History repeats itself (a Gen...

Oleh Glowing_Hope

17.7K 679 40

"Little girl, lost in my woods. Come here, i will guide you out." . . . "I will pass on my curse onto you! Yo... Lebih Banyak

Author's note
Prologue - the outlander and the mysterious girl
Chapter 1 - a fateful encounter
Chapter 2 - a wind-carried fight
Chapter 3 - the temples of the four winds
Chapter 4 - the bard clad in green
Chapter 5 - the first to know the truth
Chapter 6 - the curses and blessings brought by eternal rebirth
Chapter 7 - the holy lyre and the crystalline tears
Chapter 8 - Stormterror, the corrupted dragon of the east
Chapter 9 - Stormterror's lair
Chapter 10 - the 8th of the eleven Fatui Harbingers
Chapter 11 - the gnosis of the anemo archon
Chaper 12 - time for some alchemic experimentation!
Chapter 13 - delving into the past
Chapter 14 - the trip to Liyue
Chapter 15 - welcome to Liyue Harbour!
Chapter 16 - The rite of descension, the start of a "play"
Chapter 17 - Illuminated Adepti, hear our message
Chapter 18 - Wanshang, the "mysterious" organisation
Chapter 19 - Nuctilucous jade and the finest silk flowers for the geo lord
Chapter 20 - perfume for the god of contracts
Chapter 21 - of kites and manpower
Chapter 22 - cocogoat!
Chapter 23 - a dinner and an invitation
Chapter 24 - the palace in the skies, the Jade Chamber
Chapter 25 - a lullaby of old for a glaze lily
Chapter 26 - the golden house
Chapter 27 - Osail, Overlord of the Vortex
Chapter 28 - the closing act of the "play"
Chapter 29 - the rite of parting
Chaoter 30 - parting ways for a while and tea with an old friend
Chapter 31 - some catching up between mother and daughter
Chapter 32 - reminiscing the past
Chapter 33 - a new threat?
Chapter 34 - the first mora?
Chapter 35 - the assassination of the god of salt
Chapter 36 - Guyun stone forest
Chapter 37 - Sal Terrae
Chapter 38 - breaking the seal
Chapter 39 - the domain of the god of salt
Chapter 40 - Fatui scum
Chapter 41 - the tradgedy of the god of salt
Chapter 42 - of Salt and Betrayal
Chapter 43 - ginger brothers
Chapter 44 - a day with the small ginger child
Chapter 45 - a day of a traveller in the adventurers guild
Chapter 46 - the... charmer?
Chapter 47 - rebuilding of the Jade Chamber
Chapter 48 - Adeptus Desciple
Chapter 49 - Plaustrite
Chapter 50 - task one: complete
Chapter 51 - collaboration
Chapter 52 - Ore hunting
Chapter 53 - Wonder Cores and Adepti Sigils
Chapter 54 - Completion of the Jade Chamber
Chapter 55 - Wife of the Overload of the Vortex, Beisht
Chapter 56 - the settled silence after the storm
Chapter 57 - Treasurehoaders against the Abyss
Chapter 58 - the odd statue in the ruins
Chapter 59 - old companion
Chapter 60 - What is the Abyss searching for?
Chapter 61 - Secrets
Chapter 62 - the Ruin Guards origin


97 5 0
Oleh Glowing_Hope


"Did we... do it?"

"We did, Willow, we did..."

"I can't believe it... we actually did it, sir Ragnvindr! We actually defeated Decarabian!"

"I will inform the folks people of what transpired. You can stay here if you wish."

"Very well... can you imagine it, Barbatos? We managed to gain our freedom... huh? W-why is there a rain of arrows coming this way?!- Ah!

Oh Wisp... may the winds carry forth, my soul when I am gone... may the harsh of the storm.. never linger for long... may the birds ever fly, where their journey leads them... may the lands and the skies.. be... ever blessed with... freedom..."

"Willow?! Where are you- no... Willow..."


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