His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

43.8K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 91 - Catfigh


C91 - Catfigh

Chapter 91 - Catfigh

Another hour passed by. Lunch time was over. The employees returned to their work after eating.

The Alarm Girls were hungry and angry. They snapped at their manager who offered to buy them lunch, telling them that they should eat while waiting.

’Fine, if you don’t wanna eat then don’t eat. Hmph!’ he thought as he chewed on another biscuit.

Finally, after more than five hours of waiting. Mr. Chen’s secretary stepped out of the elevator and found them.

She introduced herself in a detached, professional manner, observing the bedraggled appearances of the three girls. She inwardly shook her head at the girls’ stupidity and bad luck for offending someone they shouldn’t have offended. Only someone with a screw loose would dare offend Jin Corporation, yet these girls did.

"Hello," the manager immediately greeted the secretary with a fawning smile. "These are Wanwan, Feifei and Mimi. They’re the Alarm Girls and I’m their manager. Is Mr. Chen ready to see us?"

"We’ve been waiting for five hours," Wanwan grumbled.

The secretary cast a cold look at the complaining girl.

The manager laughed awkwardly. He wanted to knock some sense into the stupid girl’s head. He smiled at the secretary. "Please lead the way. We are looking forward to meeting with Mr. Chen."

The secretary inwardly sighed at being assigned the unpleasant job of informing these unfortunate girls that they waited for so long in vain. Alas, her boss had no desire to meet them in person. She cleared her throat and spoke in a cold tone.

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"Miss Wanwan, Miss Feifei, Miss Mimi, Mr. Manager. I regret to inform you that our company cannot continue on with this endorsement deal with you. There are issues that cropped up at the last minute and we decided that the Alarm Girls aren’t the best fit to endorse our products. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we stand behind our final decision. We wish you good luck on your career. The exit is that way. Please stay safe on the road. Have a good day."

The manager blinked. His mind turned blank. W-what? This wasn’t happening, right? He worked so hard and so long to obtain this deal. H-how come? What in the world happened?

The three girls also froze, not believing what they just heard. The endorsement deal was off? Just like that?

No way.

Wanwan: "What the hell are you saying? Say that again!"

The secretary ignored the girl’s attitude and spoke in a cold voice. "Our company has decided that the endorsement agreement with you is now cancelled. After much consideration, we believe that your group is not suitable to endorse our products. Please kindly leave because Mr. Chen will not be meeting with you."

"Wait! I...there must be some mistake," the manager said. He was sweating hard. "I talked with Mr. Chen a number of times and he assured me that the endorsement deal will be given to my girls."

"Mr. Manager, there is no such thing as a sure thing in the business world, especially if the contract is not signed yet. I’m sure you know that." The secretary made a show of looking at her wristwatch. "Please excuse me. I am quite busy at the moment. The exit is right there. Please show yourselves out."

Feifei couldn’t take it anymore. She had been the most understanding while they were forced to wait for hours. Now that they learned that they waited for nothing, she felt furious.

"Is this how you treat your endorsers?! You made us wait for more than five hours! If the deal is off, you should’ve told us earlier! Then we wouldn’t have waited all this time!"

"Miss Feifei, you are mistaken. First of all, we treat our endorsers very well. Some of the successful ones even launched their own nail polish line with us. Many of them are our bestsellers. Second of all, you are not our endorsers so we don’t have any obligation to you."

"You! How dare you?!" Mimi shrieked. Her voice was so shrill that it echoed across the entire lobby, attracting a lot of attention.

People stopped what they were doing and looked at their direction. Many of the employees recognized Mr. Chen’s secretary. Some of them called for security to intervene just in case the undisciplined girls hurt their fellow colleague.

They already had a bad impression of the girls, especially after hearing them badmouthing their company earlier. Now they were even shouting at Mr. Chen’s secretary. Were they crazy? How dare they?

"Calm down, girls," their manager told them. "Let’s try to talk this out. I’m sure there must be some kind of mistake."

Wanwan: "Calm down?! Mistake?! They made us wait for more than five f*cking hours and now they’re telling us that the endorsement deal is off! How do you expect us to calm down?! This is all your fault! You’re such an incompetent manager! You can’t even connect us with a reputable company!"

"And what do you mean by that, Miss Wanwan? Are you saying that our company is not reputable?" The secretary’s voice became colder.

She started working for the company since she graduated from university. She had only experienced working for the company and was very loyal to it.

Wanwan: "That’s exactly what I’m saying! Because if you’re really reputable, how can you treat us this way?! You’re just a bunch of losers with trashy products! Who wants to endorse your cheap nail polish! We don’t!"

The manager was already beyond panicking. Everything was ruined! These idiotic girls ruined all his hard work!

"I see. That’s good to hear because our company doesn’t want to work with you either. We don’t associate with conceited spoiled brats like you who think too highly of yourselves. Who do you think you are? There are a lot of other girl groups who are more deserving to become our endorsers than you. If you don’t have any more business with our company, please leave or do you want someone to show you where the exit is?"

"You b*tch!" Wanwan pounced at the secretary, pulling hard at her hair.

The secretary wasn’t a pushover either. She slapped and scratched at Wanwan’s face.

Of course, Feifei and Mimi jumped into the fray, ganging up on the secretary. Feifei and Mimi held the secretary while Wanwan attacked with all her might.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 92 - See You In Cour


C92 - See You In Cour

Chapter 92 - See You In Cour

The manager was so shocked that he wasn’t able to react in time. He was frozen and stared with blank eyes at the women viciously fighting like wild beasts in front of him.

Security guards quickly ran over to separate the women.

The employees all came over, concerned and curious. They pulled and supported Mr. Chen’s secretary, protecting her from the uncivilized girls who dared bully their colleague right in front of them in their own territory.

What audacity!

Mr. Chen’s secretary was in a sorry state. Her clothes were ripped. There were small bald spots on her head where clumps of hair were pulled out. There were scratches and bruises all over her face and body. Her mouth was bleeding and she had a nasty black eye.

Wanwan was also scratched and had a couple of bruises, but she was in a much better condition than the secretary. Feifei and Mimi, on the other hand, had no injuries on them at all. They only looked disheveled.

One look and it was plain for everyone to see who the real victim of this altercation was.

Each of the Alarm Girls were held by a security guard. They were struggling and shrieking about physical assault and sexual harassment. The security guards restraining them were males.

The receptionist was on the phone calling for the police.

The manager finally regained sense and realized how deep the trouble the stupid girls fell into this time. He immediately rebuked the girls, ignoring their ferocious glares, and bowed and apologized to everyone, especially to Mr. Chen’s secretary.

He was, as expected, ignored and even denounced.

Soon after, the police arrived.

Seeing the police officers, the Alarm Girls finally panicked. Mimi broke down in tears, sobbing hysterically. Wanwan blanched but determination flashed across her fierce eyes. Feifei trembled but the same determination also appeared on her expression.

The three girls realized that they totally lost control of themselves and the situation today. Ever since the altercation with that b*tch Iris Long last Friday at "MusicFest Tonight" and receiving an official order from their management company the day after to apologize to the b*tch, they were all in a foul mood for the entire weekend.

They thought that everything would turn for the better once they seal this endorsement deal, but they were instead forced to wait for more than five hours. They were hungry, angry, and frustrated. But in the end, they were told that the endorsement deal was off the table. It was the final straw which triggered the volcano of negative emotions that they were bottling up the entire weekend. They just exploded.

The police officers started asking questions to gain an understanding of what happened.

The manager knew that the situation spiralled out of control, so he insisted that he and his girls wouldn’t answer any questions from the police without the presence of their lawyer. He immediately contacted their management company to ask for a lawyer and instructions on how to handle the situation.

Although the Alarm Girls and their manager refused to respond to the police officers’ questioning, Mr. Chen’s secretary and the people who witnessed the entire thing were more than willing to recount what really happened. Some of them even recorded the incident on their mobile phones.

Upstairs, Mr. Chen received a call from the receptionist. After hearing what happened to his secretary, he hurried to the elevator and ran downstairs to the lobby.

When he arrived at the scene and saw his secretary’s sorry state, he was absolutely livid. How dare these girls beat up his secretary?!

"Why didn’t someone call for an ambulance?!" he yelled. "My secretary is injured! She’s even bleeding! Hurry up!"

"Mr. Chen, don’t worry. We already called and the ambulance is on its way," someone informed him.

"Sir..." The secretary finally broke down and cried when her boss arrived. Her hands touched the bald spots on her head. "My hair..."

Mr. Chen finally noticed the bald spots on his secretary’s head. He knew how she treasured her hair and would frequently catch her combing it while she was on her desk.

He was furious. Turning to the three evil girls, he roared, "You b*tches! How dare you?!"

He pounced at them, but several security guards and employees held him back. His legs flailed in the air, struggling against the people restraining him.

"Please calm down, Mr. Chen!"

"Let me go! These b*tches hurt my secretary! I’ll teach them a f*cking lesson!"

"Mr. Chen, please stop! The police are already here."

"Yes, Mr. Chen. Let the police handle this case. I’m sure that they will give your secretary the justice that she deserves. All of us can serve as witnesses and we have evidence."

He calmed down a bit after hearing everyone. Finally, he noticed the manager standing protectively in front of the evil girls. He snarled at him.

"I’m so relieved that our company didn’t commit the mistake of signing your three b*tches as endorsers. You would’ve destroyed us! Connecting with you is the biggest mistake of my career. I hope that you’re ready because our company won’t stop until we get justice. We will see you in court!"

He broke away from the hands restraining him. When they were sure that he wouldn’t suddenly attack, they released him. He took out his phone and contacted their company CEO, informing him of what transpired.

The CEO was, of course, furious. He was currently out of town attending a business conference. Hearing about the trouble in his company while he was gone, he immediately hurried back and contacted their corporate lawyer.

Back at the nail polish company, the ambulance finally arrived. Mr. Chen accompanied his secretary to the hospital.

The police took the Alarm Girls and their manager to the police station for questioning.

As for the people left in the company, they burst into gossip. The ones who weren’t present during the incident were promptly informed by their colleagues who witnessed the entire thing.

Upon hearing the Alarm Girls’ total disrespect to their company and how they attacked their fellow colleague, Mr. Chen’s secretary, they were all indignant.

Within an hour of the incident, videos of the Alarm Girls beating up a woman at a company lobby surfaced online and instantly went viral.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 93 - Almost Within Reach


C93 - Almost Within Reach

Chapter 93 - Almost Within ReaChapter

Bright Summit Entertainment Company.

Iris and Dom quietly entered the building and headed to Tang Yiyi’s office. They encountered familiar celebrities along the way, but nobody recognized Iris because she wore a mask and big sunglasses.

She didn’t want to deal with the fuss of being recognized, especially since she was currently one of the hottest topics during the weekend after her hit performances on "MusicFest Tonight" and on DJ Song’s radio show.

Not to mention her previous infamy before the accident two years ago and her supposed scandal with Jin Chonglin and Fan Luo, plus the heavy promotion of both Bright Summit and JJ’s record label for her upcoming album, many people were interested in Iris Long at the moment.

Inside Tang Yiyi’s office.

The office was not very large, but there was enough room for a work desk, file cabinets and drawers, a couple of chairs, a couch and a low table. It looked like the typical, boring office. A small pot of Pachira aquatica (a type of money tree) was the only attempt to liven up the room.

"Sit down," Tang Yiyi instructed the two.

When the three were seated, they began discussing Iris’ work schedule for the week. She would be extremely busy.

The release date of her album "Rebirth" was on Friday. They planned on holding a launch party where she would perform some of the songs from the album live. Her album in several formats and even merchandise would also be available for sale right there at the party. There would be a signing event afterwards.

"We already booked a venue for the launch party," Tang Yiyi said. "However, now it seems that the venue’s size won’t be enough anymore."

Iris tilted her head to the side.

"I have good news. This morning, I received a call from a representative of a group called ’The Black Stars’. They were just established over the weekend but they’re already quite organized. They want to be recognized as your official fan club."

Dom gasped in delight. "What? Really? That’s so awesome! And they even called themselves ’The Black Stars’ after boss’ song!"

Iris remained quiet, waiting for Tang Yiyi to say more.

"To be honest, I’m already impressed by them. It’s only been, what, a couple days since they got together? But they already have officers running the fan club. They even have their own funding and a working website. They look very professional. The report they provided me shows that there are currently about 50,000 members signed up. And the numbers are increasing by the day."

"I see. So you mean that you invited them to my launch party this Friday?"

"Exactly. Just from the Black Stars fan club alone, they already confirmed over a thousand people who are sure to attend your launch party. And the number is still increasing at the moment. If the number exceeds 2,000 by tomorrow, we’ll have to book a bigger place, perhaps even a concert hall or a stadium."

Dom: "Oh my God! Boss! This is amazing!"

Iris: "Hmm... I would like the launch party to be casual. I prefer for the audience to be seated around tables rather than the normal concert seating arrangement. I want them to enjoy some food and drinks and be able to chat with each other."

Tang Yiyi nodded. "Alright. So no concert hall. I’ll go look for a big hall then. Maybe even a convention centre. I hope that there are still some places that are available this Friday."

Iris: "I’ll leave it to you, Elder Sister Yiyi."

Dom: "Sis Yiyi! So this fan club is now boss’ official fan club?"

Iris looked at Tang Yiyi, also curious.

Tang Yiyi tapped her fingers on her desk. "Not yet. Although they’ve impressed me, we’ll still have to personally see how they operate before we make any final decision. I also need to contact some of the higher-ups here at Bright Summit to hear what they think about this matter. I’ll have to observe how these Black Stars members are like when we meet them at the launch party."

Both Dom and Iris nodded.

Tang Yiyi looked at Iris and changed the subject. "I didn’t book any guesting for you this week, so you can focus on rehearsing the live performances for when you promote your album. However, starting from Saturday, you’ll be extremely busy every day to promote your album. You’ll barely have any day off for an entire month. Prepare yourself."

Iris: "I understand, Elder Sister Yiyi."

Tang Yiyi: "How’s the progress of the album’s piano transcription?"

Iris: "I’m actually already finished, but I still need to do a lot of tweaking and polishing before I’m satisfied."

Tang Yiyi: "Good, good. It would be great if you finish it within a month, so JJ’s record label can get everything ready and release the piano version of ’Rebirth’ three to six months after the release date of the original album. Maybe even earlier. This way, the interest in your album ’Rebirth’ will be prolonged. It also looks like JJ wants to widely release the piano version internationally."

Iris: "Yes, Mr. JJ mentioned it to me before. I also want to publish the sheet music of each of the songs and compile them into a piano book. So if people are interested, they can buy the piano book with the album. Or they can buy them separately. I need to ask Mr. JJ what he thinks."

Tang Yiyi: "That’s a great idea. Wait, are you preparing the sheet music yourself?"

Iris: "Of course."

Tang Yiyi: "Are you sure you can do it by yourself? Just tell me if you need any help and I’ll give you some people."

Iris: "Thanks, Elder Sister Yiyi. But I’m fine. It’s not a problem for me at all. It’s not like I’m doing the transcribing by hand, drawing the notes one by one. I have a software which automatically transcribes whatever I play on the piano. Very easy and fast."

Tang Yiyi sighed in relief and nodded.

They talked a bit more before Tang Yiyi dismissed Iris and Dom.

The two left Bright Summit and headed to a music rehearsal studio. Iris needed to rehearse for her performance at her upcoming launch party this Friday and also for her other future live performances.

She had her own band and a full symphony orchestra (the very same one who performed with her at "MusicFest Tonight") to accompany her throughout this album’s live performances.

Iris’ blood pumped with excitement. Finally, her dream of sharing her music with the masses was almost within reach.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 94 - How Stupid


C94 - How Stupid

Chapter 94 - How Stupid

After an intense rehearsal with her band and the symphony orchestra at the music rehearsal studio, Iris and Dom climbed into a waiting van.

A cashmere scarf was wrapped around Iris’ neck to protect her throat. It felt a little sore, so Dom bought a cup of hot ginger tea from a traditional tea house nearby. The rehearsals would only become more grueling from here on. She needed to protect her vocal chords, especially after the release of her album when she needed to perform on a regular basis.

Anticipating that she and Dom would be both extremely busy promoting her album, they hired a driver. She didn’t want to exhaust Dom by making him drive them around during this upcoming busy period.

And she couldn’t drive herself. She knew how to drive, but it appeared that Iris Long’s body still held a deep trauma when it came to driving. After all, the previous Iris Long died in a car accident while she was driving.

She actually tried driving before when she was well enough after the coma, but when she sat on the driver’s seat and started the engine, her body started trembling violently and she almost fainted.

After that, no matter how many times she tried, she couldn’t seem to overcome the trauma. She thought of accepting Dr. Ching’s suggestion of psychological therapy but quickly rejected the idea.

It was too dangerous.

She was a different person who mysteriously occupied Iris Long’s body. At the moment, her personality change could be explained by saying that she was too traumatized after experiencing a life-and-death situation. But when faced with a psychological expert, the gap between the personalities of the old and the new Iris would be too obvious. What if she was mistakenly diagnosed with some kind of mental disorder? As a celebrity, this was far from ideal.

It was not worth the risk.

So what if she couldn’t drive?

She could just hire a driver. Problem solved.

Iris and Dom sat at the backseat. The traffic was quite heavy.

Bach’s "Brandenburg Concertos" softly played inside the van. Iris closed her eyes and relaxed while listening to the classical orchestral music.

She heard Dom gasp loudly beside her. Her eyes opened and she turned her head to see her assistant looking at his mobile phone with a shocked expression.

"Oh my God! Boss! Look at this!" He held the phone in front of her.

"Turn down the music," she told the driver.

Then she watched a shaky video of what looked like some women fighting each other. No, it was three women ganging up on one woman.

Hm? They looked familiar.

"Are those the Alarm Girls?" she asked.


"Who’s the woman they’re beating up? When did this happen?"

"According to the uploader, it just happened earlier today. Apparently, the Alarm Girls were supposed to sign an endorsement deal with a company but for some reason, the endorsement deal was suddenly cancelled. The woman is said to be the unfortunate employee who informed them of the bad news. Then I guess those three b*tches couldn’t accept it and just beat her up. Tsk tsk. How barbaric!"

Iris leaned her cheek on her hand, looking at the video. "How stupid."

"Ahahaha! I know, right? They’re gonna be in big trouble this time. Hmph! They deserve it! Especially after how they treated you boss last Friday. If they weren’t girls, I would’ve punched their ugly, fake, plastic faces already. Hmph! Just remembering the things they said to you makes me so angry. Hmph hmph!"

"Don’t think about them anymore," she told Dom before leaning back on her seat. "Turn the music back on," she instructed the driver and Bach’s "Brandenburg Concertos" resumed playing inside the van softly. She closed her eyes.

Dom continued scrolling through his phone, even participating in the online discussion. Of course, he was condemning the trio for their barbaric actions. Being Iris’ assistant, he learned some easy tricks from her on how to comment online anonymously without being traced. After all, if his name was dragged in the mud, her name would also be dragged alongside his because she was his boss.

Iris let the music gently wash the fatigue away.

She sighed softly, disappointed with the Alarm Girls.

What were they doing, ruining themselves publicly like that?

She was actually looking forward to them provoking her again, so she would gain a legitimate reason to fight with them and ultimately destroy them with her own hands. That was, of course, if they provoked her too far.

Their provocation during "MusicFest Tonight" was nothing to her. It was like the buzzing of bees. Annoying but could be ignored. They hadn’t stung her yet.

She was waiting for them to up their game and try to sting her, so that she could finally crush them.

But from the look of things, she wouldn’t even need to lift a finger and the Alarm Girls would already destroy themselves.

Where was the excitement in that?

This was the reason of her earlier "how stupid" comment.

It seemed like she would need to cross out Wanwan, Feifei and Mimi’s names from her black notebook sooner than she expected.

How boring.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 95 - Already Over


C95 - Already Over

Chapter 95 - Already Over

The following days were like an avalanche of misfortune for the Alarm Girls. An oppressive atmosphere surrounded them, starting from when the police dragged them from the nail polish company to the police station to be interrogated.

The three girls and their manager refused to respond to the police’s questions, resulting in the officers feeling frustrated and having a bad impression of them. Wanwan didn’t help the situation either by losing control and threatening the officers of suing them for mistreatment.

Feifei and their manager tried to stop her, but Wanwan was just like a crazy beast who snapped at everyone. Mimi was too preoccupied with her nonstop wailing. As a result, the police couldn’t muster any niceness or sympathy towards the girls and threw them in jail.

Their manager pleaded with all his might with the officers but he was ignored. The three girls thought that he was the most useless and incompetent manager for not only failing to secure an endorsement deal for them but also for allowing the police to throw them behind bars. Now they hated him as much as they hated that sl*t Iris Long.

Finally, a lawyer arrived sent by their talent management company. The three girls grabbed at him like he was their lifeline, spilling all their grievances to him. The lawyer was able to bail them out.

However, the nail polish company’s corporate lawyer also arrived not long after, bringing a horde of reporters, journalists and cameramen with him. He formally pressed charges against the Alarm Girls on behalf of Mr. Chen’s secretary who was still being treated at the hospital. He also even sued the Alarm Girls’ manager and their talent management company on behalf of the nail polish company for false and misleading representation of their artists, deceiving Mr. Chen and the nail polish company of almost signing such violent people as endorsers.

In other words, the three girls, their manager, and even their talent management company were all slapped with numerous counts of charges.

After leaving the police station and struggling through the bloodthirsty sea of hungry reporters and journalists, they were escorted back to their company-issued apartment.

As soon as they arrived, Wanwan wrecked the entire place and roared and screeched like a deranged animal. Mimi dove to her bed and burrowed under the covers, still crying her eyes out. Feifei did her best to control her emotions and checked what people were saying about them online.

The results were horrendous. The catfight video instantly went viral. Everyone was denouncing and cursing them. Clearly, the nail polish company moved quickly and mobilized people to defame them and exaggerate details about the incident.

Then someone brought up the incident with Iris Long backstage during the last episode of "MusicFest Tonight". Now everyone believed that the Alarm Girls really bullied Iris and even caused her to faint.

Since Iris Long’s name was dragged, the Black Stars fan club members couldn’t stay silent. They quickly mobilized and joined in on the online roasting.

CaptainBlackStar: "Someone exorcise these three evil spirits! First they attacked our dear Iris causing her to faint. Now they attacked a poor woman and even sent her to the hospital with injuries. Despicable!"

iEatSlippers: "Let my mighty slippers whack them all the way to the eighteen levels of hell!"

MrsLovePhantom: "How can such nice-looking girls act like savage beasts? I am aghast. Didn’t their parents teach them proper behaviour?"

JJNumber2Fan: "The poor girl. She got beaten up so badly. I hope she’s alright."

JJNumber3Fan: "Heavens! I only noticed that the brats pulled the poor girl’s hair so hard that there are now bald patches on her head! How horrible!"

JJNumber1Fan: "Oh no! Not the hair!"

Moments later, banners with "Lock the Alarm Girls in jail" written on them in big, bold characters appeared on various popular websites. Some of them even hijacked and replaced the normal ads and had to be taken down by the websites. However, they just kept on reappearing, causing a massive headache to the website administrators.

Some sharp-eyed people noticed a small dot at the low corner of the banners. When they zoomed in, they saw that the dot was actually a simple clip art of what looked like a monkey’s head.

The incident blew up to the point that even the major TV news programs and newspapers reported about the story. Following the trend online, many of them also mentioned the alleged altercation between the Alarm Girls and Iris Long at "MusicFest Tonight".

Director He of the show was even intercepted and interviewed. He admitted that the incident really happened and it was also true that Iris Long fainted because of the stress of being bullied. After his admission, the people were in uproar.

Seeing the issue blowing up to such a degree, the nail polish company grabbed the opportunity to finally be in the limelight and milked the drama for all its worth, condemning the Alarm Girls as evil and painting Mr. Chen’s secretary as the pitiful victim.

The masses clearly sided with Mr. Chen’s secretary and the nail polish company.

The nail polish company might have lost their planned endorsers but this incident was proving to be many times better in advertising their company’s name.

Of course, the Alarm Girls’ talent management company wasn’t happy. In fact, they were furious.

The very next morning, they banged on the girls’ apartment and unceremoniously told them that their contract with the management company was terminated. They were also ordered to vacate the apartment within three days.

The three girls didn’t sleep at all. They looked like zombies. Hearing that they were being kicked out, they felt that their world was ending.

Wanwan: "What do you mean that our contract is terminated? Didn’t we just renew it? And leave this place in three days? Where are we gonna go? You can’t do this to us!"

Mimi: "We’re finished we’re finished we’re finished we’re finished we’re finished...."

Feifei: "Please, please! Don’t do this to us. We’ll apologize to everyone. We’ll do it! We’ll explain ourselves and even offer to pay for the hospital fees of Mr. Chen. Just please don’t terminate our contract. Our careers will be over if you give up on us at this critical time!"

The management company’s representative was unsympathetic. She scanned the three girls and told them coldly, "It seems that you still don’t understand your situation. Your careers are ALREADY over."

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Book 2 of the 𝕱𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖇 series {Duology} 𖤓 𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖇𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘. 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖞 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖕𝖆�...