His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

43.8K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 231 - Destiny


C231 - Destiny

Chapter 231 - Destiny

Back to the present.

Watching the beautiful young woman sleeping in his arms, Jin Liwei thought that destiny was cruel. However, when thinking about it carefully, his destiny was determined not by pure chances alone but also by his own goddamn choices.

He was the one who chose to slip away from his mother’s birthday ball two years ago and overheard Fan Luo’s words. He was the one who chose to believe Fan Luo over the girl named Iris Long even when the evidence pointed at Fan Luo’s fault. He was the one who chose to erase all the evidence, not knowing that he was protecting an evil monster who already harmed other women before.

Then a year and a half later, he was the one who decided to approach the beautiful young woman reading a Russian book at the hotel lobby. He was the one who decided to pursue her even knowing that she was the girl he helped f*ck over. He was the one who allowed himself to fall so mindlessly in love with his baby girl.

Falling in love with Long Xiulan was the most unexpected thing that happened to him. The girl he thought insignificant two years ago turned out to become the most important person in his life.

The saying was true. Love indeed moved in mysterious ways.

At first, he only felt a primal and animalistic desire to obtain her after realizing what a genius she was. For the first time in his life, he felt lust for another human being. It didn’t matter that she was the girl who he helped f*ck over by erasing the evidence of her past accident. He just simply wanted her for himself.

He didn’t know exactly when his feelings started to evolve into love. She was like a black hole that sucked him in without any chances of escape. His fall was very quick—boom! He was never the same again.

Now that he was completely in love with her, he realized that he just didn’t want her as his wife. He wanted her love, her everything. He also wanted her to accept him for who he was.

But how could she do that when he was hiding such a terrible secret from her?

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His secret was like a ticking time bomb. Any moment it could explode and when it did, everything he built with her so far would be destroyed into smithereens without any hope of recovery. He needed to defuse the bomb himself by telling her the truth.

"When you wake up, I’ll tell you everything," he whispered to her.

He pulled her closer to his body, as if trying to fuse her with him so that they could never be separated. Fear of losing her prevented him from falling asleep. He could deal with her fury and even her hatred, but he didn’t think he could deal with it if she decided to leave him forever.

A great pain squeezed his heart. He continued to agonize over his guilt and fear while he waited for her to wake up.


When the news broke out, everyone was shocked. All the condemnations and accusations thrown at both Jin Chonglin and Iris Long immediately stopped.

The LinLuo shippers and the haters of Jin Chonglin and Iris Long all shut up. They couldn’t believe that Fan Luo, the most perfect woman in their eyes, was actually such an evil woman. Many of them were in denial, even yelling fake news. However, the evidence was strong against Fan Luo.

As for the Black Stars and Jin Chonglin’s army of fans, they were stunned and then enraged. They screamed bloody murder and denounced Fan Luo. They also cried in heartbreak over what their Boss Iris and Prince Lin Lin suffered because of this evil monster.

Some of them even rallied and formed an angry mob outside the hospital where Fan Luo was staying, demanding that she surrender herself to the police.

Not even an hour later, all the young socialites who had been exposed by the hacker KeymonSTER called for a group press conference. All of them confessed that their leader was Fan Luo, pushing all the blame on her for instigating them to organize the online hate campaign against Iris Long.

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"We extend our deepest and sincerest formal apologies to Miss Iris Long for all the harm and hurt that we have caused due to our malice and immaturity. We have been led astray by a person who we thought was our friend but turned out to be a frighteningly evil person named Fan Luo. Today, we are officially declaring that we and our families are cutting ties with Fan Luo and the entire Fan family! Once again, we are very sorry for what we did in the past. We promise that we will never do it again and that we will change for the better!"

Some praised the socialites for owning up to their mistakes, but many were doubting their sincerity. They thought that the socialites were just saving their own a**es by throwing all the blame on Fan Luo now that her reputation was unrepairable.

Regardless of what their real reasons were for apologizing, the Black Stars still didn’t have any good feelings about these socialites who trampled upon their Boss Iris’ name.

The socialites’ press conference barely ended when another news broke out.

"Nation’s Most Evil Woman Fan Luo Supporting the Alarm Girls"

"Alarm Girls’ Lawyer Reportedly Paid by Fan Luo"

"Fan Luo Teamed Up with Alarm Girls, Known to be Long-Time Enemies of Iris Long"

By this time, the public already grew somewhat numb to the news revealing how evil Fan Luo was. The exposés were like an avalanche—nonstop, uncontrollable and destructive.

The law firm handling the Alarm Girls’ case released an official statement. They announced that their lawyer representing the girls was quitting, leaving the Alarm Girls to fend for themselves in the middle of their battle against Mr. Chen’s secretary and the nail polish company.

At this moment, the hacker KeymonSTER struck again. He exposed the young women accusing Mr. Chen and several higher-ups of the nail polish company as liars paid by Fan Luo to sabotage the trial against the Alarm Girls. Their accusations of sexual harassment, bribery and sextortion were done to damage the reputations of Mr. Chen and his colleagues.

Some of the women came forward to apologize for fear of their lives. They were already receiving death threats from random people.

"Fan Luo, that evil woman, was only treating the case between the Alarm Girls and the nail polish company as a test run. She said that if the Alarm Girls can get away with this case, they have a high chance of winning their next case against Miss Iris Long and her fans," one of the women revealed.

It was uncertain whether this woman was telling the truth or not. Would Fan Luo really reveal her intentions to someone she just paid to do her bidding? Perhaps the woman was just fanning the flames that was currently burning Fan Luo. No matter what the truth was, the media and the public were lapping all the details regarding Fan Luo’s wickedness.

Everyone wanted to hear from Iris Long herself but she hadn’t made any statements so far. Her social media accounts hadn’t been updated. People felt sorry for her and were enraged on her behalf. She had suffered so much, almost dying and having her reputation dragged through the mud over and over again, just because Fan Luo was jealous of her.

Bright Summit and JJ’s record label all released official statements condemning Fan Luo and stating their full support for Iris Long. Bright Summit especially emphasized their support because two of their current best-selling artists, Jin Chonglin and Iris Long, were involved in the current scandal with Fan Luo.

It was one revelation after another. The nation had more than enough to talk about with just these news alone.

Everyone was so absorbed at these explosive news that nobody noticed the recent news about the obliteration of three infamous gangs by a single new group. The authorities were still gathering information about this new group. They didn’t classify the group as a gang but temporarily called it an anti-gang instead.

Its leader was still unknown. However, they speculated that the leader must be someone with great wealth and outstanding leadership to be able to gather skilled members and to rise to prominence in such a short period of time.

With everyone focused on Fan Luo, Iris Long, Jin Chonglin and the Alarm Girls, this new group continued on their quest to destroy gangs unhindered. The police didn’t stop them, even encouraging them in their hearts for doing their job for them.

The wheels of destiny started turning a little faster.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 232 - Useless


C232 - Useless

Chapter 232 - Useless

Chief of Police residence.

Si Xinyue invited her best friends and sisters Feng Wan, Bai Li and Kung Mian. As the Police Chief, her husband had been very busy ever since the Fan family’s crimes were exposed to the public. He became even busier when the crimes of Fan Luo were revealed earlier today.

She wasn’t complaining because these cases were very important to her and her sisters. They only found out that their dear Iris suffered so much in the hands of that evil monster Fan Luo!

The four posh ladies were all aghast and enraged when they heard the latest news. They couldn’t even drink good champagne because they felt too upset.

"My husband told me that the police already submitted a request for a warrant to arrest that evil girl Fan Luo," Si Xinyue informed her friends. "They’re just waiting for the judge to approve and sign the document."

"What’s the judge doing? Why’s he taking so long?" Bai Li asked. She was from a family of scholars and national artists. They owned one of the top private universities in the country.

"Be patient. That girl’s crimes were only revealed today. They still need to confirm the authenticity of the crimes she committed. There’s not only one crime that she committed after all. But I agree with you. I hope that the judge can sign the arrest warrant today," Kung Mian said. She was from a family of influential politicians.

"I just hope that Fan Luo won’t escape from the hospital before she’s arrested," Feng Wan said, her narrowed eyes blazing with suppressed anger.

Among the four friends, Feng Wan was the one with the deepest background. She was born into a prestigious family of diplomats. Her late husband was from a distinguished military family. Both of their families came from a long line of old money and power whose influence extended across all the major sectors in the country. Although the Jins and the Lus shined the brightest right now, they couldn’t even compare to the combined status of Feng Wan and her late husband within the exclusive circles of high society within the country and beyond. She and her family just lived low-key lives despite their high status.

"It will be difficult for that evil girl to escape," Si Xinyue replied. "My husband sent a number of police officers to surround the hospital to block any of her attempts of escaping. They’re also there to prevent the angry mob outside the hospital from going out of control. They’re not stopping the mob, though."

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"Good," Feng Wan commented with a nod.

"I feel so sorry for our dear Iris. Poor girl." Bai Li sighed, shaking her head.

Kung Mian shook her head as well. "I wonder how she’s doing now. I hope she’s alright."

The four posh ladies continued to talk about Iris. They were waiting for the next development in this situation, ready to use their own respective backgrounds to provide support if needed.


Shrill screams and banging sounds filled a private hospital room. The doctors, nurses and other medical staff passing by the hallway outside glared at the door after hearing the noises. They all knew about the criminal staying in that room. Many of them were tempted to storm inside the room and beat the crap out of that evil woman. However, they were still medical professionals at the end of the day.

Inside the room, everything was a mess. Fan Luo was screaming and throwing everything she could get her hands on. Her mother just stood there, silently watching her with a cold expression.

"Why?! Why is this happening to me?!!" Fan Luo cried.

Just this morning, everyone was still on her side despite the exposé of her family’s crimes. She was still the perfect lady that people looked up to. But now everything turned upside-down!

She wasn’t really ill after her "attempted suicide". The slash on her wrist was just a superficial wound. The doctor who admitted her was on their side. He was also the one who helped her with the abortion, writing it off as miscarriage on her medical record, and also for "diagnosing" her with depression when she wasn’t really depressed.

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"Mom, what are we going to do? They’re going to arrest me!"

Fan Yuming’s expression became ugly. They tried escaping earlier with the help of the doctor but a nurse snitched on them and they were caught. They also didn’t expect that the police had already surrounded the entire hospital. At the moment, police officers were already stationed outside the room locking them in even without an arrest warrant. The doctor was also being held for helping them.

"I noticed that the Chief of Police has been extra hard on us ever since your father, uncles, and cousins were arrested. And now this! The police won’t even let you, a lady, off!"

"Mom, I don’t want to go to prison!"

"Stop whining, Luo Luo!" Fan Yuming snapped. "Let me think. Our friends have all turned their backs on us, those bastards and b*tches. We’ve helped them so much by connecting them to the Jins but this is the thanks we get? And this is all Liwei’s fault! Everything started going downhill ever since he rejected our company’s business proposals. He must’ve already planned our downfall since then. I don’t know how our family offended him but he’s an a**hole! Curse him to hell!"

"Think of something, Mom! Time is running out!"

"Be quiet. I guess our best choice is to ask Huang Yuyan for help. Although we’re now on bad terms with her sons and the Jins, that fool is so easy to manipulate. I’ll just cry a little and she’ll help us for sure. She also loves you like a daughter. You have to do your part and cry to her as well."

"I understand, Mom."

Fan Yuming called Huang Yuyan on the phone but discovered that her number had been blocked. She threw her phone against the wall in rage.

"That disloyal b*tch! I’ve sacrificed so much of my time pleasing her and even helping her weak pathetic self after her husband’s death! And this is how she repays me?! F*ck you, Huang Yuyan!"

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Fan Luo’s panic jumped to overdrive. "Mom! What are we—"

"Shut up! You’re useless! I already paved the way for you to wrap your little finger around Chonglin, but look! You couldn’t even control him! Despite becoming his fiancée, you only let him become estranged from you! I regret marrying into this family, even changing my surname to Fan. I made the Fans great! Without me, the Fans will still be a little local pawnshop! Even with all my hard work, all of you Fans are still so useless!"


Fan Yuming’s face was filled with resentment and hatred. "Just because that Huang Yuyan is pretty, she managed to reel in the Jin heir. She has nothing besides her beauty! She’s dumb and weak. If I met the Jin heir first, I would’ve been Madam Jin instead of a fool like her. Then all of these wouldn’t have happened!"

Fan Luo couldn’t refute her own mother, so she directed her fury at another person instead. "This is all the fault of that sl*t Iris Long! My perfect image is ruined and everyone hates me now because of her!"

Fan Yuming and Fan Luo were indeed mother and daughter. Both of them were hating and blaming other women for their own misfortune. The mother hated Huang Yuyan, while the daughter blamed Iris Long.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 233 - Forgive Me


C233 - Forgive Me

Chapter 233 - Forgive Me

The mother and daughter had no idea that ever since the police surrounded the hospital, they had been under surveillance. The hospital fully cooperated with the authorities, not wanting to damage their reputation by protecting a criminal.

All of their conversations were being recorded both on video and audio. The police planned on using the surveillance tapes as part of the evidence against Fan Luo and even Fan Yuming at the criminal trial that was sure to happen.

However, the hacker KeymonSTER didn’t want to wait until a criminal trial was scheduled. He hacked into the police system, stole the recordings, and then released them online for everyone to see.

In public, the police condemned the hacker for breaching their security system but they didn’t do anything to stop the spread of the tapes. Their Chief ordered them to stay put. By this time, many already noticed that the Chief of Police must have had some sort of grudge against the Fans.

They were wrong, though. The Chief didn’t have any grudge against the Fans at all. He was just granting his beloved wife’s request to make sure that the Fans, especially Fan Luo, wouldn’t have any chance of escaping.

Now the people didn’t only hate Fan Luo but also her mother, Fan Yuming. The headlines exploded once again.

"Like Mother, Like Daughter: Evil Spawns Evil"

"’I Made the Fans Great!’, Fan Yuming Says, Reveals She Used Friendship With Madam Jin to Climb the Social Ladder"

"Fan Yuming Insults Madam Jin, Calls Her a Dumb Fool Who Has Nothing But Beauty"

"Fan Yuming Wanted to Become Madam Jin?"

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Jin Family’s Old House.

The tablet fell to the floor. The video of Fan Yuming insulting Huang Yuyan was still playing. Each and every hurtful words were like knives stabbing painfully at Huang Yuyan’s heart. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Was this her best friend? Her sister?

Perhaps Huang Yuyan still could’ve ignored the insults to her person. After all, she was well aware that she wasn’t the smartest nor the strongest woman. She knew her own weaknesses. She could’ve written off the insults as something that Fan Yuming said at the heat of the moment.

However, Huang Yuyan couldn’t accept that the person she treated like her closest sister wanted to marry her late husband, even fantasizing about becoming Madam Jin. For Huang Yuyan, her husband was her bottom line. What Fan Yuming said was just too shameless. It completely shattered her illusion of friendship.

Huang Yuyan bit hard on her lower lip in frustration until it bled. Her eyes watered but she wiped them furiously. She didn’t want to cry over a traitor who used her in the pretense of friendship and sisterhood.

"I’m so stupid," she said.

"Yes. You’ve been very stupid," Grandma Li replied.

"Mother...please tell me how I can become strong. I know that I’m dumb, weak and gullible. And that my own children coddle me. I want to become stronger for them, for our Jin family and for myself. I don’t want anyone to suffer anymore because of my own weakness. Please tell me, Mother."

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Grandma Li looked at her daughter-in-law with a serious expression. "You’ve already taken the first step. You don’t become strong in a day. Learn from your past mistakes."

Huang Yuyan nodded, her lips trembling. "I’m so sorry..."

"My dear, it’s not me who you should apologize to. Our Liwei isn’t saying anything, but I know that you’ve hurt your eldest son’s feelings by ignoring his many attempts to talk to you. Your refusal to speak with him because of those evil Fans is an unjustified punishment. As for Little Chonglin, hai, what can I say? I don’t think he would even give that evil girl attention if not for you." Grandma Li shook her head, sighing. "So Yuyan, if you want to redeem yourself and become stronger, start making amends with your own children first."

With that, Grandma Li left Huang Yuyan to ponder over her own foolishness.


Dragon Palace Home #10.

It was already evening when Iris woke up. Although her surroundings were unfamiliar to her, she still felt at home in the arms of her man and the purring warmth of their two fur ball kids. She snuggled deeper in Jin Liwei’s embrace, inhaling his masculine scent that she liked so much.

"Baby?" He stayed awake holding her the entire time.

"Mmn...Missed you..." she murmured.

His arms tightened around her. They embraced each other until Ice Cream and Popcorn started meowing loudly at them. The kittens were hungry.

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"Are you hungry, too?" Jin Liwei asked her.

"No. I don’t really have an appetite especially after what happened today, but I’ll try to eat."

At the mention of what happened earlier, her expression suddenly turned vicious before she was able to control it.

The expression was so unlike her that Jin Liwei was taken aback. His heart hammered inside his chest. Apprehension whirled within him, threatening to overwhelm him until he almost couldn’t breathe. He took a few deep breaths, forcing himself to calm down. He strengthened his resolve in preparation for his confession later.

The two freshened up before carrying their kittens out of the bedroom suite. They headed to the dining area.

Iris kept looking around, curious at Jin Liwei’s mansion. It was massive...and lifeless. The servants avoided eye contact and stayed quiet as much as possible, only greeting them briefly as per their duty. The place reminded her of the Vetrov estate.

Jin Liwei noticed her expression. "You don’t like my house?"

She hesitated before answering. "It’s not that I don’t like it. This place is beautiful and elegant but...it feels like a necropolis."

He nodded, not surprised by her answer. "I get that a lot. If you don’t like it here, we can buy another house together. Whatever you want, we’ll get it."

She smiled at him. "Okay. I’ll think about it. Grandpa Lu says that I should start investing in real estate anyway. But this place is good. Let’s keep it. We just need to add more life to it."


His heart was filled with so much love for her that it felt like it was going to burst. However, fear and anxiety tainted the wonderful feeling. He almost blurted out the truth to her right then and there but stopped himself. He decided that he would confess everything to her after dinner.

The household staff served them a late dinner. They were extra attentive and more enthusiastic than usual because of Iris’ presence. She smiled and thanked them, making them blush regardless of their age and gender.

Lu Zihao and Dom already ate earlier, but the glutton Dom joined them again to have another round of dinner. But first, he fed Ice Cream and Popcorn. A maid tried taking the kittens, but they hissed and bared their claws at the stranger. They only calmed down and reluctantly left their Mommy and Daddy’s side once Dom arrived to take them. As for Lu Zihao, he seemed to have left and went somewhere.

Both Iris and Jin Liwei had no appetite during dinner. Ice Cream and Popcorn ate more than them.

After dinner, Jin Liwei toured Iris around the mansion while Dom took care of the kittens, helping them familiarize with the place and the household staff.

The two reached a rotunda with a glass dome where they could see all the twinkling stars in the night sky up above their heads.

Iris was admiring the place, while Jin Liwei was soaking in his own sweat because of his anxiety. He had met so many famous figures in the world and gave important speeches before, but he had never felt this nervous and afraid.

Finally, he decided to do it.

"Baby...I need to...I have something important to tell you."

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Sensing his anxiety, Iris tilted her head to the side. "Hm?"

"I’ve done something unforgivable to you. But even so, I still hope that you’ll forgive me." He reached for her hands and held them. Without breaking eye contact, he knelt in front of her.

"Liwei! What are you doing?!" Iris was confused. At first, she thought he was going to propose but his expression looked off. She tried pulling him up but couldn’t.

He tightened his hold on her hands. "Please listen to me. I..."

He confessed everything that happened two years ago. He started from his mother’s birthday ball and overhearing Fan Luo. He told her all the sequences of events as he remembered them without trying to justify himself in the process. He gave her the unvarnished truth, the words rushing out of his mouth in an almost mechanical manner. Nevertheless, his trembling voice and pleading expression gave away his real emotional state.

"I’m so sorry," he said when he finished confessing. "Baby, I love you so much! Please forgive me. I regret all of the things I’ve done to you in the past. Believe me. I promise that I’ll do anything for you from now on. You’re the most important person in my life. Just please, I beg you, forgive me."

Iris froze into a statue of shocked disbelief, but her heart melted seeing him agonizing so much. Her expression softened.

"Liwei, I—"

She gasped.

Intense fury suddenly flared within her. Murderous intent flooded her veins like a lava blazing through her rationality.

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"How dare you?!" she screeched.

Then she attacked him.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 234 - Promise


C234 - Promise

Chapter 234 - Promise

Jin Liwei tumbled onto his back on the floor with Iris on top of him. She pounded on his chest with her fists, scratched his neck and shoulders, and tore at his shirt.

His eyes widened in shock at her sudden violence, but he stayed still and endured all of her attacks. Her fists may look delicate but they sure could pack a punch. He didn’t try protecting himself, gritting his teeth instead to stop himself from groaning in pain.

It was a little odd because she appeared to be aiming at his face but for some reason, her hands would veer off course and hit his body instead. Her screeches and curses of bloody murder echoed throughout the large, empty rotunda, sounding like a demented evil spirit terrorizing the land of the living.

He thought that he was prepared to face her wrath and the possibility of her attacking him which were already happening right now, but he never expected to see such a ferocious expression on her face.

Something was telling him that the woman on top of him wasn’t his baby girl. He didn’t feel any sense of familiarity with this raging woman at all. The feeling was unexplainable and freaky.

It was only when her attacks started slowing down, or more accurately, when she was trying hard to restrain herself that the sense of familiarity returned to him. Her expression also changed from vicious to torn. Tears started flowing down her face.

"No no no... Not Liwei not Liwei... I don’t want to hurt Liwei...no..." she would cry one moment before once again screaming, "How dare you, you bastard?! I’ll scratch your f*cking face off! Cut off your d*ck and shove it down your throat! F*ck you, a**hole!"

Her sudden crass language made him cringe, but he just attributed it to her fury.

He looked at her and in his sincerest voice, he told her, "I love you. I’m so sorry."

She stopped when she heard his words. Her expression kept on shifting between looking like she wanted to skin him alive and wanting to embrace and kiss him.

In the end, she roughly grabbed his chin and smashed her mouth against his mouth in a hot, brutal kiss. She bit and sucked hard on his lips and tongue, making them bleed. Both of them tasted his blood.

He couldn’t stop himself from responding to her even when her ruthless kiss hurt so much. It felt like she wanted to bite his lips and tongue off and eat them. But he didn’t care. If she wanted to eat him alive, he would readily offer himself to her.

The kiss eventually became less violent and more sensual. Jin Liwei’s hands started roaming on her body, but she grabbed both of them and held them down above his head. Then she resumed kissing him hungrily.

When both of them were gasping for breath, she released his mouth and glared down at him. "F*ck you, Jin Liwei. You’re an a**hole."

"Yes. I’m an a**hole."

Then her angry glare transformed into a sad expression. She blinked and tears fell from her eyes, splashing down on his face. Some of her tears mixed with the blood around his mouth. Her tears gave him more pain than her attacks.

"Baby, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry."

"Liwei...I...I need to leave you."

Both his breathing and heart stopped for a few seconds. Then he panicked. The hands held down above his head escaped from her grasp. Sitting up with her still on top of him, he desperately clung to her.

"No! Baby, please no. I’ll do anything you want. Anything! Just say it, I’ll do it! Please don’t leave me."

She closed her eyes, avoiding his pleading face. She looked like she was in great pain. When she opened her eyes, there was a firm determination within them. Then she started disentangling herself from him.

"Liwei, let me go," she said in a strained voice. "I...I want to stay with you but...I can’t be with you right now."

He hugged her more tightly. His eyes also started welling up. "Baby, please. I’m begging you. Don’t leave me."

When he refused to release her, she snapped and pushed him away with all her might. "Let go, a**hole!"

It felt like she just stabbed a pole into his heart and twisted it. His arms loosened around her, and then fell down to his sides.

Seeing his hurt expression, she wavered for a moment before she hardened once again. She avoided looking at his face, while she continued disentangling herself from him.

He no longer tried to stop her. He just watched her with heartbroken eyes, as she got off him.

As for Iris, she was fighting a fierce internal battle. Hatred boiled within her, threatening to explode any second, but she forcefully tamped it down. The need to raise hell and go berserk was so intense that she could barely control herself.

But she couldn’t bear to hit Jin Liwei again. When she lost control earlier, it also hurt her when her fists struck him. It was a pain that battered at her heart. It felt like his pain was also her pain.

All she wanted was to console him and to stay with him. However, she just couldn’t disregard the overwhelming bloodthirst of her body.

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Jin Liwei wanted forgiveness, but it wasn’t her who needed to forgive him. The soul of the original Iris might be gone, but her remnant was still very much alive inside her body. The remnant consisted of pure and unadulterated emotions. This time, it was of pure hatred.

She needed to appease the remnant’s desire for revenge first before she could live in peace with Jin Liwei.

If she stayed with him at this time, she feared that the remnant would only engulf her and make her hate Jin Liwei. She didn’t want that to happen. So she could only leave him...for now.

She crouched and then hugged his neck tightly. Speaking directly to his ear, she told him, "I can’t stay with you for now because I don’t want to hate you. I need to leave and resolve something on my own first. After I’m done, I...I’ll come back." She released his neck.

They looked at one another.

"You’ll come back? Promise?"

"I promise."

He looked unwilling to let her go, but he still nodded. "I’ll wait for you. Please...please don’t forget to come back to me. I love you so much."

She looked at him one last time, memorizing every detail of him.

"I need to go," she said, standing up. Taking a few deep breaths, she turned around and walked away.

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Jin Liwei remained on the floor, watching his baby girl’s back get farther and farther away from him, until she completely disappeared from his view. He wanted to chase after her but stopped himself. He trusted her. She said she was going to come back, so he would wait for her.

He dropped on his back, lying on the cold hard floor. He looked up at the night sky through the glass dome. It was as if the twinkling stars lost their lustre. His baby girl took all the beauty and colour of his world with her. He would need to live in a dark, colourless and joyless world from now on until she returned to him.

"What am I going to do? You just left but I’m already missing you."

Covering his eyes with his arm, he began to cry.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 235 - Come Back Soon


C235 - Come Back Soon

Chapter 235 - Come Back Soon

Dom burst into tears when Iris informed him that she was leaving. She let him decide whether he wanted to return to the penthouse or stay here at the mansion with Jin Liwei and the kittens.

"Wuwuwu! Boss, I’ll stay here with sir boss and Ice Cream and Popcorn! I’ll take care of them, so that they won’t feel too lonely without you! Wuwuwu!"

"I’m counting on you, Dom," she told him. Then she hugged and nuzzled each of her kittens. "Ice Cream, Popcorn, stay with Daddy, okay? Don’t let him feel too sad. I also give you permission to scratch the faces off of anyone who dares steal Daddy away while Mommy is gone, okay?"

Ice Cream tilted her head to the side and meowed in assent. Her action resembled her Mommy so much that Dom’s hands moved on their own, fishing out his phone from his pocket and taking pictures of the cute plump, grey kitten.

On the other hand, Popcorn was meowing and rubbing himself all over Iris. He didn’t understand what was going on, but he could feel something was off. He felt restless and sought comfort from his Mommy.

Of course, Iris did her best to soothe the kittens.

Moments later...

"Ready, little sister?" Lu Zihao’s smooth and alluring voice asked.

He seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Iris barely detected him, while Dom jumped in surprise at the sound of his voice.

Lu Zihao was leaning his back against the doorway with his hands tucked inside the pockets of his jeans. As usual, he looked devilishly handsome.

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Dom stopped sobbing and stared at Lu Zihao with fangirlish eyes.

Lu Zihao smirked at him. "Still a crybaby, I see."

"Ah!" Dom clutched his chest and staggered back. If he wasn’t feeling upset because of his boss’ departure, he would’ve already started squealing like a crazed fangirl.

"Big Brother, let’s go." She slung a backpack behind her.

Dom found the medium-sized bag from Jin Liwei’s walk-in closet, and then packed some of Iris’ essentials from the luggage Yi Mei sent earlier. Iris didn’t bring everything. All she needed was a few clothes, her laptop, phone and wallet.

"Give me." Lu Zihao took the backpack from her and carried it instead.

They walked out of the bedroom suite. Ice Cream and Popcorn trotted beside their Mommy’s feet. Dom followed closely behind Lu Zihao, admiring his tall back.

When they reached the grand foyer, Jin Liwei was standing there waiting for them. He looked like a zombie with his red eyes, bleeding mouth and ripped shirt. The scratches on his neck and shoulders were red and swollen.

The butler and servants pretended that everything was normal, even though they were extremely shocked inside seeing their master’s sorry appearance. What happened between Miss Long and their master? Did they break up? What did their master do that Miss Long beat him up so badly? They were many questions they wanted to ask but didn’t dare to.

Lu Zihao raised an eyebrow at the sight of Jin Liwei. He gave his sister a side-eye. "You did that to him?"

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She didn’t reply, biting her lip instead. Taking a few deep breaths, she bent down and carried the kittens in her arms. Then she walked towards Jin Liwei and gently handed them to him.

"I’ll punish you if you neglect our kids," she whispered.

His eyes reddened a bit more. "Don’t worry. I’ll take care of them."

She nodded and stepped back.

"Can...can I kiss you before you go?" he asked.

"I..." She hesitated, afraid that the original’s remnant would flare up again. Her heart ached seeing his bleeding mouth. She didn’t want to bite him again.

"It’s okay. Bite me all you want. It doesn’t hurt."

"Liar," she told him before turning around and walking away.

Jin Liwei released a shaky breath, depressed by her refusal. It hurt. He involuntarily tightened his hold on the kittens, eliciting meows of complaints from them. He forced himself to loosen his arms.

His eyes were downcast while he focused on controlling his emotions. He didn’t see it when Iris suddenly turned and strode back. He only noticed her when she was already right in front of him.

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She grabbed his head and kissed him hard. Both of their eyes were open, looking at each other. Iris’ eyes were intense, while his were surprised. He wasn’t able to react in time. The kiss ended so soon. She turned around again and walked quickly away without looking back at him.

Dom started sobbing again.

"Take care of her, Fifth Brother," Jin Liwei said, his voice hoarse. "Keep her safe."

"Of course," Lu Zihao replied.

Iris and Lu Zihao finally left.

Popcorn started freaking out and attempted to jump out of Jin Liwei’s arms, wanting to follow after his Mommy. Jin Liwei didn’t allow him. Ice Cream didn’t struggle but meowed mournfully while looking at the direction her Mommy disappeared to.

That night, Jin Liwei lay with the kittens on his bed, staring up at the ceiling unable to sleep. He inhaled his baby girl’s scent from the pillows and the sheets she used when she slept earlier.

"She’ll come back," he persuaded himself.

However, he still couldn’t stop the feeling of loss. It felt like a part of him just died from her absence, even if it was only temporary. Especially since he didn’t know how long she would be gone.

"Come back soon," he whispered into the silence of the night.

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Inside the car, Iris sat with Lu Zihao in the backseat. She observed the two men at the front who her brother introduced earlier as his new subordinates. One was driving while the other sat stone-faced.

Upon meeting them, she immediately sensed that they were dangerous. Appearance-wise, they looked harmless and average-looking. They were the type that was easily forgotten in a crowd or in the streets. To her, however, their lethal aura was very familiar, something that she regularly encountered from her bodyguards in her past life as Evelina Vetrova.

Lu Zihao chuckled like the devil. He instantly knew what she was thinking about. "Don’t compare them to our people in the past," he told her in Russian. "These two couldn’t even compare to the pinkie of one of your maids. But they have potential. We’ll see how far they can go."

Her brows knitted in apprehension after hearing his words. She didn’t like the sound of what he said.

"Big brother, what are you planning?"

A bad feeling filled her regarding her brother.

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