His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

42K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 156 - Little Jun


C156 - Little Jun

Chapter 156 - Little Jun

Gold Heights Condominium.

The mouth-watering smell of bacon and eggs permeated the kitchen. Everyone sat around the kitchen island while the cook and Yi Mei served them food.

Iris and Jin Liwei sat together on one side. Dom and Meimei sat on the other side. Their nonstop chatter livened up the atmosphere. Meimei regularly slept over whenever she had no classes.

Jiang Ying Yue sat on another side with her one-year old son, Long Jun. The child sat on a high chair. A nanny was beside them. Everyone in the penthouse immediately fell in love with the toddler when they saw him for the first time. He looked a lot like his father, Long Hui.

Because Jiang Ying Yue lived quite far from the penthouse, Iris arranged for a two-bedroom unit for her and her son right in the same condo building. Jiang Ying Yue tried to decline the offer, knowing that she could never afford the price of living in this wealthy area.

But Iris told her, "Don’t decline. It’s not for you. I already bought it as a gift for my first nephew. The unit is under Little Jun’s name and will be officially transferred to him once he reaches the age of majority. And it’s more convenient that you move here so that you can come quickly whenever I need you."

Jiang Ying Yue didn’t have any reason to reject Iris’ generous offer, especially since it was all for her son.

"I also arranged for a nanny to care for Little Jun when you’re working," Iris added. "The nanny’s salary is paid for by my brother."

Jiang Ying Yue opened her mouth to protest but Iris raised her hand to stop her.

"If you have any objections about him paying for his son’s nanny, go talk to him," Iris said. "Like I said before, your relationship with my brother is none of my business. I won’t tell you what to do, but don’t forget that my brother is your son’s father. I’m also your son’s aunt. All we want is the best for Little Jun. But of course, you’re the mother so we’ll respect your decisions regarding your own child."

In the end, Jiang Ying Yue decided to accept the siblings’ offers. After all, they were all for her son. Iris’ words managed to penetrate through her pride. Despite this, she still felt a little resistant to accepting help from other people. She felt that she could do everything by herself as long as she worked hard enough.

Her relationship with Long Hui was a big mistake, but the fruit of their mistake was the biggest blessing in her life. She would never regret giving birth to her son, Long Jun. Her son completed her existence. She still didn’t want to have anything to do with Long Hui, but she could never deny the fact that he was her son’s father. Iris was able to make her realize that she shouldn’t deprive her son the opportunity to be provided for by his own father. She still didn’t like it, but she would stop resisting so strongly because this was for her son’s sake.

Back to the present, Jiang Ying Yue silently observed everyone. She was surprised by the warmth in this household. While she was still working as Long Hui’s bodyguard, she often heard the various Long family members disparaging the Young Miss Xiulan. But she could see nothing of that sort here.

Iris had been very generous to her ever since she started working for her, especially to Little Jun. The penthouse was basically her son’s home. He would spend the entire day here being doted upon by everyone. Their two-bedroom unit a few floors down was just a place to sleep. She worried a little that her son was being spoiled too much, but as a mother, she didn’t have the heart to tell them to stop.

She looked at her new boss and the man sitting beside her. She frequently caught them staring into each other’s eyes as if they were the only ones present in the world.

It was only because of her training as a bodyguard that was letting Jiang Ying Yue maintain an impassive expression on her face. The first time she saw Jin Liwei in the penthouse was a few days after she was hired. She immediately recognized him because she worked as Long Hui’s bodyguard for a few years. Long Hui was the heir of Long Industries. She often accompanied him to business meetings and events, so she was familiar with some of the key figures in the business world, especially someone as powerful as Jin Liwei.

She wondered what business the President-CEO of Jin Corporation had with her boss that he went out of his way to personally go to the penthouse. Then she learned that the two were in a relationship. They were even living together! She was so shocked that she questioned whether she was hallucinating or not.

Now a few weeks later, she was starting to get used to the possibility that her boss could be the next madam of Jin Corporation. Even she could see that the feelings between the lovers were real, especially Jin Liwei’s.

Jiang Ying Yue’s thoughts were interrupted by the crying of her child.

"What’s wrong, Junie boy?" Dom asked.

Jiang Ying Yue checked. "His diaper just needs to be changed. Please excuse us."

Iris nodded.

Jiang Ying Yue left carrying Little Jun in her arms, the nanny following them.

"Big Brother Liwei, what are you reading?" Meimei asked.

Jin Liwei was reading the newspaper while they ate breakfast.

Unlike Jiang Ying Yue, Meimei didn’t recognize Jin Liwei when she first met him as Iris’ boyfriend. Or more specifically, she didn’t know him in the first place. She had no interest in the corporate world. Iris’ words when she visited the Long ancestral residence stuck with her. She believed Iris when she said that her boyfriend was just a "regular businessman" who was "no one special".

Even when Dom told her that Jin Liwei was the head of the number one company in the country, she didn’t feel excited or amazed. To her, a company was a company. In other words, boring.

Jin Liwei showed the girl the page he was reading. It was the entertainment section. The headlines were all about Iris.

"Iris Long: the Newly Crowned Queen of the Music Charts!"

"Iris Long’s Upcoming Album ’Rebirth Melodies’ Already Breaking Pre-order Records for an Instrumental Album!"

"Film Critic: ’Only an Indie Film With Low Budget Will Have the Guts to Appoint Someone Like Iris Long to Compose an Entire Film Score.’"

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 157 - Third Album


C157 - Third Album

Chapter 157 - Third Album

Dom and Meimei leaned forward to read the headlines from the newspaper.

Meimei: "Oh wow! They’re all about you, Xiulan!"

Dom: "Of course! It’s because Boss is the best."

Meimei: "Your upcoming album is already breaking records! Amazing!"

Dom: "Ehehe. As expected, Boss is awesome."

Meimei: "Uwah! Xiulan, can you give me a signed copy?"

Dom: "Hey! Don’t ask boss for a copy. You should buy one!"

Meimei: "Aaaw. Come on. Fine, I’ll just steal―I mean, ask for another one from Uncle Tengfei. I’m sure he’ll buy lots again."

The two high-fived and laughed.

Meimei: "Eh? What did that stupid film critic say? ’Someone like Iris Long’? What’s that supposed to mean? Is that an insult?"

Dom: "Hmph! Film critic, my a**! Posing as an expert when he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about!"

Iris took the newspaper from Jin Liwei and speed read the article containing an interview with a film critic.

"Hmm... He’s not wrong," Iris said. "I’m indeed composing a film score for an indie film. And yes, they have low budget."

Meimei: "Oh, is that true?"

Iris nodded, returning the newspaper back to Jin Liwei. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before continuing to read.

Dom: "Hmph! So what if it’s an indie film with low budget? Being indie doesn’t mean low quality! Boss dared to accept the offer to be their official composer so of course the story is awesome! Not that I know what the story is about because it’s supposed to be a secret but I trust Boss’ judgment. I’m sure it’s a super duper great story. That film critic doesn’t even know what movie he’s talking about and he’s already judging it! So unprofessional! And he calls himself an expert? Pweh!"

"Oooh." Meimei bobbed her head. "I see. You’re right! I’ve watched awesome indie films before. How dare that film critic! He’s just a hater. Haters gonna hate. Hmph!"

Dom: "Yeah!"

The two grumbled together and bad-mouthed the critic.

Iris watched them, a warm smile on her face. She didn’t really care about what strangers were saying about her. But she felt grateful that she had people who would readily defend her name because they liked her as a person and not because it was their job or duty to do so.

She finished eating and sipped hot ginger tea. These days, her schedule wasn’t as packed to the brim. Likewise, Jin Liwei’s business project was already running smoothly so his schedule also eased up. That was why they had more times like these when they could eat meals together without rushing for work.

It was a Saturday. At the moment, their morning was very relaxed. But later in the afternoon, she would be guesting on a TV show. Jin Liwei didn’t need to go to work today. He said that he would be meeting with his brothers Lin Yehan, Wang Yingjie and Yu Mo later to hang out.

She leaned against Jin Liwei, looking over his shoulder to read the newspaper with him. Over half of the entire entertainment section was talking about her. The main interest, however, was on her appointment as the official composer for a currently unknown film.

Iris remembered how it came about.

She met with JJ at his office. Tang Yiyi was with them and it seemed that the manager was already informed beforehand. There were two other people in the office. Iris didn’t recognize them.

JJ introduced them as the director and executive producer of an indie film that was still in production stage. After the greetings, they immediately talked business.

"Miss Long, we would like to use your song ’Phantom of Your Love’ as our film’s official theme song," the producer said.

"I was actually the one who wants to use your song," the director interjected. "The first time I heard the full song, I knew that it’s the perfect theme song for our film."

Iris was silent for a few moments, thinking. Then she asked, "May I know first what your film is about?"

"Of course!" The producer then looked at the director.

The director nodded. Then he began describing the story in detail to Iris.

Her eyes lit up in wonder as she listened. Her head tilted to the side, imagining the story the director was telling her. What was even more amazing was that it was based on a true story.

After the director finished talking, they all looked at Iris. Expectation and nervousness were in their eyes. Finally, they received her answer.

"It would be my honour to grant your request," she told them. "But I have one condition."

Director: "What is it?"

"I want to read the full script first and then rearrange the song to perfectly match the story."

The director and the producer hesitated.

"I’ll sign an NDA if you need me to."

"Deal," the director immediately said.

The next day, Iris received a sealed copy of the script from Tang Yiyi. They didn’t require her to sign an NDA but just asked her to keep the script’s existence a secret. She assured them that she would.

After reading the script, she immediately began rearranging "Phantom of Your Love", making it darker than it already was, more soulful to the point of eerie, and of course cinematic. She worked with her symphony orchestra to record the new version of the song.

Less than a week later, she submitted the song to JJ. Within a few hours, JJ called her on the phone. He excitedly told her that the director and producer loved the song so much that they wanted her to compose the film score for the entire movie.

"This is a great opportunity for you as a musician," JJ told her. "Think about it carefully, brat."

Iris was moved by the story so she agreed without hesitation.

JJ was pleased with her answer but he still had to warn her. "They can’t pay you a lot, you know. They don’t have the budget."

"It’s okay."

After a quick negotiation, everyone met up again for the contract signing, officially welcoming Iris as part of the film production team.

Additionally, it was decided that JJ’s record label would release the soundtrack album of the film. Of course, since Iris would be the one composing the entire film score, all the rights were hers and it would count as another full album under her name.

It was scheduled to be her third official album.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 158 - Chaos Around The World


C158 - Chaos Around The World

Chapter 158 - Chaos Around The World

Dragon Palace Homes #10.

The last time the four brothers hung out together was when Jin Liwei took Iris to the farm villa for their first date. Each of them had their own different careers. It was not easy for them to match their schedules, especially for Jin Liwei who was the head of the number one company in the country and Wang Yingjie who was a surgeon from a busy hospital. Compared to the two of them, Lin Yehan and Yu Mo had more regular schedules.

Today, the four brothers gathered at Jin Liwei’s enormous residence. They were at the indoor tennis courts.

They alternated opponents until they all played against each other a few times. Finally, they decided to stop when they felt too tired to continue. They were all panting and drenched in sweat.

Servants instantly appeared to give them water bottles and towels before withdrawing to give the brothers privacy.

Wang Yingjie was very observant. He turned to Jin Liwei. "Third Brother, is it just me or are your servants more eager to serve than usual? There’s also something that I noticed. I’ve seen no signs of your presence in your house. Perhaps you were just too busy working that you haven’t stayed here for a while?"

"En. I haven’t been staying here. Xiulan and I have been living together at her place."

"What?!" Yu Mo exclaimed. "Third Bro, is that true?! Since when?! Why haven’t you told us?! And I’m so sad! I go to Xiao Xiu’s place every week but she never told me. I had no idea."

"I moved in with Xiulan after I returned from my Canadian business trip."

Yu Mo: "So long ago and you never told us! Are we still your brothers?"

Jin Liwei gave his Fourth Brother a side-eye, not bothering to reply.

"Seems like you’re quite serious about your relationship with her," Lin Yehan commented with his usual gentle voice.

"En. I plan to marry her," Jin Liwei said with a nod.

All three brothers stared at him with wide eyes. Yu Mo’s expression was the most comical. His mouth opened and closed like a gasping fish out of water. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets.

Yu Mo: "Y-you...what..."

Lin Yehan had a thoughtful expression.

Wang Yingjie just nodded, as if he already expected it. His eyes were on Jin Liwei’s left wrist. He immediately knew what LX on his brother’s bangle stood for even without asking.

The four brothers headed to the showers. Yu Mo pestered Jin Liwei on the way, asking him all sorts of questions about his relationship with Iris. Jin Liwei answered some of them, but mostly just ignored his Fourth Brother’s nonsense. After showering, they entered the adjoining sauna buck naked with only a single towel each.

"It would have been better if Fifth Brother is with us," Lin Yehan sighed. "Third Brother, you met with Fifth Brother while you were in Toronto, right? How is he?"

Jin Liwei nodded. "He’s doing well. He looked healthy when I saw him. He also recovered his mobility."

Wang Yingjie: "That’s a great relief. Paralysis can be a tricky condition to recover from."

Yu Mo: "I wonder when Fourth Bro will come back."

The brothers became quiet, thinking about their youngest brother. They thought that they were going to lose him when they first heard about the accident. Thank the heavens that he managed to hold on to his life. All of them were looking forward to the day that all five of them could gather together again.

Lin Yehan cleared his throat. He wanted to dissolve the suddenly somber atmosphere, so he changed the subject. "By the way, Third Brother. Is your company alright? There are a lot of companies all around the world that have been struck by the recent hacking which exposed shocking scandals to the public. I heard that Europe and North America are the ones affected the most."

Yu Mo: "Oh yeah, I heard about that! It’s all over the news. The scandals sparked public outrage with millions of clients suing the companies. Company chief officers are either resigning or are being fired. Almost all of them are facing police investigations."

"My company is not affected at all," Jin Liwei replied. Then he paused, realizing something. "Now that I think about it, the companies that are related to Jin Corporation aren’t affected either. Perhaps that’s why only very few have been hit in the country compared to abroad."

Lin Yehan: "That’s great to hear."

Wang Yingjie: "It’s not only businesses. Research facilities and even universities have been hit. The worst are the ones involving politicians. New reports are popping up every day. Nobody has noticed any patterns yet based on the ones affected so far. It seems that the hacker is hitting randomly. I wonder what his goal is."

Yu Mo: "Isn’t it obvious? He wants justice! I, for one, approve of this hacker! Those who have been exposed need to pay for the crimes they committed! What’s the name of the hacker again? I forgot."

"Drakon," Jin Liwei answered.

Yu Mo: "Yeah! I think Drakon is cool! I heard that he didn’t make any money from this recent hacking. He just wants to expose the evildoers."

Lin Yehan sighed and shook his head. "Fourth Brother, don’t idolize that hacker. He’s now a wanted criminal. Many authorities from all over the world are now hunting for him. He should’ve contacted the police and shared his findings with them instead of carelessly dumping everything to the public. The chaos he caused all around the world is no joke. Stock prices crashing, riots everywhere. There have even been unverified reports that people are being assassinated because of the exposed scandals."

Wang Yinjie turned to Jin Liwei. "What do you think about it, Third Brother?"

"I agree with the analyst who said that the hacker doesn’t care about justice," Jin Liwei replied while wiping the sweat off his body with a towel. "That hacker is just looking for attention. It seems that he only surfaced about a year ago. He’s doing all of these to make a name for himself. That’s all."

Lin Yehan: "Whatever his reason for hacking and causing all this chaos, I’m glad that he didn’t touch Jin Corporation."

Jin Liwei: "En."

Wang Yingjie nodded.

Yu Mo muttered, "I still think that Drakon is cool."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 159 - Cross Academy


C159 - Cross Academy

Chapter 159 - Cross Academy

The delicate, traditional koto [1] music playing in the background evoked an image of a relaxing stroll in a bamboo forest. Iris sat inside a private room at the best Japanese restaurant in the city, sipping a hot tea blend of Gyokuro and dried sakura blossoms. The ambience was a combination of modern and traditional aesthetics.

Jiang Ying Yue stood stone-faced by the door, while Iris waited at the plush leather seats amidst the traditional décor. The two of them were currently the only ones in the room.

Moments later, there was a knock on the door. Jiang Ying Yue opened it and three people entered. A server led two foreign people into the room.

The foreign man was advanced in age but he still looked tall and imposing. His back was straight, not stooped at all unlike other men his age. He had a full head of white hair connected to his equally white beard and mustache. The wrinkles on his face didn’t diminish the stern and sharp look in his eyes. Walking beside him was a middle aged petite blonde woman who looked like she had a perpetual smile on her face.

Iris stood up and gave them a welcoming smile. She glanced at Jiang Ying Yue and nodded. Jiang Ying Yue bowed her head before exiting the room.

The blonde woman stepped forward and extended a hand to Iris. She spoke in German. "Hello. My name is Giulia Moretti. You must be Miss Xiulan Long. We have spoken on the phone before. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Hello, Madame Moretti. It’s a pleasure to meet you too," Iris replied in fluent German.

Then they turned to the older man. Giulia Moretti introduced him.

"This is Professor Erwan Dupont, Headmaster of Cross Academy."

"Professor Dupont, it is my great honour to meet you, sir," Iris respectfully greeted the Headmaster. "Thank you very much for taking the time to fly here all the way from Switzerland to meet me despite your busy schedule."

Professor Dupont nodded and shook hands with Iris. "I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Miss Long."

They seated themselves. The server poured tea to the two new arrivals and then took their orders. The food arrived a few minutes later. They chatted good-naturedly about each other’s countries while eating. Though it was mostly the women doing most of the talking.

After eating, they finally talked about the purpose of this meeting.

"Miss Long, the Headmaster and I, with my capacity as the admissions counselor, have come here today to officially invite you to become a student of Cross Academy." Giulia Moretti handed Iris a thick envelope.

"Thank you." Iris received it with a smile and opened it, reading the official offer from the academy, an enrollment form, and other documents.

Giulia Moretti: "As you may already know, Cross Academy is an exclusive, one-of-a-kind institution. Nothing like it exists anywhere else in the entire world. Following the original purpose of our great founder 250 years ago, we continue to gather only the most talented and skilled individuals in various fields across the world. Successful enrollment is only available through direct offer from us and never by application. Miss Long, do you know why we extended an offer to you?"

"Yes," Iris answered.

Professor Dupont finally spoke. "Your recent hacking exploits have left a trail of chaos all over the world. As an individual, I say your actions were utterly irresponsible and cruel. However, as the Headmaster of Cross Academy, I daresay that your superior skills undoubtedly make you deserving to become a student of our academy. We only care about skills, not motivation or reputation. We nurture but it’s up to the individual to grow."

Iris bowed her head, acknowledging his words.

Professor Dupont: "You say that you know the reason why we extended an offer to you. Pray tell."

Iris: "Because my style and skills in hacking remind you of someone."

"Correct." Then his eyes became sharper as he directed them at her. "Drakon, what is your connection to Fantom?"

She took two deep breaths before answering. "Fantom...taught me everything I need to know about hacking and computers. You can say that Fantom is my master."

Professor Dupont looked like he already expected her answer. "Since that’s the case, do you know Fantom’s real identity?"

Her eyes darkened. "Yes."

They waited for her to say more. It took almost a full minute before she finally answered.

"Fantom is...was Evelina Vetrova, a Cross Academy alumni," she whispered in a flat tone. "And she’s dead."

Everyone was quiet after that. Nobody said a word. The atmosphere became heavy, almost suffocating.

Professor Dupont sighed heavily. "Indeed. What a sad life she lived. She was one of the brightest talents that I have known. Our Cross Academy will always be proud of her."

Iris’ hands clenched into fists. They trembled a bit, before she forced them to relax.

The he looked at her again. "But her amazing skills live through you. That’s why we’re here today. Tell me, Miss Long. Did you create that ruckus all over the world just to get our attention?"

"Yes, sir. I want education but I have no interest in wasting my time at a regular school."

He nodded. "Indeed, your past school records are horrendous. Fortunately, Cross Academy doesn’t judge base on that. Specialized talent and skills aren’t necessarily reflected on school report cards. Miss Long, you are indeed a disciple of the late Miss Vetrova. Not only did you inherit her world-class skills as a hacker, but you’re also skilled in languages. As you requested, we will not enroll you to our Computer Science Program like her but in the Foreign Languages Program instead with minor focus on Business Administration. After all, with Fantom as your master, we can’t really teach you anything new as a hacker since she herself had a huge influence to the development of our current Computer Science program when she was still a student and later on as an alumni."

Then he gestured to the blonde woman sitting beside him, silently instructing her to take over.

Giulia Moretti nodded and then smiled at Iris. "Miss Long, would you be willing to accept our offer to become a student of Cross Academy?"

"Of course," Iris answered. "It will be my honour."

Giulia Moretti: "Excellent! Please complete the form I gave you and provide the necessary documents. The Headmaster and I will be staying in this country for a week to process your official enrollment. If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to give me a call and I’ll do my best to assist you."

"Thank you very much, Professor Dupont and Madame Moretti."

The Headmaster’s stern and sharp eyes softened a bit, showing a pleased glint within them. "Miss Xiulan Long, as the Headmaster, I welcome you to Cross Academy."



[1] A Japanese 13-stringed musical instrument which is also Japan’s national instrument.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 160 - Legendary School For Geniuses


C160 - Legendary School For Geniuses

Chapter 160 - Legendary School For Geniuses

On the way home inside the car, Iris studied the documents Giulia Moretti gave her. She planned on completing all the necessary requirements for enrollment today and submit everything to the admissions counselor tomorrow.

After reading through them, she leaned back and closed her eyes. She was at the backseat. Jiang Ying Yue was sitting at the front with the driver. They left Dom at the penthouse. He was busy with paperwork regarding her recent job commitments.

Iris’ feelings at the moment about her enrollment to Cross Academy were complicated.

Cross Academy was viewed by most of the world as a legendary school for geniuses. It was situated at a remote location in the Swiss Alps. Not much was known about its history other than what they revealed to the public. Nevertheless, most textbooks agreed that the academy was founded by a mysterious explorer and educator named Professor Galaxianne Arria von Cross about 250 years ago.

The first students she recruited to establish the Cross Academy when they settled in the Swiss Alps all became key historical figures with great accomplishments after they returned to their own homelands. She passed down the academy to one of her students and disappeared thereafter, never to be seen or heard from again.

The academy continued to follow the mission laid down by its great founder—to gather and nurture the most talented and skilled individuals in the world. However, throughout its two and a half centuries of existence, it also evolved to become an independent, neutral superpower with assets and networks comparable to a wealthy country. After all, most of its alumni were world-class leaders in their own fields of expertise.

What made it unique was that once enrolled, its students didn’t need to travel all the way to Switzerland to study. Instead, the academy would send highly skilled instructors to wherever part of the world its students lived. Despite this option, most students still chose to study directly at the campus in Switzerland.

In her previous life as Evelina, she was recruited by the academy in her early teens after playing around in the deep web. Bored and curious, she accepted the offer without thinking too much. She only thought that it would be interesting.

What she didn’t expect was the delighted reactions from her family after they learned that Cross Academy made an offer to her. They were absolutely ecstatic. Even her cold mother had a rare pleased expression on her face. It was only afterwards that she realized how prestigious a standing Cross Academy held on the world stage.

Since her background was special and her family rarely permitted her to leave the estate, the academy sent instructors to her. She officially enrolled as a Computer Science student. But seeing her talent in music, the academy decided to nurture her in this field as well, replacing her private music teacher with some of the top musicians in the world who were also alumni of the academy. That was how her skills in both computers and music were developed to such a high degree.

The number of times she actually visited the Swiss campus could be counted in one hand. And each time, her entourage was like a small army.

Now as Iris Long, she never really thought about getting a regular university degree because she already received the best education in the world in her previous life. That was until Long Hui pointed out that she was undereducated and unqualified to work at Long Industries.

She realized that to others, she barely completed senior high school. It was unfortunate that no matter how intelligent or skilled a person was, he or she would still be looked down upon by most of society if he or she lacked a university degree or an equivalent proof of higher education or training.

Unless a person developed a massively successful career or was earning millions or better yet billions of money, others would have preconceived notions that the undereducated were automatic failures in life.

Iris personally didn’t give a whit about what others thought about her. She just wanted to live her life the way she wanted it, enjoying her passions, discovering new things, and most importantly pursuing her dreams. However, she was slowly realizing that she was now living in society, not in a closed off environment anymore. She still didn’t care about others’ unwanted opinions, but Long Hui’s words stuck with her.

She had the education but no proof. Of course, she could always enroll at a regular university and easily pass everything, but she didn’t want to take time off from her showbiz career to spend years studying. So she decided that her best option was Cross Academy.

Now that she was about to become a student in the academy once again, Iris couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable using her connection to her previous life. She was both Evelina and Iris, but they were two different people.

She wanted a fresh start as Iris Long, but it seemed that she still needed Evelina Vetrova.

This was making her a little nervous. It felt like she just opened a door which she couldn’t close—the door separating her past and present lives.

Iris shook her head, not liking the direction of her thoughts.

"Ying Yue, could you please put on some music?"

Jiang Ying Yue turned on the radio. Jin Chonglin’s song was currently playing. She was about to change to another station but Iris stopped her.

"No, that’s fine. Thank you."

Iris leaned back and focused on the sexy R&B song to distract herself. Her fingers tapped with the beat of the music.

For some reason, the song was making her think of Jin Liwei.

Taking out her phone, she started typing.

"I think I miss you."

Then she hesitated, contemplating whether to send the text or not.

’He’s my boyfriend. There’s nothing wrong in texting him to say that I miss him.’

Persuading herself like this, she finally sent the text.


Barely three seconds had passed and he already replied.

Liwei: "I miss you too, baby. So much. Will come home early tonight in time for dinner. I love you."

She was already smiling before she even realized it. And just like that, all her earlier worries were blown away by a single text from her man.

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