His Genius Wife is a Superstar

بواسطة garcia_santiago

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STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... المزيد

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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بواسطة garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 326 - Important Lesson


C326 - Important Lesson

Chapter 326 - Important Lesson

"We came here today because we want to use Long Industries’ excellent shipping services to import some of our ingredients and raw materials that we have to source from overseas," Iris finally mentioned her purpose for asking for their audience. "Not only that. We are also hoping for Long Industries to be our shipping partner in delivering our products to our long-distance customers domestically and internationally when we reach that point in our business."

Impressed by the presentation, the COO had now entered business mode. "Miss Long, may I ask a few questions before we discuss your request?"

"Of course. Please go ahead and ask away."

It wasn’t only the COO who began asking questions. Even Long Tengfei and Long Hui did. They were all serious in asking about various aspects of Orchidia Beauty. Iris was also very serious in answering their questions.

When it came to the products themselves, she allowed the Bauer siblings to answer the questions and to explain the details more fully. The siblings spoke in German, so Iris became their translator.

It only made the COO and everyone else more impressed by her.

Qiao Yu also had the chance to speak when the discussion reached the financial situation of the company. He was temporarily handling Orchidia Beauty’s finances until Iris found a suitable person to serve as the company’s CFO.

Amanpio Kileksky was also called over to answer some questions about the technology he developed with Alric. He spoke in English. Iris didn’t need to translate because everyone in the room knew English. He assured everyone that the technology they developed was not something that anyone could easily replicate.

"With my name on the application forms, I’m sure that our patents will get approved soon. I always have patent pending because I invent a lot of things," he boasted. "Besides, if anyone dares try replicating my technology with Alric, we’ll just sue the crap out of them! Then we’ll get more money to develop even more advanced technology that they won’t be able to keep up with us. Ahaha!"

Long Tengfei and the others laughed at his words, thinking that he was joking. Iris, however, nodded in agreement with Amanpio. Both of them were serious. As if they would allow anyone to replicate the technology Amanpio and Alric developed. It was a given that Amanpio wouldn’t allow it because he was the inventor. Iris also wouldn’t allow it because she spent such a huge amount of money in the development of those technology.

Finally, they started the negotiations for the shipping services.

"I would like to get a discounted price of 95% off for shipping domestically, 93% off for Asian locations and 90% off for other parts of the world," Iris asked with a straight face.

Everyone’s jaw dropped, except for Long Tengfei who looked amused.

"I think you mean you’ll pay 95% for domestic shipping, so it should be 5% off," the CEO said.

"No. I meant exactly what I said. It’s 95% off, so I’ll only need to pay 5%," Iris insisted.

"Xiulan! Are you joking?" As the Deputy CFO, Long Hui couldn’t take it any longer. "What a ridiculous demand! You might as well ask for the shipping services to be free!"

Iris tilted her head to the side. "First of all, it’s not a demand. It’s my opening asking price which is open for negotiation. Second of all, yes, I already thought about asking for the shipping services to be free. After all, I’m the daughter of Father who is the President-CEO of Long Industries. I think that it’s only natural that I get the shipping services for free. However, I’m being nice and considerate by asking for a discount instead."

"You!" Long Hui was speechless.

This was one of the most important business lessons she learned from Grandpa Lu.

’Don’t be afraid to be shameless, especially in front of family. They’ll still love you, anyway. Bahahaha!’

Iris took Grandpa Lu’s lesson to heart. She could almost hear his booming voice when he taught it to her. Shamelessness, she learned, was also an important skill in business.

"Huh? What’s happening? What are you talking about? They don’t want to accept your asking price?" Amanpio suddenly interrupted, asking her in English. "I told you that it’s better if we just use the academy’s network!"

"The academy offers only 50% discount. I want at least 90%. I can only get that rate from family," she replied.

"Aren’t you friends with AJ Zheneres? You can just negotiate with her to increase the discount. Her influence in handling the academy’s business is growing by the day. I’m sure that if she requests in your stead, the admins will give in because she’s making the academy so much money with her golden touch."

"Hmm..." Iris thought about Amanpio’s suggestion carefully.

"Or maybe just ask that fiancé of yours. If he really loves you, he’ll give you the shipping services for free!"

A lovely smile lifted the corner of her lips. "You’re right. I’m sure he will. But I won’t. I don’t want to use him like that for my own benefit before we’re married."

"Huh? What are you saying? Aren’t you using your father’s company for your own benefit?" Amanpio said.

"But he’s my father. I’m allowed to do this and it’ll still be acceptable. After all, I’m his daughter."

"Well, yeah. You’re right, I guess," he mumbled.

"What do you mean it’s acceptable?" Long Hui interjected. "It’s not. Xiulan, your asking price is too much. We’ll give you a family discount for sure but not anything above 90%."

"What’s your counter offer then? 89% off?" Iris’ shamelessness continued.

"Y-you..." Long Hui had to take a few deep breaths to calm his exasperation.

The COO was about to mediate when Long Tengfei spoke with his authority as the President-CEO of Long Industries.

"No need for any negotiations. Long Industries will become Orchidia Beauty’s shipping partner. Your request for the following discounts will also be granted: 95% off domestically, 93% off in Asia, and 90% off in other countries. President Long Xiulan, do we have a deal?"

A bright smile broke out of Iris’ face. "Yes, President Long Tengfei. We have a deal."

The father and daughter stood up and shook hands, symbolically sealing the business deal.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 327 - In The Name Of Our Noble Family


C327 - In The Name Of Our Noble Family

Chapter 327 - In The Name Of Our Noble Family

"Father!" Long Hui began to protest against Long Tengfei’s decision. "Isn’t this too much? Our company won’t make any money with this deal. We’ll have to incur losses instead!"

"Son, I’m the President-CEO of Long Industries. And Xiulan is my daughter and your sister. Long Industries is, in its very essence, a family business. She is family. I don’t plan on making money off of my own daughter." Long Tengfei said these words in a light tone but the impact was heavy.

Long Hui could only back off and sigh.

After Iris and Long Tengfei’s handshake, the others joined in.

The Bauer siblings looked delighted that the deal was successful, while Amanpio Kileksky looked relieved that that the meeting was finally over. He was already feeling very bored.

As for the COO, he was extremely impressed by Iris Long. So this was the President’s youngest daughter. Rumours shouldn’t be really believed. What good-for-nothing? The young lady obviously had a knack for business, not to mention that she was a Cross Academy student! This alone was enough to impress him for several lifetimes.

She was also a force to be reckoned with in the negotiation table. He could only chuckle remembering the way she shamelessly laid down the ridiculous discount rates she wanted with a straight face. Her way of doing business reminded him of a certain legend whom businesspeople like him looked up to.

The COO was also inwardly laughing at the ones who were still thinking that the Young Miss Xiulan was the most useless member of the Long family. How could a Cross Academy student be useless? Other people had no idea that she was actually the most brilliant among President Long’s children.

’It seems that the most worthy to inherit the throne isn’t the crown prince as everyone thinks, but the youngest princess instead who everyone keeps on overlooking and underestimating,’ he thought to himself.


Later that day, the news about the Young Miss Xiulan having a meeting at Long Industries spread among the members of the Long family. They heard that she came with the financial manager Qiao Yu and a bunch of foreigners.

This alone wouldn’t have bothered them if it weren’t for the fact that Long Tengfei also called Long Industries’ COO and Long Hui (Deputy CFO) to join the meeting. Although they still didn’t know the full specifics, they heard that she got a one-sided business deal with Long Industries. One-sided because it would only benefit her, not Long Industries.

They wasted no time ridiculing her among themselves. They were especially disgruntled at Long Tengfei for showing obvious favouritism for his daughter who they thought didn’t deserve to get anything from Long Industries.

"That’s why that child is so spoiled! Tengfei hands everything to her in a silver platter! Ever since the establishment of the company, the main family has had a tight hold of its control. They don’t allow all the Long relatives to work in the company, only hiring the most capable ones. All of us from the branch families need to work hard just to be qualified to work for our own family business, and yet that spoiled brat only needed to sweet-talk her father. Unbelievable!" Long Jufang complained among the members of his own branch family.

"But Grandfather, it doesn’t seem like Cousin Xiulan will be working at Long Industries. I heard that she only got a business deal, not a position," one of his grandsons commented.

"And you think that’s better? How naïve, boy! The business deal that she got is reportedly disadvantageous for the company. It’s like a gift from Tengfei himself without expecting anything in return. Meaning, she got it for free without working for it just because she’s the company head’s daughter. Giving her a position on the other hand, while still dubious because of her lack of qualifications, is still within the realm of acceptability. She has to at least work for the company and prove to everyone that she deserves the position given to her. Now you see the difference?" Long Jufang explained to her grandson.

"Oh. I see. That really is unfair." The grandson was still in middle school, so he still didn’t understand the complicatedness of the family politics and business. "Even Cousin Hui has to work hard and he’s the heir."

"Exactly. Hmph! Speaking of that cousin of yours, he’s been making a lot of stupid decisions lately. Maybe because he’s been spending so much time with Xiulan. This is what he gets for getting close to his good-for-nothing youngest sister. If he continues to walk this downhill path, our noble Long family will deteriorate when it’s time for him to succeed."

Long Jufang looked genuinely concerned about the family’s future. It was just that his version of the ideal future was still stuck in the values commonly upheld in ancient times.

His children, their spouses and grandchildren all nodded their heads in agreement with him. He was the head of this branch family. All of them were very proud of their aristocratic origins. All of the daughters from this branch family refused to marry into their husbands’ families. Instead, the husbands married into the family, preserving their Long lineage.

"But I hear that Xiulan has been very good and sensible lately," his daughter-in-law said. "What if she really changed and has become responsible? Can’t we give her a chance? At the end of the day, she still has the blood of the Longs flowing in her veins."

"If that’s the case, then good!" Long Jufang immediately replied. "But she really has to change her old ways and rediscover the pride of having Long blood within her. If she’s really serious about reintegrating into the family, she should quit showbiz and that low class career of hers. If she can become a proper young lady fit for our noble Long family, then all of us will welcome her back with open arms."

"You’re right, Father," his son said. "If Xiulan can just fix herself, then it’s definitely good news for our family. If for some reason Hui is unable to succeed the family and the business, I’d rather have her as the next head than those illegitimate children of Cousin Tengfei."

"Exactly!" Long Jufang scowled at the mention of Long Tengfei’s illegitimate children. "It’s such a disgrace allowing those bastards to work at our family business! I heard that Tengfei will be promoting that bastard son of his to work at the main company in a few months. Unbelievable! And his bastard daughter will also start working at a branch division after she graduates from university this summer."

"But Father, Cousin Tengfei’s other son and daughter are very smart and capable. Both of them are top of their classes and are rather popular among their peers. They also behave well when we meet them during family gatherings," his daughter-in-law said.

Long Jufang snorted. "So what if they’re all that? No matter how many times you flip the world upside down, those children will still be illegitimate. They’re the shame of our noble Long family. Although Tengfei announced to everyone that he’ll change his will if any of his other children prove themselves to be more capable than Hui, I would never allow an illegitimate child of his to succeed. Over my dead body! If either Hui or Xiulan are unable to succeed their father, then our branch family will just have to take over and become the main family instead! If it’s for the best interests of our family and to make our noble Long name flourish again, our branch family will gladly take this burden upon our shoulders."

Everyone nodded, their expressions grave. They acted as if it was a great sacrifice on their part if their branch family were to take over as head of the entire Long clan. But deep within their hearts, the desire for control and power burned a little hotter.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 328 - Music Awards


C328 - Music Awards

Chapter 328 - Music Awards

Showbiz became busier and more exciting at this time of the year. Everyone was preparing for the awards season. First up was the biggest and the most recognized music awards in the country, Harmony Music Awards.

When the nominations were finally announced, everyone was surprised and amazed by someone whose name appeared several times in the lists.

Iris Long was nominated for a grand total of nine different categories. She turned out to be the most nominated artist for the music awards this year. She actually exceeded Jin Chonglin who had eight nominations, making him the second most nominated this year.

In fact, the two of them were direct competitors. They were nominated in four of the same award categories. These four were considered to be the most important and most sought-after in the music awards—namely, Artist of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Music Video.

It was no wonder that their respective fans were going crazy.

The Black Stars almost couldn’t contain themselves in their delight and excitement. Although they weren’t surprised that their Boss Iris was nominated for the music awards, they didn’t expect her to receive so many nominations. They felt so proud of her.

Similarly, Jin Chonglin’s army of fans were happy for their Prince Lin Lin’s nominations. They didn’t mind that someone got more nominations than him. To them, eight nominations were already awesome. Even though Jin Chonglin was a familiar face at the music awards every year, they still supported him every single time that he was nominated throughout the years.

In addition to the music awards’ official categories in which the winners would be decided by a voting council, there were also special awards. These were called the people’s choice awards because the winners were decided by fan votes.

Iris Long was included in the Most Popular Female Artist ranking, while Jin Chonglin was in the Most Popular Male Artist.

Unlike the regular categories in which the nominees were carefully selected, the people’s choice awards were free-for-all. Anyone could nominate (a.k.a. add) just about any names they liked to the nominee list. The organizers only monitored the list to remove anyone who was ineligible—meaning, those who weren’t musicians.

Leading the Most Popular Male Artist ranking with the most votes was, unsurprisingly, Jin Chonglin. He already won the same award five times in the past. He won the last three titles in a row with the latest one being just last year. The other two, he won during the early period of his career.

As for the Most Popular Female Artist ranking, Iris Long was going up and down the second and the third positions. Her opponents were more popular and more established singers than her. They also had bigger fan clubs, formed throughout the years of their careers. Compared to them, the Black Stars were only formed very recently.

Despite this, the Black Stars refused to give up. They voted with all their might, using different devices. They asked their families, friends, coworkers and even strangers on the streets to vote for their Boss Iris. With their efforts, Iris stabilized her position in second place.

However, the Black Stars were still unsatisfied. They wanted their boss to win this award. Fortunately, the Pandemonium fans also gave their full support to Iris. As a result, Iris’ name began to close the gap with the popular singer-actress at the number 1 position.

The competition in the Most Popular Female Artist ranking was extremely fierce. On the other hand, the Most Popular Male Artist ranking was without any suspense. Barring any miracles from happening, the award would most likely go to Jin Chonglin again this year.

From the fans to the artists themselves, everyone was busy working hard for the upcoming music awards.

Who would be the winners? Who would be the losers?

These questions could only be answered during the award ceremony itself.


It was drizzling on the day of the music awards. The sky was grey, the sun barely shining through the thick clouds. Nevertheless, countless fans still braved the wet and slightly cold weather just for a glimpse of their favourite celebrities on the red carpet.

When the fans started screaming behind the barricades, everyone knew that the stars had begun arriving. Famous and not so famous musicians began posing for the cameras. Among them were the nominees, of course, who all received loud cheers and well wishes from everyone.

Other celebrities also arrived, from models, actors and actresses to directors and producers, and other TV and movie personalities. Some of the most popular social media influencers also received invitations to walk the red carpet. A few socialites also attended. Some came by themselves, while others came as partners of the invited celebrities.

"Kyaaaah! Prince Lin Lin, we love you! Please win all eight awards that you’re nominated for!"

The screams from Jin Chonglin’s army of fans when he finally arrived on the red carpet was deafening. The other celebrities and guests still posing on the red carpet all turned their heads to his direction.

Jin Chonglin arrived in a gorgeous tailored pinkish-grey suit. There were only a few men in the world who could pull off such a bold choice of unusual colour for a suit and still look hot and manly. Jin Chonglin certainly rocked it, overshadowing the other men on the red carpet.

His army of fans were going crazy calling his name and screaming for him. He posed for the photos before taking the time to interact with his fans in person.

"Good luck, Prince Lin Lin. We hope that you win tonight! We’ll support you all the way!"

"Thank you, everyone. I love you all," he told them in a loud voice before throwing a wink and a flying kiss at them.

Many fainted in overexcitement as a result of his words and actions.

Before he returned to posing for the cameras on the red carpet, his eyes caught a distinct group among the crowd behind the barricades. They all wore black suits, looking like triad members instead of fans. There was an organized and disciplined air among them which other fan clubs lacked.

"The Black Stars, huh..." Jin Chonglin muttered.

Suddenly, their polite expressions transformed into excited ones. Then they began screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Boss Iris!"

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 329 - Bombshell


C329 - Bombshell

Chapter 329 - Bombshell

Iris walked the red carpet together with JJ.

She wore a long, fitted qipao-style sleeveless red dress that accentuated her hourglass figure. The dress flared below her thighs in a mermaid skirt that swept elegantly around her feet. There were golden lotus floral patterns embroidered throughout the dress and sparkling crystals on her neckline and chest area like dewdrops.

A fluffy white faux fur cape wrapped around her shoulders to protect her from the cold while on the red carpet. Her hair was arranged in a classic chignon, accented by a delicate gold leaf hair piece. She carried a red fan with an image of a flying golden dragon painted on it.

With her red lips, gorgeous outfit and graceful bearing, she looked like a queen. Everyone couldn’t stop themselves from staring at her. All of the cameras pointed at her, the flashes making the crystals on her dress and her jewelry, especially her diamond ring, glitter like stars in a red sky.

"Damn! She’s so beautiful," a male celebrity exclaimed in the middle of his interview on the red carpet.

Just like everybody else, Jin Chonglin was also dazed at seeing her. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. Then his gaze fell on the diamond ring on her finger, effectively reminding him that the woman was engaged to his own brother. It jolted him out of his brief trance.

Iris posed for the cameras with JJ. Some of the cameramen requested for Iris to pose solo. JJ harrumphed for a bit before leaving her side to have her solo moment with the wildly flashing cameras. She gave them several classy poses, playing with her fan to give them a variety of shots.

Afterwards, she made her way to the Black Stars, instantly identifying them by their conspicuous suits among the normally dressed people around them. She met Jin Chonglin along the way.

"Beautiful Sister Xiulan, you look like a bride with that red dress of yours," he told her.

Her brows raised before chuckling in amusement. "Ah, maybe that’s why my fiancé insisted that I choose this dress design for tonight. So that’s why. Well, my darling has good taste. Don’t you agree, Brother Chonglin?"

Jin Chonglin scowled for only a second before catching himself. His famous smile returned to his face. Ah, that was dangerous. If the cameras caught that negative expression on his face, there would surely be another tabloid scandal involving him and her the next day.

He was smiling on the outside but on the inside, he grumbled. What the hell was this? She wasn’t even with his brother right now, yet he was still being force-fed with dog food! These lovers’ sweetness to each other would kill others from overdose one day. And he might just be the first casualty.

The two went on their separate ways after only a brief conversation. If they talked for a bit longer, tongues would begin wagging and speculating about their relationship.

Actually, it was already too late. The LinRis shippers among the crowd was already mentally writing romantic fan fiction about them.

After interacting with the Black Stars, Iris returned beside JJ. They granted some short interviews on the red carpet before finally entering the multi-purpose arena where the music awards would be held tonight.

It was at that moment that a series of audible gasps arose from the crowd. The next person to walk the red carpet was someone they thought would never attend the music awards.

Jin Liwei swept his cold eyes across everyone. Disinterest and disappointment turned his eyes even colder when he didn’t find the one person he wanted to see the most. It seemed that he missed his baby girl on the red carpet. No matter. He would see her later during the awards ceremony.

The organizers immediately hurried to welcome him. They looked very excited and eager to please. This was the first time that Jin Liwei accepted their invitation to attend the music awards. They invited him every year, but he rejected them every single time.

Jin Liwei posed briefly for the cameras. His cold and indifferent aura made the surrounding people behave and bring out their best manners. All of the ladies (and the ladies at heart) sighed in awe at his handsomeness and oozing masculinity. Even the men couldn’t help but admire his regal and powerful aura. His sharp suit only magnified his attractiveness.

Everyone was very surprised that he attended this year’s music awards. They all thought that he came to support his brother, Jin Chonglin, who was nominated for eight awards. Too bad that someone got more nominations than him. Nevertheless, they were confident that Jin Chonglin was going to win the most awards tonight.

A reporter mustered up all of her courage and called out to Jin Liwei. "Mr. Jin! C-can you answer some questions from us?"

Her fellow reporters and the cameramen all froze and held their breaths. They didn’t have much hope as Jin Liwei never had patience for trivial interviews. He only granted interviews when they were about business.

"En." Jin Liwei nodded and walked in front of the reporter who called out to him.

"A-ah?" The poor reporter’s mind went blank at his sudden close proximity to her.

Another reporter asked instead, "Mr. Jin, are you granting us an interview?"

"En." He nodded again. "Be quick."

All the media representatives immediately left their original spots and swarmed around Jin Liwei. They started throwing questions at him like excited, salivating dogs.

The celebrities they were interviewing could only smile wryly at being abandoned. However, they didn’t dare complain. Who was Jin Liwei? He was the most powerful man in the country’s business world of his generation.

"Mr. Jin, this is the first time that you attended the music awards. Are you here to support someone?"

An image of his beautiful baby girl appeared in his mind. "Yes," he replied.

"What a strong brotherly bond! Jin Chonglin must be happy that his brother is here to support him!"

Jin Liwei frowned. He was about to correct their misunderstanding when he was interrupted by another question.

"CEO Lu, we can see that you came by yourself. There are so many beautiful ladies who’ll die for a chance to be your partner tonight. Is there no one that you would like to escort for this event?"

"I have no interest in escorting other women except for my fiancée. It’s not convenient for us at the moment to attend this event together, so I came by myself. Besides, I don’t want to upset her by getting close to other women. She’s the only one for me," he answered with a straight face.

The reactions of everyone, however, were a sight to see. Their jaws fell down and their eyes almost popped out of their heads. Shock was a mild word to describe their current expressions.

"What do you mean by that? CEO Lu, are you telling us that you’re engaged?!"

"Yes," he confirmed.

Loud gasps.


Then the questions started raining down on him nonstop. He filtered the questions, only answering the ones that he liked.

"Who’s the lucky lady? Is she beautiful?"

"I’m the lucky one. Yes, the most beautiful," he answered.

"Have you been engaged for long? When are you planning to get married?"

"A few months ago. We’ll marry whenever she’s ready."

"Can you tell us who she is?"

He hesitated before saying in a mysterious tone, "You’ll all know who she is when the time is right."

Then he began to leave.

"Wait, Mr. Jin! Please give us a hint about your fiancée! Even just a small one!"

He stopped and thought about it for a few moments. The reporters held their breaths, waiting and hoping for his answer.

"Hmm... She’s here tonight."

After dropping that bombshell, Jin Liwei left the flabbergasted people behind and headed inside the arena.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 330 - Not On The Same Level


C330 - Not On The Same Level

Chapter 330 - Not On The Same Level

The bombshell Jin Liwei dropped on the red carpet instantly became the topic of conversations by the viewers watching the event’s live telecast. They were all very shocked.

Although Jin Liwei wasn’t a showbiz figure like his younger brother, he was still quite famous. And it wasn’t just because he was the President-CEO of the number one company in the country. If people had to choose who was more handsome between the Jin brothers, an overwhelming majority of them would say that Jin Liwei was more physically attractive than Jin Chonglin.

Even more than Jin Chonglin who was a big celebrity idolized by many, Jin Liwei was actually the one considered to be the most eligible bachelor in the entire country. He was tall, rich, handsome and powerful.

Although many were afraid of him, it didn’t stop many women from vying for the position of Madam Jin. By marrying him, they would be set for the rest of their lives. A lavish life of wealth and power, not to mention a gorgeous man to sleep with—who could resist such a "perfect" life?

As a result, countless women (and some men) tried seducing him in the past but no one succeeded. This led people to believe that he was incapable of being in a sexual relationship, much less a romantic one. That was why many people couldn’t believe that the cold and indifferent Jin Liwei was now engaged to someone.

"Isn’t he gay? He can’t marry a man in this country, so he can only be engaged to a woman. Is he entering a sham marriage just to cover up his sexuality and fulfill his duty as the head of the Jin family?"

"That’s possible. Or maybe it’s an arranged marriage. It’s pretty common for men with his status to marry young ladies from other powerful families."

"There has never been any concrete evidence that CEO Jin is gay. I think he just found his true love. He keeps on rejecting all those thirsty people throwing themselves at him because they’re not his fated one. But he must’ve found the one for him so he immediately popped the question. Isn’t it romantic? Oh, be still my heart!"

Conversations like these could be heard all over the country. The awards ceremony hadn’t started yet, but the most talked-about figure at the moment was not even one of the nominees.

"Quick! Look around! He said that his fiancée is here tonight!"

The audience members at the arena and the viewers watching at home all made wild guesses as to the identity of Jin Liwei’s mysterious fiancée. What kind of woman could make such a man like Jin Liwei, who many believed to be unattainable, to settle down? She must be super amazing.

They suspected many of the single celebrity ladies who attended the music awards as Jin Liwei’s possible fiancée.

That singer or that actress. Maybe that model or that socialite. Was she the one? Or maybe her?

As for the women, they played coy when asked whether they were Jin Liwei’s fiancée. Sensing an opportunity to create drama, most of them gave vague answers. They neither confirmed nor denied anything.

However, it was interesting that people only suspected women who were in their mid-twenties and above. They didn’t bother suspecting the younger ones.

"I’ll never believe that CEO Jin will have a relationship with a teenager. So we can remove those kids from our list of suspects. I also think that even the ones who are in their early twenties are still too young for him. I mean, that’s about a decade of age difference between them! CEO Jin is the head of the number one company in the country, so he must be super smart. I bet that those young women aren’t mature enough to keep up with a worldly man like him."

"I agree with you. Ah, I can’t wait to know the identity of his fiancée! When will he introduce her to the public? He did mention during his interview earlier in the red carpet that we’ll eventually know who she is when it’s the right time. The suspense is killing me!"

The music awards would be starting soon. Instead of talking about who would win the awards, the people were hunting for Jin Liwei’s soon-to-be wife instead.

Then a Black Star posted her guess in an online forum.

"Wait. Is it just me or others are also thinking that CEO Jin’s fiancée might just be our Boss Iris? Didn’t she say before that her fiancé is a businessman? Plus she also got engaged a few months ago, just like CEO Jin. If it’s true, OMG! I’m gonna hyperventilate! Wouldn’t this mean that our Boss Iris will become the next Madam Jin? Our Boss Iris will then become the ultimate boss!"

"Ahahaha! You have such a wild imagination. I’m laughing so hard. CEO Jin Liwei is engaged to Iris Long? Funniest thing I heard today. Ahahaha!"

"Girl, your guess is way off the mark. I can still believe it if you say that Iris Long is engaged to Jin Chonglin. But to CEO Jin Liwei? There is absolutely no way that’s true. This is CEO Jin we’re talking about."

Another Black Star took offense at the words of these people. "What do you mean by that? What’s wrong with our Boss Iris? Why can’t she be CEO Jin’s fiancée?"

"The answer is simple. They’re not on the same level. CEO Jin is way up there. You think that a man with wealth and status like him will marry a young pop star with a troubled past? Not to mention that she’s constantly linked to his own brother. Sure, Iris Long is also from a rich family but we all know that she’s not really on good terms with them despite her older brother saying that they’re okay now. And even though she has matured a lot and moved past from her teenage trouble-making days, she hasn’t ascended to such a level yet as to be worthy for us to even consider her as the future Madam Jin. It’s just too far-fetched and unbelievable."

Of course the Black Stars staunchly defended their Boss Iris. Yet the majority of them also didn’t dare believe that their boss might really be Jin Liwei’s fiancée. Besides, they didn’t want her to be with someone like Jin Liwei either. He was too scary and too cold. Their boss deserved someone who would love her and pamper her for the rest of her life. They just couldn’t imagine the cold, indifferent and reportedly ruthless President-CEO of Jin Corporation as a loving and doting husband.

Similarly, the LinRis shippers immediately rejected this notion. Yes, they wanted to pair up Iris with a Jin but not to the wrong brother. For them, the only Jin man who was perfectly suitable for her was Jin Chonglin.

"LinRis forever! There will be no other pairings that we’ll accept except for LinRis! Prince Lin Lin and Boss Iris all the way! They’re the most perfect couple ever!"

And with that, Iris Long’s name was kicked out of the list of women who could possibly be Jin Liwei’s fiancée.

Despite this, there remained a handful of people who couldn’t quite remove the niggling feeling within their hearts that Iris Long and Jin Liwei might really be engaged.

Was it just a coincidence that both Iris Long and Jin Liwei were engaged to mysterious partners a few months ago? Although the clues matched, their opinions were unpopular and ignored by the masses, so they only kept their speculations among themselves.

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