Ikigai (A Naruto One Piece Cr...

By SilverLoveBlood

196K 8.4K 1.2K

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your 'reason for being. ' 'Iki' in Japanese means 'life,' and 'gai'... More

Christmas Special
New Year's Eve


1.5K 80 12
By SilverLoveBlood

Never have Luffy met someone interesting just like Meg. So when Ace expressed his growing interest on his lookout/ninja, he wasn't that confused because he understood.

Meg is like an unexplored cave: mysterious, dark, and scary. Normal people wouldn't have the guts to enter; only those who are incredibly stupid (like him) or those who have no self-preservation (also like him) are brave enough to step inside.

The opening of the cave is not that wide to the point you have to crawl in for the first few kilometers in total pitch darkness. Since you won't be able to see anything, you'll scrape and hit yourself multiple times, but you once you learn the pattern, the difficulty of the trudge shall be lessened and soon the passageway will be wide enough for you to be able to crouch.

The terrain shall change from there point on, but then again, you are required to notice the pattern and memorize it to continue further.

The farther you go, the more spacious the passage shall become, and little by little, light will pour in. You won't know where it came from, if it poured from the cracks or if it was from the deeper part of the cave. But Luffy learned to never question the things that happens, that these odd things are Megumi's graciousness.

As you continue your journey, you will encounter multiple passageways. It will be hard to decide which way you should go since traps are placed everywhere. One small mistake will either end your life or lead you back to the entrance. These passageways are meant to confuse you, to scare you enough to not continue. So, if you were just injured and is still capable to carry on, go forward. Take as much rest you need, but do not take too long as the path may disappear or change.

The path is arduous and the challenges are infinite. You will see unsightful things but continue your pursuit. Amongst what you saw, you are allowed to say honest comments but not judge. Do not forget what you witnessed, every little detail left on the way should be ingrained in your mind for it shall help you understand the pattern and soon it shall turn to a map.

If you managed to reach the cavern, mountains of treasures and clusters of crystals or precious stones will welcome you. But do not be blinded by greed; learn to reign in your wordly desire and only accept what is given. What is given may be small compared to the bundles of treasures, however, bear in mind that you are being tested by Meg.

Everything Meg does, shows, gives, says— anything— is important. They are valuable and should be cherished however small they may seem.

Luffy wishes everyone knew of these, especially the crew. But these are not something to be taught, but to be learned, since Meg's relationship with everyone is different.

Hence, the reason his mouth remained shut as he witnessed his brother rile her up by 'discretely' mentioning a member of her supposedly massacred clan.

Luffy may be an idiot but he ain't that stupid. He immediately knew it was Meg's older brother Ace was talking about. The thought of the man who nearly killed his friend running free and possibly searching for the kunoichi made his heart race, though his worry is not at all visible on his face.

Silence and Luffy. Such a rare and odd combination.

But there he was sitting beside Meg, not a single word spoken, not a sound heard. Simply his presence conveying his support for the stricken ninja.


Meg kept herself busy after that. They always found her head down on some papers that her exhausted falcon has delivered.

The crew knew better than to ask, assuming she was gathering data about the desert country's status and creating a list of their possible opponents.

Well, not like they're totally wrong. The ravenette was collecting information about an enemy that they may meet in Arabasta.

She was buried in a lot of paperwork that Usopp, Sanji, and Vivi sometime had to spoon-feed her. The three received a scolding from the First Mate for spoiling Meg and treating her like a toddler. Sanji had to change tactics and made her meals work-friendly by cutting the food to bite-sized pieces and stuck toothpicks on top. That simple change prevented the dark-haired woman from unknowingly starving herself.

The following day, Meg sat before their guest in the cabin. The two bound in a staring contest before one gave in and spoke.

"You ready for your proposal now, Princess?" Ace's lips stretched to a cocky grin and his black eyes glimmered with anticipation.

Meg remained undeterred by the man's display or by her crewmates' curious glances. A little later, she sighs, dropping her shoulders and seemingly lowering her guard.

"You and your poor choice of words." The woman laments under her breath, the weakness of her voice preventing the fire user from hearing her.

"What was that, Miss?" Ace tilted his head. "You have to speak louder if you wish me to hear you."

"I did not wish that you hear me." Was her immediate response. The snarkiness shown too early before she managed to control her mouth.

Ace laughed, insinuating he was not offended at all. By the looks of it, he expected her to reply as such. Meg also smiled, relieved she didn't upset the man she's about to propose a deal to.

"Then, may I start now?" She asks politely. Ace noticing the change in her aura ceases his chuckles and nods.

"I hate long meetings. It bores me. So, can you please make it concise." His request met a small smile.

"Of course. Not a problem." Meg moved her raven hair over her shoulder and unto her straight back.

Ace caught a bit of her scar peeking on her collar bones and averted his gaze back to her face. But then his eyes traveled back down to her shoulder, noticing somethig red. At first he thought it was bloody wound, but in further inspection, it was just a tattoo. A mark.

"A flame, really?" He caught himself saying. He thought she would hide the tattoo, but she made no move to do so. As if to salvage the situation and to stop the conversation for stirring to another direction, Ace asks, "Is the rumor true? That you have retired? From assassinating I mean."

"There is no end to killing. If you are asking about my position in the Order, I have relinquished it."

Ace nods. "I see."

"However, despite that, I am still able to take advantage of their resources."

"You are their founder, afterall." Ace chuckles, relief washing over him about the news. It is a good thing for him that she still has those connections for it is what he needs her for.

"Yes. Which is also why I am still aware of the events around the world, especially about the important figures." She pours him a tea before filling her cup. Her wealthy upbringing flaunted by her graceful demonstration. "And that includes your family crew." She adds as she lowered the pot.

"You sure you aren't just stalking?" Ace kids, picking up the cup.

An offended gasp escapes Meg's lips. "How dare you imply such thing!" Despite her upset tone, Ace sees her face bearing no hatred, only that of playfulness. "It is actually the other way around. It is Whitebeard who stalked me. He even had the gal to send a phoenix. The nerve of him."

It was Ace's turn to gasp offendedly. He opened his mouth to retort, to deny her claim but no words came out as he came upon a realization that what she said is indeed true. He bore witness how the giant hoarded information about her two personas, how he was restlessly writing those letters and repeatedly had them check what he wrote; even saw when that pineapple bird returned ragged with a haunted look on his face after being sent to convince her face to face to join them.

His wide open mouth turned to a pout and he crossed his arms over his chest. Not that he hates being told he is wrong, but he just hates it when she is right.

"I am sorry about your friend." Ace blinked in surprise at the genuine sadness in the ninja's tone. Like she was somehow at fault for what happened, that she could've done something to prevent it from happening.

And he wasn't aware that those are Meg's exact thoughts. That if she were there, if she had accepted the invitation and joined, or simply came to reject the old man in person, maybe she could've saved the man— Thatch. Was that his name?— from his impending death.

Meg shook away the sad thoughts and focused on what she was supposed to say.

"You are after Blackbeard's head, am I right?" Ace nodded, his gaze downcast tough his dark eyes shone with absolute hatred at the bastard's name.

Meg pushed the plate of cookies closer to the freckled man before taking a sip of her tea. Ace reluctantly reached for one and took a bite. The female ravenette waited until he swallowed before continuing.

"Do tell what you want me to do with him. Despite me no longer having the Crescent Seal or wearing the Stellar Robe, I can send that man to hell by just writing his name with red ink."

(A/N: Both items are owned by the leader of the Order of the Blood Moon. They are proof of being the leader of the dangerous organization. The Crescent Seal is used to stamp important documents and is often used to issue high-ranking orders. It is akin to an Emperor's seal we see in dramas. The Stellar Robe, on the other hand, is kimono Rai was wearing the last time she and Meg met at Logue Town in Chapter 6.

There is a certain belief in East Asia- I forgot which country- that writing a person's name in red ink is ominous since only the dead are supposed to be written in that ink color. It is the same as cursing that person to die, is what I was told.)

Ace's eyes flickered at the assassin's figure. His jaw clenching and unclenching as he thought of his next move. The dark-haired woman sipped her tea as she patiently awaits for his decision.

Meg gave him the amount of time he needs. Her serene countenance hiding her wish that Ace do not choose the dark path.

Later, Ace reveals what he wanted.

"I need you to find where he is hiding." His even tone drew her concern. "I will decide what to do once I've come face to face with him."

Megumi stood, nodding in affirmation to his request. "That's good." She subtly exhaled in relief.

"Miss Meg." The politeness and the act of calling her name caused her to pause, her eyes, the same color as his, falling on his tense figure.

Ace swallowed his nervousness. "I apologize for my rudeness the day before." He bowed his head.

"No, it is fine." The woman waved her hands. "If that is the case, I'll apologize too." She followed his example and lowered her head.

"If it is okay with you, I will share what I know about the person I mentioned yesterday." How she flinched didn't escape his eyes nor the others. "If you are comfortable, that is." He hesitantly adds.

Contrary to his expectation, Meg sat back down; returning to her former position before that screamed formality and etiquette, apart from her shaky hands which she hid by interlacing together and settled on her lap. Ace swore that if he had strong hearing as powers, he could hear the woman's erratic heartbeats.

The Fire user looked around, locking eyes with his brother's crew members, mentally counting in his head. Everyone was there in the room with them, including the princess of the country and her loyal pet. No wonder it felt suffocating and restricted.

His sight befell on the woman before him, concern plaguing his features. "Should we continue this conversation in private?" From her reaction yesterday, he's pretty sure the matter is a sore spot. If he were in her shoes, he won't want to show fragility to his friends.

But Meg had enough of hiding.

"We shall talk here." She spoke with firmness, making the freckled fire user admire her courage.

He takes one last look at her to ensure she is mentally prepared for what he is about to dump on her. He confirms she will be fine from her serious gaze and calm countenance. Thus, he continued.

"You were correct, the person is a man." Another look at her. Not a single crack on her expression. "You do look alike, your manner of speaking is the same too. And from my observations, so does a few of your mannerisms."

"He was a sophisticated asshole." The muscle on the corner of her lip twitched and her eyes glimmered in amusement at his description.

"He stayed with us for awhile when we docked on an island. He was joined by his shark friend at night during his second day aboard. Another crazy bastard that Fishman was. Revealed that they were searching for Mr. A-hole's precious sister in the first hour we met him." He finished his tea and poured himself another cup. Not phased at all when he sees it has gone cold since he can heat it himself. He violently chomped a biscuit before downing the tea, the cup making a loud clang as its bottom hit the saucer.

"you should've seen the Weasel's face. He could've killed Sharkface with his glare."

Megumi gave up controlling the muscles of her face and smiled. She can imagine him do that. More like, he will surely do that. He must've played a prank on his partner to punish him for exposing his personal information.

"He didn't say anything much about you, nor showed your photo when we offered to help them. Sharkface didn't manage to say anything else since Weasel made him glug alcohol 'til he could've died of alcohol poisoning." She knew it!

"We were determined to help him, honestly, but the only clue we had was black hair and red-patterned irises." Ace sighs, remembering how down and desperate the man was. He offered his sympathy as he knew what it's like to lose and to be away from a sibling.

"I ask this to make sure, but are you truly the one he was looking for?" Ace knew it was dumb for him to ask this, but he just wanted to confirm.

"As far as I am aware, I am his only sister." Meg squeezed her hand as if it will comfort her but it obviously didn't.

The awkward atmosphere thickened at the hoarness of the kunoichi's voice. Ace saw the blonde cook bit his lower lip as his blue eyes remained glued at their informant's back. He may be mistaken due to the distance but he seemingly saw empathy in those eyes of his.

"He did reject our assistance but he requested that if we happen to meet you, we will relay his message."

Immediately, everyone was on guard as if their guest was about to utter a threat.

But Ace remained undaunted despite confused of their reactions. He had been one of he people who swore to deliver the message and shall not fail.

"He said, "The curse of hatred shall strike you soon. Do not be consumed by it or it shall blind you." " Ace paused, shrugging before relaying the rest of the message.

"Failure to control shall lead you to your kin. An exchange, another curse made. Hate befalls your fate."

"We have zero idea what he meant, but he said you will know."

Ace studied Meg's expression for any clue of the true massage behind it. He knew he should not pry, but what the Weasel left was a riddle. A riddle that he now wishes to solve despite it not being his place.

Disappointment marred his features as the woman remained composed, revealing no hint for his awaited answer.

"Portgas D. Ace."

He straightened at the call of his full name. "Yes, ma'am!"

"How do you feel about making another deal with me?"

That managed to intrigue him since he knew that making business with Meg will not cause him losses. Not like he had anything to lose anyway.

"Will it benefit me?" He raised a brow, acting arrogant to match her confidence.

"Surely." She smiled, a dimple just below the right side of her lips making an appearace for everyone for the very first time.

Albeit stunned, Ace held on his sanity. It wasn't the first time he saw the Beauty smiled, but the first he saw the dimple. Dread nagged his heart. For what? He is unsure.

"Let's hear it." He shuffles in his seat and fixed his posture, mimicking her formality.

Meg's brows raised at his action, her smile never dropping, scaring the shit out of her crewmates.

"The same as before, but this time with me on the receiving end of the bargain. I share information, you give me what I want."

Ace hummed, totally amused by this. "What makes you think I will agree?" He wanted to provoke her so much. To rile her up again. He doesn't know why but it's so entertaining to poke fun at her.

Meg leaned forward, her onyx eyes so dazzling that it was sucking him in. "Because you are curious. Are you not?"

"Yes. yes, I am." He spoke without thinking as if it was a natural reflex.

Ace was so enraptured by her eyes that he missed the devilish grin on her lips.

"Good boy." Now, Meg has him around her finger, like a marrionette.

"I tell you the secret behind the message then you..." She purposely dragged it on to try his patience. Ace groaned in complaint whilst she enjoyed his annoyance.

"—you become my test subject."

Her latter words snapped the man from his reverie.

"Now, now, Beauty. That seems unfair." Ace would be crazy to agree to such deal. He will not let anyone cut him open no matter how gorgeous they look.

"Is it?" Meg remained coy. "Didn't I say it will benefit you?"

"You did." The devilfruit user affirms, doubt slipping at the reminder.

"If you think that I will harm you during the experimentation process, you wound me." A mocking upset expression was displayed on her face which she drops the following second. "I only perform ethical research, thank you very much." She rolls her eyes.

The man clearly still doesn't fully trust her words as he narrows his eyes at her.  "Sure~"

"I swore an oath— you oaf!— to abide by the ethics of research wherever, or whatever situation, I may be in. The time I break it is the day all my bones shall be broken by my mentor." She shivered and hugged herself. 'And that she-devil will not stop since she is capable of bringing her back from near-death.'

"Your mentor?" Ace chuckles. "So, you do have someone you fear, huh?" Other than your brother.

Meg dismissed his jab. "What? You going to agree or not? Remember, this is to help you. I am actually at the losing end in this deal."

"If you may, can you reveal the objective of your research first and why I have to be the subject?" Welp! Better safe than sorry.

Megumi sighed, "I aim to figure out how to unlock the civilians' (of this world) tenketsu and the possible effects of unlocking it on the human body.

I hit a rock in my research and I found it difficult to get past the hurdle of searching for a method of unlocking the chakra points." Her eyes lit up as it settled on Ace. "But then you made a small mistake!"

The fire user jumped in surprise, stuttering when the kunoichi grasped his hands. He was so flustered by the sudden gesture that his face to his neck  turned so red— the others even worried he might've had an allergic rection to an ingredient in the cookies or that he chocked on something.

"Ace, I need you— your cooperation shall bring a huge change among the people. It will be considered an evolution of humans. It will be great, I promise you!"

Ace awkwardly pulled his hand away. "I am not sure." He is reluctant to take part in it no matter how good she makes it seem. It was mere coincidence he drank her medicinal tea and he is not willing to be a lab rat exposed to multiple stimulus. He is not willing to do weird shit for her. Nope! "Sorry about this—"

"By the end of this, you may even walk on water!"

Wait, what?!

Ace found himself shaking her hand. "I am honored to work with you. Please take care of me."

"Pleasure's all mine. Sit! I will further share information about my findings."

Ace sat, but behind Meg he caught his brother and his friends shake their head, warning him to not allow her to explain.

With a heavy heart, he rejected her. "I don't think I need to know that much in order to continue to participate. Isn't it best that I know little information to not be biased and affect the outcome?"

Good thing his bluff managed to stop her or she would've talked his ears off.

"You're right. Your approval is enough, but do know you are free to walk out anytime. Just tell me, alright?"

Ace nods.

"What about my reward now? I agreed already where are the information?"

All excitement on the researcher's face dissipated. "Why are you in such a hurry? Not like the information is so flexible that it is updated every damn second." Meg scoffs.

Ace rolls his eyes. "I just want to receive my end of the bargain." He reasons.

"But we haven't even conducted an experiment yet!" She complains, wanting to buy time before revealing it.

"The deal is I become to be your test subject and you share the secret message. I became one when I agreed." He crosses his arms to display his stubbornness. "Now what is the message?"

Meg groaned, having shot herself on the foot. She turns to look at Luffy, pleading he'd help her, but the teen shrugged, having no idea how to pull her out of the web she tangled herself in.

Sulking, she sat down, her arms crossed but unlike Ace, she was reluctant and unconfident. She sneers as the man grins. Oh, how she wishes to punch that smile off his face.

Ace's entertainment was short-lived as he realized he got involved in witnessing Meg strip herself bare (not literally) and expose another sore spot. He really should've stopped when she refused to tell him that time.

He knew Meg for a short time, but he already knows too much to be considered a stranger.

He supposes it is true that it is easier to reveal your secrets to someone you do not know rather than those close to you.

After a minute of unnerving silence, Megumi looked over her shoulder, straight to her captain. "Cap, have I told you how I awakened my Sharingan?"

Albeit confused why she was conversing with him instead of his brother, Luffy shook his head.

Megumi cocked her head to the side, a wry smile painting her rosy lips. "Then," She turns back to Ace, eyes filled with resolution.

"May I tell a story?"








Holy crap! This is, by far, the longest chapter I have written yet. It's almost like my procrastination had put a lid on my love for writing that it finally burst and led to this hahaha! My caffeine-filled body is also a huge factor for this. My hatred for research also motivated me to continue writing. (Probably because I may have flunked my midterm in that subject LOL!)

Oh, yeah! Like Megumi, I have a story to tell.

A friend asked why I gave Megumi the epithet, "Red-eyed Rabbit", saying it doesn't suit her because a rabbit is the total opposite of her personality. It is friendly, cute, and fluffy unlike Megumi who is terrifying, aloof, and prickly.

First of all, she was given that name because of the association of her red eyes to that of a white rabbit. I'll admit it is not typical to call the World's Deadliest Assassin that name. There are also multiple Red-eyed animals out there but out of all of them, I chose rabbit. So, my friend wondered why.

I joked that it is confuse readers haha! (Partially the truth though) Also, it is much easier to remember. LOL!

Well, I believe there is nothing wrong with calling a character something opposite of their characteristics. But, I did that to make Megumi appear more aggressive than she truly is. Sure, assassinating marines and officials are cruel, but remember she doesn't kill without knowing that the person has committed gruesome crimes.

Her actions relay the opposite of a rabbit but her personality is that of one.

Megumi is intelligent, curious, a bit shy, timid, and high-spirited, but can also be willful, destructive, and vengeful. She shows her affections in uncharacteristic ways.

Remember, too, that just like rabbits, Megumi was in constant state of alert because she is continuously preyed upon in both worlds.

Rabbits are crepuscular, which meant they are mostly active at night, dusk, or dawn. And Meg is basically that, though she barely sleeps at all during the day.

A rabbit is also a slang for a sexually attractive young woman. (I do not think that needs elaboration)

There are more facts about rabbits that I can associate with Meg but I will stop here. Well, if you have more to add, feel free to do so.

Enjoy your day!


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