History repeats itself (a Gen...

By Glowing_Hope

16.9K 613 37

"Little girl, lost in my woods. Come here, i will guide you out." . . . "I will pass on my curse onto you! Yo... More

Author's note
Prologue - the outlander and the mysterious girl
Chapter 1 - a fateful encounter
Chapter 2 - a wind-carried fight
Chapter 3 - the temples of the four winds
Chapter 4 - the bard clad in green
Chapter 5 - the first to know the truth
Chapter 6 - the curses and blessings brought by eternal rebirth
Chapter 7 - the holy lyre and the crystalline tears
Chapter 8 - Stormterror, the corrupted dragon of the east
Chapter 9 - Stormterror's lair
Chapter 10 - the 8th of the eleven Fatui Harbingers
Chapter 11 - the gnosis of the anemo archon
Chaper 12 - time for some alchemic experimentation!
Chapter 13 - delving into the past
Chapter 14 - the trip to Liyue
Chapter 15 - welcome to Liyue Harbour!
Chapter 16 - The rite of descension, the start of a "play"
Chapter 17 - Illuminated Adepti, hear our message
Chapter 18 - Wanshang, the "mysterious" organisation
Chapter 20 - perfume for the god of contracts
Chapter 21 - of kites and manpower
Chapter 22 - cocogoat!
Chapter 23 - a dinner and an invitation
Chapter 24 - the palace in the skies, the Jade Chamber
Chapter 25 - a lullaby of old for a glaze lily
Chapter 26 - the golden house
Chapter 27 - Osail, Overlord of the Vortex
Chapter 28 - the closing act of the "play"
Chapter 29 - the rite of parting
Chaoter 30 - parting ways for a while and tea with an old friend
Chapter 31 - some catching up between mother and daughter
Chapter 32 - reminiscing the past
Chapter 33 - a new threat?
Chapter 34 - the first mora?
Chapter 35 - the assassination of the god of salt
Chapter 36 - Guyun stone forest
Chapter 37 - Sal Terrae
Chapter 38 - breaking the seal
Chapter 39 - the domain of the god of salt
Chapter 40 - Fatui scum
Chapter 41 - the tradgedy of the god of salt
Chapter 42 - of Salt and Betrayal
Chapter 43 - ginger brothers
Chapter 44 - a day with the small ginger child
Chapter 45 - a day of a traveller in the adventurers guild
Chapter 46 - the... charmer?
Chapter 47 - rebuilding of the Jade Chamber
Chapter 48 - Adeptus Desciple
Chapter 49 - Plaustrite
Chapter 50 - task one: complete
Chapter 51 - collaboration
Chapter 52 - Ore hunting
Chapter 53 - Wonder Cores and Adepti Sigils
Chapter 54 - Completion of the Jade Chamber
Chapter 55 - Wife of the Overload of the Vortex, Beisht
Chapter 56 - the settled silence after the storm
Chapter 57 - Treasurehoaders against the Abyss
Chapter 58 - the odd statue in the ruins
Chapter 59 - old companion
Chapter 60 - What is the Abyss searching for?
Chapter 61 - Secrets
Chapter 62 - the Ruin Guards origin

Chapter 19 - Nuctilucous jade and the finest silk flowers for the geo lord

201 4 0
By Glowing_Hope


The trio and Zhongli walk out of Liuli Pavilion. "After having experienced the land of the absentee archon, Travellers, how does it feel to know that our archon and Adepti are here all around you in Liyue?", Zhongli asks. Aether shrugs. "I prefer the atmosphere in Mondstadt."

"I see, so you're that sort of person. It's not a bad thing. But I suppose you have yet to experience the substance of Liyue's 3700 years of divinity.", Zhongli answers as Lyra chuckles. "I still like Sumeru more than any of the other nations. Regardless, Organising the Rite of Parting should prove to be an enlightening part of our travels.", she says as she grins. "I already thought so. You value knowledge above most things, after all. Other than that, I agree with Lilia.", Zhongli says, smiling at Lyra.

"Lilia? Well, I bet that is one of her past lives names as there is no way that Lyra would know you from this life.", Aether mutters. "oh, so they know?", Zhongli inquires. "yes. Not really something that needs explaining. The three of us are travelling companions." Zhongli nods.

"Liyue is the most prosperous of the seven nation, defended by deities and ruled by the Qixing. As such, the diplomatic manoeuvring of the Fatui have gained no purchase here. Ningguang of the Qixing has always been on her guard against the Fatui. That is in all likelihood why Childe wants to make use of the Wangsheng funeral parlour's connections.", Zhongli explains. "oh, so he is not aware...", Lyra mumbles to herself, only audible to Zhongli.

"huh... what would Childe get out of us doing the Rite of Parting anyway?", Paimon asks, completely oblivious of what Lyra said. "I neither know nor do I wish to know. As far as I am concerned, the Fatui are merely financial sponsors. I only wish for Liyue's traditions to endure.", the disguised god answers.

Zhongli takes out a bag of mora and hands it to Aether. "These are the advance funds that Child has provided. If you use them up, you can go to him to apply for any subsequent funding." – "Wow...", was all Paimon could say. "Well then, let us be off. The first step in our preparations shall be to obtain some prize Noctilucous Jade worthy of a deity."


"Welcome to the Jade Mystery, my good friends! Would you like to try your luck betting on jade? This could be your lucky day. It's cheap and it's fun, and who knows, you just might strike it rich!", the person that stands behind the stand says. "Betting? No, no, we're here for... uhm, what was it again?", Paimon asks. Lyra sighs.

"Noctilucous Jade, of radiant grade at the very least.", Lyra says, confidence and dominance radiating in her voice. Zhongli chuckles. 'your Tianquan is showing, Lilia. This is exactly how you used to get what you needed here around Liyue in just your life prior...', he thinks to himself.

"Radiant grade Noctilucous Jade? I see, you're not a tourist. My apologies. I have some here for your perusal." The seller says as he takes out multiple samples of Noctilucous Jade. "What do you think? The Jade Mystery is an old name in the jade business. Just look at that wonderful quality! Rex Lapis doesn't often bless us with such finery. Go on, pick whichever one you like!"

Lyra smiles at the others, motioning her head towards the jade, indicating that they should decide. "these three pieces really do look pretty, not like the ones you usually dig up... but how do we pick? Should we just grab one and go?", Paimon asks. Aether shakes his head. "a man who makes his living off betting on stones can't be trusted so lightly.", he argues. Zhongli nods. "very good. It seems you have learned tricks of the trade.", he praises.

"what do you think, Mr. Zhongli? How should we pick from these pieces of Noctilucous Jade?", Paimon asks him. "oh? You want me to decide? That is fine as well. If it were me, the answer would be simple." – "oh? And that would be...?", Paimon asks him. Lyra softly chuckles, knowing where this will go.

"I'll take them all, boss.", he announces. "oh, you act with such panache, good sir! I always knew you were not a man of ordinary calibre!", the seller exclaims. "Wait, wait! Boss, that one didn't count! We need to discuss it again!", Paimon exclaims. Aether and Paimon pull Zhongli away from the stand to discuss the price. Lyra shakes her head.

"so, miss, are you the one finalising the goods?", the seller asks her. "oh, yes I am. Just let me think for myself a little, please." – "of course." 'so... Zhongli was never one to care about mora. As Rex Lapis, he really didn't need to care as he was the one making it. Now that I think about it... it's the gnosis that made him able to make mora, right? Perhaps that is why he is trying to limit himself as he does not have his gnosis anymore! But he is failing at it miserably.'

Lyra shakes her head and looks at the seller. "may I have a closer look at the Jade?", she asks. "of course, of course! Whatever helps you decide!", the seller answers, pointing to the table. As Lyra approaches the table, the others come back to her. "huh? What are you doing, Lyra?", Paimon asks.

"let her do her thing. She is quite the expert when it comes to quality checking of any kind. Now that I think about it, I believe she wanted us to decide to see what we would do. let her have the final choice. While our way of determining which Jade to take is risky, she will have no problem determining which one to take.", Zhongli explains to the other two.

Lyra looks at the seller from the corner of her eyes, then back at the Jade. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. 'I call upon the fourteenth, Azure.' She opens her eyes, and they glow golden. This is a special ability that she had as Azure, which she called 'golden quality'.

This ability is like a filter, very similar to elemental sight. Any object that is good quality, will look bronze-like to her while anything of top/premium quality will look golden to her. She looks between the jades and smiles at one. She closes her eyes once more and they return back to normal.

"we will have this one please." She points at the third Noctilucous Jade. "No problem. If you have your eye on this one, you can have it." – "Then we'll take a box of the third type of jade, as the lady chose.", Zhongli says, smirking at Lyra. Lyra chuckles at this. "thank you, good sir.", she teases back.

"Done! All the same... Pardon me for asking, but I'm curious. Whatever do you need this much top-quality Noctilucous Jade for?", the seller asks as he gives Lyra the box of jade. "hmm, I suppose it would not hurt to tell you. We need them to make implements for the Rite of Parting.", Zhongli answers.

"Parting?! Oh dear... I'd heard the rumours but hadn't given much thought to them. This... this means that Rex Lapis really is... it's hard to believe. Even though the Jade Mystery has been in decline, we have always been in his protection. It is said that when our Lord lost his way while going incognito in the city two hundred years ago, it was a spoon from the Jade Mystery that he used to sample the local delights. Alas, alas, all things must pass... well, if this is to be used to say farewell to Rex Lapis, then I shall sell this to you at half the price.", the seller announces.

"Are you sure? You didn't wanna even give us an inch before...", Paimon asks carefully. "if not for our Lord's protection, this city wouldn't exist as it does now. No proprietor could earn money off such a thing.", the seller answers while shaking his head. "aww... I'm sure Rex Lapis will feel your sentiment, boss.", Paimon says.

"in the safe hands of the Liyue Qixing and good, honest merchants such as yourself, I, for one believe that Liyue will continue to prosper as it always has done.", Lyra says while giving the seller a smile. "I couldn't have said it better myself.", Zhongli says. "So let's not get ourselves down just yet.", Aether adds.

"Alright... thank you, my friends. Haha, what's with me, getting all sentimental like this? I'll practically be giving away all my fortune at this rate." Lyra chuckles. "Aether, the bag of mora that Childe has supplied for us, please.", Lyra says. Aether nods and hands her the bag, and Lyra pays for the jade. "now that we've made our choice, let's take this jade to Yujing Terrace. That's where we plan to hold the Rite.", Zhongli says.

"you heard the man. Let's go."


At Yujing Terrace, Lyra sets the box of jade on one of the tables standing there for the rite. "We can leave the jade here. I have already called for a jewel smith to shape them into the implements that we need. Ah, yes. I have yet to go and see Childe. So as for the jewel smith's remuneration...", Zhongli starts. "We'll pay the jewel smith when he arrives. For now, we still have more things to get.", Lyra finishes. "is this where we're doing the rite of parting?", Paimon asks to which Zhongli nods.

"Yes. I have already rented this location and have begun preparing for the rite.", he answers. "the rite of Descension took place here too... are you alright with being here, Lyra?", Aether asks, worried for his friend. "it is alright... I cannot run away from his... 'death'.", Lyra answers, giving Aether a small smile. "The Liyue Qixing acquiesced to using the same location.", Zhongli says.

Paimon crooks her head to the side. "But when something this big happened here... should suspects like us really be at the crime scene? We might get caught by the Millelith. Although with that said, since we got back from Jueyun Karst, none of those pesky Millelith soldiers have come chasing after us. Wonder what that's about... Also, the, uh, Rex Lapis' vessel..." – "Traditionally, we call it the Exuvia.", Lyra chimes in, cutting of Paimon. "ah, right. That's what is was called! You really know everything, Lyra. Uhm, so, was this Exuvia hidden away by the Qixing? I mean, we haven't even figured out who the murderer is..."

Lyra closes her eyes as she looks up to the sky. "One must think that they already have someone in mind. Or perhaps they already know. Surely they must have found all the evidence that there is to find here.", she says. "it still feels very odd.", Aether says, his eyebrows furrowing. "these things are for the authorities in Yujing Terrace to consider: Trying to help would probably only add to their troubles. Before the Rite is conducted, the Exuvia will be temporarily in the Golden House.", Zhongli says.

"Golden House?", Paimon asks. "The only mint in Liyue... which is to say the only mint in Teyvat. All the Mora that flows throughout the world is minted there.", Lyra answers. "wow- no, Paimon wasn't thinking anything bad. Paimon thinks it suits Morax. But why do you know this, Mr. Zhongli?" – "Since the Rite of Parting has the approval of the Qixing, it is a semi-official event. As such, there is already some limited information available.", Zhongli answers.

"The Qixing provide the location, and Childe the funds...", Aether says, thinking. "Perhaps each has their motives. But this is the capital of commerce. A little exploitation once in a while is not unacceptable. In Liyue, where the god of contracts reigns, only contracts may not be betrayed. I for one have no issue with little manoeuvres outside their remit.", Zhongli says, while eyeing Lyra and smiling at her. Then he continues. "Well then, we should go and prepare the perfumes used in the rite."

"Perfumes? Where'll we get those? Do we buy them?", Paimon asks. Lyra shakes her head. "No, perfumes used to honour the gods must be freshly decocted. The quality of the Silk flowers we require is also special. Silk flowers petals contain a fibrous material of good quality, often used in brocade-making. Its scent, however, is most elegant, and is especially suited for solemn events like giving offerings to gods and Adepti.", Lyra says while smiling reminiscently.

"it's time for Lyra's lectures on high society again...", Paimon mumbles, "we shall not speak of the details right now. Follow me, we shall go to the merchants to purchase our ingredients.", Zhongli says.


The trio and Zhongli head to the flower merchant. "Hey boss. Do you sell Silk flowers here?", Paimon asks. "Silk flowers? We certainly do! which kind would you like?", the merchant asks. Before Paimon can say something, Lyra chimes in.

"Golden house maiden, valley weaver and Fate's yearning. One of each to start with, if you don't mind." – "...my goodness! This lady is quite the connoisseur! You two must be her servants and you her husband. Please refrain from any further attempts to contribute, servants.", the merchant says. "Well, guess we had it coming...", Aether mumbles.

"now then... Please peruse at your leisure. Do let me know if you have any further thoughts." The merchant takes out three Silk flowers and sets them at the front of his stand. Both Zhongli and Lyra are still a little taken back by the merchants statement. Zhongli manages to come back to his senses quickly, however.

"Silk flowers exhibit different properties based on how their environmental conditions differ from their ancestral habitat... Nevertheless, these are fine specimens. Excellently preserved." Lyra shakes herself from her thoughts, nods at Zhongli and points at one of the flowers. "indeed. Just look at the abundant foliage here. And these stamens, glamorous as a maiden of the Golden House. This strain is an evergreen and mostly grows under complex hydrological conditions."

She points at another Silk flower. "By contrast, this variety thrives in any dark, lamp location, often in large clusters. Morphologically, it is distinguished by the profusion of petals and densely packed stamens, though its powerful scent gives it away just as easily." Lyra then points at the last flower. "lastly, this strain is quite the recluse. Unlike its exuberant cousins, flowers and foliage are minimal and when in season, it has a subtle yet enduring scent. It was first discovered by the ancients when they scaled the mountains in search of the Adepti. Silk flowers have all but disappeared from the wild today, due to geographical changes over Liyue's history."

Zhongli nods then adds, "most are now grown by horticulturalists." The merchant smiles at the two. "Wow. True connoisseurs! Most of that was news even for me!" Zhongli chuckles. "I possess but a smattering of trivial knowledge. My traveler friends are the ones to watch – they are on track to set foot in every corner of the world."

Aether looks at him, unimpressed. "What's so impressive about that..." – "mr. Zhongli, you're way too humble... so which Silk Flower did you want, anyway!", Paimon asks the all-knowing duo. Zhongli then nods at the merchant. "I'll take them all, boss." Paimon looks at him exasperated. "...again?!"

Lyra just chuckles as she shakes her head. "How can I put this... when purchasing opera tickets, it is natural to decide based on which singer has the most melodious voice. The same logic applies when purchasing a pet bird. But this silk flower purchase is not an analogous case. The same logic does not apply." Lyra smiles at him, then looks at the flowers once more, letting him continue. "Perhaps you don't know. Tradition states that we should decoct perfume from different sub-species of Silk flower when making an offering to a statue of the seven. Rex lapis will then make his own choice between the scents."

Still listening in, Lyra manages to stifle a chuckle. 'Oh, Rex... I must say, this is humouring me quite a bit. You are fairly good at acting... always have been with how calm you always act, never showing what you are truly feeling. But I can see the amusement in your eyes as well.'

"Like several other tedious and complicated traditions, this one has become simplified over time. But this is the only rite of parting to take place for one of the seven in 3700 years. As such, I do think we should honour tradition down to the last detail in this case." The conversing trio look over at Lyra, all having internally agreed that she would be the one to always make the final choice. Lyra chuckles at this.

"Well then, now that's settled, as my dear... 'husband' said, we will take all three.", Lyra teases, looking over to Zhongli. She can see the slight embarrassment in his eyes, his face however, stayed indifferent. "Of course, of course. Though if I may... did I hear you say that these flowers are to be an offering to the lord of geo himself?", the merchant asks. "Yes... in a sense.", Paimon answers.

"Gosh. Well, why didn't you say so? I heard the awful news about what happened at this year's rite of descension... it would be bad luck to say it out loud. But I've been worried about our dear lord ever since... I'm worried that everything I've heard is true... since these flowers will be used to glorify our lord, they're free of charge. Just don't forget to pass on my regards.", the merchant says.

Paimon and Aether look at him shocked. Lyra just smiles at the merchant, while Zhongli continues to look mostly indifferent. "You sure?", Paimon asks. "Why wouldn't I be? I would be nobody if not for Rex lapis! If he hadn't written those poems in praise of my wares, they'd only be worth a fraction of what I can sell them for today." Paimon then blinks at him.

"Huh... so much folklore here revolves around Liyue's deity making cameo appearances in support of local businesses..." – "... thank you, boss. I think I speak for all of us when I say that your generosity has saved our skins.", Zhongli answers. The travelling trio look at him, unimpressed. "Says the one who always forgets to bring his money.", Lyra says, then turns to the merchant and slightly bows. "Thank you for your generosity, sir." – "please. It's the least I could do."


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