His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

42K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 266 - Coming Back Soon


C266 - Coming Back Soon

Chapter 266 - Coming Back Soon

Apart from JJ’s record label’s consistent promotions and the Black Stars’ undying support, Iris Long’s position in showbiz began to diminish. Even the hype surrounding the upcoming indie film "Strong Yet Broken" eventually dwindled after her sudden disappearance. Her music had also fallen from the charts.

The upward trajectory of her music career which took off with such a powerful momentum during her comeback suddenly halted. Many shook their heads in regret, thinking that she had missed her chance to gain a stable foothold in the music industry.

Bright Summit labelled both Iris and Jin Chonglin as artists on hiatus. Unlike Iris, however, Jin Chonglin’s position in the industry remained as solid as ever. Not only had he been in showbiz longer, but he was also already one of the biggest stars. His fan base was also larger with members not only in the country but also across Asia. He could afford a hiatus and not suffer too much unlike her.

The public had moved on from the shocking scandals that caused the abrupt hiatuses of these two artists.

The Black Stars fan club, especially the Slippers Army, became temporarily inactive because there weren’t a lot of people bashing their Boss Iris online anymore. To be more specific, there weren’t a lot of people talking about their boss anymore besides them.

Some of them were missing the thrilling chaos of their online battles as they waved their virtual mighty slippers in the name of their Boss Iris. In addition to their boss’ disappearance, their troll leader iEatSlippers wasn’t online that much anymore as well. He told them he was busy helping a friend set up a company.

In short, Iris Long was already being forgotten.

Then one day, people noticed that she finally updated her social media pages. She posted:

"I’m sorry and thank you for waiting. I’m coming back soon."

A short video was attached. It showed her playing a few chords on the piano of the film version of "Phantom of Your Love". After the thirty-second melody teaser, she closed her eyes and gave a soft, gentle smile. Somehow, she looked even more beautiful than before, as if there was a radiant glow within her.

The reaction was instantaneous.



+1,726,903 likes and counting.

In just about an hour, it already received more than a million views. The Black Stars went crazy with delight, excitement and anticipation. They had been so worried about her. They couldn’t wait to see their Boss Iris and listen to her music again.

CaptainBlackStar: "Welcome back, Boss! The entire Black Stars fan club and the mighty Slipper Army unit are all awaiting for your grand return! We hope that you’re in good health and spirits. Thank you very much for not abandoning us! We love you, Boss Iris Long!"

While the Black Stars celebrated their boss’ upcoming return, the media also caught up with the news. The media’s interest in Iris reignited. The almost forgotten scandal of Fan Luo ordering her car accident because of jealousy was placed under the spotlight once again.

Of course, Jin Chonglin’s name was dragged into the mix because he was the reason for Fan Luo’s jealousy. Jin Chonglin had previously spoken out about the scandal before he went on hiatus, denouncing his ex-fiancée as an evil woman.

They already heard from him, so people were eager to hear from Iris as the victim next.

Everyone had been waiting for her own statement. They wanted to ask her so many questions. What were her thoughts about the crime? How did she handle the truth when she learned about it? Did she hate Jin Chonglin? He was technically the reason why Fan Luo attempted to kill her.

"Iris Long" became the most searched keyword on the internet in just a day.

Then a netizen made an astonishing discovery while searching for information about her. He found photos of her all over the European news. It showed various images of her wearing a gorgeous fiery red dress.

The netizens used an online translator to read the contents of the articles featuring her. They became shocked when they finished reading and learned what she had been up to while she was gone.

"Holy sh*t! The articles say that Iris performed at Maestro De Luca’s concert!"

"How can this be? She’s not even a classical musician. Why would a maestro of such high standing invite her to perform with him at his own concert? This doesn’t make sense."

Of course, the Black Stars were ecstatic and proud. They celebrated more, almost taking over the discussion forums. They asked Iris if it was true.

Iris actually replied to them. She posted:

"Yes, it’s true. I had the opportunity to perform with the great Maestro Ludovico De Luca at his orchestra concert in Munich, Germany. It was such a wonderful experience that I will never forget in this lifetime."

Everyone became even crazier after her confirmation. Most people congratulated her and felt proud as her fellow countrymen. However, there were some who criticized her.

"I thought Iris Long was recuperating at a hospital. They said she was traumatized but look! She was having the time of her life rubbing shoulders with famous people and even performing at such an important concert. She doesn’t look traumatized at all! What a liar!"

These criticisms angered the Black Stars. The Slippers Army immediately mobilized. This time, they were led by LittlePhoenix. They were a little disorganized in the absence of their troll leader iEatSlippers and strategist MonkeyFace. However, they felt energized at being able to freely wave their virtual mighty slippers again and whack all the enemies bashing their Boss Iris.

While the Slippers Army was finally back in action, the discussion in the forums continued.

MrsLovePhantom: "Maestro De Luca is also well-respected in our country and has collaborated with some of our own country’s musical prides. I remember attending a concert of him and Maestro Liu Wei a few years ago."

CaptainBlackStar: "Liu Wei? That snob pianist who belittled our boss?"

When Maestro Liu Wei’s name was brought up, many remembered how he criticized Iris as a mere pop singer pretending to be a classical musician with her simplistic piano transcription. He couldn’t accept that Iris’ successful piano album "Rebirth Melodies" was labelled as classical music.

Comments popped up making fun of the maestro.

"Hahaha! What a slap in the face! He criticized Iris as someone pretending to be a classical musician, but then another maestro who’s more respected and renowned than him invited her to play in a classical concert! The European music critics are even calling Iris as a rising star of classical music! Let’s hear what that oh so high and mighty maestro has to say."

The issue was blown out of proportion that even the media got involved, seeking out the classical pianist. A reporter recorded his response.

"From which source did you get this information? From the internet? Although I’m not young anymore, even I’m aware of the proliferation of fake news online," Maestro Liu Wei said. "I won’t believe this claim until I watch the actual video recording of her playing at Maestro De Luca’s concert. Claiming to perform with a world-renowned classical musician without proof is so shameless. It’s sacrilege! Maybe she just attended the concert as part of the audience."

Supporters of the maestro voiced out their agreement with him. They demanded for Iris to show a video of her performance at Maestro De Luca’s concert.

Unfortunately, the recorded version of the Munich concert hadn’t been released yet. It would take some time before they would be made available. The audience weren’t allowed to record the concert with their own devices.

Without this evidence, the classical musicians siding with Maestro Liu Wei called Iris an attention seeker and a liar.

As for Maestro Liu Wei, he was holding a grudge against Iris ever since he noticed that someone was suppressing him from the shadows. Many wealthy and influential people started snubbing him, not inviting him to important social events anymore. He also noticed that his attempts to book the best concert halls in the country were being denied.

He didn’t know what was happening at first until someone gave him a hint.

"You offended someone powerful."

All the maestro could think about was that it started after he criticized Iris Long. She must’ve used the Long family’s influence to suppress him. He began to hate her.

"Who does she think she is? Just because she’s born into a prominent family, she thinks she owns the world and can control the lives of other people? And now she’s even claiming to perform with Maestro De Luca? Preposterous!"

Even though high society began ostracizing him, Maestro Liu Wei still held great influence in the country’s world of classical music. So with just a few words from him, several classical musicians began discrediting Iris even before making her second comeback.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 267 - Do You Want To Have A Baby?


C267 - Do You Want To Have A Baby?

Chapter 267 - Do You Want To Have A Baby?

While the commotion online and on the media about Iris continued to escalate in the next days, the newly engaged couple finally returned to the country.

Xu Tian and Jin Liwei’s other subordinates picked them up from the airport.

"Welcome back, President and Miss Long," Xu Tian greeted them.

His eyes immediately zeroed in on the engagement ring on Iris’ finger. He inwardly released a sigh of relief. The President barely functioned like a human being when she left him. Xu Tian didn’t want to imagine what would become of the President if she rejected his proposal.

After all the luggage were loaded, they drove away from the airport. Iris and Jin Liwei sat together at the backseat. Xu Tian sat on the front passenger seat beside the driver. Another vehicle with Jin Liwei’s other subordinates followed close behind carrying the rest of the luggage.

Xu Tian informed the couple that the condominium building and the Long ancestral residence were once again surrounded by reporters after Iris announced her return. So even when Iris wanted to go home to the penthouse, it wasn’t safe to do so at the moment. They headed straight to Jin Liwei’s mansion at Dragon Palace Home #10 instead.

Seeing his baby girl’s disappointment, he felt determined to make her feel at home in the mansion. He already began making plans in his head on how to accomplish this.

When they arrived at the mansion, they were welcomed by familiar faces. Two streaks of grey and orange shot towards Iris and Jin Liwei.

"Meow! Meow!"

"Meow~ Meow~"

Ice Cream and Popcorn both leaped up to Iris’ arms. Jin Liwei moved fast and caught Popcorn first, while Iris caught the slower and heavier Ice Cream.

Popcorn whined a bit because he intended to be hugged by his Mommy first. But he also missed his Daddy so he rubbed himself against Jin Liwei, begging to be petted.

While the two petted their excited kittens who were meowing and purring nonstop, a toddler also made his way towards them.

"Mama! Papa!"

Little Jun had his little arms extended towards them as he toddled with a big smile on his cute face.

Still carrying Ice Cream in her arms, Iris walked with long strides to her godson. Then she shifted Ice Cream to one arm and squatted to hug Little Jun with her other arm. The boy wrapped his little arms around her neck and gave her a wet kiss on the cheek.

"Wuwuwu! Boss! I missed you so much! I’m so happy you’re back! Wuwuwu!" Dom sobbed.

Jiang Ying Yue stood beside him with a welcoming expression. "Little Jun missed you so much. He wouldn’t let go of his Uncle Dom’s leg when he heard him say your name before leaving the penthouse earlier. So we ended up tagging along. I hope we’re not a bother."

"Not at all. I’m glad that you’re all here to welcome us back. I also missed my godson."

Jin Liwei was still in his original position carrying Popcorn a few steps behind Iris and the others. Popcorn jumped out of his arms to join them. While the group was talking, Jin Liwei turned to Xu Tian beside him.

"Buy the condominium," he instructed.

His assistant wasn’t surprised, immediately going into business mode. "Are we buying Miss Long’s building by itself from Gold Heights? Or are we buying Gold Heights? The company has several condominium buildings scattered in three major cities in the country."

"Hmm... Make an offer to buy the entire Gold Heights company. If they agree, go for it. If not, just buy the condo building by itself. We can always set up a new real estate company to manage it. Either way, put the purchase under my fiancée’s name."

"Understood, President. I’ll start working on it right away."

Jin Liwei nodded. A faint smile was obvious on his face. He felt pleased referring to Iris as his fiancée. He couldn’t wait until he could openly refer to her as his wife.

"Once the purchase is finalized, improve the building’s security, especially in the penthouse and my godson’s unit."

After giving instructions concerning the penthouse, he also gave renovation and redecoration orders for the mansion. He wanted his baby girl to treat this place as home like the penthouse. He wanted to add a recording studio and a computer room for her, and also a cat room for the kittens.

When she left him, he slept with the kittens in his bedroom. Now that they were together again, he decided that the kittens should have their own room just like in the penthouse. It was important because he and his baby girl had started making love. He didn’t want the kids in the same room during their sexy time.

In addition to the renovations, he also ordered for a complete redecoration of the mansion. He wanted the interior design to reflect their status as a couple.

He had no intention of persuading Iris to give up the penthouse as primary residence. They could have both. There would be times that they would need to stay at the penthouse. Compared to the mansion, it was at a convenient location that was relatively near Bright Summit, JJ’s record label and the major TV stations. On the other hand, the mansion was nearer Jin Corporation.

After giving out the instructions to Xu Tian, Jin Liwei joined the group. They were still talking.

"Papa!" Little Jun called out, reaching for him from Iris’ arms.

He took the child and carried him, listening to his happy babbling. Jin Liwei’s expression looked cold and serious, but everyone in the group already knew him enough by now to notice the gentleness in his eyes while looking at his godson.

"Ehehe. I see that boss is wearing a diamond ring. Since boss is a pianist, I know that she only wears rings on rare occasions. So the fact that she’s wearing a ring right now immediately caught my attention. I don’t want to assume but I’m assuming... Could it be? Ehehe." Dom waggled his eyebrows in unconcealed excitement.

Iris smiled, continuing to pet the kittens. "Mmn...yes. We’re engaged," she murmured.

Dom froze.

Jiang Ying Yue gasped, surprised. Then she nodded afterwards, as if she already expected it.

As for Dom, his reaction looked like it was in slow motion. His mouth fell down first, then his eyes opened wide. Even his gasp was drawn-out.

Little Jun giggled and clapped his hands when he saw his Uncle Dom’s comical expression. The child must’ve thought that his uncle was making funny faces for him.

"Anko! Anko Dom!"

Iris and Jin Liwei shared an amused look.

"Waaaah! Is this really happening?!" Dom finally regained his senses. He looked at his two bosses, his eyes streaming with flood of happy tears. He jumped up and down. "Wuwuwu! I knew it! I knew it from the start that boss and sir boss are meant for each other! My Momsy always told me that I have super-duper accurate intuition. See? I’m right! Wuwuwu! I’m so happy! Boss, sir boss! May you live happily ever after and make beautiful babies, so that Ice Cream, Popcorn and Little Jun can have playmates! I love your babies already even though they’re not born yet!"

Iris’ eyes widened at the mention of babies. Her hand subconsciously went to rest on her stomach.

Jin Liwei saw her action. A desire to impregnate her rose within him. He took a few deep breaths to control himself.

"We’ll have a wedding first and then have children," he announced. "We can have them anytime whenever you’re ready. Don’t feel pressured, love."

"Do you want to have a baby?" she asked, observing his expression.

"Of course."

"Oh... Okay."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 268 - Your Happiness Is My Happiness


C268 - Your Happiness Is My Happiness

Chapter 268 - Your Happiness Is My Happiness

Now that Iris was engaged to Jin Liwei, the idea of building their own family together started to solidify in her mind. Excitement grew within her at the thought of giving birth to her own child. This was the first time that she thought of wanting to raise her own family. However, it was quickly drowned by anxiety.

Her mothers in her past and present lives weren’t exactly loving and nurturing. Iris worried that she wouldn’t know how to be a good mother to her own children. Then her brows furrowed, thinking of something.

Jin Liwei saw her expression. He handed Little Jun to Jiang Ying Yue before holding Iris’ hand.

"Let’s rest in our room first," he suggested. "We had a long flight and we’re both tired. We’ll join the others again for dinner later. Okay, love?"

She hesitated before nodding.

Ice Cream and Popcorn attempted to follow them, but Dom stopped the kittens and carried them away.

Inside the bedroom suite, the couple changed into more comfortable clothes and lay down on the bed. They cuddled, too exhausted from their long travel to do anything else.

Iris felt sleepy but her earlier thoughts continued to bother her.

"What’s on your mind?" Jin Liwei asked, noticing her troubled expression.

She didn’t answer right away. "I love you, Liwei. And I’m happy that we’re engaged...but..."


"All of these talks of marriage and children... Well, I want them too...but I..." She looked directly at his eyes. "I still have lots of things that I want to do. There are so many goals that I have yet to accomplish. I feel like if I marry you now and have children, I won’t be able achieve any of my dreams. Liwei, am I being selfish?"

"Yes, you are."

Her eyes widened. She blinked a few times. Then her face fell.

He brushed away a lock of hair from her face and stroked her cheek. "But what’s wrong with that? I love you, so go ahead and act selfish with me. Like I told you earlier, we’ll marry and have children only when you’re ready. And I promise that even when we’re married or have children, I won’t hinder you from achieving your dreams. I’ll support you all the way. Your happiness is my happiness. Fly freely during the day but always come back to me at night. Okay, love?"

Warmth and love filled Iris’ heart until she felt like it was going to burst. She hugged and kissed him. "Thank you, darling. I’ll also support you whenever you need me."


Feeling relieved by his assurance, Iris changed the subject. "I think we should let our families know about our engagement."

"Of course. I’ll arrange a dinner for our two families."


Hesitating for a few moments, he asked carefully, "When do you want to get married?"

She went quiet.

"I’m not rushing or pressuring you," he said hurriedly. "I just want to have an idea. It’s alright if you can’t answer right now. We just got engaged after all."

"Hmm... I don’t mind registering our marriage now, but I figured that if we’re going to marry, I want to be proud and tell everyone. I usually don’t give a whit about what others think of me, but there’s you now. Despite my little triumphs, I still don’t have the best reputation nor my status the same level as yours at the moment."

He frowned. "You don’t have to worry about any of that. Who cares what they say?"

"I know but listen. I want to stand beside you proudly. So can you wait for me? I want to achieve more with my own effort and abilities. Then we can marry without any worries."

"As you wish, love," he replied, kissing the tip of her nose. "Your man will wait for you."

A sweet smiled blossomed on her face.

With that, the lovers succumbed to their exhaustion and slept together while embracing. Their hearts grew a little closer and their love a little stronger.


Hours later, they woke up and ate dinner with the others. After dinner, Jin Liwei received an urgent business call.

While he was gone taking the call, Iris left Dom and the others at a lounge area to walk in the hallway. She sat on a window sill and made a phone call.

"Hello?" An alluring male voice answered.

"Big Brother, it’s me."

"I know," Lu Zihao replied. "I heard from the old man that you’re back."

"Why weren’t you here to welcome us back? I want to see you."

She heard him sigh. "I’m quite busy at the moment. Don’t worry. I’ll come see my little sister soon."

Iris paced in the hallway. She opened her mouth but then closed it again.

"Spit it out. What is it?" He was indeed her brother. He knew exactly that she wanted to tell him something, even when they weren’t face-to-face.

She took a deep breath. "Big Brother...I’m now engaged to Liwei."


When more a long time passed of not hearing anything from him, her anxiety increased.

"Big Brother? Please say something."

"Heh~ I see. So you’re engaged now." There was a dangerous edge in his tone.

"I love him."

More silence, then several deep sighs. "I know. Well, as long as he loves you, treats you right, protects you and doesn’t hurt you, I won’t kill—ugh..."

"Hello? Big Brother? Are you okay?" Iris became concerned when she heard a loud clattering on his side of the line. He also sounded like he was groaning.

"I...I’m okay. Dammit! This body is so..."

Her eyes widened, immediately thinking of the remnant in her own body. "Are you also—"

"Don’t worry about it. I’m fine." He returned to the topic of her engagement. "Before you marry him, make sure to sign a prenuptial agreement. What belongs to you will always belong to you. What belongs to him will also belong to you. You also have to get full custody of your children, including your cats. Your current wealth and status may not compare to him right now but I know that you’ll rise higher in the future."

"But that’s too..."

"Little sister, I know that you want to trust him. This is just a precaution. If you don’t divorce later on, great. No problem. But if you do, at least you’re protected and won’t be at a disadvantage."

She remained quiet.

"Don’t marry without a prenup, understand? If you don’t want to raise the subject to him yourself, don’t worry. I’ll get the old man to facilitate it. You’re the old man’s new favourite now. Liwei won’t dare say no."

"No need," she said, sighing. "I’ll talk to Liwei about it."


"Where are you, Big Brother? If you’re busy, I can come see you instead."

"I’m at the compound. It’s not really a good time to come right now. I’ll make time and see you soon."

She was a little disappointed but still made a noise of agreement.

"Little sister, can you...never mind."

"What is it?"

"Nothing. Forget about it." He paused. "Listen to me. If you ever discover something...anything that’s gravely important, you have to talk to me first. Don’t ever go off or investigate on your own. This is serious. Understand?"

"What do you mean?" She felt confused.

"Just keep what I said in mind."

"Okay," she replied, although still confused. Then she told him, "I missed you, Big Brother."

His tone became gentler. "I missed you too, little sister."

Iris smiled. She was now glad that her brother had been reborn like her. Hopefully, both of them could live happy and peaceful lives with this second chance that had been given to them.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 269 - Planet Monkey And Pandemonium


C269 - Planet Monkey And Pandemonium

Chapter 269 - Planet Monkey And Pandemonium

After speaking to her brother, Iris called Hou Liang next. They had been keeping in touch while she was at Cross Academy. She sent her financial manager, Qiao Yu, to connect with Hou Liang and provide the initial funds to set up their gaming company.

Qiao Yu reported to her that Hou Liang’s friend, Wu Chen, was also an accountant. It was decided that he would become the company’s CFO who would be in direct contact with Qiao Yu regarding the finances.

Hou Liang would be the CEO, while Iris would hold the titles of President and Owner. They all decided that Hou Liang would be the public face and leader of the company because he was the main game developer.

Iris wasn’t really involved in the game development process, leaving everything to Hou Liang. Her main responsibility was to finance the company, provide manpower, connections, and other resources. Also as a better hacker than Hou Liang and the others, she was the last line of the company system’s defence security. She had to make sure that the security was airtight.

The game development was going well. The company also moved to their own headquarters in a commercial building unit. It was small for now. Iris treated it as temporary. She was already on the look-out for a property that their company could wholly own.

She would meet with Hou Liang and Wu Chen in a few days to finally register their gaming company together.

"So have you thought of our company name yet?" Iris asked Hou Liang.

"Are you sure you don’t want to name it yourself?"

"It’s not that I don’t want to, but I prefer if you’re the one to name it. It’s your game, after all."

"Yes, I have thought of a name."

"What is it?"

He hesitated and took a few deep breaths. Then he said, "I decided that our company name will be Planet Monkey."

"Oh." Her eyebrows rose, but she nodded. "Not bad."

"What do you mean ’not bad’?" She heard another male voice interrupt on the phone. It was Wu Chen. "I have a much better suggestion but this guy refused! I want to whack him with my mighty slippers! So unimaginative!"

"What’s your suggestion?" she asked, curious.

"I want to name the company I Eat Monkeys! It’s so much better than plain Planet Monkey, don’t you think? Right, boss?"

Iris blinked. "Alright, it’s finalized. Our company name will be Planet Monkey. I’ll call you again in a few days so that we can register the company."

"Understood," Hou Liang replied.

"Hey! Hey, boss! What about I Eat Monkeys—"

She hung up.

Then she made another series of phone calls to make arrangements for the establishment of her other future company, Orchidia Beauty. It would take some time before everything was set up, but Iris was pleased with the current progress.


Bright Summit Entertainment Company.

Ever since Iris announced her return on her social media pages, some fans and members of the media camped outside the management company hoping to be the first ones to see and talk to her after her abrupt disappearance.

Iris together with Dom, Jiang Ying Yue and her other bodyguard sneaked inside Bright Summit. All of them were in disguise as some could already recognize Dom and the others as Iris’ people, especially Dom who was always with her.

Fortunately, nobody recognized the usually elegant and stylish Iris in baggy sweats and a hoodie. The group was able to safely meet with Tang Yiyi inside her office.

"Oh Iris! I’m so glad to see you again!" Tang Yiyi exclaimed. "I’ve been so worried. Let me look at you. Good. You look healthy. Thank goodness! Come and sit down."

Tang Yiyi, Iris and Dom sat down. Jiang Ying Yue found a seat at a corner while her male colleague guarded outside the door.

After catching up, they discussed Iris’ work schedule. Her main priority was to promote her upcoming soundtrack album immediately. This coming Friday, she would be performing at "MusicFest Tonight".

While they were talking, they heard a commotion outside the door. Jiang Ying Yue stood up and cautiously peeked outside. Her male colleague was trying to stop a group of young men from entering the office.

Tang Yiyi frowned, recognizing the voices. She marched and opened the door wide with a displeased expression.

"Why did you come here so early? There’s still one hour before our meeting!"

"Big Sis Yiyi, you always tell us not to be late. Now that we’re early, you’re scolding us. It’s so hard to please you," a charming male voice replied.

Then a group of four attractive young men entered the office. Jiang Ying Yue and her male colleague attempted to stop them, but Iris gestured to her bodyguards that it was alright.

"Holy sh*t! Is that Iris Long?"

"It’s Iris Long!"

"Ah, I’m finally meeting my goddess in person!"

The quietest one with lots of piercings on his ears and one on his nose stepped forward. He looked around and took a black marker from Tang Yiyi’s desk. Then he handed it to Iris, turned around and squatted in front of her.

"I’m a fan. Please sign."

"Of course," Iris replied, looking unfazed by the situation. She signed the young man’s white shirt.

"No fair! Us too!"

The others took turns getting autographs from her. One also wanted his shirt signed but the other two grabbed sheets of paper from Tang Yiyi’s desk and had Iris sign them instead.

"Sorry about this, Iris. This group of rowdy hellions are the newest artists the company has assigned to me. They’re your juniors," Tang Yiyi explained to her, sighing while massaging her temples.

"Please take care of us, Senior Iris!"

"Wow. You’re even more beautiful in person. You’re so hawt!"

"Behave or I’ll kick you out!" Tang Yiyi threatened. Then she finally introduced them to Iris.

The four were members of a rock band called Pandemonium. All of them were good-looking and had undeniable individual charisma that many girls and young women found attractive.

The first one was Blaze, the vocalist. He was a former child actor who retired when he hit puberty. He was very expressive from his voice to his face and his gestures.

Second was the lead guitarist and the most attractive among them, Eros. He was like seduction personified. He had an unexplainable feminine quality to him but he was also oozing in masculinity. He was the type who could seduce all genders and any sexuality.

The next one was the bass guitarist, Night. He was the one who asked Iris for an autograph first. He was quiet and brooding, looking very much like a dangerous bad boy.

The last one was Thunder, the drummer. He was the smallest among them but was also the most energetic. He looked adorable with his big goofy grin and friendly attitude.

All four of them also worked as models in addition to playing as a rock band. However, their biggest passion was music so they wanted to focus more on their band rather than on modelling. They were included in the new artists that Bright Summit was promoting especially after both Iris and Jin Chonglin took a break.

"Iris, they’ll also perform at ’MusicFest Tonight’ this Friday," Tang Yiyi informed her. "You boys, make sure to learn from your senior and not cause any trouble."

"Wow! Goddess Iris is also performing? Awesome! I can’t wait! Don’t worry, Big Sis Yiyi! We’ll be good boys! We’ll do our best to impress our beautiful senior!"

After chatting a bit more, Iris and her group left Bright Summit. The young men tried to persuade her to stay a bit more but Tang Yiyi scolded them.

Inside the executive van, Iris continued to think about the four young men. Although she was considered their senior, they were actually all around the same age in their early twenties. Actually, except for the youngest Thunder who was only eighteen, the other three were slightly older than her.

"Dom, get me all of Pandemonium’s music," she instructed, feeling curious about them.

"No need, boss. I have their debut album. I’m actually a fan of theirs because they’re all so hot and yummylicious, especially Eros. Ehehe."

Dom handed her his phone. Iris listened to all of the songs from the band’s debut album. She returned the phone to Dom after she was finished.

"Hmmm. Not bad. Great vocals, very distinctive. Can be strong or gentle. Musicality is good. Lyrics are excellent, the best part of their music, in my opinion. But their playing is too rough and scattered. They’re able to convey their emotions in the music well, though. Overall, a good band with lots of potential."

’With a well-composed song, they’ll become even better,’ she thought to herself.

In short, she liked them as musicians. She sank into deep thought, thinking about the possibilities.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 270 - Lead Guitar


C270 - Lead Guitar

Chapter 270 - Lead Guitar


The executive van neared the TV station building which was home to the big studio for the show "MusicFest Tonight".

Iris and Jin Liwei sat at the very back cuddling while Dom was in front of them busy messaging Tang Yiyi on the phone. Jiang Ying Yue was at the front passenger seat beside the driver. Another car was following the van with Jin Liwei’s subordinates for additional security.

When they arrived in front of the TV station, it was flooded by screaming fans. One group was very distinctive as they were all wearing suits carrying banners and pictures of Iris. They all patiently stood outside despite the cold weather.

"Oh look!" Dom exclaimed. "It’s the Suits, the Black Stars! Your fans are always the coolest, boss!

Iris smiled, watching her supporters from inside the van.

"Do you want me to come with you inside?" Jin Liwei asked her.

"Of course I do. But everyone will go crazy if Jin Corporation’s President-CEO suddenly appears. You’ll probably outshine all the artists tonight."

He chuckled. "You’ll never be outshone by anyone, love."

She giggled.

"Kyaaaaah~" Dom fanned himself dramatically with his hands while watching his bosses flirt with each other.

"I’ll wear a mask and disguise myself as your bodyguard," Jin Liwei suggested.

"What about your work? You still have lots of catching up to do. Grandpa Lu has been complaining and saying that he won’t step in for you anymore."

"I already told you that you’re more important than anyone and anything, including Jin Corporation. I want to come with you. Okay?"


She smiled and turned her head towards him, silently asking for a kiss. Of course, he obliged her, giving her a sensual kiss.

Dom covered his eyes but still peeked through the wide gaps between his fingers. "Ehehe."

Jin Liwei’s subordinates climbed out of the other car and formed a protective barrier outside the executive van’s door. Jiang Ying Yue and Dom got off first. The Black Stars immediately recognized the two.

"Aaaaah! It’s boss! Boss Iris is here!"

A masked and shades-wearing Jin Liwei got off after them, turned around and held out his hand. A delicately gloved hand appeared and accepted his offered hand.

The fans went crazy when Iris climbed out of the van. They released loud screams. Some of them even started crying.

"Boss Iris! We missed you so much!"

"Welcome back, Boss Iris!"

"Wow! Boss Iris, you look even more beautiful now. You’re so...wow. Just wow!"

Jin Liwei’s subordinates encircled Iris and the others. Jin Liwei and Jiang Ying Yue sandwiched Iris between them while Dom positioned himself at the front, leading them towards the building’s entrance.

Iris greeted her fans with a big smile, waving at them. She thanked them and even chatted with some of the Black Stars she recognized from her previous performances. While she signed autographs and took photos with her fans, the paparazzi threw questions at her.

"Iris, where have you been? Is it true that you went insane and had to check in at a mental institution abroad? Are you really okay now? Are you taking any medication?"

"How did you react when you learned that Fan Luo was the one behind the car crash that almost killed you a couple of years ago?"

"Is it true that you’re lovers with the hitmaker Enrique Valdez? Or is your lover Maestro De Luca, that’s why he allowed you to perform at his concert? Or maybe you’re lovers with both of them at the same time?"

Jin Liwei stiffened and was about to punch the motherf*cker who asked such an immoral question but Iris stopped him by grabbing his arm. She gave him a meaningful look and shook her head. He was furious but controlled himself, reminding himself not to cause any scene that would land his baby girl in trouble. For now, he would behave. That paparazzo better prepare himself after this day, though.

The questions continued.

"Iris, were you the one who kidnapped and tortured Fan Luo and the Alarm Girls?"

The question made Iris blanch and shudder. Fortunately, she had been improving on not letting her emotions and thoughts show on her expression as per her brother Lu Zihao’s advice, especially when she was meeting other people. She tamped the memories of the torture down, trying hard not to let them affect her again.

Nobody noticed her reaction, except for Jin Liwei who was in tune with any changes in her. He wrapped his arms around her in a protective manner. Fortunately, the crowd just viewed him as one of her bodyguards.

Jin Liwei was fighting hard to control himself, but Dom lost it. He turned to the paparazzi.

"I’m recording everything on video!" He waved his phone. "If you want to be sued for libel, go ahead and continue to ask such ridiculous questions. I’m sure all the Black Stars present here will be willing to act as witnesses to your slanderous remarks to Miss Iris Long!"

"Yeah! We’re willing! Who dares slander our boss?!"

"Come, my fellow comrades of the mighty Slippers Army! Let’s whack these scumbags together!"

The threat seemed to work because some of the paparazzi withdrew. However, there were still some who continued to ask Iris malicious questions. This angered the Black Stars and they formed a human barricade to block these insistent paparazzi from getting near Iris. Then they started harshly scolding the paparazzi.

"Don’t hurt each other," Iris called out to her fans. "And don’t stay out here for too long. It’s very cold."

Her concern melted the hearts of her fans even more. They didn’t try to hold her back anymore, even creating a pathway for her amidst the sea of different fans so that her group could safely enter the building.

"Thank you, everyone! Please take care. I’ll do my best to give you a great performance tonight. I am back," she told them before disappearing inside the entrance.

Once inside, a staff member welcomed and led them to her own dressing room. A make-up artist and hair stylist were already waiting for her inside. They immediately started working on her as soon as she came in.

Tang Yiyi was in another dressing room, taking care of her other artists, the young men of the rock band Pandemonium. She promised that she would check on Iris later.

Iris didn’t mind. She already performed in the show before and knew how things worked.

While Iris was having her face painted and her hair styled, Jin Liwei was busy taking photos of her from every angle. He didn’t remove his mask and shades, earning weird looks from the make-up artist and hair stylist. They were surprised that Iris and the others weren’t reprimanding the audacious bodyguard.

When her hair and make-up were almost done, Dom who was still messaging with Tang Yiyi on his phone gasped.

"What is it?" Iris asked.

"Uh oh. There’s trouble. Big Sis Yiyi is panicking."


"Seems like Eros scalded his hands with boiled water in their dressing room. Apparently, he’s making tea but his hand slipped. Big Sis Yiyi says that he might not be able to play. If they can’t find a substitute lead guitarist, Pandemonium might cancel their performance for tonight."

Iris stood up. "Let’s go to their dressing room."

Staff members and other nosy artists crowded outside Pandemonium’s dressing room. The door was open. When they saw that it was Iris coming, they made way for her.

Eros was being treated by the show’s first aid responders. Both of his hands were scalded, but his left hand had it worst. The entire hand, including the fingers and the upper arm were angry red. Some parts were even starting to blister.

Tang Yiyi was currently talking with the staff, asking if they could provide a guitarist.

"We can, but are you sure you want to perform with someone who hasn’t practiced with you? Your band is scheduled to perform soon."

"I’ll perform tonight," Eros said.

"Don’t be stupid! You’re going to the hospital!" Tang Yiyi scolded him.

"We won’t play with a stranger," Blaze added.

Night and Thunder nodded their heads.

"I’ll play lead guitar," Iris suddenly announced. "Or do you consider me a stranger, as well?"

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