Everlark- Family, Love and Ha...

By hungerjay1

27.3K 886 591

*This is carried on from 'Everlark- The Years After The Epilogue', so if you haven't read that I suggest you... More

I Didn't Hurt You Did I?
Love Between Us
Dont Let Me Go
Remember What I Said
The Fire Burns Within You
I Don't Need Anybody Else
Save The Date
Ready Sweetheart?
I Told You To Let Me Go
Knowing the Truth
Chasing The Waves
It's Latin For Fresh
Letting Go
The People We Love The Most
Daisy Chains
Blue Eyed Beauty
Coralline Snow
Start With What You Know Is Real
Happy Birthday Peeta
Telling The Children
I Just Want To Be With You
Peter Pan
Take Another Deep Breath
Just Too Hard
Our Little Girl
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 1
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 2
Katniss' Epilogue
Thankyou~An Author's Note

Our Team

676 26 24
By hungerjay1

''Come on Rye or you'll be late for school.'' I said as I bucked Oakley into her pram, she was a little grouchy this morning, so I decided to let her go in her pushchair so she didn't have to walk and could sleep if she wanted to.

''I'm ready, I'm ready.'' He shouted as he pelted down the stairs.

''Careful you'll fall.'' I snapped.

''Yeah, yeah whatever.'' He said as he put his shoes on.

Willow had an exam this morning, so she'd left early with Thomas to get in some last minute revision, meaning it was just Rye, Oakley and me seeing as Peeta was at work. As we speedily walked through town to get to the school, beads of sweat started to form, it was early yet it must already have been nearly 20 degrees. ''Mum can we slow down now, look Auntie Cressida is only a little bit in front of us, we're not going to be late.'' Rye whined.

''Alright, we'll slow down.'' I sighed. We were just approaching the school playground when the bell sounded. ''Not going to be late are we mr?'' I said raising my eyebrow, but then smiling because I couldn't stay mad at him. ''Run along, you'll be late.'' I said giving him a hug.

''Bye Mum, I love you.''

''And you.'' I said, ruffling his hair.

''Bye Oaks!'' He shouted as he ran into the school, waving.

I watched him to make sure he got in alright, before leaving. Deciding to take the route through the woods back home, I walked down a side track and into the trees. In the mist of trees in front I could see a figure not far ahead. I wondered who it could possibly be, as people rarely passed through these parts. As I went around a corner I got a glimpse of blonde waves and a women carrying a toddler. ''Cressida?'' I shouted. She turned around and smiled brightly when she saw us, I slightly sped up to catch up with her, engulfing her in a hug.

''Katniss, it's lovely to see you again.''

''I know! I feel as if it's been too long. Hello missy.'' I said cooing at Summer. She gave me a shy wave, before burying herself in her mother's hair.

Cressida bent down to see Oakley inside the pushchair, who was fast asleep. ''Oh a little sleeping beauty.'' She fussed. ''Rough night?'' She asked as we continued to make our way through the forest.

''Yeah, she was up all night crying, I don't know what's up with her.''

''Aw bless, well she's gorgeous, she looks like your Prim.''

''I know. And you missy, look exactly like your mother.'' I said, slightly tickling Summer, a ghost of a smile flickered on her face before burying her head back in again. ''Gale's head of hair mind you.'' I joked.

''Definitely. Look Katniss you'll have to come around one time, bring little Oakley and I'm sure her and Summer will get on great.'' She said as we parted.

''I'll keep that in mind. Say hi to, urm, Primrose for me, and your boys.'' I said, giving her a wave.

''Will do, say hi to Willow and Rye!''

''Of course!''

As we turned off from each other Oakley started to stir. ''Hello darling.''

''Mu-ma.'' She murmured. ''Where's daddy?''

''He's at work dear.''

''Can Oak-ee go see him. Oak-ee want cake.'' She asked.

''Of course, come on then sweetie.''

I wheeled her down to the bakery and opened the door as the bell went, walking inside. Every time I walked in I was overwhelmed at how successful the bakery was. Peeta has expanded it, meaning there was places to sit and a menu to order from, but also still a small counter to buy bread rolls and cakes from. ''Mrs Mellark.''

''George.'' I said, raising my eyebrows. George had been working for us for over 4 years, yet he still insisted on calling me Mrs Mellark, unless I told him otherwise.

''Sorry, Katniss. Mr Mel- urm Peeta's in his office so you can just go straight in.''

''Alright thankyou. Will you do me a favour and bring in some cake and milkshake for this one, a skinny latte for me and Peeta's usual please.''

''Of course.'' He said, getting to work straight away.

I let Oakley out of her pushchair and she tottered around the bakery, lapping up all the attention everyone was giving her. I folded her chair up and put it to the side as I walked behind the counter.

''Are you coming to see daddy angel?'' I asked. She squealed in excitement, earning her a lot of 'ah's' and 'awe's', as she ran over and barged through the door. I followed her in as she ran towards Peeta's desk and jumping up on his knee.

''Hello princess, what a lovely surprise.'' He said, hugging her tightly.

''Hi daddy.'' She beamed up at him. I went and sat on the edge on his desk peering over at what he was working at to see a page full of numbers.

''Tax's.'' He rolled his eyes.

''Daddy what's a tax?'' Oakley pondered.

''It's what allows you missy to have an education.''

''Daddy when do I start school?''

''Not for another year yet little one.''

''Oh okay.'' She said, smiling up at him brightly.

After a while of Oakley slurping her milkshake and swinging her legs backwards and forwards on Peeta's knee, I decided it was time to leave. ''Come on honey, let's leave daddy to work.''

''But Oak-ee want to stay here.'' She pouted.

''It's time for your nap missy, and anyway Uncle Haymitch and Aunt Effie are coming over.''

''Oo yay.'' She said, scrambling off of Peeta. ''I can show them Sunshwine.'' She grinned. ''I'll see you later daddy.'' She said giving him a kiss, and laughing as he tickled her, her blue eyes lighting up and hair flowing down her back in soft waves.

''I'll see you later Peeta.'' I said, leaning over the desk to kiss him. As I pulled away he pulled me back and tucked my hair behind my ear. ''All I can think of is how we christened this desk.'' He joked.

''Peeta!'' I scowled, playfully hitting him. ''I'll see you later.'' I said, trying to hide the smirk crawling up my mouth.

Once we'd gotten home, I put Oakley in her cot to rest, she protested about how she wanted to show Aunt Effie ''Sunshwine'', but after a story of a young girl adopting a poorly goat, her eyes fluttered shut.


''Effie, Johanna won't like that.'' I protested.

''But imagine how beautiful it'll a look, a swan ice sculpture would make the whole party!'' She gushed. For the past hour Effie and I had been planning Johanna's leaving 'do', so far it wasn't going great.

''She'll hate it.''

''But-b-. Oh okay then.'' She sighed, disappointed.

''Don't worry Effs, I'll make sure we have one for your birthday.'' Haymitch comforted her, before sneakily rolling his eyes at me.

''Oh Hayms, you're the best.'' She gushed, pecking his cheek. ''Ok, ok. So we have the venue, the lights and food, but it's just decorations left.''

''Minimalistic.'' I stated.

''Yes but Katniss, that's not really the raving trend at the minute and-''

''Yes but it's what Johanna would want.'' I said, slapping my hand on the table in annoyance.

''Young Lady, manners.'' She cautioned. I sighed deeply. ''Okay, we'll do the minimalistic theme, but try incorporate some water features, everyone's raving about them at the minute, oh imagine a waterfall wall with lilies and-''

''Effie, she'll hate it- it's water. Please just listen to me, I want this to be special for her, to know that we care.'' Haymitch placed his hand on my wrist, gently telling me to calm down and it was ok.

''Fine, just the flowers then?'' She said, cocking her head.

''Just the flowers. But no-''

''No roses I know.'' She recited. ''Okay so let me just double check everything. A minimalistic theme, with flowers, no roses or waterfall,'' she said sharply, ''a buffet because Johanna wouldn't want a sit down meal, a dj, a dancefloor, white lights only but they can be dimmed for when the dancing starts, 5pm at the town hall in District 7. Right?''

''Right.'' I confirmed. Effie blew out a large sigh of relief that it was all over.

''You really are hard work Mellark. But I wouldn't have it any other way.'' She smiled.

Suddenly, Oakley's cries erupted throughout the house, she had a softness like Prim, but most definitely my lungs. ''Oo baby.'' Effie said jumping up. ''I'll get the little one.'' She said tottering off.

I laughed slightly as she went up the stairs to get her.

''She's hard work, but I love her.'' Haymitch said shaking his head. Suddenly, his eyes squeezed so tightly shut a vein appeared on his forehead.

''Haymitch are you okay?'' I asked alarmed. His lips parted slightly to let out a breath before opening his eyes.

''Me? Oh I'm fine, just got a killer of a headache.''

''I've got some painkillers if you want?'' I said, getting up immediately.

''No, no sweetheart I'm fine. But thankyou.'' He said stopping me.

''As long as you're sure.''

''I am.''

Moments later, Effie came down holding Oakley who was playing with her hair and giggling. As soon as Effie put Oakley down she ran over to Haymitch. ''Uncwul Haym.'' She said smiling up at him.

''Hello poppet.'' He said, stroking her hair. Her eyes suddenly lit up, remembering something.

''Aunt Effwi, pwease can you open the back door for me. I want to shwow you something.'' She begged, pulling on the hem of Effie's dress.

''Of course darling.'' She said, heading down the hallway to open the door.

Over the course of the next 5 minutes all you could hear was ''Sunshwine, Sunshwine, come on kitty, Oak-ee is here. Sunshwine.'' I assumed that she'd finally come because the calls stopped and Oakley came back holding her. ''Uncwul Haym, this is my kitty Sunswhine. Mu-ma says she looks like But-cup.'' She rambled.

Haymitch's arm stretched out to stroke Sunshine, but she hissed at him. ''I don't think she likes me sweetheart.'' He said.

''Sunshwine only likes me, but isn't she bee-u-tifuwl.'' She beamed.

''I guess so chuck.'' He said, ruffling Oakley's hair.

''Uncwul Haym can I sit on your knee.'' She asked, letting Sunshine run free.

''Of course you can.'' As he pulled her up, I noticed him wince slightly. What was up with him? Before I had time to ask, Effie came back from the bathroom as Sunshine ran over her feet. A high pitched squeal left her mouth. ''AH! Get it away, get it away- vermin!'' She yelped.

''Don't be scared, it's only Sunshwine.'' Oakley laughed. ''Isn't she a baby Uncwul Haym?'' She said nestling herself into Haymitch's chest, as he planted a kiss on her forehead. I loved seeing them two get along so well, it was sweet.

''It's vermin, get it away.'' She screeched.

''I've got it.'' I said, standing up. ''Go on, go explore,'' I said letting Sunshine out of the kitchen window out front, she happily hissed at me and then ran off. ''Hiss at me all you want, you stupid cat.'' I muttered.

Half an hour later it was time for me to leave to pick Rye up from school, but Effie insisted that she went and we all stayed here. I was sat on the sofa with Haymitch watching some flower show, as he bounced Oakley up and down on his knee whilst she squealed excitedly. ''Uncwul Haym, Oak-ee tired again.'' She said yawning.

''Well I'll go put you in your bed then swe-''

''No.'' She protested. ''Oak-ee sleep here.'' She said as she got comfy of Haymitch's chest and closed her eyes. He chuckled to himself as he stroked through her long, blonde locks.

''Sleep tight then sweetheart.''

''I will.'' She yawned again. ''I wuv you Uncwul Haym.'' She said as her eyes shut and she fell into a deep sleep.

''I love you too poppet.'' He said.

''You're great with her.'' I said after a while. And it was true. Haymitch was like a grandfather to all three of our kids and even though Peeta and I missed our own fathers ever so much, we couldn't imagine it any other way. Haymitch was a sour, bitter drunk, but after the games, when we returned, something changed, and when that something changed the old Haymitch, the one who cared for his family was back. Haymitch knew what it was like to deal with loss, so the love he showed us all meant a lot.

''She's a little star isn't she.'' He said, watching her fondly. ''They all are. I can't believe how much Wills has grown up and Rye.''

''It wouldn't be possible without Peeta.'' I sighed.

''I know. You did good sweetheart.''

''Thankyou.'' But behind that thankyou was something so much deeper, behind that thankyou were thousands of unspoken thanks. Thanks for saving me in the arena, thanks for saving Peeta from the Capitol, thanks for making me understand the bitter feelings I had towards Peeta were unfair and unjust, thanks for not giving up on us both, and a thanks for always been there. ''Haymitch I-''

''I know Sweetheart, you don't have to say.'' He said holding his hands up. He never was one to take compliments.

''Rye will be ecstatic when he sees you're here, it was only recently he was saying how much he missed you. We all do.'' I told him.

''I miss you all too. It's just this place. I know it's changed, but it will always be the place I lost my mother, younger brother and girl. Nothing can change that.''

''The Capitol life suits you anyway.'' I mocked.

''Oh yes, fabulous.'' He laughed gruffly. ''Effie and myself, I just, I wouldn't have it any other way.''

''I know.''

''We've come far ey kidda? Our little team.''

''Our family.'' I corrected.

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