Moon Princess

By Angel_nandu

254K 7.8K 335

" You can't escape from me Babygirl and if you don't want me, I will hunt you as an animal I am " he said whi... More

148 (The end)


801 31 12
By Angel_nandu

Samuel Zane Carson Pov: -

As I made my way towards the meeting room, with Spade trailing closely behind me, I couldn't help but think of her - the woman who had been occupying my thoughts. I am consumed by my infatuation with her. Every moment spent away from her is filled with thoughts of her and a longing to be by her side once again. I am addicted to the sensation of her lips on mine and the sound of her moans when I kiss her with passion. My desire for her consumes me and I cannot resist the urge to touch her, to feel her body pressed against mine.

I am consumed by her presence, from the way she holds herself with grace and strength, to the way she pouts in her sleep and scrunches her nose when I playfully tease her. She is my addiction, my fixation, and my obsession. I cannot imagine my life without her, and the thought of anyone else touching her sends a surge of jealousy and possessiveness through me.

I am driven by a need to control and possess her, to be the sole source of her pleasure and to feel her submission to my every touch. My obsession with her extends beyond physical desire, and I find myself completely captivated by her mind and her spirit. I want to know every part of her, to understand her on a deeper level and to be her everything.

The sight of her perky breasts pressed against my chest, the feel of her ass, which is like a stress ball, only serve to fuel my obsession. I am constantly seeking out these sensations and the sound of her moans, unable to resist the hold she has over me. I am caught in a cycle of madness and desire, unable to break free from the grip of my mate.

I am willing to do anything to protect her, to keep her safe, and to make her mine forever. She is my everything, my world, my obsession, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am consumed by the idea of her, of being with her and of possessing her. In the end, all that matters is that she's mine and I'm hers. I'll do anything to protect her, to keep her safe, and to make her mine forever. She's my everything, my world, my obsession, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My boots echoed through the silent corridor, and as I approached the meeting room, the guards respectfully nodded and opened the door for me.

All the alphas from all over the world had come seeking my protection, and I walked into the room with an air of confidence and power. Every eye was upon me as I made my way towards my magnificent chair, and as I did, every alpha in the room stood up with their heads lowered in respect. I walked with my head held high, my stature exuding an intimidating and controlling presence. As I approached my chair, I could sense the aura of fear and respect emitting from me. I sat down on my chair, crossing my legs with ease, and Spade stood beside me, a silent sentinel.

" You may have your seat, " I said with authority, as I looked down at the file in front of me, ready to take control of the meeting.

I delved deeper into the conversation with the Alphas. We covered a range of subjects, including the rogue pack that had been causing trouble in their territory, as well as the various challenges that had arisen. Our discussion lasted until the peaceful sounds of chirping owls and birds filled the air, indicating that the sun had finally set, and the day had come to an end.

" That concludes our meeting for today, " I said before rising from my seat.

"I hope you all have some food before leaving. If anyone is tired and needs to rest, our pack Beta Spade will be available to guide you to a suitable accommodation for the night."

With that, I made my way towards the pack hospital, knowing that my Luna was waiting for me. I couldn't help but imagine how tired she must be after spending hours in the experimentation room. I walked with purpose, my presence commanding the attention of the nurse and employees as they bowed their heads in reverence, shivering in fear as I walked past them.

As I stepped into the laboratory, I was immediately struck by the sight of my partner, Luna Amaris, resting on a bench with her protective gear still on. I couldn't resist the urge to tenderly run my fingers through her hair, pushing it away from her face and tucking it behind her ear. Her skin was soft and smooth, and I couldn't help but lean in and place a gentle kiss on her forehead. Though she stirred slightly, she did not fully awaken.

I slowly and carefully removed her mask and apron, taking in the sight of her beautiful face, now unobstructed. I couldn't help but smile as I gazed at her peaceful expression. I shook her softly, but she only murmured and rolled over. I chuckled and, with great care, lifted her into my arms, relishing the warmth and comfort of her embrace. I felt a sense of pride and protectiveness as I carried her, with a sense of possessiveness that others would not dare to even gaze upon her.

As I walked through the halls of the pack mansion, the guards lowered their eyes in respect, knowing that if they dared to look upon my Luna, they would face severe consequences. The omegas giggled as I carried her to our room, and I felt a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that she was mine.

Once inside, I placed her gently on the bed, admiring her beauty and caressing her hair. I mind linked with an omega to bring us some food, and soon after, there was a knock at the door. The omega entered, keeping her gaze respectfully fixed on the ground as she presented the tray of food. I dismissed her with a stern expression and turned my attention back to my Luna, who was still lost in a peaceful slumber, clinging to my side.

" Wake up, my love, " I whispered softly in her ear. She stirred slightly, frowning in her sleep before snuggling closer to me. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

" Let me sleep, " she whined, still half-asleep.

" You need to eat, my love, " I replied, gently massaging her scalp. Her frown slowly disappeared as she started to relax under my touch.

" I don't want food now. Let me sleep, " she whined, releasing soft whimpers.

" This is not going to work, dear. You need to wake up, " I said sternly, but with a gentle touch, pecking her forehead, nose, cheeks, and finally her lips. She let out small giggles as I repeated my actions, wanting to see her smile even more.

" Fine, fine. I'm up, " she said, finally opening her eyes with a wide grin on her face.

" Now, go take a shower. You're smelling of chemicals and herbs, " I instructed, to which she frowned.

" You jerk! " She yelled, hitting me with a pillow before storming into the bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

While she was in the shower, I changed into some shorts and set the plates on the bedside table and took a few big gulps of water. I then settled onto the bed, waiting for her to emerge from the bathroom. When she emerged, she crawled towards me and sniffed the air.

" Mm, it smells so good, " she moaned as she sat in front of me, her eyes wide as she gazed at the food in front of her.

" I'm starving, " she declared, clutching her stomach with both hands, while I chuckled ruffling her hair while she sat in front of me taking her spoon and fork while I removed the lids one by one.

" You know what I found today? I discovered this amazing herb that has the ability to heal wounds faster than anything I've ever seen. " She said while I hummed out looking at her taking one spoon of her food.

" And guess what, I did a little experiment on it, and it worked! I was so surprised by the results. " She said with a proud smile on her face as her eyes sparkled.

" That's amazing, my love. I'm so proud of you. " I said while giving her a smile ruffling her hair.

We both ate, as she started to share everything she learned about the herbs and chemicals she had been working with throughout the day. She spoke with great excitement and energy, her eyes sparkling as she described the details of her experiments. I listened attentively, humming out in agreement while looking at every action she made.

As Luna continued to talk, I noticed that her eating slowed down, and I took it upon myself to feed her as she shared her day with me. We both enjoyed the food and each other's company, relishing the time spent together.

After we finished our meal, Omega came to take away the tray and I ordered her to leave us alone. I locked the door behind her and turned to see Luna sitting on the bed, rubbing her eyes and stifling a yawn. I chuckled and walked over to her, dimming the lights in the room before lying down on the bed and getting under the covers. She instantly snuggled closer towards me as she rests her head on my shoulder with tired look on her face.

" Narrate me a story!! " She said with her closed eyes.

" Alright, my dear, " I said as I gazed at her peaceful features, my hand gently massaging her scalp. She nuzzled closer to me, a contented purr escaping her lips. With my other hand, I continued to draw slow, soothing circles on her back, lulling her towards slumber.

" But are you not tired? " I asked, trying one last time to persuade her to rest.

" I am, " she replied, her eyes still closed.

" But I want to hear a story. " She added, a hint of whine in her voice.

" Very well, " I said with a smile, surrendering to her request.

" I'll spin a tale for you. Close your eyes and let yourself be transported to another world. "

" In the world of werewolves, there was an Alpha king. He was revered and respected, but above all, he loved his family deeply. The Alpha king was born into royalty, but his heart was captured by a mate who came from humble beginnings. Despite their different backgrounds, the Alpha king fell deeply in love with her and devoted himself to her.

The Alpha king was a handsome and charismatic figure, with an aura that was difficult to describe. His mate, on the other hand, was the epitome of innocence and purity. Her giggle and smile filled the Alpha king's heart with warmth.

The Alpha king came to his mate's pack as their pack was facing a rogue problem, but his mate was unaware of his true identity as the Alpha king. One night, they mated, and in five months, a son was born to them. The Alpha king was overjoyed and proud of his son, who inherited his Alpha aura from the moment he was born. The couple, with their new baby, returned to the pack and were welcomed with open arms. Everyone was eager to meet the soon-to-be king, who was the baby, and the Luna whose aura had already captivated everyone in the pack.

The couple ruled the pack with love and protection, and everyone was drawn to their leadership. The prince grew up to be a mischievous 18-year-old boy, who was a momma's boy. He often sought refuge behind his mother whenever he faced the wrath of his father.

One day began with a sudden and brutal attack on his pack by a group of rogue wolves. As instructed by his mother, the prince sought refuge in his room. However, he could not shake the feeling in his head and the howls of his pack ringing through their mind link. Overcome by a sense of urgency, the prince emerged from his room and raced towards the soldiers who were battling the rogues. To the surprise of the soldiers, they noticed the prince and allowed him to join the fight within the protective barrier.

It was then that the prince was met with the devastating sight of his father, wailing and holding the lifeless body of his mother. She had been mercilessly slashed and was covered in blood, lying pale in his father's arms. The prince felt numb, and his mind was in pain as he was overcome by shock and grief.

Suddenly, a voice spoke within him, demanding control. It was not his wolf, but the voice was similar to both his own and his wolf's. With a tear rolling down his cheek, the prince surrendered and lost consciousness. The world around him erupted into chaos as a ferocious beast emerged from within him. The beast was a formidable sight, towering over all those present with an imposing stature. Its fur was matted and bristled, a clear sign of its rage.

The beast roared, its voice echoing through the land and sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. Its aura was one of raw power and fury, crackling with an energy that was felt by all those around. Even the bravest of creatures cowered in fear at the sight of the beast. The barrier broke down, revealing the fallen bodies of the alpha and Luna, but the prince was nowhere to be seen, replaced by this powerful monster.

All of the pack members recognized the alpha aura emanating from the beast and bowed down in submission. On that day, Alpha Samuel became the new leader of the pack. With no mercy, he killed every rogue present, showing his immense strength as the beast form of himself.

The prince's wolf was stunned by what had transpired, but eventually, it was able to calm the beast and bring it under control. The prince's wolf had always known of the beast within, but never thought it would ever see the light of day. After some negotiation, the beast agreed to return to its hidden cage in the depths of the prince's mind, allowing his wolf to take care of his body.

The transformation of Prince from beast to wolf left the alpha king and the entire pack worried and concerned. As the wolf approached his parents and lay on the ground, whimpering and howling loudly, the king gently ran his hands through his son's fur, trying to comfort him. Despite their efforts, the prince was to overcome with grief and eventually fainted. The king, unsure of what to do, ordered the guards to bring the prince to his room where he could rest.

The next day, the funeral of the prince's mother was held, and the prince stood silently in the rain, staring at her grave. Despite his father's attempts to comfort him, the prince was in a deep depression, and nothing his friends tried seemed to help. On the other side, the alpha king welcomed the family of his mate on the occasion of her funeral, but their efforts to bring some comfort to their grandson also proved fruitless.

Just then, a lady entered the pack, announcing that she had come for her sister's funeral. Her tear-stained cheeks shocked everyone, but what came next left them even more stunned. The scent of the lady caught the alpha king's attention, driving him to a state of madness, and he stormed off in pursuit of the scent. The family of his mate watched in amazement as their son-in-law sniffed the air like a madman.

The moment their eyes met; time seemed to stand still. The two of them were drawn to each other in a way that could only be described as fate. And with one word, they both realized they were mates, leaving everyone around them shocked and amazed.

The alpha king was taken aback when he laid his eyes on the lady who bore an uncanny resemblance to his deceased mate. Her hair texture and facial features were almost identical and the sight of her made him immediately obsessed. In a fit of fervor, he swept her into his arms and made his way to his room, ignoring her protests and locking the door behind him.

The young lady was shocked by his sudden and aggressive behavior, and she tried to make herself heard through the door as he continued to blabber the word "mate." The alpha king, however, was not to be deterred, and when he heard her mention rejection, he let out a growl so loud that it caused the young lady to scream in terror. That night, he took her as his mate and locked both of them in the room for an entire week.

When the young lady fainted in the alpha king's arms, he was filled with fear and called for the best doctors in his pack to attend to her. After a few days, she regained consciousness and attempted to escape, only to be stopped by the sight of the prince, who was shocked to see his mother. The prince broke down in tears as she hugged him, and the alpha king arrived back at the pack mansion just in time to witness the tender moment. He dismissed everyone in the room, not wanting to display his son's emotional side, and stood back to give them their privacy.

The alpha king learned that his mate was the twin sister of the prince's mother and had been raised by her grandparents. He knew that she had kept pictures of his son and had received updates on his growth through faxes, but he was unaware of the existence of her twin sister. As he watched them crying in each other's arms, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort in knowing that his mate was there for his son even when he wasn't.

Seeing the prince in front of her don't want to leave him, and she know that her plan crashed. She wanted to give this relation a chance, and she did. She looked at her mate who was looking at them with adoration in his eyes, she gave him the smile which reminded him of his mate.

For the first time, the young lady's expression was one of joy instead of a frown, and her mate knew that she was truly giving their relationship a chance. He stepped forward and enveloped them both in a warm embrace. As they hugged, their faces beamed with happiness and their eyes filled with tears of joy.

Finally, the time had come for the young lady to reveal her true identity to the prince, who accepted her without hesitation. He loved her deeply, but his love for his mother was stronger. From that day on, they lived happily together, and their joy was multiplied as they welcomed a new member to their family.

The young lady gave birth to a beautiful princess and the prince's happiness knew no bounds. However, his wolf grew restless as he yearned for his mate. In that moment, the prince officially became the Alpha King of the werewolves.

Determined to find his mate, he traveled the world in search of her. Despite his efforts, he eventually gave up hope of ever finding her. There was a ball at that time, and he thought to skip it but, however, something inside of him told him to attend a ball that was happening, even though he had never listened to his parents' pleas to attend in the past. When he arrived, he was filled with nervous energy as his wolf and beast side both struggled for control.

At the ball, he met the woman who would change his life forever. Her fiery spirit was at odds with the innocence in her eyes, and she was dressed like a badass, but to him she was like a child. Despite her resistance, he forced her to stay with him, drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain.

She fought with him, but also showed care for him. Her eyes would sparkle when she searched for his presence in a room filled with thousands of people. He was worried about her carelessness, because she would act like a child at times, clinging to him whenever he returned home exhausted from work. When she wore his traditional attire, she was like a goddess, and her anklets seemed to command his attention. He remembered their carefree dance surrounded by their pack, the way she danced barefoot on the grass in his arms to their favorite songs, and the way she kissed him, sharing everything with him.

She was a unique combination of stubbornness, childishness, and an undefinable beauty that left everyone breathless. Her stunning appearance was matched by a captivating sexiness and an adorable cuteness that made her the epitome of perfection in his eyes. She was his queen, his Luna, and he was deeply possessive of her. He was aware of his own impeccable qualities, but he was also aware of the cruel reality of the world, where everything he cherished was taken away from him. Hence, he was hesitant to let her out of his sight, fearing that the world would snatch her away too.

But now he is with his women in his bed, in his arms, knowing that these arms will never let go of her, and those arms are ready to kill any fucker for her protection. She was his women; she belongs to these arms. " I murmured the last words before my eyes closed as we both slept in each other embrace.

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