Bloodsucker ; T.R

By coffeeicreme

88.3K 3K 298

"๐™”๐™ค๐™ช'๐™ง๐™š ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง๐™—๐™ž๐™™๐™™๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™›๐™ง๐™ช๐™ž๐™ฉ ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™‚๐™–๐™ง๐™™๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™€๐™™๐™š๐™ฃ. ๐™‹๐™š๐™ง๐™๐™–... More

ยน Tout ร  coup
ยฒ Ma moitiรฉ
ยณ Deux casse-tรชte
โด Salle de le besoin
โต Club de limaces
โถ Chevaliers de Walpurgis
โท ร‰vanouis
โธ Nourrir
โน La rรฉvรฉlation
ยนโฐ Robes et costumes
ยนยน Sรฉduite
ยนยฒ Bonheur pour les yeux
ยนยณ ร‰toiles
ยนโด ร‰tranglement
ยนโต Le pardon
ยนโถ Cours d'astronomie
ยนโท Alptraum
ยนโธ Incassable Vล“u
ยนโน Le pact
ยฒโฐ Salle des trophรฉes
ยฒยน Dรฎner aprรจs Halloween
ยฒยฒ L'un d'eux
ยฒยณ Ange dรฉchu
ยฒโด Le crainte
ยฒโต Des noms
ยฒโถ Chaud et froid
ยฒโท Lettre pour la mรจre
ยฒโธ Voyage ร  Prรฉ-au-Lard
ยฒโน L'ont รฉchappรฉ belle
ยณโฐ Sentiments amoureux
ยณยน Cheveux roses
ยณยฒ La rรฉponse de la mรจre
ยณยณ Horcruxes
ยณโด Vacances de Noรซl
ยณโถ Dรฎner de famille
ยณโท L'orphelinat de Wool
ยณโธ La visite de Tom aux Lavignes
ยณโน La recherche
โดโฐ Dรฎner contemplatif
โดยน Matin de noรซl
โดยฒ Fils de Gaunt
โดยณ Cris dans la serre
โดโด Chรขteau de Versailles
โดโต Fรชte de Noรซl
โดโถ Le Descendant
โดโท Dรฉpart du nid d'oiseau
โดโธ Vล“u pieux
โดโน Sa prรฉsence chaleureuse
โตโฐ Dรฉlice du matin
โตยน Cadeau d'anniversaire
โตยฒ Faire l'amour
โตยณ Cadeau de vie

ยณโต Retour ร  la maison

962 44 11
By coffeeicreme

Adrien Deimos Lavigne

played by
Harris Dickinson

"These scars are tokens of my enemies' failures."

Evrard Bastien Lavigne

played by
Sean Bean

"You have to show them true power to make them believe."

Gizelle Alida Lavigne

played by
Cate Blanchett

"Darling, you will always fear me."


Oh how Ivory missed her brother.

Adrien Lavigne, the firstborn of Gizelle and Evrard Lavigne, is a golden child full of warmth and compassion. The wizarding world knew all about his endeavours in trips with the Gringgots' goblins to find treasures, along with his dragon-handling hobby. His portrait was plastered on every newspaper after he graduated, satisfying every wizard, especially, witches with his looks. Adrien was everything Ivory was and could never be. They are opposites, you could say. When she lacked the courage to stand up to her mother, her brother stepped in to protect her. Where she struggled to utter a word to strangers at their parties, he could speak his heart out.

Ivory knows she wouldn't be able to live without him.

"New scars, Ian?" Ivory prodded, noticing the pale pinks and white lines scattered as she took his hand.

"Ah, yes. You know how dangerous curse-breaking is. These scars are tokens of my enemies' failures," Adrien replied, giving his sister a proud smile.

"How was school Vivi?" it was his turn to ask as they walked through the manor gates, the smell of pond water mixed with his leather and vanilla scent.

"Oh you know, it's the same as the last one." She sighed, remembering Tom once again. Stop that. She fixed her coat to distract herself

"Don't give me that," he tsked as they walked across the courtyard, "Haven't you made friends? I heard that some relatives attend Hogwarts."

They stopped at the front doors, the older boy waiting for her to answer. "Yes, I've met them. In fact, Irma and I are roommates."

The white doors opened, revealing a dark-coloured wooden floor, walls coloured a light mauve. Ivory breathed in, the familiarity of her home, bad memories threatening to break her resolve.

"I've also joined a club that I've been invited to," she shared, a small smile forming on her lips as they walked towards the salon where they saw her father sitting in their royal blue velvet sofa.

"Tell me all about it sometime." Adrien gave an excited smile in reply

"Ma fille, oh 'ow I've missed you! Viens ici!" A man with a thick French accent, stood up to greet her with open arms.

Evrard Lavigne, a great build of a man. His wealth is shown in how he dresses and how he carries himself. Golden crest rings adored his fingers, a fur coat engulfing his shoulders. He spoke with authority and his words rang in the air as if it were law. This was a man of power and wealth. Hailing from a long family line of wizards who carved their name into the wizarding community from the ground up. A man so fearless and quick to react to anything, especially in disagreements and pleasure. He was an Unspeakable, wizards who worked in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. The job itself was mysterious and not a lot is known about the position, but it was very lucrative, giving the family more money than they could spend.

To Ivory, he was just a rough man who stunk of tobacco and brandy.

"So sentimental papa," Ivory chuckled, moulding into her father's arms. "I didn't expect you to be home."

"Pff I've missed my only daughter! What can I say?" His chest shook against Ivory's face, hands still wrapped lovingly around one another.

"Où est maman?" Adrien asked, looking around for their mother as he removed his coat.

"She is away, to fetch ze family attending ze dinner tonight," Evrard replied, letting go of Ivory. "Speaking of dinner, Doddy!"

As her father's voice echoed through the salon, a house elf appeared in front of him with a slight pop.

"Yes, master?" Doddy, with his big protruding blue eyes, asked. The rabbit-like ears that hung from his head swayed, lifting from the dirty pillowcase he was wearing for a shirt.

"Prepare ze dining room for tonight and tell Zimmy to get ze food started."

Doddy answered with a, "Yes master," and disappeared with the same pop he arrived with.

"Pomley!" her father shouted once again and looked at the elf when it arrived, "Light the fireplace for your mistress in 'er room, she 'ates ze cold."

The small old house elf nodded, mimicking the earlier reply of, "Yes master," and disapperated with a pop.

"You two best prepare as well children," he huffed, grabbing the rest of his tobacco to retreat into his office. "Be ready by dinner time."

Her brother quickly sent a warm smile to her before walking away to his wing in the manor. Leaving Ivory to head up to her room, anticipation in her nerves.

The sight of Ivory's old bedroom was like her many rooms in their many manors, except this one had bright yet muted shades of pinks and yellows opposite to the dull greys and blues of the others. Even though she spent most of her childhood here, it did not mean much other than memories of torture and torment.

Sighing, Ivory quickly undressed.

While stepping into her red silk dress, she thought about the family that would visit. They would be on her mother's side which meant that there would be a possibility of one of them being a mare. It would be the first time Ivory would meet someone like her and just the thought made her giddy. I wonder if they're like me.

Sitting down at her dresser, she waved her wand to style her hair into a French-braided chignon bun, adding pearl hair pins in the front. The fireplace crackled as she did her makeup and put on jewels. Finally, putting on her shoes, Ivory was finished. With time to burn, she opened a drawer and took out a pack of cigarettes, charmed so that they would look like an ordinary empty box. Her brother used to throw her cigarettes away before, telling her off.

"Why in the name of Merlin are you smoking that muggle thing, Vivi?" Adrien disparaged, horror in his features as he quickly snatched the lit cigarette away from her. "Papa will kill us both if he saw you with this."

Ivory chuckled at the memory, he was always so obedient and dutiful, not even letting her off the hook. She supposed it didn't matter now that she was older. It was a while since she was back in this particular manor. She decided to live at a closer one near Beauxbatons when she transferred, giving her the freedom to go out at night in her disguise, paying her regular butcher for sheep's blood.


It has been a while since she last fed, only lasting this long since the winter cold slowed down her hunger. She decided to hunt after dinner, knowing that a pack of wolves were always near their forest.

A pop took her out of her thoughts.

"Zimmy was asked by Mistress that Miss Ivory come to her room." Their house elf Zimmy fidgeted, her nose pointed down to her chest.

Mother is back. A chill ran down her spine and she stood up, throwing away her remaining smoke. "Alright, I'll be there."

A deep breath was needed before she headed towards her mother's room. Just the hallway that led to the only room in the east wing filled her with dread. Gizelle was always so ruthless with her, making Ivory wonder if the woman was even her real mother. It felt like her heart would beat out of her ribcage as she placed her hand on the doorknob.

You are no longer a child. She is now beneath you.

Opening the door, she walked in, her heart still drumming. Seated by a dresser was her mother in a leopard-patterned velvet cloak. She was in the middle of styling her hair when she noticed Ivory, malice-filled cold blue eyes meeting with gold-flaked browns.

"My, don't you look...whole," Gizelle purred, red lips lifting into a Cheshire-like smile.

Whole. Gizelle was referring to when Ivory wasn't, back when she last saw her as a child. Back when she was still in Durmstrang and went home here, to her vicious torture. Back when Ivory was nothing but broken little shards of a little girl.

Gizelle Lavigne is a woman clearly of high value just from the way she looks. It was an unspoken rule to the Lavignes to not ask about her mother's upbringing, making Ivory question who her other cousins might be. She rose to fame after creating a spell that can identify unlabeled blood from just a drop. Gizelle was the perfect age to marry when Evrard met her at an invite-only party. Both fell in love almost instantly and they married not long after, taking the media by storm. She had Adrien not long after, and Gizelle was relieved it was not a girl. But soon, Ivory came, born on an eclipse. It's when she came to be where her mother's loving nature faded, her brother once told her, turning into a vile woman instead.

Ivory never asked to be born.

"Why have you called me?" she asked forwardly, taking every bit of will not to make her voice waver.

"Firstly, what was that letter all about?" the older witch's tone went deadly cold, making Ivory shiver.

"That was a mistake. It wouldn't happen again."

"Never—happen again," Gizelle cut her off, finalizing her answer. To which Ivory nodded, unable to open her mouth. "Lastly, I am asking you to behave, daughter, in front of the family tonight at dinner."

It took a while before she could retort, "Why wouldn't I behave?"

"Well, let's just say you won't expect who will attend." Once again, a smug smile threatened to appear on Gizelle's lips.

Ivory furrowed her brows at what her mother said. "Yes of course mother."

"You know what happens to girls who disobey," Gizelle reminded her, making Ivory remember her time in the cellar.

She fought the tears that threatened to escape her eyes. "I'm no longer afraid, mother." Ivory defended, but they both knew that was a lie.

"Oh but darling, you will always fear me." The smug grin was replaced by a malicious one, sending another shiver down the girl's spine.

With a swift inhale, Ivory exited the lion's den.

𓇬 𓁺 𓇬

Hello! Grace here!

What do you think about the new characters? I'm excited for you guys to read the next one hihi.

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