT! SING IT! SING IT!!!" they began to chant.

The viewers watching the livestream were also commenting like crazy, wanting her to perform the now legendary hit song in the world of rock music.

Iris looked at Jin Liwei, smiling a little helplessly. Her dress wasn’t made for performing—heck, it wasn’t even made for climbing steps that were higher than usual! However, excitement sparkled in her eyes.

"Hm..." The corners of Jin Liwei’s mouth lifted in a faint smile. "You want to perform?"

She nodded.

"Then go have fun, love."

"Yes!" She gave her darling’s hand a squeeze before standing up and heading up the stage.

However, a certain someone also stood up and walked beside her.

Iris stopped. "Teacher?" she asked in a whisper.

Enrique Valdez’s hazel eyes looked uncharacteristically excited when he looked at her.

"I want to perform this song, too," he said in his mesmerizing voice.


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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 555 - Surprise Performance

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C555 - Surprise Performance


Chapter 555 - Surprise Performance

Iris’ eyes widened in surprise. She didn’t expect that her music mentor, Enrique Valdez, would be so eager to perform this particular song with her. Throughout his long and successful music career, he had composed and written far more technically difficult songs than her.

"Let’s go," he said, heading to the stage ahead of her.

She watched his back, a little speechless. Then she saw the mischievous eyes of Grandpa Lu. The old man must’ve translated what Blaze was saying to Enrique Valdez and the others. Otherwise, how could the legendary hitmaker know that Blaze was talking about the particular song she wrote for Pandemonium?

When the people saw Enrique Valdez standing up and heading to the stage, they felt shocked. All members of the Pandemonium band froze. Their jaws fell down and their eyes almost popped out of their heads. They watched in amazed disbelief as the legendary hitmaker climbed the small stage.

As a left-handed lead guitarist, Eros idolized Enrique Valdez the most. Almost all southpaw guitarists admired the legendary hitmaker. Eros staggered back and clutched his chest, turning extremely red as if the love of his life who he had been pining for so long finally made eye contact with him.

"En-Enri...que..." Blaze couldn’t even form proper words anymore. It felt like he had lost control of his own tongue.

Night just stood there like a statue. Thunder had the most exaggerated expression among the band members. His complexion was already turning purple because he had forgotten how to breathe.

When Enrique Valdez smiled and nodded at them, Eros swayed and looked like he was going to faint.

The entire place was silent as the dead. Everyone wasn’t sure what exactly was going on. Could it be that Enrique Valdez would...? No way... They didn’t dare believe it but the hope burned inside their minds. Maybe...just maybe, he really would... No. Impossible. This was too good to be true.

Enrique Valdez held out his hand, palm up, to Blaze. He did this without saying anything.

The dumbfounded Blaze stared at the legendary hitmaker’s extended hand like a stupid idiot, as if it was a divine hand. Seizing the opportunity, Blaze took it and then began shaking it with his own sweaty hand.

"N-nice to...m-meet chu," he stuttered in English.

An amused smile lifted the corners of Enrique Valdez’s lips. Blaze continued to shake his hand, refusing to let it go. The other band members finally started regaining their senses. They all felt envious of Blaze and began to make their way to the front of the stage to also shake their rock idol’s hand.

"I actually want the mic, but nice to meet you, too," Enrique Valdez said in his low, smooth voice.

"Oh!" Blaze felt embarrassed so he handed the mic to his idol.

Enrique Valdez raised an eyebrow, his amused eyes glancing down.

"Let go of his hand. It’s my turn!" Eros said, pushing Blaze away.

The others band members also crowded around the legendary hitmaker, not wanting to miss the chance to speak with him, hold his hand, smell his godly scent, hoping that some of his overwhelming music success would rub off on them.

Before granting them their wish, Enrique Valdez looked at someone in the audience and spoke to the mic, saying, "Hurry up."

Iris had already recovered from her earlier surprise. She was now on her way to the stage but her mermaid-style dress prevented her from walking quickly.

A few moments later, she finally arrived on the stage. The normally attractive and cool-looking Blaze, Eros, Night and Thunder were all reduced to looking like star-eyed fangirls—cough cough—"fanboys" in front of their ultimate rock star idol.

Not one to waste words, Enrique Valdez went straight to the point. "I need a guitar."

"The venue only has an extra keyboard and acoustic guitar," she replied.

Understanding their English conversation, Eros immediately lifted his own electric guitar. "P-please use my guitar! It’s left-handed!"

"No, you should use your own guitar," Enrique Valdez told him before telling Iris, "Give me the acoustic guitar."

"It’s right-handed."

"No problem."


Later, the Pandemonium band members were back in position, but this time, with the addition of both Iris Long and Enrique Valdez. Iris stood in front of a keyboard while Enrique Valdez was holding an acoustic guitar.

Everyone in the audience was now certain that their earlier hope was going to come true. They were all freaking out. Phones were whipped out, recording and livestreaming this unbelievable moment. The viewers watching the livestreams were also going nuts.

"Is this for real?!!!"

"Enrique Valdez is going to perform live with Boss Iris and Pandemonium?!!!"


"I’m outside the convention centre! Security is tight! I know some people who have already been hauled away by the police after the security caught them sneaking in, but this is something that I can’t miss for anything in the world! Wish me luck, my friends! I’m going to sneak inside!"

"Don’t do it! There are some scary people in the security. I also tried sneaking in with some of my bros but we were caught before we could even do it. We almost peed our pants when we were stopped earlier. I swear that those security guards are cold-blooded killers."

"You’re exaggerating! Cold-blooded killers? Pft! Right~ I think you watched too many action movies."

"Enough about the security! I don’t care about them! Guys, ENRIQUE VALDEZ IS GOING TO FREAKING PERFORM LIVE!!!"


"Boss Iris is too formidable! Even a rock music legend like Enrique Valdez wants to perform the song that she composed!"

"Well, duh! ’Monster of Insanity’ has achieved legendary status in rock music! That’s because Boss Iris is the best!! I love you, Boss Iris!!!"

Back on the stage, the performance finally started. The audience were now going crazy, screaming and shrieking their hearts out. They were all very excited to watch the legendary hitmaker and rock music legend, Enrique Valdez, performing live right in front of them. This was a dream come true!

This "Monster of Insanity" had a different flavor than the original version.

First of all, there were no flute, violin or cello.

Second of all, Iris was playing a keyboard instead of a piano. They may sound the same to the laypeople, but the quality of sound was vastly different between the two instruments. Iris had to make do with what she had at the moment.

Third of all, Enrique Valdez was playing an acoustic guitar, an instrument that didn’t have a place in the original version. In short, he had to wing it and compose his own chords on the spot.

When the beat changed with the eruption of both the electric guitars and the drums, Enrique Valdez didn’t join in the intensity. He held back, keeping pace with the mesmerizing melody of Iris’ keyboard instead.

Then all of a sudden, Enrique Valdez completely changed the melody. Eros, the lead guitar, wavered. For a moment, he had no idea what to do.

However, right at the moment, Iris’ fingers flew over the keys until she took control of the melody from Enrique. She also seamlessly connected it to Eros’ lead guitar, making him comfortable again.

Approval and pride flashed in Enrique Valdez’s eyes, but they quickly disappeared as he tested his student again and again.

’Show me what you got,’ he silently challenged Iris.


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