Danganronpa Midnight: Lantern...

By sleepyysanctuary

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Chiyo Yagami was looking forward to the first day of her final year at Hope's Peak Academy. That is until she... More

Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - The First Day
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Unfamiliar Surroundings
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Unfamiliar Classmates
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Welcome To Camp
Nozomu Academy Interlude
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Satoshi, Finn
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - Motive
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Kokoro
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Ryoko, Shunsuke
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - The Party
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 1 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 1 - Scrum Debate + Class Trial 2
Chapter 1 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 1 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 1
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Akihiro, Kairi
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Tatsuo, Akihiro and Shouko
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Motive
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Shouko, Yuna
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Camping
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 2
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 3 + Scrum Debate + Closing Argument
Chapter 2 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 2
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Kenjiro, Ryoko
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Akihiro, Satoshi and Hidemi
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Motive
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Kokoro, Shouko
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Movie Night
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 3 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 3
Nozomu Academy Interlude 2
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Beach Day
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - FTE: Shimura, Kokoro
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Motive, FTE: Kenjiro
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - FTE: Yuna, Shouko
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Boating Trip
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 4 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 4
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection
Happy Anniversary!
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Shimura, Satoshi
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Ryoko
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Motive
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Kenjiro, Shouko
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Last Supper
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 3
Chapter 5 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 5
Chapter 6 - An Encounter of Destined Despair
Epilogue - Greetings To An Old Conclusion
Final Game Stats
thank you!! (again)

Chapter 4 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate

198 7 12
By sleepyysanctuary

"Hm? Ryoko perked up, glancing back to see me. "What was that, Satoshi?"

"What I'm saying is that...you could have killed Yuna and got Chiyo injured. In fact, you're the prime suspect." I crossed my arms.

"Oh really? And what do you mean by that exactly?" The grandmaster scoffed, rolling her eyes at us all.

"I mean...Y-Your name is all over this case." I glared at her.

"Not to mention how suspicious and strange you've been acting," Kenjiro added, backing me up.

"That doesn't really count seeing how she's always strange..." Shouko mumbled to herself, folding her arms and staring down at the floor.

"So you're trying to say I may have killed Yuna, hm?" Ryoko chuckled. "I'm the prime suspect?"

"Yes. I...I know you have to be the biggest lead on this case." I clenched my fists, trying my absolute best to defend my point. "Either that or...you murdered Yuna."

Ryoko fell silent for a moment, staring and admiring her nails while seeming completely unbothered at first.

How can she act that way...while we accuse her of murder?!?

Well...it's not her first time being accused I guess.

It also may not be the first time that she's actually...committed a murder, considering what she did to Finn.

But what would Ryoko's motive even be this time around? It's not like she wants to bring anyone back. And if it's for fun again...then would killing another person be enjoyable or repetitive to her?!?

So many questions and I have no idea what the answer could be.

"U-Um." Suddenly, we heard the voice of someone speaking up. All of our eyes landed on Kokoro.

"What's up?" I asked her, concerned if something was wrong or not.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you all...I-I know how happy you all would be if Ryoko died- No offence." Kokoro quickly glanced over to the chess grandmaster.

"Hmph. None taken. I know it's true." She chuckled with a lingering smirk.

"But," Kokoro got back on topic. "Ryoko can't be the killer!"

"E-Eh?" Shouko yelped. "Since when do you want to defend her...?"

"That's not it!" The matchmaker exclaimed. "It's just...Ryoko has a wristband, right?!? So if she actually killed Yuna, wouldn't we all be dead right now? And this time it's not like Finn since Yuna was found first!"

Ryoko hummed in response. "Heh. I'm surprised Kokoro out of all people is the only one left with a brain out of this disappointing bunch."

"Oh right," Shouko remembered while also choosing to remind us all. "A person with a wristband can kill...as long as the body is found, they'd get to leave straight away with no trial while l-leaving the rest of us to die."

"Aha! What a nice explanation, Shouko." The grandmaster smiled, though it was clearly fake. "It's a shame nobody asked though."


"N-No." I tried my best to sound firm enough to interject. However, once I saw that the single word wasn't enough, I loudly cleared my throat, people turning to look.

"Huh? Satoshi?" Kokoro tilted her head. "What's the problem? Ryoko is innocent..."

"No! She...can't be." I shook my head, firmly believing in what I was about to say. "Ryoko can't be innocent. Her wristband proves nothing since...it's not hers."

"...What?" Ryoko interrupted the confused silence that followed with her own perplexed look as she slide the cuff of her glove down to reveal the item in question, it clinging to her wrist. "Whatever do you mean it's not mine? It is attached to me, is it not?"

"Barely," Kenjiro commented on the looseness of it, glancing away with folded arms.

I suppose since Kenji has one himself...he must be the most knowledgeable on them.

"B-But still!" I turned everyone's attention back to me. "Your wristband is...different from Chiyo's."

"At least her's was actually touching her skin without dangling off her wrist like some cheap bracelet," Kenjiro murmured so I could hear his criticism.

"So what are you trying to imply?" Ryoko chuckled. "That this wristband isn't mine or something?"

"No...That is exactly what I think." I clenched my fists in an attempt to sound assertive enough to get people on my side. "R-Ryoko, your wristband...You stole it from Shimura, didn't you?"

"...Ehhh?" She tilted her head once again, drawing out her words teasingly. "Me? Steal from Shimura? Oh come on, I'd like to believe I'm more respectful than that."

"Respectful..." Kenjiro caught onto that single adjective, rolling his eyes at her.

"No...It has to be you!" I continued, pointing at Ryoko. "There were meant to be five people with wristbands...But if we count Ryoko, then it's six! That makes no sense."

"If I think about it...The people with wristbands if we don't count Ryoko were Chiyo, Shimura, Yukari, and Hidemi." Shouko reminded us.

"Then...Who is this mysterious fifth-person Satoshi?!?" Kokoro wondered.

"U-Uh...I..." I stammered, avoiding eye contact with Kenjiro.

I've already revealed Chiyo's wristband! I don't want to be a dick and just expose Kenjiro's too...

So what the hell do I say-

"It's me," Kenjiro admitted, raising his hand in the air.


"Huh? Kenjiro...?" Shouko glanced over at him.

"I have a wristband." He confirmed. "It's...i-in an awkward place, but I have one. So that makes five people, excluding Ryoko."

"And what if Satoshi and his boyfriend are in cahoots, hm?" Ryoko suggested, tapping her finger against her chin in thought. "They could be lying and conspiring against me you know!"

"Oh please..." Kenjiro sighed, having had enough of Ryoko's antics.

But...Did he seriously ignore that boyfriend comment?!?

"I-If your wristband is actually yours...Then turn it on!" I composed myself, glaring back at her. "The red text only flashes on when it's attached correctly to the right holder. So if it's really yours...Then show us!"

Ryoko fell silent, glancing between us and the bracelet that hung from her wrist. All of our eyes were on her, but instead of arguing or creating a scene...

She gave in.

Ryoko twisted the wristband and it detached effortlessly, taking it off with her free hand.

"It was never my size anyway." Ryoko chuckled, tossing the wristband over her shoulder as it landed on the floor with a loud metallic thud. "Now I know never to wear Shimura's clothes with bizarre sizing like that!"

"W-Wait...You don't have a wristband?!?" Kokoro gasped.

"Come on, it was obvious!" Ryoko exclaimed. "It was far too loose for me! But I won't deny and say it wasn't fun to mess with you all. And stealing from that nuisance Shimura was just as satisfying! I'm glad he died before he could cause any problems."

"So, you admit you took Shimura's." I firmly stated.

"Yes, yes, I admit it." She dramatically sighed. "When I was checking everyone's room during the first investigation, I stumbled upon Shimura's body. The wristband was detached and was...so mesmerising to me! I was jealous...I had to have it! So I did. I just picked it up and slipped it on and you guys just believed me. It's really your fault for that." She smirked. "I then left Shimura's door unlocked so I could lead Hidemi and Chiyo to discover him. But let's face it! Shimura had to have been a sad and pathetic man to die so easily to something as simple as that! So to be fair...I don't miss him."

"That's rich." Kenjiro scoffed. "You saw S-Shunsuke attack and drag Akemi. If you stopped him...Shimura wouldn't have died!"

"Oh keep up, Kenjiro." The chess grandmaster giggled. "That was three trials ago! And besides, who said I wanted to stop them? I always wanted the killing to start, you know. It was the perfect opportunity, so who cares if Shimura died."

"That's h-heartless..." Shouko clenched her fists. "Shimura wasn't pathetic or sad! In fact...He was 'hot as hell and totally smart.'"

"...Excuse me?" Ryoko paused, just as confused as I was over Shouko's words.

"And uh...something about him being 'boyfriend material'...I think." She stammered.

"What...are you saying?" I just stared at her, dumbfounded.

"Eh?!? Shouko...I didn't know you felt that way about Shimura-"

"No!" The ghost hunter immediately cut Kokoro off once she caught onto what she was going to say. "I'm just quoting what Akihiro told me, ok?!?"

"...Oh." The rest of us collectively said, not surprised in the slightest.

"But the point is...Everyone liked Shimura, ok? Especially Akihiro!"

"Well, at least they're together now in heaven or hell or whoever cares." Ryoko brushed Shouko off. "Shimura was annoying and worthless, that's it. But getting back on track...now that we all know my wristband was fake and I was a liar, does that still make me your prime suspect for this case Satoshi?" She then looked over at me.

"Yes. There's no doubt in my mind." I nodded. "I-If you're not the murderer, then at least you're heavily involved! Your name is plastered all over this case!"

"Oh really then?" Ryoko just shot a playful smirk my way, lightly giggling.

As usual...she's treating this like some damn game! So how the hell am I meant to even try and get through to her?

I...suppose all I can do for now is try my best until I can really pinpoint her involvement with this case.

Non-Stop Debate
Truth Bullet: Black Ribbon

Ryoko: It seems Satoshi is adamant about me being involved in all of this murder business!

Ryoko: Ha! That's rich coming from a murderer like him, you know.

Kenjiro: There's no need for that!

Ryoko: Whatever. It's the truth.

Kokoro: Is Ryoko really the murderer?

Ryoko: Of course not! That's just their hatred of me manifesting.

Ryoko: There isn't a single trace of me at that crime scene-

"No, that's wrong!"

Ryoko hummed after I had called her out. "Hm? So you're claiming I was also at the crime scene."

"Exactly." I nodded, turning carefully to her. "Just...look at Ryoko's hair."

"Her...hair?" Kokoro repeated, seeming confused. "But it looks so good!"

"Finally a compliment around here." The grandmaster rolled her eyes.

"Ryoko has got those black ribbons in her hair. One on each side of her head." I attempted to explain. "However, a ribbon was found at the crime scene. It must have fallen out of her hair."

"Ryoko then could have easily gotten a n-new ribbon from her cabin to cover it up," Kenjiro added.

"Exactly." I briefly nodded. "She made it look like nothing had happened last night. But in actuality...she was out. And she was definitely involved somehow with this case."

"Ohoho! Seriously you guys?" Ryoko laughed out loud, seemingly unable to contain it after what I said.

"W-What is so funny...?" I interrogated her.

"Your baseless accusations! That's what!" She finished up her laughter, pretending to wipe a tear from her eye. "I suppose most of what you do is assume things anyway...That's the point of an investigation, is it not?"

"Let's just...carry on. But that black ribbon is definitely suspicious. Ryoko...looks like a suspect." Shouko suggested, ignoring Ryoko and choosing to move forward with the case. It seemed the rest of the court agreed with me over the black ribbon, making my life extremely easier.

"Shouko is right! Let's move on..." Kokoro tapped a finger against her chin, apparently trying to think of what we could talk about next. "Ah! I have no idea what we should move onto!"

"...Same here," Shouko admitted. "What else proves Ryoko's guilt and involvement?"

"Hey!" Ryoko scoffed, acting offended even though her lips were still curved into that twisted slight smile she always wore. "I'm right here Shouko. Geez..."

"I...Was just saying." Shouko shrugged, clearly unaffected by Ryoko's over-dramatic behaviour.

"You all are so judgemental...But it's fine! In fact, I enjoy it!" The grandmaster suddenly clasped her hands together. "So for that, I'll give you something to talk about that will involve the murder, how does that sound?"

"Just...get on with i-it." I sighed, avoiding eye contact with her.

"It's simple! We've got a forensic scientist present." Ryoko then pointed me out. "So why don't we ask him for clues? If he does his job right, he should have something for us to speak about!"

She...has a point. Which I hate.

I gulped, rubbing the back of my head. "Is...this just your way to get me to tell you what I know?"

"And what of it?" Ryoko shrugged. "This is a trial, after all! We should all be open with each other seeing as we have the same goal of finding the blackened out. Well...I suppose the murderer would have a different goal." She lightly chuckled to herself.

"You always make big scenes like the killer...S-So just get to the point." I sighed. "You want me to tell you guys what I found out, right?"

"If you don't mind..." Shouko rubbed the back of her neck. "I mean, it's not like you like your talent. No offence."

"None taken. It's...not like your wrong." I shrugged. "Though, I suppose I did discover something that further incriminates Ryoko..."

"Oh my! Do tell!" Ryoko bounced up in joy and intrigue, clapping her hands together.

Why...is she so excited about evidence that could make her even more of a suspect?!?

Well, Ryoko is just really strange, so it's not like I can be surprised at all anymore.

Select Truth Bullet
> No Fingerprints <

"This is it!"

"You guys recall the paddle that was used to attack Chiyo...right?" I asked the group.

"Of course we do! How could we forget the thing that hurt Chiyo?!?" Kokoro replied.

"And we did just talk about it like...five minutes ago," Shouko mumbled.

"Well, I scanned it for fingerprints. I assumed there would be a few, seeing as the killer has their hands on it but..." I faced everyone. "...It had none whatsoever."

"Then the attacker must have worn gloves." Kenjiro decisively nodded, giving his input.

"Ah! That makes sense." Kokoro hummed, but then looked disappointed. "But...Three out of the five of us here wear gloves!"

"Me, Ryoko and Satoshi. That doesn't really narrow things down." Shouko yawned before rubbing her eyes and looking around. "I mean, I know I didn't do it..."

"Right...And neither did Satoshi. Well, obviously." Kenjiro backed me up.

"Yeah. Besides, that leaves our main suspect, Ryoko." I folded my arms against my chest and looked over to where the girl in question was standing.

"I see...So you're insinuating that I attacked Chiyo and killed Yuna, hm? And that the gloves I have on right now prove that?" She tilted her head, playfully holding her hands out to admire her gloves.

"That's not even all..." I continued. "E-Even your behaviour is evidence...!"

"My behaviour?" She acted shocked, throwing in a fake gasp to try and act as innocent as possible. "Whatever do you mean...?"

Select Truth Bullet
> Ryoko Being Strange <

"There it is!"

"Ever since this morning...s-something was definitely off with you." I began.

"Isn't there always at least something off with her?" Shouko wondered, giving Ryoko a quick glance.

"Well..." I tried my best to clarify. "Yeah. But even more so."

"You're talking about how Ryoko told us exactly where to go this morning in the dining hall." Kenjiro. "She was by herself...And it was like she k-knew right where Chiyo was."

"You must have told everyone to not go the breakfast...so you could manipulate mine and Kenjiro's movements." I turned to her.

"W-Wait!" Kokoro interrupted me. "Ryoko wasn't the one who told me to not go to breakfast."

"Exact- Wait, what?!?" I widened my eyes. "But...But she's a manipulator! So-"

"Kokoro's right." Shouko joined in. "Ryoko is creepy...Like there's just an area of darkness and evil radiating off of her. But...she didn't tell me anything about breakfast."

"Well, then who did?" I leaned forward against my railing.

"Uh...I probably should've told you this earlier." Shouko rubbed the back of her head.

"Y-Yeah...But we didn't want to make her sound bad when we didn't know where she was!" Kokoro cried.

"What...?" I cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Uh...we're trying to say is that...Chiyo was the one who told us to not go the breakfast." Shouko explained.

"...W-Wait, what?!?" I exclaimed.

"That...That can't be right!" Kenjiro tried to interject.

"No! It's true!" Kokoro added. "Shouko and I both got the same message from her."

I then paused. "Hold on...message? She didn't tell you in real life?"

"No...She just texted us." The ghost hunter replied.

"Texted..." I trailed off. "That can't be right. What did you guys get those messages?!?"

"Erm, like 20 minutes before breakfast, why?" Kokoro responded.

"There's no way Chiyo sent those messages!" I realised. "At that time she was knocked out cold. And Chiyo didn't even have her handbook on her! So those messages you got-"

Wait, I got one too! The one that told me not to wait for her and to just go to the dining hall.

The girls both got texts telling them to stay away...But I got one encouraging me to go.

That leaves one person who could have sent those messages.

"The messages we got," I corrected myself. "Were not sent by Chiyo." I then pointed straight at the culprit. "Ryoko sent those damn texts! After attacking Chiyo...She had to have taken her handbook!"

"R-Ryoko did that?!?" Shouko took a step back but stopped. "Wait...why am I surprised?"

"Ryoko planned this from the start...getting me and Satoshi alone as she could send us to the dock..." Kenjiro recounted.

"She didn't want us to find Chiyo...She just wanted us to discover the body and start the investigation!" I continued. "And that's not even counting the blood on Ryoko's gloves. I saw it this morning...That must have been from when she attacked Chiyo.

Ryoko remained uncharacteristically silent, looking down at the floor.

"So...Is R-Ryoko the killer then?!?" Kokoro gasped.

"..." Ryoko didn't speak up, her eyebrows unusually creasing with worry.

Is she...actually nervous?

"It seems we're all at a unanimous decision." Kenjiro sighed, turning his attention towards the chess grandmaster. "S-So...You might as well confess."

With a few more moments of silence, Ryoko finally spoke.

"I suppose you're right."

Oh, come on...I bet she's just going to deny it or make things more complicated-

"You're correct," Ryoko said it plain and simple. "I killed Yuna and attacked Chiyo with the intent to murder her as well. There, are you happy now?"


"W-Wait!" I interrupted my thoughts, shocked by Ryoko's sudden confession. "That's...it?

"Yes, I killed Yuna. How many times do I have to say it?" The grandmaster sighed, placing a hand on her forehead. "I...truly do regret it. I should have never had done such a terrible act!"

"No way...Ryoko actually killed Yuna?!?" Shouko gasped.

"Why are you so shocked? She caused Finn's death too...r-remember?" Kenjiro reminded us.

"Y-Yeah, but this time she'll actually get executed. Ryoko...getting executed." Shouko repeated the last phrase, in disbelief that Ryoko's execution drew nearer.

"We'll finally be rid of her." Kenjiro visibly relaxed.

"Ah...Kenjiro!" Ryoko cried out, sobbing loudly and dramatically while covering her face. "That's right! I'll be gone. A terrible person like me will finally be gone! You all must be so happy..."

Hold on a second...

"Yes, repeat it all you want." Ryoko pretended to act like she was wiping a fake tear until all we could hear were her loud wails.

Something is not right here.

"R-Ryoko...did you really do all of that?!?" Kokoro faced the chess player. "I can't believe it!"

"Yes, it's true!" Ryoko cried out. "I'm just a no good murderer! First with Finn and Hidemi and now this...What is wrong with me?!?"

"I've been trying to figure that out for a while now," Shouko murmured quickly enough for Ryoko not to hear her.

"But vote and execute me!" She continued. "It's what I deserve after all the suffering I caused...I deserve to die! So please vote for me!"

"You...don't have to ask me twice," Kenjiro replied.

Shouko sighed. "Voting for Ryoko, huh? I guess I don't have a choice..."

"She really is the killer," Kokoro spoke up. "S-So...for our safety, we have to vote Ryoko out!"

"Exactly!" Ryoko weakly smiled through her smeared makeup. "Thank you for seeing my point of view. Times have been really challenging-"

"Hold on a minute." I interrupted Ryoko, blurting out my thoughts. "Some stuff...doesn't add up."

"Huh?" Kenjiro turned to me.

"What...do you mean?" Kokoro paused.

"Yeah, isn't Ryoko the killer?" Shouko assumed.

Ryoko sighed further, wiping her eyes. "Satoshi...there really is no need to defend me. I'm a heartless murderer! There's nothing more to it...So let's just begin the vote-"

"N-No!" I quickly cut in. "I mean...think about it! Is Ryoko...really the blackened? She was definitely involved but did she actually...kill?

Ryoko paused, her hands dropping to her side. "What are you trying to say?"

"We all know she is weird...but we also know R-Ryoko is smart. We saw it last time with the body discovery announcement." I began to explain. "But why now...
Why would Ryoko as the killer...want Yuna to be discovered first? That would assure her execution, a-and Ryoko wouldn't want to die without having some sick joke!"

"Heh...That does sound like me." The girl in question chuckled lightly.

"There's evidence we haven't gone through yet...We haven't even d-determined an order of events!" I carried on. "That's not even considering the fact that she is never this emotional. It has to be an act...Ryoko wants you to vote for her. Uh...for some reason."

The room fell into momentary silence before being harshly interrupted.

"I'm still going to vote for Ryoko," Kenjiro spoke up, addressing us with a deep breath. "There is enough evidence to s-say she's the killer."

"What are you trying to say?" Shouko folded her arms. "I...get why you're worried, Satoshi. But you started this...you made her a suspect in the first place."

She...is not wrong about that.

But that's beyond the point!

Kokoro gulped. "S-Satoshi...I'm sorry but Ryoko is behind this!"

"...G-Guys..." I tried to call out to them. "You're not...actually going to vote for her?!?"

"We are." Kenjiro reinforced. "Look...I'm sorry Satoshi, but Ryoko is the most suspicious individual. We need to vote for her."

"Oh please!" Ryoko's earlier act had been dropped, reverting back to her normal self. "As if that's the only reason. You all want to get rid of me of course!" She cackled.

Kenjiro just nervously looked away, not wanting to deny or agree with what she said.

"But it's fine! That's not the issue here after all." Ryoko then faced me with a typical grin on her face. "Oh Satoshi...it's a shame when no one agrees or supports your side of an argument, isn't it? I understand how you feel."

"H-Huh? But-"

"You might not like it, but I'll be on your side! I'll help you out and prove to these morons that they should broaden their horizons." She gave me a condescending look, acting as if she was doing me a favour.

"But...you just wanted everyone to vote for you!" I reminded her. "Now you don't and what to act innocent? I...don't get it."

"Look, you don't need to know my reasoning as of right now, ok? That will be like the side that comes with the upcoming main course. As of right now, we're not even at the starter." Ryoko weakly explained.

"Where did the food metaphor come from...?"

"As of right now...in the most simplest terms of course...I just want things to go according to plan!" Ryoko clasped her hands together. "Now you may not want to work with me, but let's face it...you don't have a choice!"

"What are you talking about-"

"So let's prove a point together! Like good pals!"

Whenever I try to look or ask for answers...Ryoko just cuts me off! So what is she getting at?

"R-Ryoko?!?" Kokoro spoke up, clearly confused while fiddling with her fingers. "But...But what about-"

"There's no time for that!" Ryoko rolled her eyes at the matchmaker over dramatically. "Let's face it...Will you all really vote for little old me? Are your decisions set in stone?"

She threw the question out there and was initially met with silence.

I had no plans to vote for her...I'm sure most people here wouldn't mind seeing her execution but...I'm certain she can't be the killer. I need to make sure everyone is aware of that.

My thoughts were abruptly cut off by the sound of someone finally raising their head to reply to Ryoko with a straight face.

"Yes," Kenjiro replied to her questions. "You...Should be-"

"Executed?" She assumed the rest of his sentence and interrupted him. "As if I'd give you the opportunity and let you be responsible for my death."

"I don't know...the decision is nearly unanimous," Shouko added.

"Oooh! She has a point!" Monokuma interjected. "I could totally call the end to this trial and make you all vote. Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Hm...I suppose at a first glance it does sound quite fun." Ryoko chuckled. "But I won't let that happen. I'll stop this vote. I prefer it if things go my way anyways, so be it."

Then, with another dramatic move accompanied by a wide grin, Ryoko addressed us all, including Monokuma.

"We're split!" She announced, almost euphorically as Monokuma perked up.

"What did you say...?" The bear glanced down at her.

"That's right. Satoshi and I against the others to show them the truth!" Ryoko explained, maintaining her overjoyed expression. "Doesn't that sound like fun?!?"

"Split...You know what that means!" Monokuma cackled.

"A-A scrum debate?!?" Kokoro stuttered.


"Triggering a debate just to avoid voting..." Kenjiro mumbled next to me, trying to figure things out.

Ryoko didn't want us to vote for her. And she mentioned some sort of plan...

If I had to guess, then she's not the murderer! If she received the most votes, she'd also die. And knowing Ryoko... she wouldn't want to go out like that.

But...do I really have to fight alongside here?!? She just...makes me so uncomfortable...

"No matter the reason why it was caused!" Monokuma answered Kenjiro. "All that matters is the upcoming debate. I'm proud to present to you all...The Morphenomenal Trial Grounds!"

A large key appeared in Monokuma's hand just like the other times before. Without any thought, he effortlessly slipped it into the keyhole and twisted the key into place, the podiums shouting immediately as we were positioned for yet another debate.

I was stuck next to Ryoko, facing the other three including Kenjiro.

Having Ryoko as a temporary ally will be...interesting, I guess.

Who am I kidding? It's going to be a nightmare.

How does Chiyo deal with her and all this trial stuff at once?!? I'm jealous...

- Scrum Debate: Begin! -

Should we begin the vote?

We should vote now:
- Kenjiro
- Shouko
- Kokoro


We should vote later:
- Satoshi
- Ryoko


- Begin! -


Shouko: All the evidence points to Ryoko...S-Shouldn't it be her?

"Let me!"

Satoshi: We haven't even gone through all the evidence...There's still a lot left to discuss!

Kenjiro: Satoshi and I saw it ourselves...R-Ryoko was acting suspicious this morning.

"Ryoko, go ahead!"

Ryoko: Seriously? Just because I was 'suspicious' does not mean I'm a murderer- Well...It doesn't mean I'm Yuna's murderer. As for Finn...

Kokoro: C-Chiyo's attacker had gloves just like Ryoko...That means so did Yuna's killer!

"I got it!"

Satoshi: The gloves only apply to Chiyos's attack...We haven't even clarified if the attacker and blackened are properly the same person.

Shouko: Didn't Ryoko completely change her tone...? It's probably a trick.

"Your turn, Ryoko!"

Ryoko: Oh please. My tricks are usually more thought out than that! Now I'm just offended!

Kenjiro: Ryoko's behaviour has put us through hell and back...I wouldn't b-be the slightest bit surprised if she was the murderer.

"Hold on!"

Satoshi: Kenjiro, Ryoko's behaviour may be suspicious...B-But we still have to consider other suspects. She may just be acting for all we know...


"This is our answer!"


The podiums all returned to their original positions, Ryoko looking extremely pleased with herself as she giggled.

"So, do you morons still want to vote, or should we wait a bit and analyse the rest of the crime?" She asked them, leaning forward.

"...I-I suppose we should do that then." Kenjiro sighed.

"Just, on the record," Shouko spoke up. "I still think she's guilty."

"So do I." Kokoro joined in, folding her arms and tilting her head. "...N-No offence Ryoko, of course! It's just...you're cunning enough to do this!"

"Cunning, hm?" Ryoko repeated with a small chuckle. "How ironic."


"I suppose as a reward for listening to me and Satoshi, I'll give you all little hints." She smiled. "I do have insider knowledge considering I was involved with the case."

"No surprise there..." I mumbled.

"I was the one who attacked Chiyo as well. She left blood everywhere, it was so messy! Yuck!" Ryoko re-enacted the scene with her hands.

Once again...not surprised.

But because of her...Chiyo might die! Why is Ryoko obsessed with hurting everyone close to me?!?

"But I attacked her at about 10:40." She then blurted out.



Ryoko noticed me perk up at the mention of that specific time and grinned. "I see someone has already made the connection. Good. That was the first hint."

"W-What are we supposed to learn from 10:40?!?" Kokoro wondered, fiddling with her hands. "I mean...I was asleep at that time!"

"I know exactly why Ryoko brought it up." I began, glancing over at her. "That time coincides directly with Yuna's death...So that must mean..."

Select Truth Bullet
> Accomplice <

"This is it!"

"Someone else helped Ryoko! While she was attacking Chiyo, they were..."

"Killing Yuna." Ryoko finished my sentence for me with a grin. "It's not like I could be at two places at once! I'm not superhuman. Of course, I needed an accomplice- Though, I suppose in this situation, I'm the accomplice despite planning everything. How funny is that!" She cackled.

"It's not funny. At all..." Shouko sighed.

"But yes, I was the accomplice. There's no way I could be the murderer!" Ryoko then snapped her head to her left. "Isn't that right, Kokoro?"

"H-Huh?!?" The matchmaker gasped, taking a step backwards. "What...are you saying-"

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Ryoko held her arms out, her smile wider than ever. "This next piece of information is no little hint...But part of the answer! And since my safety is assured and I have no need to contain this information anymore, I might as well tell you."

"Ryoko! W-Wait...! This wasn't part of the-"

"Kokoro...?" Shouko rubbed the back of her head. "What's going on?"

"It...can't be." Kenjiro stopped.

"N-No way..." I widened my eyes.

Don't tell me...

"Aha! It seems you all finally understand. But for any brainless vermin in this room who doesn't get the hint, let me spell it clear as day for you all." The grandmaster cleared her throat before proudly announcing the information she had been so excited to reveal. "That's right! The blackened you're after and the one responsible for taking Yuna's life is none other than Kokoro Aina, the Ultimate Matchmaker herself!"

The courtroom fell silent upon hearing this news. Yet only two sounds could be heard.

The first was Kokoro's now shallow breaths as everyone now stared at her.

The other...was none other than Ryoko's loud and deafening laughter that she couldn't contain for much longer, that sick look of euphoria plastered all over her face.

She's the one responsible for this...


Kokoro is the blackened.

Kokoro Aina, the Ultimate Matchmaker who was known for her kindness and fondness of everyone around her...

...Murdered Yuna.


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