His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

42K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 426 - I’ll Return Soon


C426 - I’ll Return Soon

Chapter 426 - I’ll Return Soon

At the beginning, Eagle emulated Fantom’s style. As time passed, however, it became apparent that his personal style was completely different.

Fantom’s style was very indifferent to others’ opinions and also hada distinct "my pace" quality to it. He never felt compelled to prove his skills to anyone or show them off just to make his name known far and wide. In fact, it was other hackers who named him Fantom because he was like a phantom, barely leaving any traces behind. And if he did leave a trace, it was usually out of boredom and an obvious attempt to entertain himself, not because he wanted recognition.

As a result, many claimed to be Fantom, but they could never keep the façade up. They started insisting that they were Fantom and the moment they did so, they automatically proved that they weren’t because the real Fantom would never be so fame-hungry.

Fantom never concerned himself about others taking credit for his own accomplishments. It was as if he lived on a completely different dimension to the other hackers who competed against each other, while he just pranced around whenever he felt like it looking for something fun to do. He just let his own superior skills speak for themselves, instead of tooting his own horn like what the other hackers were doing.

Unlike Fantom’s self-assuredness, Eagle loved showing off his skills. It was only at the beginning that he tried following Fantom’s mysterious and indifferent style. But when it didn’t give him the attention and recognition that he wanted, he started making big splashes here and there to make his name known. Despite this, he would still revert to imitating Fantom’s mysterious style now and then.

If it was really Eagle who was hacking Jin Corporation right now and the one who hacked into the other top companies earlier that day, then he must’ve been imitating Fantom again. After all, he only breached the companies’ systems to check out the data, not really causing any damage.

It resembled Fantom’s style which was, for the most part, non-malicious. Hacking was mainly to satisfy curiousity, relieve boredom and to entertain.

Clearly, the hacker that day couldn’t fully imitate Fantom’s style. If it was Fantom who hacked into these top Chinese companies, they wouldn’t be able to detect any hacking at all unless Fantom left his iconic "notes" behind which would probably say something along these lines:

"Your system is trash. So many vulnerabilities. But I had fun plugging all of them! I can’t wait for you to improve your system so that I can have more fun hunting for vulnerabilities and plugging them all again. And oh, your CFO is embezzling your company funds. Just want to let you know. That’s all. Till next time. Bye!"

This was one of Fantom’s most well-known quirks. Depending on his mood, he would sometimes help others strengthen their cybersecurity. But if he discovered something he didn’t like or angered him during one of his "fun" hacking excursions, the companies or organizations he hacked into better prepare themselves if they wanted to survive complete collapse.

In contrast, Eagle—if it was really him—didn’t conceal the fact that he breached into these Chinese companies’ systems. Although he didn’t cause any irreparable damage to these companies (except for Jin Corporation right now), it seemed that he still wanted everyone to know that he hacked into their systems.

It was like he was showing off that he could do whatever he wanted with their systems, but they couldn’t do anything to stop him. That was until he encountered a formidable opponent while hacking Jin Corporation. All of a sudden, the gates were slammed shut in front of him and he couldn’t slip inside even further anymore no matter how hard he tried.

Back in the main computer control room, Jin Liwei’s employees were all in awe at the possibility that the two hackers currently battling it out right in front of their eyes might be Drakon and Eagle who were considered to be two of the greatest hackers of the new generation after Fantom.

Moments later, the intense hacking battle seemed to have stopped. Jin Corporation’s system was quiet again. However, the employees could see that it was continuously being repaired and fortified, so they knew that the second hacker—who might be Drakon—was still there.

"Is Eagle gone?" one of them asked.

A senior member of Jin Liwei’s personal tech team replied, "He should be. Look. His digital footprints in the system abruptly stopped. Why is that? I think that maybe the battle had migrated somewhere else away from our company’s system, especially since Drakon—if he’s really Drakon—put our system on lockdown. He made it inaccessible to Eagle—if he’s really Eagle."

The others nodded and agreed with his deductions.

Then he turned to his boss, Jin Liwei.

"President, is the second hacker Drakon?" he asked.

"No." Jin Liwei didn’t hesitate to reply.

"But the first hacker, who might possibly be Eagle, called him Drakon."

Jin Liwei gave his employees a frosty look. "You’re not even sure if the first hacker is really Eagle or not, and you believe him more than me?"

"O-of course not, President. I-I see... So it’s not Drakon..."

But even as this person said this, he couldn’t stop himself from doubting his boss. He already had a suspicion before that his boss had a connection with Drakon, especially when Jin Liwei showed him and a couple of his colleagues some portions of those unbelievably detailed reports. Jin Liwei had never confirmed anything, but they all suspected that the reports came from Drakon or a hacker of a similar level.

An hour later, the access rights and the system controls were returned to them. Then all of a sudden, the computer screens displayed a message. It said:

"I know who all of you are. I know everything about you. You didn’t see anything tonight. If you did and you tell anyone, I’ll know about it for sure—and I’LL DESTROY YOU! Be good and erase this night from your memories. Good night!"

The message may have disappeared shortly after, but it was forever imprinted in the employees’ minds and filled them with fear. They paled and shivered.

They had all witnessed the skills of the two hackers who battled it out tonight. Knowing that they would be powerless if one of the hackers decided to destroy them, they had no choice but to surrender to the threat.

Jin Liwei knew that the message was sent by his baby girl. He took this as cue to take control of the situation.

Because his employees were afraid of the threat, it was very easy for him to make them swear not to divulge anything that happened tonight. They even agreed to sign a special NDA just for this incident. They didn’t even question him when he assigned a couple of their senior members who were the most skilled among them to pretend that they were the ones who fought against the first hacker.

At first, the two were reluctant to do it. They were afraid that Eagle—if it was really him—might attack them if he discovered that they were pretending to be the ones who stopped him from completely accessing Jin Corporation’s data. Just the thought of being the target of a world-class hacker was enough to fill them with terror.

"Don’t worry. I assure you that you’ll be fully protected from any danger. You have my word. Of course, you and your families will also receive lifetime compensation for this inconvenience," Jin Liwei told them.

Although they were still worried, their eyes lit up when compensation was mentioned. If it was for their families, they would do it. So they accepted Jin Liwei’s offer.

Then Jin Liwei’s phone vibrated. It was another text message from his baby girl. It said:

"You’ve chosen two? Bring them to see me when you come home. I’m busy at the moment, so I might not be able to contact you again until I’m done. I love you, darling. Don’t reply."

Like before, the text message deleted by itself.

Jin Liwei frowned. It seemed that his employees’ deduction earlier was correct. The battle hadn’t ended yet but only migrated somewhere else. His baby girl was still fighting.

He wished that he could help her, but all he could do at the moment was to make sure that her efforts in defending his company’s system wasn’t put to waste. He immediately instructed his employees to scan the company’s entire system and make sure that it was up and running again for the next workday in a few hours.

While the members of the IT and security departments were taking care of the system, Jin Liwei called his fellow executives for an emergency meeting. His summon dragged them from their sweet slumbers but they had no choice but to rush to the company in the middle of the night.

They had to strategize the best way to appease their clients regarding the breached data. And they had to do it as soon as possible.

It was already past 3 AM. Jin Liwei hadn’t had any sleep yet. However, he didn’t feel the least bit sleepy. Tired, yes. But sleepy? No.

He was extremely worried for his baby girl who must still be battling against the other motherfucking hacker. She was someone who loved sleeping well, and it pissed him off that someone dared to force her to stay up all night with no sleep. Since it was partly his fault, it pissed him off even more.

If only he could fight the battle for her. Unfortunately, all he could do was to believe in her skills.

He left his employees in the main computer control room and headed up his office at the top floor. He intended on taking a quick nap before his fellow executives arrived for their meeting.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated yet again. It was a text message but not from his baby girl. Instead, it was from his Fifth Brother, Lu Zihao. It said:

"Third Brother, I know what happened tonight. Bring my little sister back to Dragon Palace as soon as possible. It’s safer at the mansion than at the penthouse. I’m currently out of town, but I’ll return soon to provide extra security. That hacker’s background is possibly VERY DANGEROUS. We mustn’t let him trace my sister. Don’t reply."

Then the message deleted by itself.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 427 - Caught By Surprise


C427 - Caught By Surprise

Chapter 427 - Caught By Surprise

The next morning, as people rose for another workday, they were bombarded by an alarming news that Jin Corporation, the number one company in the country had been hacked. Many were shocked because they always had the impression that Jin Corporation was invincible. It had always reigned at the top ever since Sir Lu Jianhong and the grandfather of CEO Jin Liwei successfully made it so.

However, there were those who already expected that Jin Corporation would be targeted after hearing yesterday that some of the other top companies were hacked. As the number one company in the country, Jin Corporation was actually more susceptible to cyber attacks than any other companies because it stored the most data from its hundreds of millions of clients. This alone was already a great temptation to many evildoers.

At the moment, all of the affected companies were in full damage control mode. Each of them held their own press conferences. It was an extremely busy day for the media, as they sent their journalists and reporters to attend all of these conferences.

The companies admitted that about 90-100% of their data were breached by the hacking incident yesterday. As soon as these figures were announced, their clients unsurprisingly went into uproar.

After giving a formal apology, the companies promised that they would do everything in their power to increase their system security so that something like this wouldn’t happen again in the future.

Now that these companies were finished with their own press conferences, everyone was waiting for Jin Corporation’s turn. Among the country’s top companies, Jin Corporation had the most to lose in this hacking incident. There were many who were eagerly anticipating its downfall, so that they could finally have the chance to occupy its long-held throne of being the number one company in the country.

Alas, they were bound to be disappointed.

Instead of sending out a spokesperson like what most of the affected companies did, Jin Corporation actually sent out its own President-CEO Jin Liwei to speak directly to the media in the press conference. This sent out a powerful message that the company head wouldn’t cower from facing this predicament head on.

As usual, Jin Liwei looked tall, handsome and extremely gorgeous in his immaculate custom-made tailored business suit. His expression was cold and serious. He wasted no time in providing the details about his company’s state after the hacking incident.

"I regret to announce that 48% of our clients’ data had been breached during last night’s cyber-attack—"

Gasps resounded all over the press conference hall. Even those watching the press conference’s live broadcast and livestream were shocked upon hearing what he said.

Jin Liwei continued speaking in a grave tone. "48% is a huge number. I and everyone at Jin Corporation vehemently condemn last night’s cyber-attack! We deeply apologize to our valued clients in not preventing and stopping this data breach in a timelier manner—"

"CEO Jin! Please repeat the percentage of Jin Corporation’s data breach! We heard you say 48%, but is that figure really accurate? Isn’t it supposed to be higher than that? The other companies reported 90-100%! Aren’t you just downplaying the real number to appear better than the other companies also affected by the cyber-attack?" a reporter suddenly asked him.

Silence pervaded the press conference hall, as Jin Liwei’s expression turned colder.

Jin Liwei was displeased that he was interrupted in the middle of speaking. It showed on his countenance, making him appear even more intimidating.

Although the reporter felt scared of Jin Liwei’s aura, he didn’t back down. It was his job as a reporter to ask these questions.

Fortunately, Jin Liwei didn’t make it hard for the reporter and answered all of the questions.

"Yes, 48% is accurate. Not lower, not higher. And no, I’m not downplaying the real number. It is exactly 48%. Jin Corporation will release an official report soon, including the exact percentage of the data breach which I already mentioned to be 48%. We’ll submit the report to the authorities for investigation and are willing to face any punishment if our figures are found to be inaccurate."

He looked at the reporter who asked him the questions. Of course, he didn’t forget to throw shade at the reporter for interrupting him.

"In case you don’t know, there is something called a Q&A session after this. Press conferences usually have that portion after the speaker finishes speaking without interruption. I would’ve gladly answered your questions then, but perhaps this is your first press conference so you aren’t aware how things work."

The reporter turned red after Jin Liwei directly spoke to him. This wasn’t his first press conference at all. He had been a reporter for many years now, so of course he knew how things worked. It was just that most companies and organizations always wanted to present a good image to the press and the public, so they rarely scolded reporters like this. He had momentarily forgotten that Jin Corporation had strict press conference rules, especially when the main speaker was their cold and intimidating President-CEO Jin Liwei.

Afterwards, Jin Liwei continued speaking uninterrupted. He revealed that two of his employees—whose identities wouldn’t be publicly revealed for security reasons—were able to stop the hacker from accessing the remaining 62% of data.

"Jin Corporation is very fortunate to have such valiant, loyal, and highly-skilled experts working for us. We aim to train more highly-skilled people like them and most importantly, to improve our current system so that something like this won’t happen again in the future. Nevertheless, I still believe that 48% is too much. We ask our valued clients to cooperate with us in resecuring all of your information stored with our company."

Jin Liwei finished his speech and opened the floor for the Q&A session. He answered all of the questions in a clear and concise manner. He maintained his composure the entire time.

However, the last set of questions before the press conference ended completely caught him by surprise.He didn’t expect to be asked such questions at a time and place like this.

"CEO Jin, when do you plan to introduce your fiancée to the public? Are you even planning on showing her to everyone or are you going to keep her out of the public eye? And also, when is the wedding?"

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 428 - Is She Out Yet?


C428 - Is She Out Yet?

Chapter 428 - Is She Out Yet?

Everyone’s eyes lit up in interest after hearing the questions. They also wanted to know. They all looked at Jin Liwei with expectant expressions. The hacking incident was momentarily forgotten, as they waited for him to answer the questions...or if he would even answer them in the first place.

After recovering from his initial surprise, Jin Liwei’s eyes became gentle and less cold. However, only people who were close to him and knew him well noticed the difference. His loyal assistant, Xu Tian, of course noticed the slight change in his expression. But to others, Jin Liwei still looked cold and intimidating as usual.

"Soon. Yes, I want to show her off to the whole world. The wedding will be when she’s ready," Jin Liwei answered all of the questions in a terse manner.

The reporters still wanted to ask him more questions, but he already began to leave. He was escorted out of the press conference by his subordinates and Xu Tian, while ignoring the reporters continuing to throw questions at him.

When they reached a more private area of the company building, Jin Liwei finally relaxed a bit. He quickly rolled his shoulders and massaged his temples and eyelids. It had already been more than 30 hours since he last slept. After receiving his Fifth Brother’s text message hours ago, his plan of taking a nap was forgotten.

He couldn’t stop worrying about his baby girl because of it. At the same time, he also wondered how his Fifth Brother was able to know everything that happened. It also seemed that he had acquired some hacking abilities or perhaps had a hacker on his side. Jin Liwei intended to ask him once he returned.

It had been a long time since he last saw and spoke with his Fifth Brother in person. Jin Liwei felt like Lu Zihao was only becoming more and more mysterious the longer that they hadn’t seen each other.

But regardless of his increasing mysteriousness, there was one thing that Jin Liwei was still sure of about his Fifth Brother. It was that Lu Zihao felt as protective as him towards his baby girl.

He had already accepted the fact that his baby girl and Fifth Brother had a special bond between them. It still made him jealous sometimes, but now he recognized that there wasn’t anything sexual or romantic about their bond.

The two just treated each other like siblings. Really close siblings. In fact, it was obvious that Iris cared more about Lu Zihao than her own flesh and blood siblings.

Jin Liwei also found it a little odd that Lu Zihao appeared like he was increasingly treasuring his bond with Iris more than the brotherhood between them, the five best friends. It wasn’t just Jin Liwei who was noticing this, but their three other brothers as well.

Their Eldest Brother, Lin Yehan, was particularly unhappy about it. But since Iris had now become an important part of all of their lives, he couldn’t really place all the blame on her. Besides, she was instrumental in making his new tea company profitable. His earlier prejudice against her was now gone.

As for Jin Liwei, he didn’t want to feel too concerned about the special bond between Iris and Lu Zihao, especially if it meant that his baby girl would have more protection. He was curious about what kind of "extra security" his Fifth Brother would provide when he returned.

Back to the present, Jin Liwei wanted to go home and bring his baby girl back to the mansion just like what his Fifth Brother told him. However, when he called the penthouse earlier that morning, Dom informed him that she hadn’t left the computer room yet. Jin Liwei figured that she was still busy battling against the motherfucking hacker Eagle or whatever the son of a bitch was called.

So he had no choice but to refrain from disturbing her because he knew that any mistake on her part might give the opponent a chance to trace her. It was too dangerous! He just asked Dom to call him as soon as she came out of her computer room. While waiting for Dom’s updates, Jin Liwei busied himself leading everyone in his company to deal with the aftermath of the cyber-attack.

And now that the press conference ended, his first concern was still about her. He turned to his assistant, Xu Tian.

"Any updates from the penthouse?" he asked.

"Dominic Chua texted that Miss Long hasn’t come out yet and to please call him as soon as you’re available," Xu Tian replied.

Jin Liwei frowned. She hadn’t come out yet? She had been inside for close to fifteen hours now!

He forced himself to calm down and nodded at Xu Tian. Then he entered an empty meeting room along the way. Xu Tian and his subordinates guarded the door outside, while he made a phone call.

Dom picked up after just two rings.

"Hello, sir boss!"

"Is she out yet?" Jin Liwei immediately asked.

"Not yet," Dom replied.

Jin Liwei’s frown deepened.

"Sir boss, I didn’t tell anyone else that boss is inside the computer room because I know that she doesn’t like to be disturbed whenever she’s inside. But I’m now getting so worried because it has been so long. She hasn’t eaten anything yet! She doesn’t eat much, but she never starves herself! What’s more, she missed her work appointments today. Big Sis Yiyi has been calling me nonstop asking where boss is. Junie boy is crying for his mama because he didn’t see her during breakfast. Madam boss has also been looking for her. Ice Cream and Popcorn know where their mommy is and are waiting at the library office outside the computer room. I’m starting to freak out now, sir boss! What if...what if boss fainted inside and she’s in coma again?!!! I’m so scared!!! Wuwuwu! Okay, that’s it! I’m going to grab a metal pipe or something and break the door open!"

Dom’s panic also affected Jin Liwei. It felt like his heart just dropped to the ground. His entire body felt cold, remembering the agonizing feeling of seeing his baby girl faint right in front of his eyes and fall into coma.

’Not again. Please be okay,’ he chanted inside him.

Taking a few deep breaths, he fought against the rising panic inside him and forced himself to calm down.

"Dominic, calm down. Don’t do anything extreme. I’m coming home right now," Jin Liwei told Dom. "Wait for me. If she doesn’t come out or respond to our attempts of contacting her when I arrive, we’ll break inside her computer room."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 429 - Break It Down


C429 - Break It Down

Chapter 429 - Break It Down

Even when Jin Liwei was still very busy at the company, he excused himself and left. Nobody complained because they knew that he hadn’t slept yet and had been awake for more than30 hours since yesterday. His assistant, Xu Tian, stayed at Jin Corporation just in case something happened during his absence.

Jin Liwei’s subordinates drove him back to the penthouse.

A second car followed, carrying the two members of his personal tech team who he assigned to pretend as the ones who stopped the hacker from yesterday.

Although exhausted and sleep-deprived, Jin Liwei was unable to take even just a short nap because he felt too worried about his baby girl. He hoped that she would come out of the computer room soon.


Gold Heights Condominium.

The elevator door opened.

"Papa! Papa!"

Little Jun immediately ran to Jin Liwei as soon as he emerged from the elevator. The little guy was so excited that he ran too fast and tripped on his own little feet. Fortunately, Jin Liwei caught him before he fell on his face.

"Careful, Little Jun," Jin Liwei gently scolded his godson. Then he lifted the child and carried him in his arms.

Little Jun wrapped his little arms around Jin Liwei’s neck and hugged him tightly. Jin Liwei kissed his godson’s forehead and walked into the living area.

His subordinates didn’t bat an eye seeing this scene. They were already used to it. They knew the nature of their master and mistress’ relationship with the child.

However, the two members of Jin Liwei’s personal tech team who was following closely behind him didn’t know. Their eyes almost popped out of their heads, as they witnessed such an unbelievable scene right in front of their eyes.

Did they just hear the child call the President..."papa"?!!

The President had a child already?!!

He and hisfiancée hadn’t married yet, right? Then did this mean that they already had a child together before marrying?!!


Their minds went blank and they just stood there staring like stupid idiots at Jin Liwei and Little Jun.

The nanny greeted Jin Liwei. It was only her and Little Jun in the living area before Jin Liwei’s group had arrived. The TV was playing an afternoon kiddie show.

Jin Liwei nodded at her. "Take Little Jun. I’m going to the library office. Dominic is still in there, right?"

"Yes, sir. He’s in there with the cats doing some paperwork, I think. The Young Miss Xiulan is...uh, I think she left for work early this morning when everybody else was still sleeping. I wonder why she didn’t take Dom with him like she usually does..."

Then the nanny gave Jin Liwei a quick report about where everybody else was. "Clover is still at work. Madam Wei Lan went to the spa. She took a couple of the maids with her. Miss Ying Yue is currently doing her security rounds downstairs. Grandma Yi Mei and the others are working in the rooms."

"I see," Jin Liwei murmured as he handed the toddler to her. He was currently distracted and couldn’t wait to head to the library.

Unfortunately, Little Jun didn’t want to let go of his neck.

"No! Junjun want Papa! Junjun want Mama!" Then Little Jun started sobbing. "Mommi! Dada! Dada gone! Junjun want Dada!"

Jin Liwei froze. His chest tightened as his godson’s tears soaked his neck and collar. It seemed that the child had been affected by his father’s absence more than they first thought. So that was the reason why recently, Little Jun was becoming more clingy than usual. The poor kid was probably afraid that they would all be gone like his father.

’Long Hui, you stupid son of a bitch. This is all your fault,’ Jin Liwei mentally cursed the man while patting his godson’s back in an effort to calm him down.

The nanny was trying to take Little Jun from Jin Liwei but she couldn’t because the child was now having a full-blown tantrum. His little arms were wrapped around his papa’s neck in a vice-like grip.

Jin Liwei sighed and waved the nanny away. "It’s alright. I’ll take him," he told her. Then in a gentle but stern voice, he talked to his godson. "Little Jun, be good. Your mama will be upset if she sees you crying like this."

The intensity of Little Jun’s cries decreased upon hearing about his mama. However, he continued whimpering softly. He lifted his little head and looked up at Jin Liwei with his pitiful, tear-filled face.

"Papa stay? Junjun want Mama. Junjun sad."

"Don’t worry, Little Jun. Papa and Mama won’t leave you," Jin Liwei whispered.

’We’re not like that father of yours who’s an idiot and a coward,’ he inwardly added.

He kissed Little Jun’s forehead. Then he took a small clean towel from the nanny and wiped the child’s tears and snot. Afterwards, he turned to his subordinates and his two tech people behind him.

"All of you, come with me."

Jin Liwei started walking while still carrying Little Jun in his arms. His subordinates immediately followed.

His two tech people were a little late in reacting because they were still dazed. They followed the group while continuing to stare like stupid idiots at the President acting like a father. They just couldn’t believe it!

Since Jin Liwei didn’t tell her to follow, the nanny decided to stay in the living room.

Finally, the group arrived at the library.

A streak of orange shot towards Jin Liwei. A big grey furball followed in a more leisurely manner. They greeted Jin Liwei with loud meows while rubbing their bodies against his legs.

"Ash Kweem! Popkohn!" Little Jun exclaimed and wriggled out of Jin Liwei’s arms. His tears were immediately forgotten upon seeing his cat cousins.

Jin Liwei put him down so that the cousins could play together.

The two members of his tech team immediately recognized the two cats.

"Oh, it’s Young Miss Ice Cream and Young Master Popcorn."

Popcorn also recognized them. The friendly cat greeted them with a quick meow. On the other hand, Ice Cream just gave them an indifferent look before proceeding to ignore them.

’Hmph! Two new slave-wannabes have come to my territory. Such nuisance,’ her expression seemed to say.

"Sir boss! You’re finally here!" Dom appeared. "Wuwuwu! Boss hasn’t come out yet!!!"

Jin Liwei’s expression turned extremely serious. His lips pressed together into a thin line.

"Distract my godson and take him and the cats out of the library. Give them to the nanny and then come back here," Jin Liwei told him.

Dom immediately obeyed. Just like the Pied Piper, he lured the toddler and the cats out of the library with the promise of yummy rice pudding (one of Little Jun’s favourites) and kitty treats.

When they left, Jin Liwei led his subordinates and his two tech people in front of the nondescript door of the computer room.

Jin Liwei pressed the built-in intercom button but there was no answer. He tried calling his baby girl’s phone a few times but his calls all went to voice mail. After several attempts of contacting her to no avail, he finally made his decision.

"Break it down," he ordered his subordinates.

They nodded and immediately examined the door.

"Master, this kind of door can’t be pried open manually. We have to blow it up with controlled explosives."

Jin Liwei already figured as much. "Will Xiulan be safe inside?" he asked.

"Don’t worry, Master. The explosives we’ll use will only blow up the door’s circuitry and its lock mechanisms. They wouldn’t damage anything else besides the door. The Mistress will not be harmed."

"Alright. Do it."

"Understood, Master."

His subordinates immediately went to work. One of them distributed safety gears for everyone to wear while the others started preparing explosives.

Dom also returned. When he learned about their plan, he started freaking out but quickly calmed down when he was assured that his boss would be safe inside. He started praying in a corner instead.

The two tech people had no idea what was going on. They felt very confused. From what they gathered from the conversations, it seemed that the President’s fiancée was trapped behind the locked door. They wanted to ask for more information but couldn’t find the courage and the right timing. The atmosphere was too tense. Their President’s aura was also more frightening than usual.

When one of the subordinates was about to start sticking the explosives on the door, it suddenly opened.

A shadow streaked out and tackled the man on the floor. He grunted, as his whole body reeled in shock from the cannon-like force that hit him from behind. But the worst thing was that his neck was violently pulled back from behind in a brutal stranglehold.

"Mi-mistress...ugh... I-it’s me! Please let...go...."

The poor subordinate wheezed and quickly tapped his hand on the floor in desperate surrender. His vision was starting to black out. If this continued, he would soon lose consciousness.

"Love? Love! Love...calm down. It’s us. It’s me. Let go of him, okay?"

Jin Liwei quickly wrapped his arms around the attacker’s body while gently trying to loosen her arms from completely choking his subordinate.

Iris finally recognized them.


"Yes, it’s me. Let go of him, love. He’s losing consciousness," Jin Liwei told her in a calm but urgent tone.

"Oh, sorry." Iris quickly let go of the poor man’s neck.

Jin Liwei helped her up but also pulled her quite a distance away from his subordinate who was now gasping pitifully on the floor.

Iris looked at everyone wearing safety gear. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Then she looked at the equipment on the floor. They looked familiar. It took her a few seconds before she was able to recognize them.

Her face contorted in anger.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 430 - Hello Daddy


C430 - Hello Daddy

Chapter 430 - Hello Daddy

"Ketchup is right! She detected dangerous objects outside the door, that’s why I attacked!"

Jin Liwei frowned in confusion. "Ketchup?"

"Jin Liwei, have you lost your mind? Why would you bring explosives into our home?!! We have children here!!!"

Of course, she was referring to Little Jun and the cats.

"Remove them from our home! Immediately!"

"Do what she says," Jin Liwei ordered his subordinates while starting to remove his safety gear.

They nodded and started carefully packing everything back into the bags. One of them assisted his colleague who was now thankfully recovering from the Mistress’ brutal stranglehold earlier.

Iris was still fuming at discovering that the men brought actual explosives into their home. The last time she saw explosives, the estate she was living in was being bombarded into extinction. She had also died that fateful night.

Although she didn’t have much reaction back then, it was a different story now. She now cared about everyone living in this household. Any threat to their safety would trigger her.

"Jin Liwei, what were you thinking?!! I can’t believe—umph!"

The subordinates averted their eyes and silently resumed their tasks, while Dom snickered his usual "ehehe". They were already used to their bosses’ public displays of affection.

While the others were already used to such PDAs, the two tech people weren’t! They were once again shocked by the unbelievable sight before them.They never imagined that their cold and scary President was the type to...to k-kiss a woman so passionately in front of other people.

Kyaaah! So embarrassing!

They both turned red, wanting to avert their eyes but couldn’t because the sight was just too riveting.

As for the shameless couple who had (as usual) already forgotten that there were other people in the room besides them, they continued kissing each other hungrily.

Iris had already long melted in her darling’s embrace. Her earlier fury had quickly transformed into desire.

Jin Liwei slowly separated their glistening mouths. Then he kissed the top of her head and heaved a big sigh of relief at seeing her alright.

Iris wanted to kiss more but when she looked at his face closely, she was alarmed at what she saw. It was only then that she realized how exhausted he looked.

His eyes were bloodshot, droopy and a bit swollen. The dark circles under his eyes stood out even more with his noticeably paler skin. She could also sense that his entire body was worn out.

Her brows furrowed in worry. She framed his face with her hands.

"Darling, don’t tell me you haven’t slept yet?" she asked.

He didn’t reply.

She already knew the answer.

"Was it really that bad in Jin Corporation? Did the hacking incident made you so busy that you have no time to even take a nap? Sleep is very important, darling. You can’t abuse your body like that," she told him.

He took one of her hands from his face and then kissed her palm. "Yes, I was very busy. But I was more worried about you, love. I was told that you didn’t come out of the computer room even once. You’ve been inside for more than fifteen hours! How can I not worry?"

"Oh." She bit her lip.

"Was the son of a bitch that tough?" he asked in a whisper so that the others couldn’t hear them.

She tilted her head to the side and also whispered. "Who?"

"That hacker Eagle or whatever the hell he’s called."

"Oh, that guy? Yes, he’s tough and skilled. I’ll give him that. But he still has a long way to go before he reaches my level. He’s too much of a hothead, so he has a tendency to lose his cool. Then his skills start to slip as a result. Not really a good quality to have in a hacker, in my opinion. I’ve encountered more formidable hackers than him in the past."

Her eyes suddenly had a faraway look in them.

"Now those guys were amazing...and scary. But I like that they’re very challenging. I lost more than I won against them, though. But it’s alright. They just make me want to improve my skills even more so that one day, I’ll be able to win more against them than lose. Sounds fun, right?"

Jin Liwei may not fully understand her but he would always support her no matter what.

"En," he said, nodding. "So you defeated that Eagle bastard?"

"Of course." She lifted her chin in a proud manner.

"I’m glad," he said, chuckling. Then he grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Sorry, love. It’s my fault that you had to spend fifteen hours battling against that son of a bitch."

Iris bit her lip again. "Uh...actually, darling... I only spent a couple more hours dealing with him after my last text message to you. I almost traced him but then the coward turned tail and escaped. I have some leads, but I bet that the majority of them are fake identities. I already put him on my watch list, though. It’s only a matter of time before I’ll be able to uncover who he really is."

Jin Liwei was about to discourage her from pursuing the motherfucker’s identity after remembering his Fifth Brother’s warning, but then he frowned at something she said.

"Wait, love. Did you just say that you finished dealing with him in two hours after your last text to me? What were you doing afterwards then? You were inside the computer room for fifteen hours! You weren’t answering our calls. We were so worried! I thought something bad had happened to you inside. That’s why I ordered my subordinates to break down the door."

Iris felt guilty, but then she also frowned after realizing something. "You were going to break my door with explosives?! Jin Liwei, are you crazy?!"

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"Those are controlled explosives. They won’t damage anything other than the door and they most definitely won’t hurt anyone here at home. Long Xiulan, you haven’t answered my question yet. What were you doing inside for fifteen fucking hours?! Don’t you know how worried I was?!" he asked through gritted teeth.

It was obvious that he was angry but he was doing his best not to raise his voice at her.

Seeing his self-control only made Iris feel even more guilty. "I...I was working on one of my pet projects. I suddenly had a great moment of inspiration after the hacking battle. It allowed me to develop it so much just this morning. I finally progressed when I struggled with it for so long before. And afterwards, I was very tired so I...I slept..."

Jin Liwei inhaled sharply and gave her a look of disbelief.

"I’m sorry, darling!" Iris threw herself onto his chest and hugged him. "I have a tendency to forget everything elsewhenever I become too absorbed in what I’m doing. Sorry for forgetting to contact you! I should’ve known that you’ll worry."

He didn’t reply.

"Don’t be mad anymore, darling. I promise I won’t do it again," she whispered and showed him her puppy eyes.

He felt extremely exasperated with her, but how could he resist her when she was looking at him like that? All he could do was sigh, suddenly feeling even more exhausted than he already was.

"Alright. Just don’t do it again." He gently poked her nose with his forefinger.

"I promise."

Iris was relieved that the situation was resolved without them fighting. It was during moments like this that she would discover that she was actually quite a selfish and thoughtless person. Being in a relationship was slowly revealing her own inadequacies as a person and the things that she never bothered caring before when she only had to think about herself.

Now, however, her actions didn’t just affect her alone. They also had a direct effect on her lover, Jin Liwei, and she had to make sure to always remember that from now on.

"Darling, you look like you’re going to collapse any moment. Come, let’s go to the bedroom. You need to sleep first," she told him.

Suddenly, there was a loud gasp.

"Iris Long?! You’re Iris Long, right?!" one of Jin Liwei’s tech people finally recognized her.

"Holy shit, you’re right! I was wondering why she looks so familiar! She’s Iris Long!" the other one also exclaimed.

"Yes, I’m Iris Long," she answered them before returning her attention to Jin Liwei. "They’re the ones you’ve chosen?"

"En. You should speak to them now. I’ll accompany you."

"Another time. You need to sleep first."

"I’ll sleep later. Let’s just get it over with. I don’t want them staying here any longer than necessary," he said. Then he gave his employees a cold glare, not liking how they were gawking at his baby girl.

Iris was reluctant at first but she gave in when he insisted. After giving quick instructions to Dom about her missed work appointments, she invited Jin Liwei and the two members of his tech team inside her computer room.

The two tech people were once again dazed upon learning that she was actually Iris Long. They followed her and their President without any understanding of what was going on.

By this time, Jin Liwei’s subordinates had already left to get rid of the explosives they brought with them.

Despite his exhaustion, Jin Liwei felt excited.This was the first time that he would be entering her computer room. He only caught glimpses of what was inside before. He always felt curious about what it was actually like inside.

As soon as they entered and the door silently closed behind them, a child’s voice suddenly spoke. The sound seemed to come from all directions.

"New people detected.

"Scanning now... Meow~

"First person scanned matched the profile of...

"Jin Liwei...President-CEO of Jin Corporation...

"Also Mommy’s lover and future husband. Meow~"

Then the nearest computer monitor lit up and displayed a pure white cat with beautiful green eyes. It looked just like Ice Cream and Popcorn, so it must also be a British Shorthair.

"Meow~ Ketchup greets Daddy Jin Liwei! Hello, Daddy! My name is Ketchup, I’m your third kitty baby! Meow~"

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