Sing To My Heart

By JH_Studios

21.4K 405 17

Note: They are humans instead of animals. Sorry to anyone who thought it would be like beastars or like we go... More

Part 1: Introduce
Part 2 Audition
Part 3: Start of it all
Part 4: Calm before the storm
Part 5: Dress re- where you going?
Part 6: The truth
Part 8: Aftermath
Part 9: Is this a-no it can't be.
Part 10: On with the show
Part 11: First 3 acts
Part 12: Little Toy guns
Part 13: Act 4 and 5
Part 14: Coming together
Part 15: Carnival fun
Part 16: Live with me
Part 17: Let's go Alice
Part 18: Here we come
Part 19: Welcome home
Part 20: Let's make a show
Part 21: Blast from the past
Part 22: Sister and Issues
Part 23: What are you doing?!?!
Part 24: Past scars
Part 25: Reunited
Part 26: Let's continue
Part 27: Show or no show
Part 28: Pre-showtime
Part 29: Planet of Passion
Part 30: Planet of War
Part 31: Love and Joy
Part 32: Break free from Despair
Part 33: Planet Evade
Part 34: Going ho- Wait what?!?!
Halloween Special
Christmas Special
Part 35: Double date
Part 36: Start of Big Show
Part 37: Duets and groups
Part 38: Tell a story
Part 39: Continue our story
Part 40: Wedding or not, here we go
Part 41: It's officially you and me against the world
Part 42: I'm here for your unholy entertainment
Part 43: Is this real?
Parts 44: Congratulations
Part 45: Here we go
Part 46: Sing to my heart

Part 7: Wanna go for a swim?

647 11 0
By JH_Studios

It was the day that everyone was looking forward to and terrified of. The day that Nana Noodleman was coming to see the preview of the show.

Buster was running around making sure everyone was ready and accounted for. He goes up to Mike telling him he'd firsted up but Mike was too preoccupied with a phone call. Buster then goes to Gunter to tell him that he and Rosita are next. Gunter looked nervous but his nervousness immediately went away at the sound of Rosita's voice. He approaches Johnny who was reading a newspaper with you leaning on his shoulder. He tells Johnny that he's after Rosita and Gunter. Johnny wasn't really paying any attention to Buster but Johnny figured what he was saying. Johnny gives him a quick confirmation and goes back to reading the newspaper. Buster then tells you that you're following Ash and you give him a thumbs up.

"Wait Buster, are we doing the duet," you said, stopping Buster.

"Huh? Oh yeah, we are. Do you have a partner," Buster said a bit scattered.

You let out a chuckle and a cheeky grin making Buster raise a brow at you. You then wrap your arm around the shoulder of an unsuspecting Johnny. Johnny looks at you and Buster confused.

"I'm going to sing with our dear old Johnny here," you said give a bit of a cheeky smile

Johnny's eyes went wide a bit but then softened since he wasn't opposed to the idea. Buster looks at Johnny and Johnny gives him a thumbs up. Buster gives them a thumbs then quickly walks to Ash and Menna while writing down on his clipboard.

"Sorry for putting you in an awkward position like that. Are you really okay with this? If not I could ask Ash-"

"No, it's okay! Don't worry about it. I think this will be fun. But what song?"

You were caught a bit off guard by Johnny interrupting you. You then let out a breath as you see he has an excited look with a hint of curiosity.

"Relax. I already have a song ready and a basic routine for it. It's all basics, so it should be quick to learn and before you say anything, no you won't have to learn another piano piece."

Johnny laughs as that thought didn't cross his mind. He asked what song exactly and you pulled up the lyrics on your phone. You send them to him and he quickly skims through it.

"This is really good. You really are an amazing songwriter."

"Thanks. And if we have to perform it, let's just sing it and we can practice the little dance I envision with the duet parts later."

"Sounds good."

"Great but we should get ready since Nana Noodleman isn't an easy woman to please."

Johnny gives you a smile as he nods in agreement with you. You playfully punch his arm and that makes him laugh a little bit. You then give him finger guns as you walk away smiling. Even though on the outside you were smiley, you were cringing at yourself in the inside. Why would you do that is all you could think about. Now you really wish you could turn back time to undo that cringe of a thing you just did.

"Ugh. That's was stupid. I'm never doing that ever again. Especially not to him. Jesus christ y/n. Get your shit together you idiot," you whispered to yourself why hitting your forehead with the palm of your hand. You were really hoping that this moment would just disappear into the void.

Johnny POV

Y/n punched my arm but it was just a gentle tap. It didn't hurt but I still put my hand on the spot to make it seem like it did. But I couldn't help but laugh. Y/n then gave me finger guns and she walked away. Now that was so cute. And the fact that I heard herself call herself stupid made it even more adorable. I swear this girl is too cute for her own good. But I love it.

3rd Person POV

Nana and Eddie take their seats in the royal box. Everyone makes sure they are ready to perform as Buster takes his place on the crescent moon. He takes a deep breath as Menna pulls the lever to lower the moon.

"All humans great and small, welcome to the Moon Theater. I am your host Buster Moon and-"

The lever suddenly gets stuck causing Menna to pull on it making the lever jerk down. The moon suddenly drops causing Buster to yell. Menna managed to get the lever back up, stopping the moon. Buster Hugs the bottom of the moon as he hyperventilates. He shakes and stands back up while Eddie looks nervous since Nana looked very displeased with how the show is going.

"Behold the very first stage lit entirely by squid power."

The curtains then open to reveal a gas tank filled with squids. The squids were following their owners movements and the owners were making them put on a show. This show made Eddie and Nana gasp in surprise and excitement. Buster jumps off the moon and whispers to the owner to follow him on beat and the owner gives him a nod. The owner then had the squids move up to Buster's feet on every beat making it look magical.

"As you can see, this is no ordinary theater. This is a place of wonder and magic."

Backstage the crew looked just as excited as Eddie and Nana since the stage did in fact look very magical. It just made them want to get out there and sing their hearts out.

Meanwhile in the royal box, Eddie was so proud of Buster for being able to pull it off. While Nana fanned herself interested and waiting for the performances.

"Now our first contestant is-"

*Waring, disturbing tropics; skip if you need to*

The doors of the theater open to show a group of three men holding Mike. Buster was startled as the music stopped. Nana and Eddie turn to look at them a bit worried and the crew peaks behind the curtain. You notice the men and see that one of them has a unique gold chain and what appears to be a skull tattoo with a sword going through it with the handle of the sword being a snake. Your eyes widened as you remembered that tattoo and chain. This realization makes you begin to shake, catching Johnny's attention. He puts his arm in front of you in a protecting motion and you grab his arm, just trying to calm down.

"Which one of you Moon," said the one holding Mike and which you guys are assuming is the leader of this little crew.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. You can't just barge in like this,"Buster said in a strun tone.

"You know this guy," the leader then pushes Mike forward while holding the back of his neck so he couldn't run.


Buster titled his head confused since he didn't know what was going on. Nobody did but they knew they were about to find out and that made them worried and scared.

"Right. He says you have my money and that it's in that box."

The three men get even closer to the stage. The man with the tattoo takes a quick glance to the crew, making you grip Johnny's arm tighter and hide a bit behind. It scared you to even think that man could catch a glimpse of you and possibly remember you, which could ruin everything. Your action made Johnny even more protective.

"It's okay y/n. I won't let them hurt you or anyone," Johnny whispered to you.

You look up to Johnny to see him with a serious look as he doesn't take his eyes off the three men. Even though you knew it was very inappropriate for this situation, you couldn't help but blush at his action. You then go back to hiding as he stood there, being your shield.

"Now hold on just a minute, that's prize money. And it's not Mike's until he wins it fair and square."

Buster tries to hold his ground but the leader then puts a knife to Mike's neck.


Mike's scream of fear makes Buster cave in and give them the money. Buster tells them that the whole chest is theirs but the boss wants Buster to open it. Buster was about to protest but the leader pressed the neck further into Mike's neck and started to choke him.

Mike's state makes Buster agree to open the chest making the leader stop choking Mike but leaves the knife where it is. Buster tries to explain that he can't open it since he doesn't have the keys on him but the leader then tells one of his goons to do it. The man with the tattoo then walks up to the chest holding a baseball bat. Buster tries to talk the man out of it but he just shoves him out of the way as he raises the bat to smash the chest and slightly cracks the glass.

Everyone was shocked by the action as Mike started to chuckle.

"Hey there you go. Big guy with the bat! Who needs keys right?"

Mike dusts off his suit as he dashes to the chest. Mike starts to rummage through the debris of the chest to find the money but he finds nothing but shattered wood.

"There's nothing in here. He lied! Moon lied to us!"

Mike's claim catches everyone's attention as they start to approach Buster just waiting for an explanation.

"I can explain, that's just a prop."

"So where's the hundred thousand dollars?!?"

"You gotta be kidding me."

"Huge waste of time."

The glass started to crack the more weight was put on it but nobody really paid attention since all the attention was in Buster. The squids however did this and swam there through the pipes to get to safety.

But after enough weight, more cracks formed making water begin to leak out. The water leaking got everyone's attention.

"GUYS LOOK OUT," Eddie screamed trying to warn everyone.

The wall completely shattered causing all the water to come rushing out. Everyone started to gasp for air as they were being carried by the current. Ash was trying to keep herself above the water but the current was making that nearly impossible for her. Menna was then pulled under the water and she tried to get up only to find herself stuck by her hair.

You help Ash grab one of the pillars to help her stay up. You then take a deep breath to help Menna. You managed to get her free and help her resurface. You guys get above the water and you help Menna grab the pillar. You then are pushed by the piece of wood making you submerge under water. You tried to get up but you saw that your foot was caught underneath a piece of debris.

"Oh shit y/n," Ash yelled as you got submerged.

"GUYS! Y/n needs help," Menna yelled as Ash and her tried to see if they could see you.

To make this situation worse, the pipe that was filling up the tank burst, making the current stronger and the theater filled up with more water.

Johnny POV

The current got stronger, making it difficult to keep my grip on the chair I was holding. I then heard Meena scream. I couldn't really hear what she said but it sounded like she needed help. I took a deep breath as I let go of the chair, allowing myself to be carried by the current.

By some miracle, I managed to grab the pillar where I saw Ash who had a worried look on her face. I then see Menna rise above the water with her hand still on the pillar. She had a panic look on her face.

"Guys! I can't find y/n!"

I quickly took a deep breath and dove under the water. I look underwater trying to help y/n. My eyes widened as I saw her trapped under some debris. She was trying to free herself but she was clearly running out of air.

Whoa, she really is a tough girl.

I quickly came back to the surface to take a deep breath and I dove back down to help her. I dove down and swang my body towards the piece of debris that was trapping her. I managed to free her and the piece of debris went to the glass door which shattered them causing all the water to come pouring out and taking us with it.

We all managed to get out but we were all coughing up water. I slowly brought myself up to my feet as I felt my body being exhausted. I then remember y/n and I looked around to see her laying on the street.

I quickly rush over to her and slide down on my knees to get to her. She was completely still. I gently left up her head to get a better look. She looked like she wasn't breathing


I was honestly a bit scared since she wasn't moving. She then moved her head to the side as she started coughing. I let out a sigh of relief.

Thank God.

3rd Person POV

After you finish coughing up all the water in your lungs, you look up to see Johnny holding you. He then brushes off some of your hair off your face. You smile at his gentle touch and just let your body relax.

"Is everyone one ok?"

Buster calls out worried about everyone. He then sees Nana and Eddie get into a whit limo. He calls out to them only to receive a sad look from Eddie and a death glare from Nana. The theater then begins to ramble making everyone look. The theater starts to shake and tremble. Before it


Everyone shielded themselves as the theater collapsed. They look back to see a pile of rubble where the theater once stood.

Buster slowly started to approach it but he then fell to his knees. The crew looks at each other shocked but they don't say a word. Instead they just look at each other before they all go home.

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