Artistic Love【Laurence X Read...

By Mariko_Akiyama

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[ Chapter 1 : Elixirs ]
[ Chapter 2 : Headmistress ]
[ Chapter 3 : Fairies & Trolls ]
[ Chapter 4 : Middle Finger ]
[ Chapter 5 : Relics ]
[ Chapter 6 : Books ]
[ Chapter 7 : Chocolate ]
[ Chapter 8 : Invitation ]
[ Chapter 9 : Curfew ]
[ Chapter 10 : A Secretary ]
[ Chapter 11 : Lover's Quarrel ]
[ Chapter 12 : Amazing Cookie ]
[ Chapter 13 : Blood Boiling ]
[ Chapter 14 : Hangout Spot ]
[ Chapter 15 : Drawings & Tangerines ]
[ Chapter 16 : Adventure ]
[ Chapter 17 : Cup Of Tea ]
[ Chapter 18 : Rules ]
[ Chapter 19 : Family Reunion ]
[ Chapter 20 : Lesson & Manners ]
[ Chapter 21 : Her Games ]
[ Chapter 22 : Jars Of Paints ]
[ Chapter 23 : Surprises & Gifts ]
[ Chapter 24 : Illegitimate ]
[ Chapter 25 : Geology ]
[ Chapter 26 : Masterpiece ]
[ Chapter 27 : Obsessed ]
[ Chapter 28 : Sprained Shoulder ]
[ Chapter 29 : Revenge for Yeshua ]
[ Chapter 30 : Special Guest ]
[ Chapter 31 : Preparations ]
[ Chapter 32 : A Festival ]
[ Chapter 33 : Shooting Stars ]
[ Chapter 34 : Last Night ]
[ Chapter 35 : Scars ]
[ Chapter 36 : Game of Assassin ]
[ Chapter 37 : Conservatory Garden ]
[ Chapter 38 : Affections ]
[ Chapter 39 : A Farewell ]
[ Chapter 40 : Black Magic ]
[ Chapter 41 : Jealousy ]
[ Chapter 42 : In or Not? ]
[ Chapter 43 : An Herbal Soup ]
[ Chapter 44 : Justice ]
[ Chapter 45 : Peace & Quiet ]
[ Chapter 46 : Back in School ]
[ Chapter 47 : The Unexpected ]
[ Chapter 48 : Cousins ]
[ Chapter 49 : Adorable ]
[ Chapter 50 : Practical ]
[ Chapter 51 : Keeping Warm ]
[ Chapter 52 : My Children ]
[ Chapter 53 : Declared War ]
[ Chapter 54 : Camp ]
[ Chapter 56 : Heirlooms ]
[ Chapter 57 : Claws & Bites ]
[ Chapter 58 : Infinity ]
[ Chapter 59 : Back In Camp ]
[ Chapter 60 : A Warning ]
[ Chapter 61 : Was Home ]
[ Chapter 62 : Our Future ]
[ Chapter 63 : Waterfall ]
[ Chapter 64 : Bathtub ]
[ Chapter 65 : It's Okay ]
[ Chapter 66 : Sleeping Sickness ]
[ Chapter 67 : Important Matters ]
[ Chapter 68 : Messy Beginning ]
[ Chapter 69 : Frenemies ]
[ Chapter 70 : Fucked Up ]
[ Chapter 71 : Villain In My Story ]
[ Chapter 72 : Outsider ]
[ Chapter 73 : School Protocols ]
[ Chapter 74 : Earth & Art ]
[ Chapter 75 : Ruined My Life ]
[ Chapter 76 : Control ]
[ Chapter 77 : Promise Is A Promise ]
[ Chapter 78 : Red Box ]
[ Chapter 79 : Forgive The Unforgivable ]
[ Chapter 80 : Golden Hour ]
[ Chapter 81 : Celebration ]
[ Chapter 82 : Firstborn ]
[ Chapter 83 : Baby & Friends ]
[ Chapter 84 : Traitor In Our Midst ]
[ Chapter 85 : Authority Has Arrived ]
[ Chapter 86 : Powerful People ]
[ Chapter 87 : To Love ]
[ Chapter 88 : Two Bodies In One ]
[ Chapter 89 : Copycat ]
[ Chapter 90 : We Protect You ]
[ Chapter 91 : Praying ]
[ Chapter 92 : It Was Her ]
[ Chapter 93 : Corrupted ]
[ Chapter 94 : Sisterhood ]
[ Chapter 95 : No Turning Back ]
[ Chapter 96 : The Ritual ]
[ Chapter 97 : Memories ]
[ Chapter 98 : Cherish ]
[ Chapter 99 : Snowy Owl ]
[ Chapter 100 : Flowers & Sunsets ]

[ Chapter 55 : Another Flame ]

65 5 0
By Mariko_Akiyama

Y/n's pov.  

Judy toss the wooden staff and I caught it as we step into the spaced area given.

" So wanna bet? " I asked and she looks at me with a smirk.

" You really wanna do that? " She asked.

" Why?, Think I might lose? " I asked.

" Fine, I'll bet that you are going have to listen what I order, and I warn you, I always win " she said.

" Don't get ahead of yourself "

I swing my stick and she blocks.

" Hey!, A head start?! "

She pushes me back then swing back and I block her then hook my arm around her stick then hold her shoulder before pulling and swing my legs around her bringing me to her back. I got her stick out of her grip on the back of her head and my stick on her neck perfect for a chokehold.

" What did you say again?, You always win? " I asked.

" Yes "

She slipped out of my trap easily then swing her legs behind mine making me trip. I shriek and fall, I realize she got her staff back and I lift mine to block her strike.

" That was impressive I'll say that " she said.

" I'm flexible than you think " I said.

I grip her staff then put my legs on her stomach before bringing her to roll over me, she shrieks too and I quickly turn my body and pin her down with both our staff.

" I hope that didn't hurt " I said.

We both pant and she chuckles as I get off her.

" Where'd you learn to do that? " She turns to me.

" I like to climb trees " I said then put my hand out to her.

She takes it and I help her up then pass back her staff, after that we both hear clapping and we turn our head where we see familiar faces approaching.

" That was amazing! " Lumina runs up to and leap for a hug.

" Whoa! " I step back and drop my staff as I hug her back.

" Hello to you too " I said.

We pull apart and Lumina turns to Judy.

" Hi Jud! " She smiles.

" Hey Mina " Judy said.

" You two know each other? " I asked.

" Practically sisters now, our parents know each other " Judy said.

" Yup, and that's the first time you lost " Lumina said.

" Shut up " Judy said and they both laugh.

" I've never seen you fight before, that was insane " Rowena approaches.

Her armor is maroon red and almost similar as mine but her armor skirt is shaped in which I assume phoenix feathers, as well as her shoulder armors and arm cuff. Mine are the same but represents an owl and the metal is a little white and silver. Lumina's are sort of very reflective with a rainbow color like pearls.

I'll be honest with this thick armor it does keep me warm from the winter.

" Thanks, I have a feeling you were joining " I said.

" Runs in the family " she said, I snicker.

" Nice to have you here too " I said.

" You too " she said.

" Forget about the bet, I was joking " Judy said.

" Same here " I said.

" Can I spar with you? " All four of us parted away from each other to see Laurence approaching us with his staff.


He's wearing a different armor than last time, it's not leather but full on iron and there's even some parts that has jewels. Blue like his eyes and it fits him nicely that I can see his body is sort of muscular a little.

" Your drooling " I turn to Rowena who poked my cheek and I cover my mouth.

I felt my saliva just on the edge of my lips about to drip.

" Sorry " I said.

" Alright, we haven't really spar in a while, if I remember it was last year, I also believe you broke an ankle " Judy said.

" That is because I let you win and it was a sprain " Laurence said, Judy roll her eyes away.

" Alright, who are you going to spar with? " Judy asked.

Laurence looks at me and I smile.

" Y/n– "

" I'll spar with Y/n " I then look over my shoulder as my expression dropped.

There the other descendant of Vaitla approaches as I scoff.

" Cousin " Rowena said.

" Rowena " she smiles then glare at me.

" Paige?, I thought you said you couldn't come " Judy said.

" You know her too? " I asked, she nods.

" We're friends, it's how I know you " she said.

" Wonderful " I mutter.

" So are we going to spar? " Paige smirks at me and I pick up my staff on the ground.

" Hell yeah we're sparring " I said.

" Good " she walks pass me and I turn around to see her curtsying to Laurence with a flirtatious smile.

" Laurence " she said then walk pass him.

He just gave a nod as a response and he looks at me as I raise a brow.

" What? " He asked, I scoff and walk away to my spot.

" What did I do? " I hear him ask.

I turn around and see they've parted away from the area for us, I glare at Paige as she keeps a resting bitch face. I hold my staff firmly and we stand not that far from each other.

" I see we both had the same thing in mind " she said.

" Meaning? " I asked.

" Laurence " she said and hold her staff in front of me.

" So what? " I asked.

" He's mine " she said.

Suddenly she swings her staff aiming for my head and I block her before using my other end of my staff to hit her and she ducks. Swinging the staff behind my legs though she was slow so I leaped over her using my foot to boost myself on her back. I felt her falling forward and I didn't hesitate to swing my staff hitting her ass. She yelps as she turns around quick with a embarrassed face. She gets up quick and immediately fire dances up her hands to the staff.

My eyes widened as she strike me with the staff and I block her, though I was slow to react as she hit me with the other end on my face. I grunt and hit the ground, I turn where I see her strike down.

" Y/n! "

I block her and she pushes down, the color of the flame is all to familiar and similar with Rowena's.

" You have phoenix flame?! " I asked.

" Surprise bitch! " She said and create a ball of fire around her fist striking down to punch me.

I grab her fist of fire then use my feet to push her off me and I got on top of her, holding her down with my staff.

" Calm down before you roast everyone in this camp! " I shout.

" Get off of me! " She screams and fire just burst up to both hands.

" Someone stop her! " I hear some shouts.

" No dude that's phoenix flame!, It'll get us killed! " Another said.

My staff caught on fire too so she then kick me off as I roll on the ground and immediately get up to where she holds my staff. Before she takes a step forward another staff hit her in the head, making her collapse unconscious on the ground and the flames around her dies out. I get up as I gasp to see Rowena standing there with a staff.

" Are you okay? " She approaches me, I nodded.

" Thanks " I said.

I look down at Paige who's unconscious and both of our staff are on fire though the flames starts to calm down quick.

" That was crazy " she said.

" I thought only you and your sister has the phoenix "

" It's what I thought too " she said.

We stand here as whispers starts to go around, I see Lumina and Judy are both shock and Laurence looks at me with a worried expression.

~ Time Skip ~

I push the pitcher pump as water fill up the bucket and I pick up the carrying pole, putting it over my shoulders I got up from the ground and stand here. I forgot how heavy these are and I walk down a path towards the horses, after what just happened an hour ago I sort of spread rumors around here quick and I found a chore to get my mind off it. It's not working so far but at least I'm busy, Rowena is doing the same with me, I approach the water trough where the horses are and fill up it up with the two buckets of water I just carried.

" How does that feel? " I look up at Rowena who's brushing the war horses body and the horse is just comfortable with her right now.

I look down the thirty water troughs I've filled in the last hour then look down to the right where there are probably fifty more to fill and there are other men doing it too but it's still a slow pace since not much are doing it. I pick up the carrying pole again with the buckets and turn around to head over to the pitcher pump when I stop in my tracks to see Derek in front of me. He stands there all moody already and I can tell what it's going to be about.

" Are you alright? " He asked, I sigh and just hold the pole.

He holds my chin then turn my face to see the cut near my eye and I hit his hand off.

" It was just a spar " I walk around him and set down the buckets.

" Paige is fine, she won't die from a simple blow to the head " I said then hold the pitcher pump lever and start pumping out water.

" She asked for it " I said.

" It's not about that " he said.

I crouch here and turn my head to him.

" Your lucky no one saw you touching the flame, if someone did then it would be bad " he said and I stand up.

" What's bad about that? " I asked.

" Your immunity needs to be hidden " he approaches me.

" No one can know about it " he said quietly.

" It wasn't my fault, Paige burst out, I didn't even know she had phoenix flame " I said.

" What happened back there can't be mentioned again, got that? " He asked, I raise a brow at him.

" I know what to do " I said then continue on pumping out the water.

" I told your brothers to keep an eye out on you " he said.

" I don't need protection, I can handle it on my own " I said.

" It's what your mother wants, you just tend to the horses and supplies for now since your good at that " he said.

I see the bucket is full so I did the same thing from before by putting it over my shoulder and stand straight as I look at him with a glare.

" So I'm your slave now?, Just because I grew up in a farm doesn't mean you can order me around to do whatever you want me to do, General " I said then walk pass him.

" That's not what I meant! " I hear him said but I ignore and continue on walking.

I head over to the same horses I was at to finish up filling up the trough.

" Hey " I look up at Rowena who's done brushing the horses.

" Wanna take a break?, You've been at it for an hour now " she approaches and I sigh as I drop the buckets.

" I'm still pissed " I said.

" Same here but I don't think that'll get us anywhere, I just can't believe she has phoenix flame, was really unexpected " she said.

" That's not what I'm worried about " I said.

" Why? " She asked.

" She's able to be let out a rage and not set anything on fire, the only time I saw her do that was when she tried to kill me, I didn't think much of it then " I said.

" Well it's clear now, she's born with phoenix flame " she said.

" I think I should avoid her from now on " I said.

" No you don't, you can't just do that, it'll make her think your scared of her and your immune to magic " she said.

" Look, I know your trying to be supportive right now but all the times she's catches thing on fire was her anger towards me " I said as I turn my body to her fully.

She's still dumbfounded.

" Don't you get it?, If it happens again, she might as well set ablaze to the entire army here, other people will get hurt. . .Laurence might get hurt because of me "

" Hey " she grabs my hand.

" I know you love Laurence, it's obvious and it goes the same with Paige, but remember the one advantage we have " she said.

" And that is? " I asked.

" He loves you and not her " she said, I squinted my eyes and take her hand off me.

" Since when your into romance drama? " I asked and she snickers.

" Like hell I am. . . " She turns away with folded arms.

I lean closer to her and she looks at me before scoffing and push me away.

" Fine!, Lumina had me around her finger about a book and I couldn't stop reading about it " she said, I smirk and lean closer.

" You and Lumina. . .? " I made a hand gesture and her entire face went red then she shoves me back.

" None of your business!, I'm going to the other horses " she stomps away and I snorted.

" Called it! " I said and she puts up a middle finger, I chuckle.

Something about you, makes me feel like a dangerous woman~



~ Mariko

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