Artistic Love【Laurence X Read...

By Mariko_Akiyama

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[ Chapter 1 : Elixirs ]
[ Chapter 2 : Headmistress ]
[ Chapter 3 : Fairies & Trolls ]
[ Chapter 4 : Middle Finger ]
[ Chapter 5 : Relics ]
[ Chapter 6 : Books ]
[ Chapter 7 : Chocolate ]
[ Chapter 8 : Invitation ]
[ Chapter 9 : Curfew ]
[ Chapter 10 : A Secretary ]
[ Chapter 11 : Lover's Quarrel ]
[ Chapter 12 : Amazing Cookie ]
[ Chapter 13 : Blood Boiling ]
[ Chapter 14 : Hangout Spot ]
[ Chapter 15 : Drawings & Tangerines ]
[ Chapter 16 : Adventure ]
[ Chapter 17 : Cup Of Tea ]
[ Chapter 18 : Rules ]
[ Chapter 19 : Family Reunion ]
[ Chapter 20 : Lesson & Manners ]
[ Chapter 21 : Her Games ]
[ Chapter 22 : Jars Of Paints ]
[ Chapter 23 : Surprises & Gifts ]
[ Chapter 24 : Illegitimate ]
[ Chapter 25 : Geology ]
[ Chapter 26 : Masterpiece ]
[ Chapter 27 : Obsessed ]
[ Chapter 28 : Sprained Shoulder ]
[ Chapter 29 : Revenge for Yeshua ]
[ Chapter 30 : Special Guest ]
[ Chapter 31 : Preparations ]
[ Chapter 32 : A Festival ]
[ Chapter 33 : Shooting Stars ]
[ Chapter 34 : Last Night ]
[ Chapter 35 : Scars ]
[ Chapter 36 : Game of Assassin ]
[ Chapter 37 : Conservatory Garden ]
[ Chapter 38 : Affections ]
[ Chapter 39 : A Farewell ]
[ Chapter 40 : Black Magic ]
[ Chapter 41 : Jealousy ]
[ Chapter 42 : In or Not? ]
[ Chapter 43 : An Herbal Soup ]
[ Chapter 44 : Justice ]
[ Chapter 45 : Peace & Quiet ]
[ Chapter 46 : Back in School ]
[ Chapter 47 : The Unexpected ]
[ Chapter 48 : Cousins ]
[ Chapter 49 : Adorable ]
[ Chapter 50 : Practical ]
[ Chapter 51 : Keeping Warm ]
[ Chapter 52 : My Children ]
[ Chapter 53 : Declared War ]
[ Chapter 54 : Camp ]
[ Chapter 55 : Another Flame ]
[ Chapter 56 : Heirlooms ]
[ Chapter 57 : Claws & Bites ]
[ Chapter 58 : Infinity ]
[ Chapter 59 : Back In Camp ]
[ Chapter 60 : A Warning ]
[ Chapter 61 : Was Home ]
[ Chapter 62 : Our Future ]
[ Chapter 63 : Waterfall ]
[ Chapter 64 : Bathtub ]
[ Chapter 65 : It's Okay ]
[ Chapter 67 : Important Matters ]
[ Chapter 68 : Messy Beginning ]
[ Chapter 69 : Frenemies ]
[ Chapter 70 : Fucked Up ]
[ Chapter 71 : Villain In My Story ]
[ Chapter 72 : Outsider ]
[ Chapter 73 : School Protocols ]
[ Chapter 74 : Earth & Art ]
[ Chapter 75 : Ruined My Life ]
[ Chapter 76 : Control ]
[ Chapter 77 : Promise Is A Promise ]
[ Chapter 78 : Red Box ]
[ Chapter 79 : Forgive The Unforgivable ]
[ Chapter 80 : Golden Hour ]
[ Chapter 81 : Celebration ]
[ Chapter 82 : Firstborn ]
[ Chapter 83 : Baby & Friends ]
[ Chapter 84 : Traitor In Our Midst ]
[ Chapter 85 : Authority Has Arrived ]
[ Chapter 86 : Powerful People ]
[ Chapter 87 : To Love ]
[ Chapter 88 : Two Bodies In One ]
[ Chapter 89 : Copycat ]
[ Chapter 90 : We Protect You ]
[ Chapter 91 : Praying ]
[ Chapter 92 : It Was Her ]
[ Chapter 93 : Corrupted ]
[ Chapter 94 : Sisterhood ]
[ Chapter 95 : No Turning Back ]
[ Chapter 96 : The Ritual ]
[ Chapter 97 : Memories ]
[ Chapter 98 : Cherish ]
[ Chapter 99 : Snowy Owl ]
[ Chapter 100 : Flowers & Sunsets ]

[ Chapter 66 : Sleeping Sickness ]

65 4 0
By Mariko_Akiyama

Y/n's pov.   

" I'll see you tomorrow " Laurence said, I nod and he kisses me.

I kiss back then pull apart.

" Good luck " I said and hug him.

" You too " he said then we pull away.

We mount our separate horses and we both give each other a reassuring smile. I snap my horse rein and start running down the path of this town while Laurence goes he opposite, passing people and trying to not crash anyone then avoid accidents. It was mostly an hour ride but if I was slow it would been two hours and a half but I made down a road and up a hill.

Approaching the gates fast, two of the manservants stands in the way.

" Stop!, This is private property! " One guy stood.

My horse rose high and I pull the rein for him to calm down.

" I am Y/n M/n L/n Lycan!, I live here!, Let me through! " I said.

" Miss Y/n?!, We thought you were dead! " He said.

" Move! " I said.

" But miss, you should know something about your mother " the other said, my eyes widened ad I grip my rein tight.

" What happened to my mom?! " I asked.

" She. . . " The first guy hesitated.

" Spit it out! " I said and my horse is a little riled up right now.

" She's fallen ill " he said.

They give way I didn't wait to rush through and go around the fountain, I get off my horse and run up the steps.

" Miss Y/n?! " A maid gasp and I push the door open.

" Mom?! " I shout and run up the stairs.

I just run down the hallway and to her chambers, I push it open and stand here as I pant. I see all my brothers in here and Derek just by his desk.

" Y/n?! "

Tears just overwhelmed my eyes to see mom on the bed unconscious, pale and obviously have lost a lot of weight. Even her hair is thin and white strands, I step forward as I hold it in and take a deep breath.

" Mom? " I asked and she still lies there.

I keep walking until I'm beside her, I place my hand on her arm and their thinner, she doesn't fit in her clothes anymore.

" Mom I'm home " a tear escape my eye.

She's still sleeping.

" What happened? " I cry.

There was silence.

" What happened?! " I asked.

" She's in a coma " Eli said.

" After your accident, you've been gone for two months, she tried to cope but fell sicker " he said.

I burst out crying and fall to my knees, I felt hands grab my arm to catch me, I just hold onto mom's boney hands and place it on my face.

" Mom I'm home, please wake up " I cry.

" Please " I plead.

I look at her and she looks like she's dead already.

" Y/n " I hear Derek to my right.

I turn and see he has lost some sleep too.

" We were all devastated, there's nothing you could do either " he said.

I just cry and he pulls me close to him.

" How did this happened?! " I cry.

" She tried "

~ Time Skip ~

I draw mom's hair according to her appearance and how her cheek bones are showing and her skin is slightly discolored. I look at the entire page after completing the small details, mom on a boat and floating on water with the lavenders in her hand and her dress is beautifully made. In the boat is her surrounded with flowers and other belongings, I even draw the bracelet heirloom on her.

It looks better on her anyways.

I shut my book then sigh setting it aside and watch as Fluffball hop around my room. I sit on this platform by the window which has cushions and a mattress, comfortable enough to draw with the good lighting. I sigh then put my book aside before hugging my legs and I look outside the window, my head lift up when I see a familiar man on his horse entering the gates of this property.

" What is he doing here? " I squint my eyes then get off the platform, I pick up Fluffball.

I leave my room and head down the hallway to the balcony of the foyer, though I stay out of sight and peek around the corner where I see Derek walking down the stairs and the door opens, welcoming the man.

" Anthony " Derek said and they shake hands.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and anger, if I'm being honest I don't know which I'm actually feeling.

" Here is the ingredients you asked for " I see Anthony pass a small pouch.

" All of it? " Derek asked.

" It's how much we can give, it's a rare herb " Anthony said.

" Thank you " Derek said and a maid passes another pouch to Anthony.

" That's the payment " Derek said.

Anthony looks through it and nod.

" Your welcome " he said then leave.

Once the door shuts Derek goes up the stairs holding the pouch.

" What's that? " I asked.

He seems to be startled when he turns to me then exhale in relief.

" Don't do that " he said and I stroke Fluffball's ears.

" What's in the pouch? " I asked and approach him with the tapping my boots to make sure he's intimidated.

" It's an herb for a potion " he said.

" What herb? " I stand on my tip toe but he pass it off to a maid walking by.

" For your mother " he said.

" A medicine?, Your an alchemist, not a doctor " I said.

" Alchemy goes with everything, medicine, weaponry, whatever you call it " he said then turn me around.

" Can I help? " I asked.

" You go take care of your mother while I do my work, maybe join your brothers or something " he lightly nudges me to go forward.

I look at him over my shoulder and see he raises a brow at me before gesturing his head for me to go. I just walk and as I count a few seconds, I look over my shoulder again to see him walking the other hallway. I hold Fluffball up and look at him.

" Let's find out what he's hiding, shall we? " I asked.

I smile then kiss him before I make a full turn and look around to make sure no one's watching.

" Y/n? "

" Gah! " I turn around and see Celeste with her hands intertwine in front of her.

" Are you okay? " She asked.

" You need to stop doing that " I said and pat Fluffball to comfort myself.

" Sorry, I just saw you standing there doing nothing " she said, I sigh in relief then just shake my head.

" I was looking for you to say that Declan wants to bring you out for some marketing " she said.

" Marketing for what? " I asked, she shrugs.

" Just maybe some things you'd like to have, I have a few things to pick up down the market myself " she said.

I want to know what Derek is hiding but I suppose I can do that another time.

" Sure, where is he now? " I asked.

" Behind you "

" Ah! " I shriek then turn around to see Declan.

I groan and punch his shoulder and he laughs.

" Ha-ha, I could've dropped Fluffball! " I said, Celeste chuckles and hold onto her husband's arm.

" Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want, just so you know I'm still waiting for my future nephew to happen " I said.

Celeste suddenly has a red face and Declan rolls his eyes away.

" Thought so, hmph! " I turn away with my chin up then walk off.

" You better hurry up or I'm making that rabbit into a stew! " I gasp and turn around to Declan.

" Leave Fluffball out of this! "

~ Time Skip ~

" Miss Celeste, how have you been? " I see the old woman greets Celeste.

She has grey hair, light blue eyes and a pair of glasses with a dress.

" I'm just fine Hilda, I see you've here from Haoville " Celeste said, the woman chuckles.

I walk pass them and down the path of shelves where there are books and jars of herbs with different colors, types and etc. I approach a jar where it's sort of in a gold color and glowing, I read the label but seems like it's scratched off, but the thing inside looks like it's moving.

" Whoa " I reach for it.

" Stop! " I was startled and turn around to where Hilda quickly walks over to me, I notice Celeste was in relief as well.

" Do not touch that! " She said then grabs a rag.

" What?, Why? " I asked.

" It's fireworm, very hot to the touch!, You mustn't pick it up with your bare hands " she said and take the jar with the rag she had.

" Mind putting a warning sign next time? " I asked.

She looks at me with a glare and her hand dust off the label I thought was scratched and read it.


" Ohhh~ " I awkwardly laugh and she walks off with it.

" I shouldn't have display it in the first place " she said and see her putting it under her counter behind the desk.

" What's it for? " I asked.

" Fireworm is for a specific type of illness that has to brew with other potions, very dangerous to the touch, we would always use gloves to work with it " Celeste said.

" What happens if I do touch it? " I asked.

" You'll get a rash burn from it " she said.

" A rash burn? " I asked, she nods.

" You don't want to know " she said.

" Children these days are always giving a heart attack " Hilda said then tie up a packaging.

" Thank you Hilda " Celeste pays for the packaging and we leave the shop.

" More like she's the one giving me a heart attack " I said and Celeste chuckles.

" What are these for anyways? " I asked.

" They're for your mother " she said.

" My mom? " She nods and we continue to walk down the path.

" Why?, She's just in a coma, she'll wake up soon " I said.

" Y/n, your mother is the third person I've seen with this case of illness " she said.

" Third?, It's only mom and Laurence's dad " I said.

" And my sister " she said.

" You have a sister? " I asked.

" Had, she passed in her sleep but it was decades ago, though this sleeping sickness, we don't know what's the cause of it nor how it even developed " she said.

" So your trying to make an antidote " I said, she nods.

" It's terrifying when you don't know how it was created, could be airborne " she said.


Sorry for the late update, it's been a long day for me and I was on a writing spree on one of my drafts and also watching Cinderella (2015) at the same time, hehe <3



~ Mariko

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