The ninja wolfs bond (Gaara r...

Oleh Vixenthief

53.9K 2K 308

After a year of searching for her clan and two years of living with the Mitsu village she found, she leaves a... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Special one shot chapter
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Short A/N
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Recovery A/N
Chapter 32
Final A/N

The sequel has begun!

3.3K 69 4
Oleh Vixenthief

(quick profile update)

Kaiya has changed in many ways. Her hair took on a messier style and she looks much older then before. She wears the same colors as before. Her outfit was switched to one that shows her maturity. She wore a light silver skirt that ends half way down her thigh and a light grey strapless top. This outfit it meant mostly for mobility and fighting. When in casual dress she would where black shorts under the skirt and a open vest similar to that which she had worn in childhood. She had the kanji of forgiveness tattooed onto her shoulder in honor of her nindo. "Everyone started off good, whether the actions they take through life make them a good person, or a bad one, if they see that they are in the wrong. I will forgive them and not kill them." The kanji is also her name's meaning. The vest she wore is a darker grey color with her clans emblem on both shoulders. Under each emblem, she had the kanji sewed in so it it would be seen still. She wore mesh wristlets and bandages around her ankles. She doesn't like to wear any shoes but has to in order to walk in the snow.

Personality: She is nearly the same as before. Her passiveness had been reduced after knowing that she must fight because she is a shinobi and killing an enemy is inevitable. She is merciful to enemies that see fault in their ways so she spares the, giving a second chance. She still hates fighting but enjoys a good heated spar among friends. She has no more fear of people but still does not open up immediately to strangers. Over the course of living with her uncle and clan mates, she had grown a fondness for children. They tend to pull on her tail a lot, which she hated, so she learned to simply ignore her unease at the action. She is still cheerful and energetic as well as protective of those dear to her.


(That was to refresh your memory as well as inform you of changes. I will try to make the chapters longer. I couldn't keep you readers waiting to long so I'm going to start working on the sequel now. enjoy the ride!)

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