His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

42K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 376 - Calm Down, Boy


C376 - Calm Down, Boy

Chapter 376 - Calm Down, Boy

The information quickly spread among the delegates: that Iris Long was a student of both Madame Kalisha Schwarz (world-renowned translator and interpreter) and Hisakawa Akio-sensei (celebrated author and polyglot).

Of course, it also reached to where Long Tengfei’s group was chatting with delegates from other companies. When they heard about it, they were more shocked than when they first saw Iris on the stage at the beginning of the opening ceremony.

They craned their necks to see all the way to the front. Indeed, they saw Iris speaking familiarly with the two distinguished figures.

"CEO Long, this business conference just started but your daughter already managed to impress me so many times today," a Chinese delegate told Long Tengfei.

"Exactly! I thought that Iris Long is just a musician but it turns out that she’s also a skilled interpreter with world-class teachers," another commented.

"Your daughter must be very brilliant to be accepted as a student to both Madame Schwarz and Hisakawa-sensei," an executive from another company said. "They’re known to have extremely high standards when it comes to accepting personal students. And it looks like they’re watching over her closely, seeing that they even came today to accompany her."

Long Tengfei smiled and nodded at them. He replied to their words of praises with modesty, but he was actually preening inside on hearing about his own child’s achievements. It was such a wonderful feeling!

Hearing all of the praises for his sister and the proud expression of their father, Long Jian’s jealousy only intensified. He still didn’t want to admit that he was jealous of Iris, though.

Long Jian still looked down on Iris, considering Long Hui as his biggest rival among his half-siblings. However, he was beginning to feel that Iris was becoming a bigger threat.

’Relax. She’s only skilled in languages, not in business. Her language skills aren’t enough for her to succeed as next head of Long Industries. I’m more capable than her,’ Long Jian told himself.

Back at the front, Professor Schwarz and Professor Hisakawa led Iris away from the curious delegates.

Before they left, Iris made eye contact with Jin Liwei and Grandpa Lu. The two were chatting with several top executives from other multi-national companies. Grandpa Lu gave her a big smile and a wave, while Jin Liwei’s lips moved imperceptibly.

Iris returned Grandpa Lu’s smile and wave, and then read Jin Liwei’s lips.

’I’ll see you later,’ he silently told her.

She smiled more widely and nodded at him in response. Her smile was so beautiful that several of the delegates stopped talking to stare at her. However, she quickly disappeared with Professor Schwarz and Professor Hisakawa.

Jin Liwei’s cold and indifferent expression cracked a bit when he saw the others going in a daze because of his baby girl. He didn’t know exactly what to feel.

On one hand, he felt smug that they had such a reaction at her beauty. After all, that was his baby girl! His woman! His (future) wife!

On the other hand, he wanted to gouge out their eyes, both men and women alike, for looking that way at his baby girl. She was his, not theirs!

"Calm down, boy!" Grandpa Lu told him knowing what Jin Liwei must be thinking. Then he thumped Jin Liwei’s back hard three times.

Jin Liwei only blinked his eyes, not showing much reaction. But actually it felt like he was going to vomit all of his internal organs from the force.

The other delegates heard the loud sounds and winced a bit. They looked at Jin Liwei in admiration for not showing any reaction, even though those thumps must hurt quite a lot.

They had no idea why Grandpa Lu was telling Jin Liwei to calm down, but they dismissed it as one of the old man’s eccentricities. After all, Grandpa Lu was a known genius.

There were many who noticed the exchange of smiles and waves between Iris and Grandpa Lu earlier. Some were surprised while the others weren’t. Many of the Chinese delegates were also members of high society. They had heard that Iris was engaged to Grandpa Lu’s grandson. They informed the ones who didn’t know about the matter.

After learning about such a connection between Iris and Grandpa Lu, it wasn’t surprising anymore that they smiled and waved at each other. The foreign delegates were becoming more and more interested in her. She looked so young, yet she had such impressive connections.

Nobody thought that her breathtaking smile before she left was actually not for Grandpa Lu but for Jin Liwei instead.

There was a two-hour lunch break after the opening ceremony before the first batch of individual conferences would commence in the afternoon.

After eating, those who didn’t have any conference in the afternoon and were done for the day returned to their hotels. Some even went on tours in the city. The ones who had conferences in the afternoon gathered in their own respective groups.

Jin Corporation’s group continued to chat with the groups from the top multi-national companies. This time, however, another group joined these top dogs.

Grandpa Lu invited Long Industries to join them. Of course, Long Tengfei immediately accepted the invitation. This was an important opportunity to directly speak with the top executives in the world.

The other Chinese delegates looked on at Long Industries in envy, knowing that Grandpa Lu and Long Tengfei were future in-laws.

As for Iris, she ate with the two professors at a private room at the conference centre. Professor Schwarz was busy preparing Iris for her first official conference later.

Finally, lunch time was over.

Iris and the two professors headed to the conference she was assigned to as its sole interpreter. It was a conference between the Chinese and French delegates.

Jin Corporation and Long Industries were among the attendees. Both the Chinese and the French delegates were surprised to see Iris in this conference. Was she interpreting again? Did she know French too? They thought she could only interpret in English and Mandarin.

She smiled warmly at Jin Liwei and Grandpa Lu from Jin Corporation’s group and at Long Tengfei from Long Industries’ group.

When everyone was seated, the host officially began the China-France business conference. And of course, Iris Long was introduced once again.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Iris Long and I’ll be your interpreter for this conference," she said in both Mandarin and French.

The delegates’ eyes widened in surprise hearing her speaking in perfect Parisian French.

Just like during the opening ceremony in the morning, Iris interpreted for all of the speakers in this conference. The Chinese and French delegates took turns in giving presentations. So far, Iris was able to interpret for them smoothly.

Her skills were put to the test during the questions and answers portion. The discussion had a quicker tempo and the exchanges between the delegates were rapid-fire.

As a result, there were instances when Iris fumbled and hesitated for a bit. Fortunately, she was able to recover quite quickly each time. Most of the delegates didn’t notice, but Professor Schwarz certainly did.

Professor Schwarz sat beside Professor Hisakawa at a nondescript corner of the conference hall. She was taking notes while observing Iris’ performance.

The China-France business conference finally ended in the late afternoon. Because of Iris’ quick tempo of interpreting, this conference was actually the first to finish ahead of the other conferences happening at the same time.

Many of the delegates crowded around Iris to greet her personally.

"Miss Long, thank you very much for the hard work. You’re amazing," a Chinese executive told her.

"You speak French like a native," a French delegate commented.

"Miss Iris Long, I’m actually a Black Star. May I ask for your autograph and maybe take a photo with you as well?" a relatively younger delegate asked her.

"Thank you for the support, sir. And yes you may," Iris replied with a warm smile. She would always have a soft spot for loyal Black Stars.

After signing an autograph and taking a picture with him, other Chinese delegates followed suit. Soon, it suddenly became an autograph and photo session with Iris.

"What’s going on?" a confused French delegate asked in English.

"Miss Iris Long is actually a rather famous celebrity. She’s a musician who won many awards recently," a Chinese delegate answered in English as well.

"What? Really? That’s amazing! Wait, I’ll ask for an autograph and a photo too."

With that, some of the French delegates joined in the impromptu autograph and photo session with Iris.

Seeing all of the flies buzzing around his baby girl, someone was drowning in an ocean of vinegar.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 377 - Wrapped Around Her Little Finger


C377 - Wrapped Around Her Little Finger

Chapter 377 - Wrapped Around Her Little Finger

Iris was like the light attracting the "damn bugs" all over her. Of course, the delegates were the damn bugs in Jin Liwei’s mind. He wanted to march towards them and swat all the pests into oblivion. The green-eyed monster within him almost overcame his emotions.

However, he saw that despite the people surrounding her, his baby girl was keeping her distance from them. She wasn’t allowing any of them to become too touch-feely with her.

Their eyes met and she smiled, silently reassuring him.

He briefly closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm down. The green-eyed monster within him was still there, but he was starting to learn how to not let it overwhelm him to the point that he lost control of himself.

Grandpa Lu thumped his back hard three times again. It made Jin Liwei feel like vomiting his internal organs once again. Good thing that he was quite sturdy and could take the force. Perhaps that was why Grandpa Lu hit him harder than necessary.

"Very good, my boy! That’s the way to go! Too much jealousy is not good! It’ll poison the love in the long run!" Grandpa Lu told him in a not so booming voice.

The people in their Jin Corporation group looked at the two of them in confusion.

’What is Sir Lu talking about?’ they inwardly wondered.

It was only Xu Tian who knew exactly what Grandpa Lu was talking about. As for the others, they thought that perhaps the old man was exhibiting his eccentricities once again. He was a genius, after all. Geniuses were a weird bunch. Normal people like them couldn’t hope to understand how their minds worked.

In another part of the conference hall, the Long Industries group looked at Iris surrounded by delegates asking for her autograph and photo. Now that she had proven herself to be a skilled interpreter and also a student of Madame Schwarz and Hisakawa-sensei, those who were prejudiced against her suddenly changed their minds.

She had amazed all of them so far with her skills and professionalism. As people belonging to Long Industries, they felt proud of her.

And of course it was a given that Long Tengfei felt the most proud among them. His daughter’s accomplishments felt like his own accomplishments as well.

Long Hui also already accepted that his sister was a genius. He was also the one among the Longs who met with her regularly because they were connected by Little Jun and Jiang Ying Yue. He was already past the point of feeling shocked by her abilities all the time.

It was only Long Jian who felt bitter about Iris’ excellent performance in this international business conference. Seeing all the delegates, both Chinese and French, acting like her braindead fans, he couldn’t take it anymore.

"Excuse me, Father—I mean President. I need to go to the men’s room," he told his father in a low voice.

Long Tengfei only nodded and waved him off, not really sparing him a glance. He was too busy talking to the COO and the others.

Already feeling negative to begin with, of course Long Jian would take issue at Long Tengfei’s dismissive attitude. Long Jian’s belief that he was Long Tengfei’s least liked child among the siblings was reinforced.

He left the conference hall with a dark expression. Instead of going to the men’s room, he went outside instead to smoke a cigarette.

Back inside the conference hall, Professor Schwarz and Professor Hisakawa finally intervened and sternly drove away the delegates surrounding Iris. They escorted her away back to the private room they stayed at earlier.

A few minutes later, Long Tengfei, Long Hui and Cao Guang followed them. It took longer but Jin Liwei, Grandpa Lu and Xu Tian also arrived at the private room.

They found Professor Schwarz lecturing Iris in French while referring to her notes. Iris was listening intently.

Only Grandpa Lu could understand what they were talking about. Jin Liwei could also understand a little bit.

"They’re going over Xiulan’s interpretations earlier, especially the parts where she could’ve done better," Grandpa Lu explained to Long Tengfei and the others. "Kalisha is currently advising her on more accurate translations that she could’ve made."

"I see." Long Tengfei nodded. "And here I thought that she did a perfect job earlier."

"She did a great job, yes! That’s our girl! Bahahahaha!" Grandpa Lu’s booming voice was back. "But her performance earlier wasn’t perfect. Besides, your daughter is a Cross Academy student! There is a high standard that she must uphold, that’s why Kalisha and Akio are being very strict on her!"

Everyone nodded. Then they began chatting while waiting for Iris and Professor Schwarz to finish reviewing her performance.

Grandpa Lu was being noisy again, so he got a polite request to lower his volume from Professor Schwarz. Professor Hisakawa only sighed and smiled helplessly.

"Bah! That’s because you’re taking too long, Kalisha! You should hurry and finish up! How long are you planning on lecturing Xiulan? I want to know! We’re all done for today! Let’s go out and eat dinner! This old man is getting hungry! I want some seafood!"

It was Iris who replied to him. "Grandpa Lu, please wait for a bit more. I also want to hear Professor Schwarz’s opinions about my interpretations today. Even I wasn’t satisfied by my own performance. I want to improve more and do better next time."

Ever the doting grandfather, Grandpa Lu immediately changed his tune. "Of course, my girl! Take your time! I’ll just ’quietly’ chat with your father here!" he replied in his booming voice.

Professor Schwarz could only look at the ceiling and sigh helplessly. Then she chuckled.

"Darling, wait for me, okay?" Iris told Jin Liwei next.

"En." Jin Liwei nodded. He also had a doting expression on his face.


"Don’t mind us. Continue," Long Tengfei replied before she could finish her sentence. As the father, of course he also had a doting expression on his face just like Grandpa Lu and Jin Liwei.

The mouths of Long Hui, Xu Tian and Cao Guang all twitched while watching them. This just proved that Iris had these men wrapped around her little finger.

Finally, Iris and Professor Schwarz were done reviewing. Everyone got ready to leave.

Iris headed straight to Jin Liwei and wrapped her arms around his waist. She inhaled his scent and immediately felt comforted. Of course, Jin Liwei hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

"Tired?" he asked her.

She nodded but then said, "But I like it."

"Good. You were amazing. I’m so proud of you."

She smiled. "Thank you. But I want to do better tomorrow."

"Just do your best and you’ll be fine," he said, stroking her cheek.

"You’re also working tomorrow? For which conference?" Long Hui asked her.

"The China-Malaysia conference in the morning and then the China-Japan after lunch," she replied. "It’ll be all-Asian for me tomorrow, so Professor Hisakawa will be the one supervising me."

Professor Hisakawa nodded.

"Malaysia? Japan? Will you be working on two conferences per day starting tomorrow?" Long Tengfei asked this time.

"Yes, Father."

"And it’ll be in different languages each time. Am I right? I want to know! Wait, I already know! Bahahaha!" Grandpa Lu’s laughter boomed throughout the room. "We’re already done, right? Can we eat now? This old man wants to eat some lobsters! Let’s go!"

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh with Grandpa Lu. His high energy was infectious. Iris didn’t feel so tired anymore.

With that, the first day of the international business conference officially ended. There was no doubt that Iris Long was the most memorable highlight of the day. Through the delegates, Iris Long’s name was starting to spread across the business world as a skilled interpreter and as a student of Madame Schwarz and Hisakawa-sensei.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 378 - When To Announce


C378 - When To Announce

Chapter 378 - When To Announce

Grandpa Lu led the group to a nice seafood restaurant. They booked a private room and ate a hearty dinner together.

Long Tengfei tried to invite his second son, Long Jian, to join them but he declined. Long Jian didn’t want to eat dinner with his half-siblings, especially since he was in a bad mood because of Iris. In the end, he returned to his hotel room and ate dinner with the COO and the rest of the people from Long Industries. He missed his chance to discover that Iris’ real fiancé was Jin Liwei.

After dinner, everyone returned to their respective hotels. The international business conference was in another city which was quite far from their homes. All the delegates, even the Chinese ones, booked hotels near the conference centre. It was more convenient this way.

Long Tengfei, Long Hui and Cao Guang returned to the hotel they booked for their group.

The people from Jin Corporation’s group, including Jin Liwei and Grandpa Lu, were booked at a hotel which was co-owned by Jin Corporation. Similarly, Iris and the two Professors were staying at another Jin Corporation-co-owned hotel.

Jin Liwei didn’t return to his own hotel suite that night. Instead, he stayed with Iris at the other hotel. His company basically owned both hotels, so he had full control of the security. There was no danger of any strangers seeing them staying in one suite together.

Not that he personally minded such an occurrence, but his baby girl wasn’t ready to announce their relationship to the whole world yet.

Inside the hotel suite, Jin Liwei finished showering. He stepped out of the bathroom with only the hotel-provided bathrobe on. The large bed was empty.

His baby girl was busy studying her Malaysian and Japanese notes on the study desk at the corner. She was still in her red business outfit. Her suit jacket was draped on the back of the chair behind her. The buttons of her dress shirt was open, revealing the tops of her flesh-coloured lace bra underneath.

They decided not to shower together because they knew that they wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off of each other. Both of them needed to make preparations for tomorrow.

Iris would be interpreting, while Jin Liwei would be presenting tomorrow at the China-Japan conference in the afternoon. He needed to check his presentation files and rehearse to make sure that he would perform well.

But before any of that, he headed over to his baby girl first. Hearing him approach, she turned on the swivel chair and smiled at him. The bedroom’s flattering lights enhanced the planes of her face, making her more beautiful and sultry.

The effects were also the same on Jin Liwei. His chiselled face was intensified, making him more attractive to Iris’ eyes.

Both of their eyes darkened with desire at the sight of each other.

"You’re so beautiful."

"You’re so handsome."

They said at the same time. Then they chuckled.

Jin Liwei stopped in front of her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed the side of her face over his hard and flat stomach. She rubbed her cheek against the soft and fluffy cloth of his bathrobe. His hands massaged her head gently and stroked her hair.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, simply enjoying each other’s presence. Even though they weren’t talking out loud, they could feel each other’s happiness at just being together.

Thinking about his thoughts earlier on not minding if they were seen together staying in the same hotel suite, he asked her, "Love, I know that I already asked you this before but I just want to have a clearer idea this time. At what point are we going to publicly announce our relationship? I really want everyone to know that we’re together."

Still hugging his waist, she looked up at him.

"My music career is doing well. If you want, we can announce it now," she told him.

His eyes lit up. However, he could sense that she still wanted to say something more. So he waited.

"But I’d rather not yet," she added. "I now know that you were the most eligible bachelor before you announced at the music awards that you’re engaged. There are so many women wanting to be your wife. Some of them are successful businesswomen. In their eyes, I’m just a mere showgirl."

Scowling, he burned those witches who dared call his baby girl a "mere showgirl" in his mind. He pulled her closer against his body.

"I usually don’t care about what others think of me, but this time I want people to think that I’m good enough for Jin Liwei, the President-CEO of the number one company in the country," she told him. "I want to at least be on the same level as you or even just close to it in people’s eyes."

"You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, love. You’re already amazing."

"I know. I’m amazing. You’re amazing. We’re both amazing." She giggled, making him chuckle as well. "But I want a concrete evidence that would leave no room for people to criticize our relationship. Being a Cross Academy student is great and all but at the end of the day, I’m still just a student. If I get kicked out or something like that, I can’t use that connection anymore.

"That’s why I’m working hard to showcase my interpretation skills in this international business conference. This will allow me start networking on the international level with my own abilities. Then it’ll be much easier for me to grow my own companies later on."

"Mmmn..." Jin Liwei nodded.

"Planet Monkey is already taking off, but I’m not its public face. People don’t know about my computer skills, and I don’t have any intentions of revealing it." She bit her lip. "It’s safer for me this way."

Although Iris didn’t outright reveal her hacker name to Jin Liwei yet, he already had suspicions that she was Drakon. She still occasionally created reports for him about people and companies that he wanted more information on whenever she had time.

When he showed a portion of one of the reports to his tech people, instructing them to follow its example, they looked absolutely shocked.

"President, you were able to hire Drakon?! How?!! That’s amazing!!!"

Needless to say, Jin Liwei was also shocked when he heard their words.

"This thorough, detailed, and almost obsessively organized style is exactly like Drakon’s! Well, of course, there are others who can also do this but Drakon is the one who comes to mind first. Besides, he’s only one of the few who can access this kind of classified information without alerting the authorities if he doesn’t want to."

"No, you’re wrong. Drakon isn’t the one who comes to mind first. It’s Fantom. That legendary hacker is the original," another commented.

"But Fantom already disappeared. Many are saying that he’s already dead. He hasn’t appeared for years now. There are many hackers who emulated his style but only Drakon comes close to his brilliance. There were even speculations before that Fantom and Drakon are the same person, but Drakon is too goal-oriented. It’s already proven that Drakon is driven by money while Fantom did whatever the hell he wanted for the sake of amusing himself. That’s why he was so scary back then. Nobody ever succeeded in bribing him to work for them."

Jin Liwei sank into deep thought hearing their words. He didn’t confirm nor deny it when his tech people thought that the reports were from Drakon.

There were more instances like this when his tech people would describe what Iris did for him—either similar reports or original customized software—as the work of Drakon.

His suspicions only strengthened when he caught a glimpse of the impressive computers and devices she installed in the computer room he built for her in the mansion. Despite this, he never asked her directly if she was really Drakon.

He understood that it was a sensitive matter, especially since the hacker Drakon was currently being hunted as an international criminal. And it wasn’t just a matter of trust. It also involved both of their safety. If someone were to learn that she was the hacker Drakon, it would be dangerous not only for the two of them but also for their families as well.

Back to the present, Jin Liwei rubbed the lip Iris just bit with his thumb.

"I understand," he told her.

She smiled at him.

"I can’t reveal myself as Planet Monkey’s owner yet because it’ll invite too many questions at this time. But Orchidia Beauty is different. It aligns with my status as a celebrity which focuses a lot on physical appearance. Once it takes off and begins making profit, let’s announce our relationship."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 379 - Polyglo


C379 - Polyglo

Chapter 379 - Polyglo

"Okay," Jin Liwei replied. "Looking forward to it."

Iris stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled his head down and kissed him.

The kiss turned fiery in just seconds. He plunged his tongue deep inside her hot mouth, tasting her. She responded with the same passion. Their tongues dueled and danced together, until both of them were breathless.

He moved his hands downwards along her back until it rested on her butt. Then he squeezed her hard, eliciting a deep moan from her.

Her hands also moved down his neck to his chest. They slipped inside his bathrobe and pushed it over his bare shoulders.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The loud ringing of the phone interrupted them. It was Jin Liwei’s. They both recognized it as his ringtone for business calls.

Iris was the first one to end the kiss. She gently pushed him away. "Answer your phone. It must be important."

Jin Liwei pulled her back by the waist. He looked torn.

"Go on," she told him, patting his cheek. "We shouldn’t be doing this right now, anyway. Both of us need to prepare for tomorrow."

Sighing, he reluctantly let her go but not before diving in for another kiss, quicker this time.

"I’ll take a shower now," she said and walked to the bathroom without waiting for his reply.

He sighed again and grabbed his damn phone. It was Xu Tian’s number.

"What is it?" Jin Liwei growled, not bothering to hide his displeasure.

"There you are, my boy!" Surprisingly, it was Grandpa Lu’s booming voice who answered instead of his assistant. "You should say ’hello’ when you answer the phone! Why do you sound so grumpy? I want to know! Actually, I think I already know! Did I interrupt something? I bet I did! Bahahaha! Sorry about that! Well, actually I’m not sorry at all! Bahahaha!"

Jin Liwei only looked up at the ceiling and sighed deeply. Nevertheless, his mouth twitched, the corners lifting into a faint smile. All his annoyance melted away. It was hard to stay annoyed at someone like Grandpa Lu.

"How may I help you, Grandpa Lu? Why are you calling using Xu Tian’s number? Did you lose your phone?"

Grandpa Lu was staying at the other hotel with the members of their Jin Corporation group.

"No, I have my phone right here! I’m using your assistant’s phone because...I feel like it! Bahahaha!"

Jin Liwei chuckled weakly. He sighed again, and then glanced at the bathroom door. He could hear the water running in the shower.

After Grandpa Lu finished joking around, the two started discussing important business matters regarding their target deals that they wanted to close with specific companies during this international business conference. Although Grandpa Lu usually left Jin Liwei to run Jin Corporation and make the final decisions, the international business conference was a different matter.

Its magnitude was greater than normal. Both Jin Liwei and Grandpa Lu wanted what was best for Jin Corporation. Two heads were better than one in this situation.

Jin Liwei was more up-to-date with current business trends, but Grandpa Lu had more wisdom, knowledge and experience. With both of them working together, they aimed to get the best deals for Jin Corporation during the international business conference.

He was still on the phone when Iris finished showering. She was already in her pyjamas. She also spoke briefly with Grandpa Lu before diving back to reviewing her notes in preparation for tomorrow’s conferences.

When the phone call ended, Jin Liwei gave his baby girl a quick peck on the lips before moving to the suite’s living area to rehearse for his presentation in the China-Japan conference tomorrow.

The two were busy with their own respective works, but knowing that they would be sleeping together tonight comforted them, even if they didn’t have time to do anything else other than cuddle.


That same night, news exploded that Iris Long was an official interpreter for the international business conference. Because this was a prestigious event in the business world, the news circulated quickly and spread across the entire country.

At first, people treated it as a joke. Why would a celebrity who was currently on the rise work as an interpreter for a business conference?

However, they had no choice but to believe when the official website and social media pages of the international business conference itself confirmed that Iris Long was appointed as an interpreter for the event. Photos and videos of her during the opening ceremony were even posted.

In addition to this, the delegates who attended also posted photos and videos of her in their own social media pages.

What people found the most impressive were the videos showing Iris interpreting in English during the opening ceremony and in French during the China-France conference. Everyone was shocked and amazed by her language skills.

Of course, the Black Stars were equally shocked and amazed just like everyone else but quickly felt proud of her.

LittlePhoenix: "So that’s why Boss Iris doesn’t have any showbiz activities for almost a couple of weeks now. She was preparing for this! At first I was disappointed that she wasn’t included in the line-up for the upcoming Bright Summit All-Stars summer concert in two days, but I think this is more impressive. Boss is so amazing!"

CaptainBlackStar: "I agree. Boss Iris is so amazing! Comrades, let’s show our support for our Boss Iris!"

The Black Stars who were initially begging for their Boss Iris to participate in the Bright Summit All-Stars summer concert now stopped. They all expressed their support for her as an interpreter to the international business conference instead.

Although they didn’t understand business that much, they preferred that she was standing out in such a highly prestigious business event like this. Compared to the All-Stars concert where she had to share the spotlight with other celebrities and even with superstars like Jin Chonglin (who "might" overshadow her), she was soloing the attention as a celebrity interpreter in the international business conference.

It was so much better, right?

While the Black Stars were celebrating, those in high society who looked down on Iris were shocked into disbelief. They were the ones who mocked her as a mere showgirl and future trophy wife, dependent on her future husband (Lu Zihao) for status in high society.

"S-so what if she can speak English and French well? Our children in British boarding schools can, too. It’s not that special..."

"Exactly. She probably used her connection with Sir Lu Jianhong in order to score herself this appointment as official interpreter at the international business conference. Besides, it’s just translating. How hard can it be?"

"You two are acting like ignorant dolts," a retired businessman reprimanded them. He was just passing by when he heard what they were talking about. "Translating normal conversations is easy but interpreting for business is a different matter. And this is the international business conference we’re talking about! Virtually all the top business leaders in the world are in attendance.

"Not just any interpreter can be chosen to work in that event. They have extremely high standards! Even Sir Lu Jianhong would ruin his reputation if he recommended someone unskilled in that event. If that Long girl was appointed, then it means that she not only has the interpretation skills but also the business knowledge to back her up."

The two socialites shut up, looking at each other awkwardly. The old man was their father-in-law.

"Besides, I just heard that she’s the student of both Schwarz and Hisakawa," the retired businessman continued. "You may not know it because you’re always busy gossiping instead of expanding your knowledge, but these two people are renowned polyglots. Do you know what a ’polyglot’ means? No? Hai. It seems that they don’t sell brains from the stores you go to everyday. A ’polyglot’ is a person who knows and can use several languages.

"Now do you understand? Those British boarding schools where you dumped my grandchildren are just nurseries compared to being accepted as the student of esteemed figures like Schwarz and Hisakawa. The levels are just too different! Go ahead and continue looking down and mocking that Long girl! You’re just going to demonstrate to everybody that your heads are filled with air instead of sense."

The old man huffed while walking away with his cane. He was of the same generation as Grandpa Lu and Jin Liwei’s grandfather. As a peer and a fellow businessman, he was proud to watch how Jin Corporation developed into the number one company in the country.

He didn’t appreciate anyone who dared look down on anyone working in the business industry, including interpreters and translators. Skilled interpreters and translators were indispensable in doing business in the international level.

Similar scenes were playing across homes of high society members. Many were re-evaluating Iris Long’s status as mere future trophy wife.

There were still those who continued to look down on her, but there were some who began to change their impressions of her.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 380 - Attention Lapse


C380 - Attention Lapse

Chapter 380 - Attention Lapse

The next day, a crowd of Black Stars all wearing suits and some other curious rumourmongers, including the entertainment news media, flocked together near the conference centre. The Black Stars waved huge banners of their Boss Iris in support of her.

Police officers prevented them from getting anywhere near the entrance. At first, the officers were alarmed by the group of suits-wearing people. They thought that a triad group had come to terrorize the international business conference.

Fortunately, the Black Stars quickly explained that they were fans of the celebrity turned interpreter Iris Long, and that they usually wore suits to support her. Only when the police verified this information that the Black Stars were allowed to stay.

The entertainment news media tried to get media passes, but the officials of the international business conference rejected their requests. Only approved business-related media outlets were allowed inside. So the entertainment news correspondents had to make do in standing and waiting outside with the rest of the Black Stars and rumourmongers.

Thankfully, the police didn’t drive them away. As long as they didn’t get too rowdy, didn’t create trouble or danger to the arriving delegates, and stayed at the spot the police indicated, they were allowed to stay. The police, however, tightly monitored them and kept them in control.

When the arriving delegates saw the crowd outside, their vehicles all slowed down in curiosity. Seeing the banners, the Chinese delegates immediately knew that the people came for Iris Long.

The foreign delegates had no idea what was going on. They thought that the people were protesters against the international business conference. Protests were not unheard of at important international events like this.

It was only when they were informed that the crowd came for the beautiful interpreter from yesterday that they were once again amazed. They heard from their Chinese counterparts that Iris Long was a celebrity, but it only hit them now seeing her fans and the media gathered outside for her.

Finally, a car stopped in front of the crowd. The rear window opened and Iris stuck her head out.

Loud screams and shrieks sounded as she waved at the crowd. The Black Stars waved their banners and jumped up and down in excitement while squealing.

"Kyaaaaah! Boss Iris, we love you so much!"

"You’re so beautiful, Boss Iris! You’re amazing!"

"Please do your best on interpreting today at the conference! We can’t wait to hear more about your awesomeness!"

"Say something in French, please!!! In English too!!! So cool, boss!!!"

All the cameras were pointed at her, snapping photos and filming, while the entertainment news correspondents shouted questions.

"Iris Long, are you planning to leave showbiz and work as an interpreter instead?"

"How did you manage to become appointed as an official interpreter of the international business conference? Did your future grandfather-in-law, Sir Lu Jianhong, used his connections to get you this position?"

"You know English and French. What other languages do you know?"

The media people were starting to get disorderly, so the police officers immediately went on high alert and formed a tight encirclement around them.

Having the view of their boss partially obstructed by the police, the Black Stars glared at the media. Some of them even started arguing with the paparazzi. Fortunately, the acting leader quickly calmed her fellow Black Stars. She instructed them to form a separate group from the media. They distanced themselves to make it clear to the police that they intended to follow the rules unlike the media who were starting to get out of hand.

"I’m sorry, everyone! I can’t greet you properly right now. I have to go inside because I’m going to be late otherwise," Iris said from inside the car. "Thank you for coming! Please don’t stay out under the sun for too long. It’s very hot! Take care!"

"Please don’t mind us, Boss Iris! Hurry up and go inside! We don’t want to get you into trouble!"

"Don’t worry about us, boss! We just wanted to see you today! Now that we’ve seen you, we’re already happy!"

Iris gave them a blinding smile. "Thank you very much, everyone! I’ll work hard today!" She blew them a kiss before the window closed up and the car drove away.

"Uwah! I caught her kiss! I caught it!" A young female Black Star grabbed the imaginary kiss from the air and pressed it against her chest.

"No way! I was the one who caught it!"

Some of the police officers looked at the ridiculous argument between the fans in amusement. They started to relax when Iris was gone. However, they still kept a close watch on the crowd, especially the entertainment news media. Their kind, especially the paparazzi, were known to sneak inside without authorization just to document any juicy story.

The media were very unsatisfied that Iris left without answering even just one question from them. But they couldn’t do anything about it. Only business news correspondents were allowed inside.

Later, the second day of the international business conference officially started.

Iris attended the China-Malaysia conference in the morning as the official interpreter. Jin Corporation and Long Industries were also present.

It wasn’t like the opening ceremony and the China-France conference yesterday where she did consecutive interpretation, which was speaking after a speaker paused.

This time, the delegates requested for her to do a simultaneous interpretation instead. It meant that she had to translate while the speaker was still speaking. Her voice would be transmitted through headphones the delegates had to wear.

It was more comfortable for the speakers, especially the ones doing presentations, because they could talk without any interruptions. Simultaneous interpretations were also ideal for conferences like this for a more natural flow.

However, this method put a lot of strain on interpreters. Even though Iris insisted that she could do it for the entire duration of the conference, her two professors rejected the idea. They warned her that there were documented interpreters who collapsed because they did simultaneous interpretations for more than an hour without rest.

It was actually very dangerous. As a result, Iris and Professor Hisakawa would take turns interpreting every thirty minutes for this conference.

Finally, the China-Malaysia business conference began. Iris and Professor Hisakawa sat together at their designated seats. She brought a tablet and a stylus for taking notes while Professor Hisakawa had a notebook and a pen.

The Malaysian language was something that she only recently learned, so she wasn’t as confident in using it compared to the languages she already knew in her past life. Fortunately, she had a talent in acquiring languages easily.

She interpreted in both Mandarin and Malaysian, taking turns with Professor Hisakawa throughout the entire conference.

There were Chinese Malaysian delegates in attendance, but they still needed an interpreter because of the differences in Standard Mandarin and Malaysian Mandarin.

Because Iris wasn’t very used to the Malaysian language, she encountered some difficulties while interpreting. Whether it was not so accurate translations or taking a couple seconds longer to provide the interpretation, things didn’t go as smoothly as yesterday.

After the conference, Iris sat back in her chair and released a big sigh. She also gulped water to soothe her throat.

"That was challenging," she whispered.

"Indeed," Professor Hisakawa replied. Then he looked at his notes. "Although the delegates think that you did well, your performance this morning is not up to Cross Academy standards. You made too many less than ideal translations and the hesitations are painful to listen to. This level is not much better than average interpreters. You get a C- from me for this conference. You need to improve on your Malay. Always aim for an A+."

"I understand, Professor."

"You noticed the difference between your performance and mine, right? Learn from how I interpreted and improve your own techniques."

"Yes, Professor. I will."

Iris felt disappointed in herself for her less than stellar performance. She was determined to do better next time.

Lunch time.

She didn’t speak much during this time to rest her vocal cords. She ate with the two professors and then reviewed for the next conference in the afternoon.

When she heard that there were still some Black Stars waiting for her outside, she became alarmed. It was a hot summer day. She asked someone to order some food and drinks for them and to encourage them to find some shade under the blazing sun. And even though she didn’t have very good feelings for the entertainment news media and the rumourmongers, she also instructed to give them food and drinks just because it was too hot outside.

The Black Stars were very touched by her thoughtfulness. Even the media felt more inclined to write good things about her because of the food.

After lunch, it was time for the China-Japan conference.

Just like in the morning, the delegates requested for a simultaneous interpretation. Iris and Professor Hisakawa would take turns once again every thirty minutes or so.

Iris felt more confident about her Japanese language skills. During her past life as Evelina, she was actually more fluent in it than Mandarin.

When Jin Liwei stepped on the stage for his presentation, her interpretation was on point. The two actually rehearsed together before. She had memorized his entire presentation and of course her interpretation for it as well. This was the only time that Professor Hisakawa allowed her to interpret the whole way.

Iris also couldn’t help but smile stupidly while watching her darling during his presentation. He looked so handsome that she almost ran to the stage to hug him.

"Concentrate!" Professor Hisakawa rebuked her when her voice started sounding giggly.

It instantly brought her back to earth. She blushed a little before clearing her head from anything besides her job as an interpreter.

"Good." Professor Hisakawa nodded when he saw that she returned to a focused state.

He would’ve given full marks to her performance in this China-Japan conference if it wasn’t for this brief attention lapse.

’Oh well. She’s a woman in love,’ was all he could say to himself.

Finally, the China-Japan conference ended, and so did the second day of the international business conference.

Iris Long’s reputation as a skilled interpreter was reinforced even further in the business industry. Many of the delegates, both Chinese and foreign, already put her in their top lists of preferred interpreters to hire.

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