His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

43.8K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 256 - One Of Everything


C256 - One Of Everything

Chapter 256 - One Of Everything

Munich, Germany.

Iris, Jin Liwei, Maestro Ludovico De Luca and Professor Kalisha Schwarz boarded Enrique Valdez’s private jet. The flight to Munich was short, only a little more than an hour.

After disembarking from the jet, they were chauffeured to the charming historical Old Town. They checked in at a five-star Asian hotel, booking three suites for their group. Iris and Jin Liwei shared one, Maestro De Luca and Enrique Valdez another, while Professor Schwarz had an entire suite to herself.

Since the group consisted of prominent figures, the hotel gave them the best suites and service. As an Asian hotel, of course they immediately recognized Jin Liwei. His presence even prompted the hotel’s general manager to come out and greet them personally.

The hotel staff was curious about the beautiful woman beside Jin Corporation’s President-CEO, but they didn’t want to get on Jin Liwei’s bad side so they controlled themselves. They didn’t recognize that it was Iris Long. She still wasn’t famous enough outside China.

After settling in at their own suites, they went their separate ways.

Maestro De Luca headed to the historic opera house a walking distance away from the hotel where the orchestra concert would be held. He wanted to check the venue first and meet with his orchestra. Iris was a last-minute guest performer for one solo piece and another one with the orchestra, so she only needed to join them for rehearsal the next day.

Enrique Valdez went to meet some of his friends living in the city to drink some beer and go clubbing in the evening.

Iris and Jin Liwei followed Professor Schwarz. This was her home country before she moved to England. The professor toured the lovers around the beautiful town where the medieval and the modern melded together.

After walking around and taking pictures, they went to a bustling street market. Jin Liwei kept Iris close to him, protecting her from the crowd bumping against them. Professor Schwarz expertly weaved through the people, leading them deeper into the market. Of course, they bought souvenirs and other goodies along the way.

While Jin Liwei was paying for an impressive ship in a bottle, Iris’ attention was caught by a stall across them. She tilted her to the side, observing first, before giving in to her curiosity and walking towards it.

"Baby? Where are you going? Wait for me," Jin Liwei called out, but she didn’t hear him because of the place’s noise.

"Don’t worry, I’ll go with her. Follow us when you’re done," Professor Schwarz told him after she finished her own purchases.

He nodded.

Iris arrived in front of the stall. Different kinds of liquids and creams in glass bottles and jars were displayed. The packaging didn’t look appealing, but Iris’ intuition urged her to look more closely.

The stall wasn’t as busy compared to the souvenir shops around it, but there were quite a number of local women who dropped by to buy some of the liquids and creams. They looked like regular customers based on how they interacted with the seller. Iris immediately noticed that all of them had bright, glowing skin.

After taking care of a customer, the female seller made eye contact with Iris. She was a cheery blonde woman in her thirties. Smiling, she greeted Iris in German.

"Welcome! Beautiful lady, are you a tourist? You’ve come to the right place! We sell the best homemade skincare products in entire Germany. If you buy and use our products, I guarantee that you’ll become even more beautiful! We sell lotions, moisturizers, cleansers, toners, masks and other good stuff to improve your skin!"

Iris picked up a random bottle. "What is this? Can you also tell me what’s in it and how it can improve my skin?"

The seller’s eyes widened at Iris’ perfect German. It was even more perfect and formal than her own German which was tinged by her native tongue, a local dialect. Then she smiled and began promoting the product in Iris’ hand.

"That is our special night cream. It not only moisturizes and soothes your skin, it also boosts collagen production and cell renewal. What’s more, it has effective anti-aging properties!"

She then proceeded to explain that all the ingredients used in their products were 100% natural and pure which underwent chemical changes through naturally occurring biological processes, not synthetic ones. She also raved about using secret technology she developed with her brother to increase the effectiveness and longevity of the ingredients for better results while maintaining their gentle qualities.

"Xiulan, my dear. Don’t believe everything she says," Professor Schwarz said when she arrived beside Iris. "These people will say anything to sell their products. Just look at these shabby bottles. You might ruin your skin if you try them. Let’s go, my dear."

"Madame, I’m not lying. Everything I said is true." The seller defended her products, but still maintained a friendly tone. Though there was an insulted look in her eyes.

Iris just smiled. "Give me one of everything."

The seller blinked, while Professor Schwarz frowned.

"What?" The seller thought that she must be hearing things. There were at least thirty kinds of different products in her stall right now.

Iris tilted her head to the side. "You don’t want to sell?"

"I want! Of course! Right away, Miss! I’ll wrap everything nicely for you! I’ll even give you discount!"

The seller moved fast, her hands flashing as she packed one of everything. She wanted to finalize the sale before the customer changed her mind.

"My dear, tell me why you’re doing this." Professor Schwarz didn’t understand her.

"I just feel curious, Professor."

The professor only sighed, shaking her head. She thought that her student was wasting her money on such garbage products.

Jin Liwei also arrived by their side and asked what was happening. The professor told him. He didn’t say anything. He wouldn’t say anything even if his baby girl decided that she wanted to buy the entire street market. He would even buy it for her if she let him.

When everything was packed, the seller gave Iris not only a discount but some extra products as well. She was nervous because the total price was considerable. She was worried that the customer would balk after seeing the price. However, she didn’t need to worry because the people in front of her didn’t even bat their eyes.

"Let me pay this," Jin Liwei offered.

Iris shook her head, handing him her wallet instead. It would be faster if he was the one who counted the banknotes. She wasn’t really used to handling physical money, especially in a foreign country.

With a small sigh at her rejection, he paid the purchases with her money. Then he carried the bags, only allowing his baby girl to carry the lightest ones.

Before they left, Iris asked the seller, "Are you here every day? What time do you usually open your stall?"

"No, I’m not here every day and the time varies. However, if you need more products, you can order from me directly. If you want, I can have it delivered to you or you can pick it up here. Oh, here’s my business card! Feel free to contact me anytime!"

"Okay." Iris tucked the card inside her bag.

That night at their hotel suite, Jin Liwei was busy working on his laptop. Although Grandpa Lu stepped in as acting President-CEO, there were still some matters that needed Jin Liwei to personally inspect.

Iris took a shower by herself and used some of the skincare products she bought earlier. Her eyes lit up because they smelled good, like actual fruits and flowers. She didn’t really notice any improvements on her skin right after using them. She knew she was taking a gamble because they might ruin her skin, but she had a good feeling about them.

It was in the next morning when she noticed a difference. Her skin felt softer and suppler. She couldn’t stop touching her face.

"Hmm..." She took the seller’s business card and studied it.

Jin Liwei woke up when he felt her move. The first thing he saw was his baby girl thinking deeply. She looked so cute!

"Morning, baby. What’re you doing?"

She smiled at him. "Good morning. Oh, I was just thinking about a business idea. If everything goes well, I might soon have my own company."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 257 - Do What You Want To Do


C257 - Do What You Want To Do

Chapter 257 - Do What You Want To Do

Jin Liwei didn’t question his baby girl. He already had an idea of what she was planning.

Whatever his wife—COUGH COUGH—’girlfriend’ (for now) wanted to do, all he needed was to support her with everything he got.

Even if she wanted to take over the world, he would readily provide her with the resources she needed to achieve her goals. Her happiness was his happiness.

They cuddled on the bed for a few moments before they forced themselves to rise. Iris would be very busy today rehearsing for her performances at Maestro De Luca’s orchestra concert. She wasn’t worried for her solo performance because she already mastered the piece in her past life.

It was her performance with the orchestra that she felt nervous about. But at the same time, she was also feeling excited. This would be the first time in both of her lives that she would be performing purely classical music with a live world-class symphony orchestra in front of a large audience. For her, this was a dream come true.

After eating breakfast they ordered through room service, Iris and Jin Liwei headed down to the hotel lobby to wait for Maestro De Luca. While waiting, Iris updated Dom by video calling him.

"Wuwuwu! I miss you so much, boss!" Dom wailed. "I returned to the penthouse with Ice Cream and Popcorn because sir boss is gone from the mansion. It’s too lonely there without the two of you. We’re fine, boss. Don’t worry! Would you like to talk to Ice Cream and Popcorn? Oh, Little Jun is also here. Come here, cutey patootie pies! Look, it’s Mommy! Junie boy, say hi to Mama!"

Iris chuckled as she watched the kittens rush towards Dom’s phone, meowing loudly. She pulled Jin Liwei close beside her so that they could be seen together on the screen. They saw Little Jun squeezing in between the kittens and calling out to them.

"Meow! Meow!"


"Meow~ Meow~"

For more than a minute, all they heard were the sounds of the kittens’ meowing, Little Jun’s babbling, and Dom’s sobbing.

"We’ll be back soon, maybe in a couple of weeks," Iris promised before ending the video call.

Next she called her manager, Tang Yiyi. It was not a video call this time, but only a voice call.

"Oh! Iris! Thank goodness you finally called me! I’ve been so worried! Are you still in the hospital? How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

Iris felt guilty. It was Lu Zihao who made up the excuse of her recuperating at a hospital abroad. Although she indeed spent time to recover from her emotional trauma, she wasn’t really in a hospital. She mentally apologized to her manager and to her fans for lying, but it was necessary. After all, she couldn’t just tell them that a remnant within her tortured Fan Luo and the Alarm Girls, making her suffer from trauma as a result. They would most likely think that she went crazy or throw her in prison.

"I’m sorry for worrying you, Elder Sister Yiyi. I feel much better now. I’m planning to return in maybe a couple of weeks before the movie premiere of ’Strong Yet Broken’ and the launch of my soundtrack album. Sorry for not doing my job of promoting."

"What are you saying? Don’t apologize! What you went through was horrible! I can’t imagine how you must have felt when you learned that Fan Luo was the one who...sorry. Let’s not talk about this now. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that we understand why you had to disappear so suddenly. If this album isn’t connected to a movie, we could delay its launch until you’re 100% well. Even if it’s a year later or however much time you need. Unfortunately, we have to launch it at the same time as the movie because it’s part of the contract terms."

"I understand. Don’t worry, Elder Sister Yiyi. I’ll do my part of promoting when I return."

"Good. Your promotion time will be tight, but we’ll make it work. Mr. JJ is determined to make this album another success." Then Tang Yiyi sighed. "But it’s true that the interest for the movie and your album has waned a lot after your disappearance and even more so when the scandals about you and Fan Luo started dying down. Mr. JJ is still heavily promoting your album despite your absence but as for Bright Summit...well, since you and Jin Chonglin are on hiatus, they decided to focus on other artists instead. They’re still a business, after all."

"Hmm... I see."

They spoke a bit more before ending the call.

"Are you okay?" Jin Liwei asked, seeing the furrow between her brows.

She nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. Her mind was already organizing what she needed to finish here in Europe, so that she could return to China soon. She was already missing working on her own music and performing for her fans.

"Thank you," she suddenly said, hugging Jin Liwei.

"Hm? For what?"

"For being with me."

For some reason, his presence gave her peace of mind to do the things she needed to do without feeling too pressured. Even if he wasn’t saying it in actual words, his actions and just his presence alone were already telling her, "Go ahead and do what you want to do. I’ll be here to support you. Don’t worry."

"I love you, Liwei."

He took a sharp inhale of breath, his eyes darkening with emotion. He kissed her hard on the mouth and then hugged her just as hard.

"I love you too, baby. So much."

A loud, deliberate cough interrupted them. It was Maestro De Luca, his amused eyes looking at them. The couple greeted him.

"Let’s go," he announced, leading them out of the hotel.

The three walked to the nearby opera house. Although the maestro gave permission for Jin Liwei to watch the rehearsals, he declined, saying that he had some matters he needed to attend to. Iris was a little disappointed but understood that he was also busy like her.

"I’ll come back and see you later for lunch," he said, kissing her. "Have fun."

With that, Maestro De Luca and Iris walked inside the opera house for their rehearsal. Jin Liwei waited until they disappeared from his view before he left to return to the hotel.

Inside the suite, he immediately busied himself making phone calls. Excitement coursed within him as he made plans. He couldn’t wait to...

A grin spread on his face.

"Soon," he whispered to himself.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 258 - Goddess Of Fire


C258 - Goddess Of Fire

Chapter 258 - Goddess Of Fire

For the next days, while Iris was busy rehearsing with Maestro De Luca and his orchestra, Jin Liwei was also busy planning and organizing something in secret.

Iris knew that he was hiding something from her. Although she felt curious and wanted to know what it was, she didn’t force him to tell her. He would reveal it on his own when he was ready.

She also continued using the skincare products she bought at the street market. The improvements on her skin only became even more visible, especially every morning when she woke up. It seemed that the products’ effectiveness increased during sleep.

However, she also noticed that some of the products didn’t work quite well. Either there were no improvements at all or her skin didn’t feel comfortable after using them. Perhaps it was because these particular products weren’t designed for her skin type. Or maybe they just didn’t work well with Asian skin. She would need to ask the seller about it.

There was another issue which was that once the products were opened, they had shorter shelf life compared to the commercial products available on the market. True, they worked extremely well, almost miraculously so, but they needed to be used quickly or they would expire. If she wanted to build a company with these products, this issue must be addressed and solved first.

Despite this, she was confident that with enough funding, resources, research and equipment, these already amazing products would be improved close to perfection.

She made plans in her head about how to approach to the seller, but for now, she needed to focus on the upcoming orchestra concert.

The day before the concert, Grandpa Lu arrived to Germany like he promised to watch Iris’ performance. Iris and Jin Liwei’s hotel suite had an extra bedroom, so he stayed with them.

Iris was at the opera house rehearsing when he arrived. Jin Liwei and Grandpa Lu were the only ones at the suite.

Grandpa Lu handed something to Jin Liwei. "Here’s what your assistant gave me to pass to you," he said, waggling his eyebrows. Then he thumped Jin Liwei on the back. "Good luck, my boy! Ahahaha!"

Jin Liwei smiled, looking at the small package he received. His hand tightened around it, as if infusing it with his feelings.


The day of the concert at the historic opera house finally arrived. It would feature music by the great classical composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Robert Schumann.

The concert itself would start at 5 PM sharp, but people already started flocking in front of the opera house hours before, especially spontaneous visitors. Usually, there were individual ticket sellers loitering outside in addition to the theatre’s official box office but it wasn’t like that today.

Everything was sold out, even the tickets for the listening and standing only areas. This was a concert held by the celebrated Maestro Ludovico De Luca and his world-class symphony orchestra. The more than 2,000 tickets for this concert were all sold out months ago.

What was more, the ticket holders were not only from Germany but from all over the world. They travelled from other countries and continents just to watch this concert. Not just any concert, but THE Maestro Ludovico De Luca’s concert. There were even famous celebrities and socialites among the audience.

An hour before the performance, the theatre opened its doors. This opera house was usually lax in its dress code, but all the ticket holders this time opted to wear formal black-tie attire to show their respect for Maestro De Luca.

Because most of the performers and the audience were comprised of famous celebrities and influential people, the media was present, turning the hour before the concert into a red carpet event.

Iris went inside with Maestro De Luca and the orchestra musicians ahead of everyone else to warm up and make sure that everything was functioning as they should be.

As for Jin Liwei, Grandpa Lu, Enrique Valdez and Professor Kalisha Schwarz, they walked the red carpet together, posed for the cameras and even answered some questions from the reporters. Among them, the legendary hitmaker Enrique Valdez was the most recognizable. Everyone almost went crazy when they saw him. A few recognized the business leaders Lu Jianhong and Jin Liwei, while only a couple knew who Professor Schwarz was.

The group found their seats near the stage, not too far but not too close either. Just the right distance for optimal viewing. They chatted and exchanged pleasantries with the other attendees that they were acquainted with.

Five minutes before the concert, Iris appeared and took her seat between Jin Liwei and Grandpa Lu. Many heads turned when they saw her. They were wondering who this beautiful woman was.

Most of the people here, especially the famous ones, recognized each other but this was the first time they saw her. They were especially curious because she was in such an impressive group. Tongues began wagging when they saw that she seemed to be close to Enrique Valdez. The legendary hitmaker who was usually taciturn actually spent a few moments conversing with her.

Iris didn’t notice all the people whispering about her. Even if she did, she wouldn’t care anyway. Her mind was focused on the concert.

At first glance, Iris looked like she was wearing a simple, long black dress. However, it was actually a long black sweater over her real dress. She planned to remove the sweater and show her dress when it was time for her performance after the intermission. In addition, she was also wearing long gloves to protect and warm her hands so they would remain nice and flexible when she played the piano later.

Jin Liwei leaned close to her and asked, "Excited, baby?"

She nodded, her eyes sparkling.


"A bit."

"You’ll be amazing, I’m sure."

She smiled, clasping their hands together. "Thank you. I’ll do my best."

"I can’t wait to watch you perform."

Finally, the concert started. The concertmaster stood up. He was a skilled African-American violinist who gradually made a name for himself after joining the maestro’s orchestra. He stood up, leading the musicians to welcome Maestro Ludovico De Luca as he made his way to the conductor’s podium amidst everyone’s applause.

Moments later, Maestro De Luca and his orchestra’s interpretation of Mozart’s symphonies captivated the audience. Nobody fell asleep as they felt the music vibrate inside their bodies, resonating with their emotions and deepest desires. Of course, the performance was met with a thunderous standing ovation after it ended.

Most of the audience left their seats for the intermission. Iris also excused herself, tipping her head up to silently ask for a kiss from her man before she left.

Twenty minutes later, the intermission ended and everyone returned to their seats, except for the beautiful lady in black who sat between the former and current President-CEOs of Jin Corporation. Some of the people who noticed her absence wondered where she went.

Surprisingly, Maestro De Luca didn’t start right away like he usually did. Instead, he spoke to everyone on the mic first. After greeting and thanking everyone for coming, he paused before speaking again.

"There is a change for the second half of this concert. It will be different from what’s printed on your programmes. Tonight, we have a special guest who travelled all the way from China to perform with us. She is young and talented...extremely talented that I just had to drag her here to perform with us. Please welcome the beautiful and gifted...IRIS LONG!"

A young woman in a fiery red dress appeared and walked to the centre of the stage. Everyone gasped when they saw her. The dress smouldered and blazed under the light like flowing lava every time she moved.

"A goddess of fire," someone breathed, completely mesmerized.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 259 - Sold Her Soul To The Devil


C259 - Sold Her Soul To The Devil

Chapter 259 - Sold Her Soul To The Devil

Jin Liwei and his group led the welcoming applause as Iris reached centre stage to greet Maestro Ludovico De Luca.

Her fiery dress made her stick out like a lone bright flame among the musicians who were all wearing black and white. She looked radiant with just the right combination of modest and fierceness.

She faced the audience after greeting the maestro. Her eyes swept across the more than 2,000 people before zeroing in on Jin Liwei. The corners of her lips lifted into a slow smile, giving her man a deep look. She didn’t realize that her expression made her look extremely seductive especially while wearing such an eye-catching red dress.

Right then and there, a number of men and even women fell in love with her.

Maintaining eye contact with her man, she gave the audience an elegant curtsy bow. Then she took a seat in front of the grand piano. Her eyes closed, waiting a few moments for the applause to die down.

Pin-drop silence.

Her eyes opened and she raised her delicate-looking hands over the keys. The modest part of her aura disappeared, completely engulfed by fierceness.

She moved and the first chords of Schumann’s "Toccata in C Major, Op. 7" began playing. Everyone sat up straighter in their seats as they recognized the showpiece famous for its legendary difficulty.

It felt like every note was jumping, skipping and grabbing hold of the audience’s full attention, never letting them go until the end. With her fiery red dress smouldering and blazing under the light and her fierce aura to match it, Iris looked like a sorceress spellbinding them with her manic music.

Her fluid movements made the difficult piece look easy and effortless. Her interpretation was energetic and charming, fierce and slightly crazed. The music didn’t drag, engaging the audience throughout the entire performance.

It was like she was telling everyone through her playing, "Look at me! This is what I can do! Remember this, remember me! This is me!"

Perhaps it was a trick of the mind but as the music became more feverish, Iris’ red dress seemed to blaze even more brightly under the light.

"She must have sold her soul to the devil. How can someone play like that? This isn’t normal," was the thought of several of the audience members.

Iris threw her head back and her hands up when she finished playing the piece. It was such a perfect and beautiful exclamation of a powerful performance that people wished they had cameras to capture the moment. They already couldn’t wait to order the full recording of the concert just so they could watch and relive this moment again.

There was a beat of silence before thunderous applause and whistles reverberated throughout the entire concert hall. Everyone stood up, including Maestro De Luca and the orchestra musicians, to give her a well-deserved standing ovation.

Standing up and facing the audience, Iris smiled and gestured her thanks. She gave a deep curtsy bow.

Schumann’s "Toccata" was a short piece. But in the short period of time playing it, Iris managed to showcase her prowess on the piano, gaining the acknowledgement of the musicians, music critics and the audience.

Maestro De Luca nodded in satisfaction. He intentionally didn’t introduce her as his student because he wanted the people to acknowledge her own talents, skills and capabilities and not her connection to him.

It was the correct decision. Now everyone wanted to know more about her.



"Best ’Toccata’ I’ve heard in a long time. It’s already on par with Maestro De Luca’s ’Toccata’, even though their interpretations are different from each other. Now I know why the maestro changed the programme to include her."

"Her name is Iris Long, right? Why do I think that her name sounds familiar?"

"Wait. I bought this album called ’Rebirth Melodies’. If I remember correctly, the pianist and composer is called Iris Long."

"Oh, you’re right! I think they’re the same person! I love that album! Makes me cry every time I listen to it."

Some people already started recognizing her name from her piano album "Rebirth Melodies". It did well on the German music charts, peaking at number 6. Germany was one of the countries who sent a request to JJ’s record label to invite Iris to perform.

The applause and chatter died down when Maestro De Luca motioned for the audience to settle down. It was now time for the next performance.

He looked at Iris and then at his musicians, checking to see if they were all ready. He waved his baton and the powerful opening of Schumann’s "Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54" resounded. Then the melodious duet of the clarinet and the piano transported the audience into a romantic fantasy.

This time, Iris’ aura of playing was slightly different from when she played "Toccata" earlier. She still made the piano concerto look easy and electrifying, but her movements were more graceful...more romantic.

The blazing energy she had earlier in "Tocatta" became sweeter and passionate without being too melodramatic. She harmonized perfectly with the orchestra, touching and captivating everyone.

It was like she was serenading her lover with her sensual playing. And indeed, she was.

Jin Liwei’s eyes never left her. It was as if everyone else disappeared, leaving only the two of them in that moment. The music was like an invisible bridge connecting the two of them.

Half an hour to finish all movements of the piano concerto, yet nobody felt bored. They savoured everything from the music itself to the impressive musicians and the emotions evoked from within them.

Maestro De Luca gave a final wave of his baton while Iris held the notes down before releasing them, signalling the end of the performance.

There was no hesitation this time. The audience rose from their seats and gave a roaring standing ovation. Many of them even had tears in their eyes, still feeling the music even after it ended.

Iris stood up with a big smile. She and the maestro walked hand-in-hand together to the front of the stage. They raised their held hands high up in the air. She gave a curtsy bow while he bowed like a gentleman to the audience. Then they turned around and acknowledged the orchestra musicians.

"Well done. You were magnificent," Maestro De Luca told Iris.

"Thank you very much, Maestro, for giving me this opportunity."

"We’ll have more opportunities to perform together. I know that what you showed tonight is nowhere near your limit."

A staff member from backstage appeared and gave a bouquet of flowers to Iris. She thanked everyone again before heading down the stage. She became the centre of everyone’s attention as she walked back to her seat.

To everyone, this beautiful woman in a fiery red dress was without a doubt the highlight of the evening. She wasn’t only a talented and skilled pianist but was also beautiful and alluring.

Back in her seat beside Jin Liwei, she received congratulations and compliments from the people around her, including Grandpa Lu, the teary-eyed Professor Schwarz, and her other music instructor Enrique Valdez.

"Next will be my turn. Our collaboration will be grander than this," Enrique Valdez told her.

"I’m looking forward to it, Teacher."

Afterwards, she rested her head on Jin Liwei’s shoulder, feeling him kiss the top of her head. She wanted to relax and enjoy the rest of the concert with her man now that her own performance was over.

"You were amazing, baby. I’m so proud of you," he whispered.

"I was playing for you during my second performance."

"I know. I felt it."

"Shush! Stop flirting. The concert hasn’t ended yet. Hai, kids these days don’t know how to control themselves," Grandpa Lu grumbled in a low voice, complaining yet the playful glint in his eyes made it obvious that he was teasing them.

Finally, the entire concert ended. It was a huge success.

Iris, Jin Liwei and the others attended the after-party. Maestro De Luca took this opportunity to introduce Iris to some of the influential figures in the world of classical music. He still hadn’t introduced her as his student yet, opting to wait instead for the right opportunity in the future when she became more well-known as a classical musician in her own right.

The sky was already dark when Iris and Jin Liwei returned to their hotel suite. The elders chose to remain and socialize at the after-party.

Iris felt drained, so Jin Liwei carried her princess-style. He looked like a cold demon lord kidnapping a goddess of fire. People stopped in their tracks to gape at the sight of such a beautiful couple.

The night drew to a close.

Iris slept peacefully that night in the arms of Jin Liwei, not knowing that when she woke up the next day, her face would be splashed all over the European news.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 260 - Orchidia Beauty


C260 - Orchidia Beauty

Chapter 260 - Orchidia Beauty

The next day, Iris Long’s name and photos of her in a fiery red dress were all over the newspapers, TV and several websites. For now, they still didn’t know much about her. All they knew was that she was a popular musician in China.

Most of the music critics praised her interpretation of the two pieces she performed last night. There were a couple who didn’t like her playing, but these particular critics were anti-fans of Maestro De Luca in the first place. Because Iris performed at the maestro’s concert, they were already biased against her. Overall, people raved about her performances, even going as far as to call her a rising star in the world of classical music.

In addition to her prowess on the piano, everyone was also talking about her red dress. Her photos wearing it topped several best-dressed lists. Many fashionistas, celebrities and socialites wanted to know who designed it, hoping that they could also wear the same dress.

Then an art collector posted a photo of a painting on his blog. It was an oil painting of a fierce woman rising from the mouth of a volcano, lava covering her body. The image looked extremely similar to Iris’ red dress. The painting was titled "Forged in Fire" by the artist Ashandra Knightson.

Some people, especially Ashandra’s fans, started accusing Iris of plagiarism. But before the situation escalated, the art collector made another post.

"Ash and I are good friends," the art collector wrote on his blog. "So I called her and spoke to her about this issue. To my surprise, Ash said that she was the one who designed the dress based on her own painting. Some of you may not know but Ash also dabbles in fashion design. She also told me that she and the pianist Iris Long are friends. I’ve also been tasked by Ash to let everyone know that she made the fiery red dress exclusively for her friend. She won’t make the same dress for other people. That’s all. So stop attacking my friend’s friend. Iris Long didn’t plagiarize."

The art collector’s blog posts quickly went viral. Now people became even more curious about Iris Long.

Who was this young woman that she was friends with the artist Ashandra Knightson? Not only that, she was also seen with a group of impressive people during the concert.

After watching her piano performance, nobody doubted her connection to Maestro De Luca who valued talent and potential in young classical musicians.

But why did she also seem to be close to Enrique Valdez? The legendary hitmaker wasn’t a classical musician. Tabloids claimed that according to "insiders", Iris Long was the hitmaker’s latest lover. He never married but was known to have a string of lovers. Each fling never lasted for more than a few months.

There weren’t a lot of mention about Jin Liwei in the media, even though there were many people in the concert who witnessed him and Iris acting intimate on several occasions, kissing and cuddling.

It was just the nature of the media. A relationship with the famous hitmaker Enrique Valdez sounded more exciting, more scandalous especially in the West. Jin Liwei and Iris’ relationship would only become big news if it was revealed in China.

Jin Liwei already took steps to control the flow of information so that the news about him and Iris wouldn’t reach China. Although he wanted to shout out their relationship to the whole world, he knew that doing so would only make it harder for her to prove herself in her career. They would naturally reveal their relationship to everyone in the right time.

Several European media outlets reached out to her, inviting her for interviews. However, she declined all of them. She didn’t have time for interviews. She had a more important matter she needed to do at the moment.

The siblings Alona and Alric Bauer met with Iris in the hotel suite’s living room. Alona was the one who sold the skincare products to Iris at the street market a few days ago. Her brother, Alric, was a gangling man with hair as blonde as his sister.

Iris noticed that both the siblings’ skin looked smooth and clear, making them look younger than their actual age. They were older than Jin Liwei, but they looked about the same age as Iris.

Grandpa Lu and Jin Liwei observed the meeting but didn’t interfere. Iris also didn’t plan on asking for their opinions. She knew that Grandpa Lu was treating this as a test on how she would apply the things she learned from him.

"Are you interested in mass producing your products and selling it to a wider consumer market?" she asked.

Alona was still dazed, especially after recognizing Iris on the news. Who could’ve expected that her previous customer would become so popular after only a few days?

Since his sister wasn’t speaking, Alric had no choice but to answer the question himself. He had a mumbling voice, making it difficult for most people to understand him. Fortunately, Iris had great ears so she understood what he was saying.

"Of course, we want to mass produce, have more people use our products...but we don’t have enough money or experience to build our own company. Tried approaching other companies but rejected us without even trying our products...a**holes. Those who did try liked our products but they want to buy all our rights, kick us out and let their own people develop our products...bastards. Offered big money but I told them f*ck you so they chased us out."

"I see. I’m not surprised. Well, I like your products. However, I have some issues with them." Iris told him about the short shelf life and some of the products not working well on her skin. "Can you improve the formula?"

"Of course," he said.

Then he talked about having several ideas on how to improve the issues she mentioned plus other issues he noticed himself. It became apparent that he was the true brain behind the skincare products.

He told Iris he needed several specific equipment that didn’t exist yet. He knew how they would work, but didn’t know how to build them. He also already developed some new compounds all made from natural ingredients that may improve the products, but he needed an expert’s opinion to verify whether he was on the right track or not.

’Amanpio can build the equipment. And I’m sure Theresa can verify the compounds easily,’ Iris thought.

Making a decision, she looked at Alric straight in the eyes. "I’ll provide you with whatever you need. Money, equipment, even experts...no problem. I want to build a company with your products. I’ll also help you patent whatever technology you develop under your name, but you’ll have to sign an exclusive license to my company for a number of agreed years. As the developer of the products, you’re entitled to shares but of course, I’ll still be the major share holder and the boss since I’ll be financing everything."

Alric stared at her for a long time. She waited patiently, looking very calm when she was actually feeling nervous inside.

"You’ll let me do what I want in terms of product development?"


He stood up and extended his hand. "Deal."

"Wait!" Alona finally regained her senses. She pulled her brother. "Let’s talk about the terms first."

"No need," he said. "Don’t care about shares...just want to have the freedom and resources to develop my products...see them used by other people. As long as she treats us right, no complaints."

"But I want shares! I mean, we want shares!" Alona declared.

"No problem," Iris reassured her. "Do we have a deal then?"


After shaking hands with the siblings, Iris made plans with them.

"I’ll be leaving soon, but I’ll send some representatives to perform due diligence here with you. Hopefully we can sign a contract after that. Then you’ll have to move to China. We’ll build the company there."

Alric shrugged, not really caring about the location. His sister, Alona, was excited as she had never experienced riding a plane or leaving Europe before.

"It will take some time for your papers to be approved, but I’ll start making preparations in China so that everything is ready when you come."

They also discussed other details. The conversation became chattier with the excited Alona.

"I know that it’s still too early but do we have a name for our company?" Alona asked. "My brother and I suck at naming so we just labelled our products ’Amazing Homemade Lotion’ or ’Amazing Homemade Toner’, and so on and so forth."

"Hmm..." Iris tilted her head to the side, thinking. Then her eyes lit up. "Our company will be called...Orchidia Beauty."

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