Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR...

De PinkPrincess00

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All Rights Reserved 2012 ©PinkPrincess00 Book One Mai multe

Unexpected News [1]
Nothing [2]
Baby Girl I'm Your Dad [3]
No Place Like Home [4]
Wardrobe Changes & Pap's[5]
Mushu [6]
Cheater [7]
I Love You [8]
Ken Dolls [9]
Saturday Dreaming [10]
Princess Tellie [11]
Harry's Dream [12]
Hitting and Kicking [13]
New York [14]
first xmas <3 [15]
YEAH!!! BUDDY! [16]
Completely Alone [17]
WHO'S POV? [18]
TMH TOUR! [19]
It's Finally Hit Me... [20]
Oh shit Lou! [22]
Bitch Slap Her [23]
Tour & Imagination [24]
The Party Don't Start 'Til I Walk In [25]
Oh thy Romeo [26]
Eidee Will Save Us All!
If We Do It Right We Do It Once
Well That's Just A Slap In The Face
Ed Sheeran
Don't Ya Think It's Weird? Weirder Than Weird?
I Guess It Runs In The Family/ Oh Shit Lou P2
I Love You... But You're so Bad...
Killian You Bloody Pervet!
A Lie Is Formed
Thank-You Eidee
It's Not Really The End

So Darian's Not Keen To Share [21]

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De PinkPrincess00

















"...Who were talking to?" Louis asked as Darian sat on the lounge next to Zayn. Darian nervously held her hands in her laps her lip curled as Louis stared her down. To Darian, Louis was intimidating, the way he had that effect on her when he stared her down - Darian knew she's probably murder a person if Louis told her to while staring down on her, and that's why she chocked before speaking.

"No one..."Darian said quietly. Louis did his 'Bitch Please' face as Zayn watched with interest.

"Really? "He sassed.

"Really!" She snapped clicking her fingers.

"Sounded pretty important." Louis replied dully, he looked at Darian .

"It was."

"So who was it?"

"None of your business."

"I heard my name mentioned."

"You listened to my conversation." Darian practically yelled standing to her feet. She wasn't sure if if it was the fact he just so plainly told her or if he heard the stuff Darian had said. She herself found the phone conversation weird and confusing.

"Yes I did." Louis shot back, he got to his feet. He was only half a head taller than Darian but it still made him more intimidating to Darian.

"Well then... What were we talking bout?"

"Someone is alive." He snapped. Darian froze. Her jaw dropped hoping that she hadn't just betrayed her sister who she'd believed dead... But Louis couldn't know. He would ruin their plan!

"Darian..." Zayn muttered getting confused.

"HA!" Louis yelled jumping on the lounge." So I'm right! Burn bitch!"

"Really wanna go there Tomlinson" Zayn hissed standing up.



"So you's are official now?"

"We’ve been official for a while!"

Louis and Zayn went on and on and Darian couldn't help but smirk. She quietly walked to the front door with her bag.

"Wow... I'll just get Louis to call me a bitch when ever I wane get away from Zayn." She muttered to herself as she got in her car. She'd probably be at the airport for a while but she really didn't care. She pulled out of the drive way and hit the rode!

               *                                                             *                                                                  *            *                                                   *                                                                               *

Darian sat at the airport miserably. Planes from New York had been delayed for two hours! And Zayn and Louis had stopped arguing causing Zayn to call Darian and come to the airport to wait with her... They sat in silence waiting for any news of the plane coming in.

"Who are we waiting for again?" Zayn asked for the hundredth time.

"Just a friend."

"Which Friend?"

"One who lives in New York."

"That’s the thing. You've never mentioned any friends who live in New York!"

"She's a new friend."

Zayn still looked confused but shut up. They watched as people walked through the doors and off to collect their luggage.


Zayn looked and saw a woman with black hair running towards him and Darian. Sunglasses covered most of her face but you could see her make up on her face. Altogether she looked quiet pretty... But she reminded Zayn of someone... Someone he knew but whom?

"OH MY GOD!" Darian yelled running towards the person and embracing them in a bone-crushing hug. Tears streamed down both girls eyes...


Darian ran and hugged the woman running towards her. Who is she? If she'd so important why wouldn't Darian tell me about her? I looked intently at the woman. She had features, which looked quiet like Darian... But her face was pale and she looked as if she'd cried for her whole life. I looked at her more. She reminded me of someone... but who?

"Zayn." Darian said clicking her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah." I said looking away from Darian's so called 'friend'

"So this is your boyfriend." The lady said.

"Yes and who might you be?" I asked. She looked at me shocked by my outburst.

"I... uh... um Darian.”

"This is uh." Darian stuttered.

"Elizabeth!" She yelled looking at Darian with a fake smile.

"Yeah... This is Lizzy!" Darian yelled to excitedly.

"That's interesting... Darian can I talk to you." I grabbed Darian's elbow and pulled her away from 'Elizabeth'

"What?" She snapped.

"Who is she?” I asked.

"Uh... um... FINE! I'll tell you but you can't tell anybody at all. Especially Louis." I thought about it for a moment. If this is important I would have to tell the boys... I'll tell her I won't tell but if I need to... I am telling the boys.

"Start at the beginning. "I told her. She nodded and smiled.

"Well you see her names not Elizabeth I don't were she got that from... But it's Phoebe" I looked at her confused. WHO THE FUCKS PHOEBE?

"Who?" I asked trying to remember any time Darian had mentioned a 'Phoebe'

"My sister."

"I thought her name was Wendy?"

"She's my other sister!"

"Oh... Wait isn't she dead?"


I let it sink in. Her sister who died isn't dead... she's here... But how does somebody die? And be alive. I guess Darian saw my confused expression she opened her mouth ready to speak again.

"She faked her death and now she's here cause she misses her daughter." She said as if she was talking to a five year old.

"Her daughter... Isn't that Tellie?" I asked thinking harder.

"Yes. That's why Louis can't know!" She yelled looking over in Phoebe's direction.

"What so she's here to see Tellie?"

"Uh...I guess..." She said. I could tell by her voice she was hiding something... Something big. The worst thought came to my head...

What if she was trying to take Tellie? NO! Darian would never let that happen... Would she?

"She's not going to...uh you know...'take' Tellie is she?" I asked getting worried. Darian hung her head.

"Phoebe called me this morning... She moved to New York and she misses her daughter... Her daughter who she loves! And she has a right it's her child. So she's just going to... you know." Darian stuttered. She wouldn't look me in the eye as she spoke the words.

So this Bitch fakes her Death leaving her daughter with Louis who had no idea about her. She moves away to New York and then she calls Darian to help her kidnap her daughter.

I put my hand on Darian's cheek and lifted her head.

"Babe you know that's wrong.” I told her softly.

"It's her child... Without her Tellie wouldn't exist so..."

"But she's dead... Babe she has no right what so ever now..."

"Zayn." She pouted leaning her head on my chest.

"It is... And I think Louis should know."

"Zayn please don't." She begged. I wrapped my arms around her. I don't care what she says. I have to tell Louis.

"I won’t.” I lied. I leaned down and kissed her and started walking.

"Hi." Phoebe greeted us nervously. I just glared at her. The thought of why she was here made me sick.

"Zayn me and…Uh... Elizabeth... are going to go to a hotel." Darian said walking out of my arms.

"Sure." I nodded still glaring at Phoebe who now seemed very nervous under my gaze.

"Darian your boyfriends kinda scaring me." I herd her whisper to Darian. I smirked.

"No he's not!" Darian laughed. ”Lets go. Bye Zayn." She kissed me and started walking off hand in hand with Phoebe who looked back a couple of times. Each time she did I just evil eyed her. Purposely trying to make her uncomfortable. It seemed to work cause every time she looked back she get closer to Darian. As soon as they were out of sight I rushed out of the airport towards a bus or something.


I ran up to Louis's House. I didn't even bother to knock I just opened the door and bolted in. I ran into the living room and saw the boys with Tellie.

"L-L-Louis.” I panted. All the boys looked at me.

"Zayn..."He replied childishly.

"D-D-D-Don't let Tellie out of your sight.” I said catching my breath.

"Why?” he asked. I noticed all the boys were looking at me with worried expressions.

"You know that bitch who gave birth to her? Well she's alive and... Louis she's trying to kidnap your daughter."

The room was silent. The boy's faces were all filled with surprise. Louis looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

"Tellie come here." Louis muttered. Tellie walked over to Louis. Her small face looked scared. But I must admit she was still adorable. I watched Louis wrap his arms around Tellie. He held her close and looked around.

"What do we do?" Harry asked breaking the silence.

"Call the police?" Liam suggested

"But we have no proof... do we have any proof Zayn?" It was Niall speaking this time. He had nandos in front of him and looked just about as scared as Louis.

I shook my head sadly.

"Darian told me."

"Darian?" Louis asked.

"Yeah... She's helping what’s her face." I replied trying to remember that evil bitches name.

"That Bitch." Niall snapped.

"Don't let her know that you guys know... She can't know I told youse."

"So you want us to save your relationship." Harry pointed out.

"Well yeah." I replied.

"Guys I think someone's at the door." Liam said and sure enough I could hear the faint knocking of someone at the front door.

"I'll get it." Louis muttered. He walked over and put Tellie in my arms before walking off. I held Tellie tightly. It was terrible to think that some dead Bitch wanted to take her away from us... I mean I am 'Uncle Zayn'

"WHY HELLO DARIAN!"I herd Louis yell.

"I've gotta see." Niall said jumping up. He started walking out the door. I looked at Liam and Harry.

"What are youse waiting for?" Niall yelled entering the room again. I stood up and followed Niall out of the room. Tellie leaned her little head over my shoulder. I herd her giggling at stuff Harry was saying to Liam. I started laughing myself as I herd Harry scream girlishly.

"Louis why can't I come in?" I heard Darian ask. We all stood around the front door as Louis talked to Darian. Boy was Louis gonna give it to her.

"Oh I don't know." He mused angrily. He looked back me and mouthed

"Can I yell at her?"

"Play dumb you don't know anything." I mouthed back. He nodded and turned back to Darian.

"Tell me who you were on the phone with." He sassed.

"Uh... Louis that's my business not yours!"

"Then I guess you can't come in." He shrugged.

"Zayn." she pouted. Everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked. I know I'm famous and all but having everybody's eyes on me is creepy!

"Tell Louis to let me in." Darian said trying to push past Louis.

"Its his house." I shrugged. She rolled her eyes.

"Look were not having a house full of Bitches tonight bye love." Louis snapped. He shut the door in Darian face and locked it.

"LOUIS!" She yelled banging on the door.

"I wish I could say release the hounds." Louis joked. I laughed as well as the other boys. Louis walked over to me and held his arms out.

"Are you trying to hug me?" I asked sarcastically.

"Zayn this is not joke time." He snapped. I put Tellie in his arms and he walked off down the hallway.

"I thought it was joke time." Niall admitted glumly.

"Louis Darian's coming on tour." Liam yelled following Louis out of the room. I looked at Niall and Harry.

"GOODBYE THEN!" Darian yelled on the other side of the door.

"BYE BABE!" i yelled back. Niall and Harry cracked up laughing. We left the foyer and went into the living room.

"...How do we tell her she's no longer coming?" I heard Liam ask.

"ZAYN!" Louis yelled. "Tell your girlfriend she's not coming on tour... Or is she your ex-girlfriend?"

"Why would she be my ex?" I asked confused.

"Well you just told me that she's helping someone kidnap my daughter." He said with his 'bitch please' face.

"You know Lou I thought you'd be shocked that that Phoebe chick is alive." I commented as Niall sat on my left.

"Oh... I didn't really think about that." He admitted.

"Who's alive?" Tellie asked. I think she talks too much for a four year old... way too much!

"Um..."Louis stuttered.

"Lou if you say she's gonna ask to see her." Liam added sounding worried.

"Liam's right." Harry muttered.

"Don't tell her Lou..."Niall mumbled.

"No one's alive. Every ones perfectly dead." Louis said. He looked like he was having some trouble keeping a straight face. But then again so am I. We all looked at each other.

It went through my head what Louis said... My girlfriend is actually trying to kidnap his daughter! When Darian told me I never thought of that... She actually is going to try and take Tellie away from Louis! She has a point right? I mean yeah Tellies this chick’s daughter and of course every mother wants to be with their child... But she's dead... In all documents and everything. She's living and alive but legally she doesn't exist anymore. Which gets rid of all her rights to Tellie.

I just can't believe Darian would help her! I wonder if she realizes that... If that chick does kidnap Tellie she won't see her ever again.

"Zayn... you look tired." Harry commented.

"Yeah... Not everyday your girlfriend tells you she's helping her dead sister kidnap your friends kid."

"Not everyday one of your friends tells you that your dead ex-girlfriend and her sister who is dating your friend are going to try and kidnap the daughter you never knew you had." Louis added.

"I'm tired." Niall yawned.

"I'm going to sleep." Liam said standing up.

"Use the spare rooms!" Louis shouted.

"I'm sleeping to." Harry mumbled. I watched him and Niall leave...

"Are you going to sleep Lou?" I asked stretching my arms.

"Me? No! People are trying to kidnap my daughter!"

"I wouldn't sleep either." I told him.

"I am not going to attempt."

"It'll be OK Lou..."

"How? If this is Phoebe were dealing with then we have a huge problem. If i know Phoebe which i Do. She's never gonna stop until she gets Tellie."

I looked over at Tellie. She was fast asleep in Lou's lap. She was so peaceful and small. She probably the only four-year-old in the world who has these problems... And she doesn't even know she has them.

"Lou... Trust me none of us are going to let that bitch touch Tellie!"

"Thanks Zayn... But Phoebe's never gonna give up... We need to do something..."

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"From lovers to strangers" Copyright PinkPrincess00 2013 All Rights Reserved