His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

42K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


153 6 0
By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 471 - Final Trigger


C471 - Final Trigger

Chapter 471 - Final Trigger

The door to the unit burst open and several men in black suits rushed inside. They were Jin Liwei’s subordinates who were assigned at the condominium building. Their main duty was to ensure the safety of everyone at the penthouse, especially when Iris and Jin Liwei stayed there. They were separate from the condo building’s security personnel headed by Jiang Ying Yue herself. These days, they also began serving as Viscountess Wei Lan’s bodyguards.

Behind these men, Wei Lan, Clover, Yi Mei, the cook and the other household staff from upstairs also squeezed themselves inside the unit. They were all carrying something in their hands as weapons. Wei Lan held a hair curling iron which was still hot, Clover a slipper, Yi Mei a broom, and the cook a butcher knife. The other household staff also held an assortment of pans, mops, belts, and even a net of big oranges.

They were all very worried because they immediately heard Little Jun’s screaming cries as soon as the door to the unit opened.

Jin Liwei’s subordinates planned on quickly immobilizing Long Hui but weren’t able to do so because someone already did it before them.

They found Long Hui groaning on the floor of the living room. He was curled into a pathetic ball while cupping his balls with his hands. Jiang Ying Yue stood some distance away from him, desperately trying to calm her son who continued his hysterical screaming at the top of his lungs. Little Jun was still frightened by the fight between his parents.

It appeared that Jiang Ying Yue had knocked Long Hui down on her own. Nevertheless, Jin Liwei’s subordinates still surrounded Long Hui. They pulled him up from the floor and restrained his limbs with their hands. It was obvious that he was still in pain from whatever Jiang Ying Yue did to him before everyone arrived.

Wei Lan was furious as she marched into the living room. She headed straight to Jiang Ying Yue and the badly frightened Little Jun and stood protectively in front of them. She glared at Long Hui and pointed the hot curling iron at him like a sword.

"How dare you barge in here and terrorize Ying Yue and Little Junie at this ungodly hour?! Wait till my daughter and son-in-law hear about this!!!"

She was so angry that she didn’t stretch her words like usual.

Little Jun finally realized that other people had arrived. He stopped screaming. Upon recognizing Wei Lan, he whimpered and sobbed while reaching out his little arms to her.

"Amma Weiyan...."

"Oh dear. Your Grandma Wei Lan"—cough cough—"has already forgotten how to hold a baaaabyyyyy. I might drop you so stay with your mommy for now. Okay, Little Junieeee?" Wei Lan told the child. (And the stretching of words was back again.)

Long Hui already somewhat recovered from the pain in his balls. He was angered by his son’s form of address to Wei Lan. He roared at Little Jun.

"Long Jun, that slut is not your grandmother! Don’t you dare call that fucking homewrecking slut Grandma!!"

This time, Little Jun knew that his daddy was angry at him. He shut his eyes tightly and buried his little head against his mother’s neck. He resumed wailing. Jiang Ying Yue became even more frantic and did her best to comfort her son.

Despite all the men restraining him, Long Hui didn’t stop. He was out of his mind from anger, jealousy and even hatred, especially after seeing Wei Lan acting very close and protective of Jiang Ying Yue and his son. He struggled against Jin Liwei’s subordinates, but they were all well-trained and very strong. They didn’t budge a bit. He couldn’t escape from them, so he continued roaring instead.

"Let me go! I’m Long Jun’s father! I have every right to take him with me! This place is not a suitable environment for him to grow up any longer. You’re all corrupting him! I don’t want my son to be raised by sluts! I’m going to take my son away from this depraved place and raise him as a Long! Give my son to me, Ying Yue! How dare you cheat on me?! I’m suffering so much in the clan because of you and this is the thanks I get?! Give Long Jun to me!!! If you don’t, watch me take him away from you soon!!! I’ll fight you to the death for our son’s custody!!!"

Wei Lan waved her curling iron at him, as if she wanted to whack, stab and burn him with it all at the same time.

"Say that again, you piece of sh—I mean, you brute!"

She stopped herself from cursing in coarse language after remembering that she was now a respectable viscountess. She still continued berating Long Hui, but this time, her tone sounded more elegant.

"Little Junie is better off being raised by Ying Yue and my daughter and son-in-law! Look how well-mannered he has become under their care! If the boy is raised inside the Long clan, who knows what kind of twisted snob he’ll grow up to be in the future?! Don’t be so proud of the Long clan. Accusing this place of being depraved is pure bullsh—I mean, pure nonsense! It’s the Long clan that is filled with depravity, backstabbing and backward mentality! Just look at yourself!"

Long Hui shot daggers at Wei Lan with his eyes. His expression was filled with pure hatred. Wei Lan was the reason why his parents divorced all those years ago. If only she didn’t become a legitimate wife, then his youngest sister would’ve been born illegitimate like the rest of the other mistresses’ children. Then his position in the clan wouldn’t have become this unstable because he would be the only legitimate child from the main family.

All the negative thoughts and emotions had twisted Long Hui’s logical reasoning. Today’s events of him thinking that his fiancée was cheating on him with another man and even bringing his son along on her date plus Wei Lan’s closeness to them were the final trigger. The pressure from his dwindling support and increasingly unstable position in the clan finally exploded with all its might.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 472 - You’ll Regret This


C472 - You’ll Regret This

Chapter 472 - You’ll Regret This

"Shut up, you old slut! This is none of your business!!!" Long Hui roared at Wei Lan.

"You!" Wei Lan was insulted. She looked like she was about to hit him with her curling iron.

Jiang Ying Yue couldn’t take it anymore. She burst into tears.

Clover was finally able to squeeze herself through the crowd in the living room. She took Little Jun from Jiang Ying Yue and then told her in a low voice, "My brother just messaged me. Boss and sir boss are already on their way here."

Before leaving, Clover glared at Long Hui and cursed at him in Filipino. Of course, nobody understood what she said but they knew that they were curse words based on her angry expression. After that, Clover took Little Jun to the penthouse. Yi Mei, the cook and some of the other household staff followed her, while the rest stayed with Jiang Ying Yue and Wei Lan.

When they were gone, Jiang Ying Yue faced the crazed Long Hui. She felt like she was looking at a stranger—a hostile stranger.

"What do you mean, Hui? You want to take my son away from me? You can’t do that! I’m his mother!!!" she cried.

"And I’m his father! You’ve already taken him away from me! I made so much effort to be with you but you always reject me! Even so, I still persisted because I love you and I want to have a complete, legitimate family with you and our son! But you’re so selfish! You only think about your own feelings! You don’t even consider about what’s good for our son! Just because you’re not in good terms with my relatives, you deprive my son of his chance to become legitimate! And now all of us are suffering because of it!!!"

Jiang Ying Yue had no response because there was some truth to what he said.

But what did he want her to do? Endure his relatives’ insults to her dignity while he remained comfortable in his position as heir? He wanted her to be the only one to sacrifice for all of them? And it wasn’t only her. She was certain that her son would also suffer from the Long relatives’ bullying because of her "lowly" status as the mother.

Long Hui continued, "I recommended you to my sister, even begged her to hire you so that you can at least be financially independent because you refuse to let me support you. Little did I know that your head will get so big that you’ll start forgetting all the things I did for you just because my sister and her man are giving you more than you’ll allow me to give you! And now you dare cheat on me with Jin Liwei’s fucking friend?! How dare you do this to me, Ying Yue?!!"

"No no no! I told you I never cheated on you. I still love you, Hui. Believe me. Please listen to me..." she pleaded to him.

"You’re lying!" He refused to listen to her.

Wei Lan interrupted them at this point. She turned to Jiang Ying Yue.

"Why are you begging this son of bi—I mean, this villain?! You stupid girl, if he doesn’t want to believe you, then it’s not your fault. He has already insulted you so much, yet you’re still telling him you love him? How pathetic! If dear Liwei did this to my daughter, she would’ve already cut his penis off and shoved it down his throat—I mean, she would’ve already left him and erased his existence from her life! If a man treats you like shi—I mean, if a man treats you unfairly, then he doesn’t deserve your love! Stop being stupid, girl! Grow a spine and leave him! You don’t need a man to raise your child!"

Then she quickly added, "You don’t need a man to raise a child, but make sure that he still pays child support. After all, you can’t raise a child in this highly commercialized society we live in without money. You can’t feed your son with your love alone. You need money to buy food, you know. Yes, money is veeeeeery important! Believe me, I know."

It was extremely difficult for Wei Lan to change her speech style and to prevent herself from speaking in her usual coarse language. However, she did her best to control herself and to act like a proper viscountess, even though all she wanted was to beat the shit out of the man insulting Jiang Ying Yue who she now considered as her own protégé.

Long Hui’s hatred for Wei Lan only intensified after hearing what she was teaching Jiang Ying Yue to do. He sneered at Jiang Ying Yue.

"Go and listen to that slut! No wonder you’ve turned into a slut as well! I don’t want a dirty, cheating woman who has fucked another man while still in a relationship! You disgust me, Ying Yue!"

Jiang Ying Yue marched towards him and slapped him hard on the face. The sound was so loud and sharp. Everyone in the unit heard it. She didn’t hold back. Even Jin Liwei’s subordinates who were restraining Long Hui winced a bit.

As for Long Hui, he felt like his head was almost snapped off from his neck. Jiang Ying Yue was a physically strong woman. It actually felt more like a battering ram than a regular slap given by a female. He even felt a little dizzy afterwards.

"Fine! If that’s what you think about me, then it’s better if we separate once and for all! From now on, we’re no longer in a relationship!" Jiang Ying Yue shouted at him while tears gushed down her face. Then she pulled the engagement ring from her finger and threw it at him.

The ring hit him in the chest and fell down to the floor, rolling in front of the coffee table before stopping alongside the fallen photos of Jiang Ying Yue, Little Jun and Lin Yehan.

Long Hui’s raging fury transformed into a cold one. His contorted angry face smoothed into a frozen mask of ice.

"You’ll regret this, Jiang Ying Yue. I’ll make you regret this," he warned her in a dangerous tone.

She faltered a bit before her mind played all of the insults that he threw at her. Then her heart turned cold.

"No, Long Hui. You’re the one who’ll regret this."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 473 - Stupid Girl


C473 - Stupid Girl

Chapter 473 - Stupid Girl

The tense atmosphere was interrupted when the leader of the men in black suits received communication from his earpiece. Then he announced to his colleagues that the master and the mistress would be arriving in about ten to fifteen minutes. It would normally take them longer to arrive because Dragon Palace Home #10 was quite far from the condo building, but it seemed that they were hurrying up, perhaps even going over the road’s speed limits.

Long Hui, Jiang Ying Yue and Wei Lan also heard the announcement.

A flash of panic appeared in Long Hui’s eyes. He redoubled his efforts to escape from the men restraining him. However, his efforts were useless.

Wei Lan looked relieved, saying, "Very goooood! Let’s wait for my daughter and son-in-law to arrive. In the meantime, don’t let that bully go. My daughter and Liwei will decide what to do with that villain."

"I’m going to leave now! Let me go!" Long Hui continued to struggle against the men holding him. "Ying Yue, tell them to let me go!"

Wei Lan pointed her curling iron at him again like a sword.

"Oh no no noooo! You’re not going to order Ying Yue around! You’re no longer in a relationship. You can’t influence her anymoooore!" Then she turned to Jiang Ying Yue. "Don’t listen to him, girl! Don’t be stupid anymore, okaaaay?"

Jiang Ying Yue didn’t respond to her. Instead, she looked at Long Hui with a sad and resigned expression. She wiped her tears and looked at the leader of Jin Liwei’s men.

"Let him go," she told him.

Wei Lan gasped . Jin Liwei’s subordinates were also taken aback but didn’t move, continuing to restrain Long Hui. As for Long Hui, he was also surprised. He stopped struggling to stare at her, examining her expression and trying to find out if she had any ulterior motives for requesting the men to let him go.

"Stupid girl! What are you doing?!" Wei Lan asked in complete disbelief.

Jiang Ying Yue wiped more tears before sighing. The hand she used to slap Long Hui was trembling. She could still feel the sting from the impact of her hand hitting his face. The slap didn’t feel satisfying at all. In fact, it broke her heart into a million pieces. She was already starting to feel numb from tonight’s emotional events, perhaps from shock. Before she could completely go numb, however, she gave this final act of compassion towards her former lover and the father of her child.

It was because she knew that once Iris and Jin Liwei arrived, the two would be completely merciless towards Long Hui. She had no idea what the two would do to him, but it certainly wouldn’t be pretty. Even if it wasn’t for her, they would definitely punish Long Hui for their beloved godson, Little Jun.

Yes, Long Hui hurt Jiang Ying Yue. He hurt her so badly that she was beginning to feel numb from too much pain. Despite this, there still remained some love for him inside her. Although it was now gradually dying because of how he hurt her, it was nevertheless still love. It was this dying love that made her soft-hearted for him even at this moment.

"Please let him go," she requested from the leader again. Then she added, "I’ll take full responsibility. Xiulan and Sir Liwei won’t punish you."

Jin Liwei’s subordinates hesitated. They all looked at their leader, waiting for his decision. In the end, the leader ordered his colleagues to release Long Hui. It was because he already grew friendly with Jiang Ying Yue. She was the head of the condo building’s security while he was the leader of Jin Liwei’s security team assigned to guard the people living at the penthouse. They interacted with each other a lot while working, not to mention that Jiang Ying Yue and Little Jun were also considered as residents of the penthouse even though they slept in another unit.

As soon as he was released, Long Hui didn’t waste any time and immediately ran out of the unit, but not before giving an "I’ll be back" glare at Jiang Ying Yue which crushed her already broken heart even more. He didn’t stop running until he was out of the building. He also ordered his driver waiting outside to step on the gas pedal and leave the area as quickly as possible.

Back inside the unit, Wei Lan was fuming at Jiang Ying Yue.

"I can’t believe this! I can’t believe you just let that asshole go! You stupid, stuuuuupiiiiid, STUPID girl!!! Did you see his expression before he ran out like the coward that he is? It’s so obvious that he’s afraid of directly confronting my daughter and my son-in-law! Why didn’t you wait for my daughter and dear Liwei to arrive? Mark my words, you stuuuuupiiiiid girl. That piece of shit will return and try to hurt you again! Even harder next time! The Longs are extremely prideful people. You wounded his pride tonight. He won’t forgive you for that. Gah! I’m so maaaaaaad!!!"

Wei Lan threw her curling iron at the floor in her anger. It didn’t break because it was extremely durable. Of course, it was also extremely expensive. It was even infused with diamond dust to increase its toughness. She had also already forgotten about her determination to not curse in coarse language. She was so mad. Endless curse words spilled out of her mouth.

Later, in the penthouse’s library office...

Iris and Jin Liwei sat together on one couch. Their matching cold expressions and intimidating aura made the surrounding subordinates break out in cold sweat.

Of course, this included Jiang Ying Yue who was sitting by herself on the opposite couch. She was feeling numb from everything that happened but still couldn’t stop herself from feeling intimidated and also guilty in front of the couple.

Standing alone by the tall windows like a dark emperor was Lu Zihao. He gazed at the night lights of the city outside, as if looking at his empire. His posture indicated that he was relaxed and easy-going as usual, but for some reason, Jin Liwei’s subordinates detected a great sense of danger emanating from him. It was even more intense than what they felt from their master and mistress combined.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 474 - Drained


C474 - Drained

Chapter 474 - Drained

Some of Jin Liwei and Lu Zihao’s subordinates stood by the door and in other strategic points of the library office. They stood like statues in their positions and made sure that nobody disturbed their employers.

Dom and Clover weren’t in the library office. The siblings accompanied Little Jun in Clover’s bedroom. The poor child was already asleep. However, it was a very fretful sleep. Droplets of tears escaped from the corner of his closed eyes. He also whimpered now and then.

As for Wei Lan, Iris didn’t allow her to join them at the library office. Iris felt annoyed by her nonstop complaining and scolding of Jiang Ying Yue. Wei Lan didn’t mind because she found an audience for her rants from the younger maids.

At the moment, Iris also felt very annoyed at Jiang Ying Yue. She agreed with Wei Lan calling Jiang Ying Yue a "stupid girl". Actually, Iris knew that Jiang Ying Yue let Long Hui go. Ketchup reported everything that was happening in the unit to her and Jin Liwei in real time while they were on their way to the condo building.

If Iris instructed Ketchup to do so, the virtual white cat would have locked Long Hui inside the building, not allowing him to escape even when Jiang Ying Yue and Jin Liwei’s subordinates had already let him go. However, Iris didn’t do it.


First, it was because she respected her friend’s decision.

Second, she wanted Jiang Ying Yue to realize that Long Hui wouldn’t appreciate her kindness and compassion tonight. Iris was sure that Long Hui would retaliate soon. Jiang Ying Yue needed to experience the full brunt of Long Hui’s true colours, so that she could finally toss away any of her remaining tender feelings for him.

Third, it wasn’t smart to detain Long Hui. He might start accusing them of unlawful detention and use it against them in public.

And fourth, they needed Long Hui to be foolish enough to retaliate on his own, so that they could gather more evidence against him to aid Jiang Ying Yue.

Iris thought of the first and second reasons, but Jin Liwei was the one who advised her about the third and fourth reasons. He was more well-versed in the country’s laws than her.

Lu Zihao also followed them on a separate car. He already knew about Ketchup and was very impressed. He was so impressed that he requested for Iris to make a separate version for his own personal use. Iris hadn’t agreed yet, though. She had to think about it very carefully first. After all, Ketchup wasn’t some simple software that she could give to her big brother like candy. The cat AI was basically a virtual baby hacker that was growing at an incredible rate. It was like having another Drakon—less experienced and not as skilled for now, but had the potential to become extremely formidable in the future.

By this time, Iris was already aware that Ketchup was evolving into something even more amazing than what she first expected. That was why she was being very careful in nurturing the virtual white cat. She didn’t want her baby to be used for nefarious means (except by her and her darling, of course).

Back to the present, the heavy atmosphere was interrupted by Lu Zihao’s smooth, devilish voice.

"Little sister, my subordinates are tailing that son of a bitch right now. Why don’t I order them to...teach him a lesson? Nothing too serious, don’t worry. We’ll leave a limb or two intact," he said in light tone that sounded like he was joking but also serious at the same time.

Jiang Ying Yue shivered, including some of the Jin Liwei’s newly hired subordinates who hadn’t experienced enough tempering yet.

"N-no, please..." Jiang Ying Yue said in a small voice.

Lu Zihao looked at her, raised an eyebrow and chuckled. Everyone would have believed that he was just joking, if his eyes didn’t look cold and emotionless. It made his charismatic laughter sound utterly demonic.

Jin Liwei observed his Fifth Brother with a barely discernible frown on his face. However, he didn’t say anything.

"Big Brother, leave it," Iris told him.

Lu Zihao just shrugged. He walked towards them and sat on an armchair, looking like a king sitting on his throne.

Iris wasn’t the least bit bothered by the dangerous aura he was emitting so strongly at the moment. In fact, she oddly felt comforted by it. It reminded her of her Big Brother Nikolai in their past lives.

Jin Liwei, however, felt a little disturbed by it. This Lu Zihao didn’t feel like his Fifth Brother. Nevertheless, he was trying to accept this new Lu Zihao. The two had a long talk a few nights ago. It was then that Jin Liwei learned that his Fifth Brother had changed so much. It wasn’t just his appearance. His personality and lifestyle had also drastically changed. Despite this, Jin Liwei still cared for him as one of his best friends and brothers, and also because he was extremely important to his baby girl.

Putting aside Lu Zihao’s potent and dangerous aura for now, Iris focused on Jiang Ying Yue. Her friend looked emotionally exhausted and weary. Iris’ heart softened. There was no use scolding Jiang Ying Yue at this time. Besides, it wasn’t her fault that Long Hui had become such a stupid asshole.

Iris sighed and said in a much gentler voice, "Let’s call it a night. We’re all tired. Let’s talk tomorrow instead. And hurry up. Go pack a bag. You and Little Jun will be temporarily living at Dragon Palace until the issue with your ex-fiancé is resolved. You’ll be safer there."

"I...alright. I’ll just commute back here every morning for work," Jiang Ying Yue replied.

"No, you won’t. I’m officially giving you an earlier and extended vacation starting tomorrow. Just use this time to comfort Little Jun. My godson needs you especially after what happened tonight. And also, the two of you need to complete your preparations. We’ll be going abroad very soon," Iris told her.

Jiang Ying Yue opened her mouth. Iris knew that she was about to change her mind about it, so she interrupted Jiang Ying Yue before she could do so.

"You and Little Jun are coming with us," Iris said in a firm tone. "It’s also safer if the two of you are always with us. It will make it harder for your ex-fiancé to bother you."

Iris had already stopped calling Long Hui as "Elder Brother". She now referred to him as Jiang Ying Yue’s "ex-fiancé". Besides, she never felt truly close to him, only tolerating him because of Little Jun and Jiang Ying Yue.

With that, the big group left Gold Heights to return to Dragon Palace Home #10. Wei Lan and Clover saw everyone off. The two decided to stay at the penthouse.

Jiang Ying Yue sat in the backseat of one of the vehicles while carefully cradling her sleeping son. She felt emotionally drained, gazing outside the window with empty eyes. She thought that this was the worst night of her life.

She was wrong.

Because a few days later, she would experience an even worse pain.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 475 - New Engagemen


C475 - New Engagemen

Chapter 475 - New Engagemen

Dragon Palace Home #10.

On Friday, Iris and Jin Liwei surprisingly stayed at home, even though both of them had very busy work schedules. Iris didn’t go to work at all, while Jin Liwei only went for half a day before returning home in the afternoon. As for Lu Zihao, he disappeared and reappeared at random times.

The fact that everyone was at home on a Friday, which was a workday, made Jiang Ying Yue suspect that something was going on that she wasn’t aware of. Both Iris and Jin Liwei were workaholics (in a good way). Jiang Ying Yue knew that the two no longer had any day off after the weekend the girl squad and Jin Liwei’s brothers gathered together at the mansion. Their schedule was full until the day they were scheduled to travel abroad. So why did the couple take a break from work today? It didn’t make sense to her. They also wouldn’t tell her anything. Even Dom remained tight-lipped.

She finally learned the reason why that afternoon. Iris, Jin Liwei, Jiang Ying Yue and Lu Zihao were lounging in the living area. It was only them. There were no subordinates watching over them this time. Dom was with Little Jun and the cats playing somewhere in the mansion. In the living area, Iris and the others were watching the TV when the afternoon news program started broadcasting.

Jiang Ying Yue froze at the next news report. It said:

"A representative of Long Hui, Deputy CFO and eldest son of President-CEO Long Tengfei of Long Industries, has released an official statement announcing his separation from his now former fiancée, Jiang Ying Yue, who is also the mother of his young son. No reason was provided for the break up as of this time. In the same announcement, his representative also shared delightful news of Deputy CFO Long Hui’s engagement to..."

The news anchor reported that Long Hui was now engaged to an heiress from another wealthy family. This particular family was old and had aristocratic origin, just like the Longs. All the families involved in the engagement—the heiress’ family, the Longs, and the Zhengs (Long Hui’s maternal family)—were reportedly delighted by this "perfect match made in heaven". The news anchor continued the report, saying:

"For those of you who don’t know, Deputy CFO Long Hui is the eldest half-brother of multi-award-winning musician Iris Long. His ex-fiancée, Jiang Ying Yue, is Iris Long’s former bodyguard turned close friend. Iris has also confirmed in the past that their young son is her godson..."

Jiang Ying Yue wasn’t able to hear the rest of the news report. Her mind had gone blank. It had only been three days since the night that she broke up with Long Hui, and yet he was already engaged to another woman? Her numbed heart gave a painful squeeze, but she didn’t cry. She still loved him, but the hurt he had given were drowning all the love she had for him. She felt empty inside instead thinking about him.

"You knew about this?" she asked Iris.

"Yes," Iris replied, not denying it. "Ketchup informed me. She had been monitoring that man ever since the night he barged into Gold Heights and made trouble with you and Little Jun."

Without Iris instructing her to do so, Ketchup had automatically placed Long Hui in the virtual black notebook. That was why she started closely monitoring Long Hui’s activities with the intention of finding incriminating evidence against him. The increasingly smarter cat AI did it based on her own judgment. Ketchup only informed Iris about it after Long Hui’s name was already placed in the virtual black notebook.

Iris had no problem with it because she already planned on instructing Ketchup to do it anyway. After this event, however, Iris decided that she needed to perform regular full scans on Ketchup in order to understand and control the direction of her evolution.

Ketchup was increasingly becoming independent which was one of Iris’ original goals in creating the AI in the first place. Thus, Iris didn’t have any issues about Ketchup developing a distinct independent personality. However, Iris was concerned about Ketchup frequently bypassing her original permissions like what she did when she placed Long Hui’s name on the virtual black notebook on her own. Iris didn’t give Ketchup permission to modify the virtual black notebook in any way without her authorization first, but Ketchup did it anyway.

Iris already scolded Ketchup, like a mother lecturing her young child. Ketchup apologized for being a bad kitty and promised not to do it again without her mommy’s permission. Iris was relieved hearing the virtual cat’s promise, but it made her realize that she couldn’t just leave Ketchup alone to learn things by herself. The advanced self-learning function that she developed was just too powerful. Who knew what kind of things Ketchup would randomly learn if left alone by herself?

The cat AI was like a child who needed direction and guidance. Iris informed Jin Liwei about it and both agreed to become stricter on Ketchup as if she was a real child.

Back to the present, Jiang Ying Yue just nodded at Iris. She didn’t blame Iris or the others for keeping the information about Long Hui’s new engagement from her. She understood that Iris must have wanted her to learn the news by herself and react on her own. Iris wasn’t the type to soften blows or completely coddle a friend. However, she would be there to show her support. Just like now. She and Jin Liwei both took time off work, even though they were insanely busy.

"Thank you," Jiang Ying Yue told them.

Iris sighed softly and told her, "It’s not over yet."

Right at that moment...

The most up-to-date novels are published on lightnovelworld[.]com

"Meow~ Excuse me, Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Zihao and Auntie Ying Yue. Sorry to bother you but I have something important to report," Ketchup politely interrupted them.

Iris and Jin Liwei looked like they already know what was going on.

"Go ahead, Ketchup," Jin Liwei said.

"Thanks, Daddy! Meow~ Asking permission to display video surveillance from Gold Heights Condo building on the TV..."

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⚠️رواية منحرفة خاصة للبالغين⚠️ وَقَعْتُ بِحُبِ رَجُلٍ ثَلٰاَثِينِيٖ قَاٰمَ بِتَرْبِيَتِيٖ إِنَكَ مُتَزَوِجْ يَاسَيِدْ جُيُوٰنْ قَتَلَ كُلْ مَنْ حَا...
95.4K 3.4K 57
After his first year at the Advanced Nurturing High School, Fukazawa Yato is about to start his second year as a student. With a better understanding...
105K 3.5K 57
𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐁𝐔𝐒 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐑𝐃 "𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘, 𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚢𝚕𝚎. 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚊 𝚖𝚘𝚝...