Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun...

By TheRavenclawPrince03

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Ryu Kullersen is Tom Kullersen's older brother. This how the story would go if he had an older brother. All r... More

Season 1: Bio of Ryu
First Flight: Part 1
First Flight: Part 2
A Hole New World
Dragon Club
Learning about the new dragons
Writing down Alex's dragon info
Fault Ripper
Season 2: Bio of Ryu
New things being made
Magma Breather
Poll name for the male OC (Votes closed)
Dragons of the Undead
The Tangled Web
Follow the Lightning Part 1
Follow the lightning Part 2
Season 3: Bio of Ryu
Fire Escape
Ride or Die
Empty Fireworm Nest
Dr. Catastrophe
It Flies in the Family
Magma Comes to the Surface
The Sky Torcher
Season 4: Bio of Ryu
Cold Open
Uncharted Territory
The Decoy
The Night Lights Part 1
The Night Lights Part 2
Season 5: Bio of Ryu
Punishment and Torcher
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Dragons
Barrel of Vine Tails
Scent of a Dragon
Sting it On!
Deep Freeze
Season 6: Bio of Ryu
Dragons Everywhere!
Break in Case of Emergency
Webs' Masters
Sledkin Stakeout
Poison Control
In Too Deep
Season 7: Bio of Ryu
Hobs and Saw
Hearts of Heroes
Heart of Glass
In the Cards
Eugene's Lean Mean Extreme Dream Team
404 Alex Not Found
Rise of Jörmungandr
Season 8: Bio of Ryu
How to Train Jörmungandr
The Great Foster Fake-Out

Journey to the Snowcano

516 12 16
By TheRavenclawPrince03

The group was now in the Crystal Realm, chasing some Flame Throwers

"Come on. We've almost chased them back to the Fire Realm." Ryu tells the group.

"Again..." Alex adds annoyed.

"Yeah, well, they can keep trying and trying, but we're always going to send them packing." Jun says to her.

"When are these Flame Throwers gonna take a hint?" D'Angelo asks in wonder.

"Yeah, they're not welcome here." Tom concludes.

The Flame Throwers shriek loudly

A Flame Thrower starts flying left, separating from the other Flame Throwers

"We lost one!" Jun yells out.

"Stay on the other two." Ryu says to her. "They're trying to divide us." he explains.

"And leave one behind?" Eugene asks rhetorically. "No way, Ryujikins." he adds. "I'll head him off at the flank." he informs him.

Eugene then goes after the Flame Thrower

"Eugene!" Ryu yells out to him.

"And there goes another pest." Jun sighs at her big brother.

"Get ready to eat some web, flame-o!" Eugene says to the Flame Thrower.

Webmaster shoots a flaming web at the Flame Thrower, but he dodges it and it hits a crystal spire

"See what I did there, Webs?" Eugene asks his dragon. "It's like..." he begins.

Suddenly another Flame Thrower flies up that was hiding

"Ah!" Eugene yells out in shock from seeing the other Flame Thrower.

The Flame Thrower shoots a fire stream at him. It takes Eugene by surprise, causing him to scream as he and Webmaster fall to the ground and he falls off his saddle

The Flame Thrower screeches loudly as they fly up to Eugene & Webmaster

"Oh. Hey, flamies. Uh, you don't wanna do that 'cause we were just playing." Eugene tells them with a nervous laugh, trying to calm the 2 dragons down. "Right, Webs?" he asks, looking at his dragon, who just growls in reply. "Guess they don't like games." he states.

Seeing her big brother in trouble, Jun groans exasperatedly but goes to help him

"Come on, Wu & Wei." she says to her dragon.

Wu & Wei land in front of Eugene & Webmaster and face the 2 Flame Throwers and so does Jun. The 2 Flame Throwers shoot out their fire streams as Wu & Wei strike back with their ice & fire stream. Jun is starting to groan from making sure her dragon is giving their all. Wu's & Wei's claws are starting to squeak against the ground as they're being overpowered

"O-h, you can do this!" Jun encourages her dragon.

Wu & Wei give it their all and are eventually able to overpower the 2 Flame Throwers

The 2 Flame Throwers shriek as they fly off

"Nice job, Jun." Ryu compliments her.

"The remaining Throwers are buggin' out." D'Angelo states.

"And they thought they stood a chance against us." Alex adds confidently.

Now that the group was safe, Ryu sighs in disappointment at what Eugene had done and Thunder growls in disappointment at Webmaster. Ryu flies Thunder to the ground; when Thunder lands, Ryu jumps and starts walking to Eugene

"Eugene! That was not cool." Ryu says to him.

"What do you mean? They're gone, right?" Eugene asks, confused and not understanding what the problem was. "My plan worked." he tells him.

"You call that a plan?" D'Angelo asks him in confusion.

"Yeah. You know, flush out the other one that... we didn't know was there." Eugene explains with a laugh, trying to justify himself.

He then pops his lips and finger guns Ryu

"You're just lucky that Jun, Wu & Wei saved your butt." Ryu counters, first gesturing to him and then to Jun, Wu & Wei. Otherwise, you would have been a pile of ash." he adds.

"And then the secret would be as good as out." Tom explains to him seriously.

Wu & Wei suddenly snarl and growl before they let out a quiet grumbles

"You two okay?" Jun asks her dragon worriedly. "I think they might have hurt themselves." she tells the group looking at them.

"You sure?" Ryu asks her as he & D'Angelo walk up to her. "They've run out of mist breath before." he informs her. "Remember that time with the forest fire & the Flood Fangs?" he reminds her.

Wu & Wei cough and grumble again

"I know, but not like this." Jun replies. "They're coughing." she states.

Wu & Wei snοrt softly

"What do you think, D?" Ryu asks him.

D'Angelo approaches Wu & Wei and looks them over

"I'm sure they'll be fine." he says, petting Wei's head. "Probably just a sprain or something." he hypothesizes.

Wei grumbles softly at him

"Let's get back to the lair, get them some rest." D'Angelo says to the group.

Wu lets out a weak snarl as Jun puts her head against his, making Wu grumble softly, followed by a weak growl

*Everyone was now back at the Dragon's Lair*

Ryu was sitting down on the bottom step of the rock formation, leafing through the pages of the book he found in the capsule. Thunder was on the step above him, looking at the book as well. He sees some info about the Whispering Death & the Monstrous Nightmare on the left page he's on, and something about the Snaptrapper, the Skrill and another dragon he can't really make out on the right page. He flips the right page to go to the next page and he sees drawings of a group of people

"I wonder if Ryu & I are related to any of these people." Tom suddenly says, seeing the drawings.

Tom can be seen standing on Ryu's left

"Tom kind of looks like him." Alex says.

She's pointing at the slim guy on the bottom left of the left page with a very long face wearing a dark colored tunic with a dark fur vest over it, black cloth arm bracers that start at the wrist and end at the elbow with studs at the top, a studded armband above the bracer on the left arm, one spiky, leather shoulder guard on his right shoulder, a dark colored studded belt around the waist, dark pants, and dark boots with black hardened caps at the knees. His necklace's pendant is a large dragon tooth or claw. He has a helmet on that is studded and has 4 horns: the top 2 are bull-like, and the bottom 2 resemble ox horns and are turned inward and have metallic-like tips adhered to the end. He has long blond hair that's unevenly divided in the middle and appears to be in dreadlocks and the dreadlocks have bands in them

"But not as smart." Alex adds.

"What?" Tom asks in disbelief. "My nose doesn't do that." he tells her. "Does it?" he asks himself and tries to replicate with his nose how the guy on the bottom left page is doing it.

"Or maybe him." D'Angelo hypothesizes.

He's pointing at a stocky guy with dark hair wearing a studded helmet with spiral sheep horns; his dark colored tunic is tucked in his pants with a bear fur vest draped over his shoulders and dark spike-emblazoned wrist bracers

Tom gives him a confused look

"What?" D'Angelo asks him. "You guys have similar hair." he explains, gesturing to Tom's hair.

Tom sighs in frustration

"I wish I could read their names." he admits. "This stuff's all written in runes." he groans, annoyed.

"You 2 just got the book, and it's already ruined. Take care of your stuff, bro." Eugene tells them while laughing, trying to be funny.

This makes Ryu glare at him, who's leaning against a rock wall in the lair, as Thunder growls at him firmly

"You should've learned it with me Tom, when I was learning it." Ryu tells him. Luckily, I can read ruins. "Now let's go over their names." he says. "The guy Alex pointed at was named Tuffnut Thorston." informs the group.

When Ryu touches the drawing of Tuffnut, he gets a vision of him riding a green Hideous Zippleback that has red spots along its back, of him having tied his hair to his chin to make it look like a beard, which looks like it's blond, of him holding a brown chicken, of him being stuck in a net that's connected to a tree, of him holding a shining mace and finally of him wearing a dragon scale suit that resembles a Hideous Zippleback

Ryu then snaps back to reality

"The girl next to him was named Ruffnut Thorston. So I'm guessing that's the sister of Tuffnut Thorston." he informs the group.

Ruffnut can be seen wearing a sleeveless dress that reaches her thighs and over that, she wears a dark tunic-like vest that covers her torso and stops at her waist, opening in the middle with a cloth belt around her waist, along with another vest made of tan fur. She wears dark leggings paired with dark fur boots, with thin cloth wrapping them. On her arms, she wears long dark-blue, violet, and light-colored cloth arm bracers that begin at her elbows and end at her wrists with a lacing between her fingers. Her helmet is studded with 4 horns, similar to her twin brother's, albeit the horns being longer and more slender: the top 2 are thinner bull-like horns, while the 2 bottom horns are longer and curved. Her hair is evenly divided, slightly to the side, and she has short bangs across the left side of her face. She has 2 small braids above her ears and 3 long braids that reach to her waist. Around her neck, she wears a necklace with the pendant of a dragon tooth or claw. She's slim, has a long face, and has tan skin, just like her twin brother

When Ryu touches the drawing of Ruffnut, he gets a vision of her riding the same Hideous Zippleback as her twin brother but sitting on the right head while her twin brother is on the left head, of her having a baby Razorwhip on her back that's biting on the horns of her helmet and that she has long blond hair, of her hitting her twin brother on the helmet with a skeleton arm, of her holding onto a dried out Scauldron and finally of her wearing a dragon scale suit that resembles a Hideous Zippleback

Ryu then snaps back to reality

"The guy D'Angelo pointed at was named Snotlout Jorgenson." he informs the group.

When Ryu touches the drawing of Snotlout, he gets a vision of him on top of a red Monstrous Nightmare like it's a Harley motorcycle and him having short black hair; of him as a young teen wearing a lot of medals with a symbol on them; of him wearing a gold version of his usual outfit; and finally of him wearing a dragon scale suit that resembles a Monstrous Nightmare

Ryu then snaps back to reality

"The guy on the bottom right page was named Fishlegs Ingerman." he informs the group. "Huh, what was it with Vikings having such weird names." he asks, intrigued.

Fishlegs looks like he was a very stout man. He can be seen wearing a dark-colored fur tunic, furry armbands, and a belt with pockets. He has a tiny Viking helmet with a pair of tiny horns that resemble a Gronckle's wings. He has a double chin.

When Ryu touches the drawing of Fishlegs, he gets a vision of him riding a brown Gronckle and he sees that Fishlegs has short blond hair; of him as a young teen handing out shining weapons to a group of Vikings; of him as a young teen holding a glowing egg; of him as an older teen flying his Gronckle while holding a big hammer with 2 Catastrophic Quakens behind him; of him as an older teen in front of Dramillion; and finally of him wearing a dragon scale suit that resembles a Gronckle with a baby Gronckle on his chest pouch

Ryu then snaps back to reality

"The girl on the left page next to Snotlout was named Astrid Hofferson." he informs the group. "Finally a normal name." he adds.

Astrid's appearance looks elegant and feminine, with her hair done in a light color and neatly styled in a lengthy side braid draped over her left shoulder. Her face is nice and round. She can be seen wearing a sleeveless shirt with a dark, spiked fur skirt. She also wears a fur hoodie cloaked over her back and shoulders, along with metal shoulder pads and a matching silver belt decorated with small skulls. She's wearing large, thick bracers covered in fur.

When Ryu touches the drawing of Astrid, he gets a vision of her riding a blue Deadly Nadder with a yellow spike crown on her head, of her as a young teen sitting on a rock sharpening her axe with a small stone, and he sees that she has blond hair, of her wearing a long necklace with a bronze medallion connected to it, of her wearing a dragon scale suit that resembles a Deadly Nadder, and finally of her having a white fur cloak holding a small girl with light auburn hair & blue eyes and a small boy in front of her with blond hair like hers & green eyes

Ryu then snaps back to reality

"Finally, the guy on the right page above Fishlegs was named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The Third." he informs the group. "Hmm, weird to be called after a symptom of indigestion and a fish." he says, voicing his thoughts.

Hiccup looks like a tall & lean guy. He looks like he has short, somewhat scraggly and unkempt hair with 2 small braids behind his right ear. If one notices closely, it can be seen that he has grown stubble on his chin. He has a confident expression on his face. He looks to be wearing a dark-colored suit with different layers of some kind

For some reason, Ryu feels drawn & connected to the drawing of Hiccup Haddock

When Ryu touches the drawing of Hiccup, he gets a vision of him riding a black Night Fury, that he has a left prosthetic leg, and that he has auburn hair and green eyes; of him as a young teen holding a shining metal shield with the Night Fury symbol on it; of him as a young adult wearing a brown flight suit; of him as a young adult holding a flaming sword; of him wearing a dragon scale suit that resembles a Night Fury; and finally of him as an adult with an auburn beard wearing a full brown Viking outfit & a golden belt buckle. He has the small boy in his arms that Ryu saw at the end when he touched Astrid's drawing

Ryu realizes that the blond hair was almost like Tom's & their mom Olivia's, and the auburn hair was just like Ryu's

He then snaps back to reality

"Hey Jun!" Tom calls out to her. "Can you read runes?" he asks her.

Wu & Wei are letting out a soft groan

"Jun?" Ryu asks her, getting worried.

"Guys, they aren't getting better!" Jun informs them. "Usually, when Wu & Wei run out of mist, they just need to refuel with some water." she explains. "They've been drinking from the lagoon since we got back, but..." she adds, not wanting to finish the sentence and turning back to her dragon.

Wei coughs loudly

Ryu looks at D'Angelo

"Let me take a closer look." D'Angelo says.

He runs to Wu & Wei and so does Ryu

D'Angelo puts his ear on Wu's neck, who lets out a quiet grumble

"Hmm. I don't hear anything strange." he tells Jun as he stands up straight. "Judging from their coughing, my best guess is still that they overloaded themselves." he hypothesizes. "Lost their breath." he clarifies.

"Like the Dragon King." Jun states seriously.

"Uh-oh! Nerd alert. Here she goes." Eugene calls out.

"Eugene..." Jun sighs, annoyed.

"What do you mean "Dragon King"?" Ryu asks her, confused.

Ryu was confused because the only dragon king he had ever heard about was when he read about a type of dragon called the Bewilderbeast who had the title "King of Dragons" because it could control any dragon with its mind

Eugene sighs loudly

"It's a silly story our dad used to tell us about some jerky brother." Eugene explains. "I don't know what he was trying to say." he adds.

"I can't imagine." D'Angelo mutters sarcastically.

"It's a Chinese myth, Eugene, not a silly story." Jun corrects her big brother. "The Dragon King had 4 dragon sons who caused so much trouble and got him so upset that he lost his magical breath." she tells the myth to the group.

"Myth, silly story." Eugene babbles. "What's the diff?" he asks rhetorically.

"I'm not saying it's real. Just that... maybe there's something to be learned from it." Jun says to him. "Myths and stories come from somewhere, Eugene. There's always a truth if you know where to look." she explains to him.

"Whatever." Eugene responds, waving her sister off.

Wu & Wei snarl at each other as Wu lifts her and makes her sit on the saddle connected to Wu's neck. The sudden movement causes Jun to grunt & gasp in surprise

"Whoa!" she says in surprise as Wu & Wei fly up and start flying outta the lair.

"Jun!" Ryu yells out to her. "What's going on?" he asks her, confused.

"I don't know!" she replies loudly.

Wu & Wei then fly outta the lair

"I don't think Jun should be taking Wu & Wei out in their condition." D'Angelo states, pointing at where they just left.

"Either way, come on!" Ryu yells, waving them over. "Before we lose them!" he adds.

The rest of the group jumps on their respective dragons and flies after Ju, Wu & Wei

*Sometime later*

They were now in the Ice Realm

"Jun! Hold up!" Ryu yells out to her as he finally catches up to her.

"I'm trying!" Jun responds while straining. "It's Wu & Wei. They're leading us somewhere." she tells him.

Ryu steers Thunder in front of Wu & Wei so that they'll stop flying forward and will start flying in place

"I think we need to lead them back. They should be resting." D'Angelo advises.

"I can't..." Jun tells him while grunting loudly as she tries to control her dragon.

Wu & Wei are shaking their heads erratically

"Ah!" Jun yells in surprise when Wu pulls his neck downwards.

"5 minutes ago, they were too sick to blast." Eugene says to her sister. "Now you can't control them?" he asks her, confused.

"Do we have any idea where they're going?" Alex asks in curiosity.

"If I had to guess..." Jun replies as she points to something behind Ryu.

Ryu turns Thunder around to look at what Jun is pointing at and sees a large mountain

"Whoa. That thing is huge." D'Angelo speaks to the group, voicing his thoughts.

"Why would they lead us there?" Tom asks, intrigued, looking at Jun.

"I'm not sure," Jun admits. "But in the Dragon King myth, one of the king's sons went west and climbed the highest mountain he could to ask the gods for help." she explains.

"Oh, come on, Jun. That story was supposed to put us both to sleep, and it worked." Eugene explains to her sister, pointing at her. "Now, you think Wu & Wei are acting it out?" he asks her, confused.

"I don't think that." she replies. "But maybe whatever they need to heal is on that mountain." she guesses, gesturing to the mountain.

"Before we head to the mountain, there's something I think you should see." Ryu informs her precautionarily.

Ryu opens the book to a specific page and shows it to the group

"Not sure how the myth ends, but according to this book, whatever's on the mountain isn't good." he states as he closes the book.

Wu and then Wei growl loudly

"Whoa." Jun gasps in surprise as Wu pulls his neck forward. "But Wu Wei seem to think what they need is up there." she says to him, gesturing to the mountain again. "I have to help them find it." she tells him firmly.

Jun then steers her dragon past Thunder, flying to the mountain, making Ryu & Thunder look at her, Wu & Wei

"Jun! Wait!" Ryu yells out to her as he makes Thunder fly after her.

"Welcome to my life." Eugene mutters.

The rest of the group follows suit

*Sometime later*

The group was now chasing after Jun, Wu & Wei

Jun pants loudly as she makes Wu & Wei fly as fast as she can and starts flying upwards to get higher. She holds her left hand above her eyes to protect them from the sunlight. Barely audible wind blowing can be heard

They start to get closer and closer to the mountain. Jun is the first to get there, landing on the horizontal plateau connected to the mountain. Jun gets off, looking up at the mountain for a moment as she kneels between the heads of Wu & Wei. The rest of the group lands a few seconds after her.

"Don't worry, you two. I'll help you get there." Jun says to her dragon.

Wu & Wei purr quietly as they nuzzle their heads into Jun

"Just like the son of the Dragon King got to the top of that mountain with the help of the storm gods." she adds as the 3 of them look up at the mountain.

"Guys, Wu & Wei still don't look good." D'Angelo says seriously pointing at Wu & Wei.

"Jun, slow down." Ryu tells her as he gets off of Thunder and walks up to her. "What's your plan?" he enquires, gesturing to the mountain and making Thunder look at it.

"My plan is to do whatever it takes to help my dragon." Jun informs him, getting close to Ryu and waving her right hand from left to right. "I would think you would understand that." she adds hurtfully, crossing her arms over each other and looking away.

"Wh--" Ryu begins, but stops himself and sighs.

"So, we're climbing the mountain." Alex deadpans. "Great." she adds sarcastically. "Is there maybe a smaller mountain around here that works, too?" she asks in wonder.

"Climb?" Eugene asks with a scoff. "My days of manual labor are long behind me..." he explains to her, first pointing to himself and then waving his right hand from left to right. "...'cause they never started." he reveals with a small laugh.

He then makes Webmaster fly upwards

"You losers can walk. I'm taking the elevator. See you at the top." he tells the group, clicking his tongue, saluting them and then pointing at them.

Suddenly Eugene & Webmaster are hit by harsh winds gusting by. It shakes the duo around, causing Webmaster to screech & Eugene to scream loudly. Eugene's back hits the ice slide harshly, causing him to grunt from the sudden hit. He groans in pain as he & Webmaster slide down to where the group is. Eugene then whimpers, his back hurting a lot

Ryu & D'Angelo approach him and look down at him

"You should really put some ice on that." D'Angelo advises jokingly. "Oh wait. You're already on ice." he adds.

He then laughs at his own joke as he walks off

"Thanks for the demonstration, Eugene." Ryu thanks him sarcastically. "See?" Ryu asks him, opening the book and pointing to a tornado drawing in the book. "The book warned us about those winds." he explains.

"File that under things that would have been valuable two minutes ago!" Eugene yells at him, annoyed.

"Whoever wrote this book, they didn't just make this stuff up." Ryu begins closing the book. "It's not just some myth." he states.

"Some myth?" Jun asks him coldly, feeling offended by that statement. "Myths can provide answers to the unanswerable, Ryu." she informs him, walking up to him. "They're compasses to meaning. It's not about whether the myth is real or not!" she explains, starting to get frustrated. "I'm trying to understand my dragon." she adds.

"Well, to me, it's about keeping us safe." Ryu begins pointing at himself. "And what's best for the team." he adds, pointing his finger down.

"Wu & Wei are part of the team." Jun reminds him angrily.

"No, th-that's not what I mean, Jun--" Ryu tries to say.

"Uh, Jun?" D'Angelo asks her fearfully, pointing to something behind her, interrupting the argument.

Jun turns around to see what he's pointing at and what she sees makes her gasp in shock. Wu & Wei can be seen climbing the ice slide while growling weakly

"Wu, Wei, wait up! I'm coming!" Jun yells out to her dragon.

Jun jumps on Webmaster's belly and goes after her dragon. When Jun jumped on Webmaster's belly, it caused him to screech and Eugene to grunt

"Not judging, but your dragons chose the slipperiest part." Alex informs Jun.

Wu & Wei growl loudly again, while Jun grunts and strains as she climbs the ice slide, already having caught up with her dragon and holding onto some rocks sticking out

"Well, the winds aren't as strong over here." Jun responds, holding up her arm, not feeling any wind.

Ryu turns to the group minus Jun & Eugene, shrugging his shoulders and going to check. He licks the top of his 1st finger and doesn't feel any wind

"She has a point. It shields us from the winds." Ryu tells the group agreeing with Jun.

"Hm. It's almost like..." Jun begins making Ryu look at her. "Oh," she scoffs. "I don't know. Like they knew." she informs him.

Wu & Wei then snarl at Ryu

"I'm not saying they don't know. I'm just saying we don't know. I just wanna be sure it's safe." Ryu says, trying to explain his reasoning while looking up at Jun.

He sees Thunder standing next to him and pets the side of his face

Eugene, having gotten up, groans as he tries to get rid of the pain in his back

"Well, looks like we're climbing the world's biggest snow cone after all." Eugene concludes.

Eugene sighs in annoyance as he starts to climb the ice slide. Alex starts to grunt as she begins climbing the ice slide

Ryu stares at Jun, who gives him a regretful look because of the harsh things she said before she resumes climbing the ice slide

They all start panting as they climb the ice slide, and the wind blowing can be heard a few feet away from the mountain. Ryu pants since he has to climb the ice slide on all fours, seeing as the ice slide is becoming steeper, making it hard to walk on 2 feet. Thunder growls as he climbs the ice with a lotta difficulty, having to use his claws to make sure he doesn't slide downward. Unfortunately, he loses his grip for a moment, causing him to growl as claw scratches can be seen created by him as he slides downward. He's able to stop himself from sliding downward as he resumes climbing the ice slide, grumbling a bit. He shrieks loudly as he loses his grip again and slides downward again. Plowhorn growls as he raises himself up to take a step but falls down while D'Angelo groans in difficulty. Plowhorn grumbles as he continues climbing the ice slide. Tom is also on all fours, climbing the ice slide. Switchblade has the most trouble of the group's dragons, seeing as he is a bipedal dragon. So he has to use the claws on his feet and on his wings to climb the ice slide. Alex grunts loudly as she pulls herself up to clasp onto a rock that's sticking out of the ice slide. She takes a small break as she gasps for air, having run outta breath. She then resumes climbing the ice slide. Feathers then suddenly jump into the frame, biting down on the rock Alex was holding onto just a few seconds ago and whimpers softly

*Sometime later*

"It's taking a while, but we've actually made some progress." Ryu says to the group as he flips through the pages.

Wu & Wei snarl & cough, making Ryu look at them

"No!" Jun yells.

She then lets herself slide down to her dragon

"No. No, no, no, no!" she repeats quickly.

Wu & Wei snarl again. Ryu gasps in shock. Wu & Wei then let out a loud sneeze, causing them to lose their grip on the ice slide.

"Ah!" Jun yells out as she & her dragon start sliding downward.

Wu & Wei hit Ryu & Thunder, causing both Jun & Ryu to yell and both dragons to growl.

"Jun!" Eugene yells out his eyes widening in shock as he makes Webmaster fly outta the way.

"Ryu!" Tom yells out as he ducks outta the way in time & Switchblade flies upwards in time.

"Ah!" D'Angelo out as he ducks outta the way in time & Plowhorn grumbles and flies upwards in time.

Alex & Feathers notice it too late, causing them to get hit. They all start screaming as they continue to slide downward. Eventually they're going to fast to make that turn in the ice slide, causing them to fall off the mountain. They continue to scream as they plummet to the ground. Ryu has his arms wrapped around Jun, being on the right; Alex has her arms around Ryu & Jun, being in the middle; and Jun has her arms wrapped around Ryu, being on the left. Wu & Wei have their front paws wrapped around the 3 people; Feathers has her front wrapped around Wu's neck and Thunder has his front paws wrapped around Wei.

Suddenly, they feel themselves stop falling in mid-air

"Gotcha!" Eugene yells out. "Ahem!" he fake coughs, grabbing their attention.

It can be seen that Webmaster shoots a long web that hits Wu's & Wei's back, is wrapped around Switchblade's & Plowhorn's nasal horn and is also being held by Webmaster's hand things

"I think someone deserves a little bit of credit for saving your sorry butts." Eugene tells them, referring to himself.

"Thank you, Webmaster." Jun says to him.

"And Switchblade & Plowhorn too, of course." Ryu adds.

"Typical." Eugene scoffs at them, annoyed.

They get pulled back up to the mountain. Once they're back on the mountain, they resume climbing the ice slide, but with Wu & Wei as the last dragon as a safety precaution

Eventually, they get to another horizontal plateau that's connected to the mountain. Thunder groans loudly as he continues to climb until the front part of his body is resting on the horizontal ground. Ryu groans as he continues to climb and when he gets to the horizontal part, he walks forward with an exhausted sigh. Switchblade groans loudly as he continues to climb until his body is resting on the horizontal ground and he lays himself down on the left of Thunder. Tom groans as he continues to climb and when he gets to the horizontal part, he walks forward with an exhausted sigh, just like his big brother. Feather comes up next, next to Switchblade, as she lets out an exhausted shriek. Alex climbs up the last part with a grunt as she starts wobbling forward and eventually, after staggering a few paces forward, she falls forward to the ground

"Oh!" she yells out "Oh, sweet, sweet horizontal ground." she begins while stroking the ground and rubbing her head against it. "I'll never take you for granted again." she says to it, laying her head against it.

Thunder, Switchblade & Feathers growl softly in exhaustion when suddenly Webmaster wiggles himself between Switchblade & Feathers. Eugene climbs over Webmaster with loud grunting as he does a forward rollover, causing him to gasp and land on his buttocks. He then gets up as he walks forward with a hunched-back posture. Next up is D'Angelo, who groans loudly and has his legs visibly shaking. Plowhorn then climbs over Webmaster, hitting Feathers in the back with her left front paw, causing Feathers to snarl at the Gembreaker dragon. Plowhorn eventually drops down and wiggles itself between Switchblade & Webmaster

D'Angelo lets out a loud and exhausted sigh

Ryu can be seen sitting against a rock, looking upward to the right. Eugene can be seen lying on his back with his head propped up against a rock. Tom & Alex can be seen laying next to each other, flat on their backs, with their arms spread

"Are we there yet?" D'Angelo asks Ryu, not knowing how much longer he can go on, as he sits down and leans against a rock.

"Uh... halfway... ish." Ryu informs him.

"Does that book recommend a good place to vomit?" Alex asks him, pointing at the book.

"Or a way to get there faster?" Tom asks him.

Ryu & D'Angelo sees the group's dragons are gone as Wu & Wei just arrive with Jun as she gets off Wu. Wu & Wei then drop their necks to the ground

"You're doing, okay?" Jun asks Wu.

He growls softly in response

"Still wanna keep going?" Jun asks him.

Wu & Wei both growl softly in response, raising their necks a bit before dropping them on the ground again

"We'll get there." Jun tells her dragon, lying against their heads.

"Speaking of getting there, what's next in your depressing book of doom, eldest Kullersen?" Eugene asks him sarcastically, waving his fingers in an eerie way.

Ryu, Tom & D'Angelo glare at him

"This." he begins. "Smoking skull." he reveals, pointing to a smoking skull drawing in the book

"Hm... I don't see any skulls, do you?" Jun states, looking around and then at Ryu. "Guess your book doesn't know everything." she tells him tauntingly.

This angers Ryu, as he slams the book shut and presses it against D'Angelo's chest, causing him to grunt. Ryu then gets up and walks up to Jun

"Funny coming from someone who looks for answers in a 1000-year-old myth." Ryu shoots back tauntingly, pointing at her.

"Um, maybe I'm forgetting, but isn't that book also a thousand years old?" Jun asks him frustratedly, pointing at the book.

"No." Ryu replies, crossing his arms over each other & Jun does the same. "Well, yeah, probably." he realizes. "But still!" he adds. "I'm just being cautious." he explains to her.

"Guess there's a first time for everything." Jun mutters mockingly.

"Oh, very funny." Ryu responds sarcastically.

Eugene groans loudly in annoyance, having had enough of the bickering between his sister & her boyfriend, making him get up and walk up to them

Ryu crosses his arms over each other again as both he & Jun look away from each other

"It's either Jun's snooze-fest myth or Ryu and the book he found in a hole." Eugene says, pointing at his sister and then putting his left arm around Ryu and patting him on the chest with his right hand.

Jun & Ryu look at him for a moment when he does that

"Ladies and gentledragons, our fearless leader couple!" Eugene yells out like an announcer, stepping back and gesturing to Jun & Ryu with both his arms.

"Guys?" D'Angelo asks them, grabbing their attention. "Why is the skull in the dragon book... moving?" he asks in wonder.

"Moving?" Ryu asks in confusion.

He walks back to D'Angelo who's holding the book, to check what he means

Suddenly the skull starts to move as more skulls appear and starts to move around in a circle

"Weird..." Ryu says in a distorted voice.

"Ryu... why does your voice sound like that?" Jun asks him in a slow & deep voice, moving her right arm and then pointing at him.

"Like what?" Ryu asks her in a slow & deep voice, moving his right arm from left to right.

Ryu & D'Angelo lay their heads against each other

"You sound like a troll." Alex says in a slow & deep voice, pointing at Ryu and lifts up her head to look at him. "And I sound like a troll." she realizes. "Am I a troll?" she asks herself, holding her head with her left hand.

Tom is sitting to the right of Jun, Jun is sitting down between Tom & Ryu and Ryu is at Jun's left

"What's going on?" Ryu asks in wonder.

"Look..." Alex says in a slow & deep voice, walking up to the group with a hunched-back posture.

Alex puts her hands on Jun's & Ryu's heads, moving them downward so they're looking at the ground. They can see a green gas rising up

"Poisonous gas?" Tom asks confusedly in a slow & deep voice.

"We gotta get outta here." D'Angelo tells the group in a slow & deep voice.

"Run..." Ryu tries to yell, but it comes out in a slow & deep voice.

"I am running." Eugene says.

Unfortunately, Eugene was 'running' on his left side, causing him to spin before lying flat on his face

"But Eugene wasn't running. He was lying on his face." Alex states in a slow & deep voice before falling unconscious.

Tom had also fallen unconscious already

"It feels like my hair is singing..." D'Angelo yells out softly in a slow & deep voice before falling to the ground. "Can you hear that?" he asks Ryu before falling unconscious and so does Jun.

Ryu falls forward, not being able to keep himself upright

"Thunder..." he calls out to his dragon, grabbing his attention.

Seeing what's going on with their riders, the dragons growl as Thunder approaches his rider

"Do something..." he says to him holding out his hand to him.

Right before he falls unconscious and blacks out, he can see Thunder getting very close to him

*Unknown amount of time later*

Ryu starts to open his eyes as he hears a quiet growl. Ryu groans softly as he can hear Thunder let out a happy growl, looking down at him. Thunder licks Ryu's face with a loud slurping sound

"Hey!" Ryu says to Thunder with a grunt and then coughs. "I'm okay, bud. I'm okay." he reassures him as he puts a hand on his chest to calm his breathing.

Ryu turns to the group. He sees D'Angelo laying unconscious on the ground close to Plowhorn; Switchblade is close to Tom, who's laying unconscious on his side; Feathers is holding Alex with her front paws, bridal style, and Webmaster is holding Eugene in his arms, also bridal style

Both dragons land, and Feathers lets go of Alex, causing her to roll onto the ground, making her wake up and groan a bit. Feathers whines as she sniffs Alex. Eugene can be seen having his thumb in his mouth and being rocked left & right by Webmaster like a baby. Plowhorn licks D'Angelo taking his head in her mouth, causing D'Angelo to groan softly. D'Angelo wakes up, sees his head in Plowhorn's mouth, causing him to start screaming and making Plowhorn spit him out with a grunt. D'Angelo glares at his dragon a bit for how she woke him up. Plowhorn then nudges her head against D'Angelo, causing him to laugh softly

"Guys! Get up! We're here!" Jun yells at the group.

"Where is here?" Ryu asks her confusedly, standing up and scratching the back of his head.

"The mountain's peak." Jun states, gesturing upwards towards the mountain's peak.

She then looks up at it

The legend spoke of the Dragon King's son, Ao Run, reaching the top of the mountain." she explains. "There's got to be something up here that can help Wu & Wei." she hypothesizes by looking at her dragon.

"Okay, like what?" Ryu asks her, annoyed but also intrigued.

"Well, in the legend, there's a lake." she informs them. "And this..." she continues, but realizes something. "Well, um, we're pretty far from any lakes, but—" she tries to say.

"Jun!" Ryu says to her firmly. "I care about Wu & Wei, too; I really do, but enough is enough." he tells her. "We were lucky to survive back there, and Wu & Wei are fading fast." he explains.

"He's right." D'Angelo agrees, checking over Wu & Wei. "I don't think they can take much more of this." he informs Jun.

"We tried your way, Jun, but there's nothing here." Ryu says, moving his left arm from right to left. "I think it's time to turn back." he tells her.

"We're so close." Jun states, trying to convince him to stay.

"Close to what?! Dying?!" Ryu asks her rhetorically & deeply frustrated in a loud voice, surprising his dragon, his little brother & Alex with his outburst. "Why are you so dead-set on believing that story?" he asks her, confused.

"You think you're the first to tell me I'm crazy for believing in myths?" Jun asks him emotionally, starting to tear up.

Ryu realizes that she's referring to her mom & her big brother, which makes him calm down

"I know they may not be true, but the stories exist for a reason." Jun admits wiping her tears away. "They helped guide my grandmother and my father. They told me these stories as a child, so I would be guided by them, too." she explains as to why she's so obsessed by myths as she walks to her dragon kneeling down to them. "Myths are a part of who I am, and I can't just ignore that." she tells them, looking at the group. "So you can all go back down the mountain if you want. I won't blame you." she informs them. "But I'm choosing to trust their guidance. To trust my dragon. To trust my heart." she concludes.

Ryu turns to look at his little brother, Alex & D'Angelo and they all smile at him

"If you really believe, we're behind you." Ryu says to her softly. "And I'm sorry for yelling at you." he apologizes.

This makes Jun stand up and smile at him happily

"Okay. Fine. Have a sappy moment." Eugene tells the group. "But before all common sense goes out the window," he begins. "...where is your dragon going now?" he asks in a loud voice, gesturing to her sister's dragon.

Wu & Wei can be seen climbing the rest of the mountain, heading to the mountain's peak

Jun gasps in shock and worry. Wu & Wei let out a weak but loud roar. Suddenly, rumbling & crackling can be heard as the whole mountain shakes

"Uh, what's happening? Are they doing that?" Alex asks fearfully and confused.

"Feels like the whole mountain's coming down." Ryu replies.

The crackling continues as D'Angelo stumbles backwards because of the ground shaking

"Ah!" D'Angelo yells in surprise.

He steadies himself by leaning against Plowhorn with a grunt

"You guys?" D'Angelo asks the group. "Hate to be the one to point this out." he admits. "This isn't just a mountain. It's a volcano!" he reveals in a loud voice, thinking it's a volcano.

The rumbling continues as ice pieces come rolling down

"Actually, since it's covered in snow, that makes it a "snowcano"!" Eugene states in a pun.

He then laughs at his own pun

"Whoa!" he yells in surprise when the ground shakes and he loses his balance.

He puts his arms over Webmaster's back with a grunt

"Jun? Does your myth include snowcanos?" Ryu asks her.

"No!" Jun replies loudly. "But it does include..." she begins, looking up at the mountain peak.

Suddenly, a giant white & black 2-headed dragon reveals itself from the mist with a loud roar. The right head is white with green eyes and black whiskers, while the left head is black with blue eyes and white whiskers

"... a giant King Dragon!" she reveals loudly.

The dragon roars loudly before looking down and growling threateningly at the group

Ryu analyzes the dragon and realizes something

"That's not a giant King Dragon." Ryu disputes. "It's a Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister," he states.

"I hate when Jun's right." Eugene admits being afraid of the giant dragon.

Ryu takes out the book from his backpack and scrolls to the page with a drawing of the mountain

"Th-there's nothing in here about..." he begins.

Suddenly, a wind blows past him, revealing more of the drawing that was folded. He looks intently at the discovered drawing and sees the Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister throwing smaller Mist Twisters in the opening of the volcano

"Oh no." he says seriously.

He then walks up to Jun

"Jun. We gotta get Wu & Wei outta here." Ryu tells her.

"Wait! No!" Jun yells at him.

Wu & Wei snarl at the Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister

"I think... I think it'll be okay." Jun stutters. "Look at them." she tells him.

The Titan Wing sized Mist Twister growls at Wu & Wei

"Amazing! It's like the Dragon King stepped right out of the myth." Jun says amazed.

"Sorry. A-are you seeing what I'm seeing in this image?" Ryu asks her, shocked. "It's throwing dragons to their death." he reveals to her turning the book around so Jun could see the drawing.

"What if it's not?" Jun asks him.

"What if you're wrong? Ryu asks her.

"But, look at Wu & Wei!" Jun replies, turning to look up at her dragon and so does Ryu. "They're calm." she informs him.

Wu & Wei snarl quietly at the Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister

"They must know something." Jun adds.

The Titan Wing sized Mist Twister grumbles softly as it goes to grab Wu & Wei with its left front paw

"No!" Ryu yells out.

"Wu! Wei!" Jun yells out, reaching out her left arm to her dragon.

The rest of the group watch on in shock

The right head of the Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister grunts at the left head. It starts bringing Wu & Wei to the opening of the mountain peak

"It's gonna throw Wu & Wei into the snowcano." Ryu hypothesizes. "We gotta stop it. Riders, let's move!" he orders the group.

The group gets their dragons and flies up to Wu & Wei

"This can't be right." Jun says in disbelief.

"Jun! Come on!" Ryu yells at her, holding out his hand to her.

Jun takes it as Ryu pulls her up on the back of Thunder's saddle with a grunt. Thunder growls and then flies up

"Form up, and let him have it!" Ryu yells at the group.

The right head of the Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister growls at the group

"Watch your aim! We don't wanna hit Wu & Wei." Ryu advises the group.

Thunder hits the left neck of the Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister with a lightning stream. Plowhorn blasts a loogie bomb at the right wing of the giant dragon. Feathers hit the right head of the giant dragon with a sonic scream. Webmaster shoots 2 flaming webs at the giant dragon. All the attacks agitate the dragon, causing the left head to try and bite down on Webmaster and then he puts his right front paw over Wu's & Wei's heads

Ryu divebombs Thunder towards the giant dragon from behind. Thunder then hits its back with another lightning stream while Feathers hit the back of the left head's neck of the giant dragon with a sonic scream. This causes the giant dragon to roar in slight pain and mostly annoyance

The left head roars at Thunder, Ryu & Jun

Plowhorn then blasts it with another loogie bomb that hardly affects it but makes it look at her.

"Okay. Let her rip!" Ryu tells Thunder.

Ryu divebombs Thunder towards the giant dragon as he hits the left shoulder of the giant dragon with another lightning stream

The Titan-sized Mist Twister roars loudly as it starts flying away from the mountain

This gives Thunder the chance to hit it with another lightning stream along its back

"Let 'em go!" Ryu yells at the Titan Wing.

Thunder roars loudly as he shoots another lightning stream. This one was strong enough to hurt the giant dragon a bit more, causing it to growl in pain. Wu & Wei snarl weakly

"Come on, you 2! Get outta there!" Jun yells at her dragon.

"They're too weak to fight." D'Angelo informs her.

Wu & Wei snarl weakly again

"What are they doing?" Ryu wonders, confused.

He makes Thunder fly lower so that they're right in front of Wu & Wei

"Wu! Wei! Come on!" Jun yells at her dragon, holding out her hand.

Wu & Wei growl weakly at her & Ryu having a scared expression on each of their faces. Wu & Wei then grumble softly

"They're sick and scared." Ryu states. "The book says..." he tries to say.

"I know what it says, but the Vikings weren't the only people who knew about dragons." Jun interjects and informs him.

More growling can be heard from all the dragons present at the moment

Ryu looks back at Jun as they stare at each other. He then gives her a reassuring smile that says a 1000 words

"Leave my sister's dragon alone!" Eugene yells at the giant dragon. "Get him, Webs!" he yells at his dragon, pointing at the giant dragon.

Webmaster shoots a flaming web at the eyes of the left head of the giant dragon

"Eugene, stop!" Jun yells at her big brother while wrapping her arms around Ryu's waist.

Eugene is laughing obnoxiously when he hears the left head of the giant dragon growling, causing him to stop laughing

"Huh?" he asks, confused.

The Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister inhales deeply before it shoots out its fire type with a loud roar that appears to be both orange sparks, with the left head's fire coated in white smoke while the right head's is coated in black smoke

Eugene screams in fear as he flies Webmaster outta the way of the attack while the giant dragon keeps at it. They notice however, that the giant dragon is not aiming at them but at the mountain's peak

The Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister eventually stops as the mountain's peak begins to crackle and cracks appear in it. The mountain's peak rumbles before the top explodes as ice chunks are launched upward before they start plummeting downward

"Evasive maneuvers!" Ryu yells quickly at the group.

Thunder starts dodging the ice chunks. Alex gasps and whimpers while dodging the ice chunks as Feathers flies higher. Eugene & Webmaster are hit by an ice chunk causing Eugene to grunt from the hit

"Ryu, look!" Jun begins pointing at the giant dragon & her dragon.

The Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister uses its 2 heads to smash the ice chunks

"It's protecting them!" Jun states. "I knew it! Wu & Wei came here for a reason." she says, overjoyed.

Ryu looks at her with a smile as Jun smiles back at him

"Guys! New plan! We have to help the Titan Wing!" Ryu yells at the group.

"Uh, that thing tried to kill me!" Eugene yells at him, first gesturing to the giant dragon and then to himself.

"Can you blame him?" D'Angelo asks him rhetorically.

"And now they're protecting Wu & Wei!" Jun adds that while Thunder is flying closer to the giant dragon.

"We're with you, Jun." D'Angelo says to her. "Come on, girl!" he yells at his dragon.

"Nothing touches these dragons." Ryu explains to the group. "Got it, team?" he asks them.

"Not one flake." D'Angelo replies seriously.

They start smashing through the ice chunks with their big nasal horn, their sonic scream, their magnesium fire, their flaming web, their loogie bomb, or their lightning stream

The Titan Wing-sized Mist Twister snarls as it looks up to see a giant ice boulder chunk start coming their way. They move their heads downward over Wu & Wei, closing their eyes and getting ready to take the hit. Fortunately, Thunder hits it just in time with a lightning stream

Jun cheers happily

"Skies are clear!" Ryu yells at the Titan Wing.

The group all land back down at the base of the mountain's peak

"Good work, bud." Ryu compliments Thunder.

He & Jun then jump off the saddle

"Now let's hope we did the right thing." he concludes hopefully.

The giant dragon lets out a quiet growl as it flies to the big opening of the mountain's peak while the group watches it. The Titan Wing then lowers Wu & Wei into the mountain

"You were right." Eugene admits to her sister making the brother & sister look at each other. "That dragon is a bit like the Dragon King from Dad's story." he says to her. "But I was right, too! Per ushe." he adds, popping his tongue and ruining the heartfelt moment between the 2.

The Titan Wing growls & blasts its fire type into the opening of the mountain's peak

"Whoa." Ryu says in surprise as some of the white & black smoke appear at the base of the mountain's peak.

A few chunks are released, revealing a passageway

"Should we?" Jun asks Ryu, looking at him.

"Lead the way." he replies, gesturing to the passageway.

They walk through the passageway and when they get to the end, they're amazed by what they're seeing

The Titan Wing is looking down, still at the mountain's peak and somehow there's a lake inside the mountain's peak

Water starts to bubble as it gets closer to where the group is. Jun gasps softly. Wu & Wei then rise from the lake, wrapping their necks around Jun and causing her to laugh happily

"You 2 look good as new!" she tells them ecstatically.

Wu & Wei growl softly as they raise their necks upward. They then spew out a red & blue mist with sparks through a quiet roar before it disappears

"All back to normal." Alex states looking at Wu & Wei standing on the right of Jun.

The Titan Wing snarls softly at Wu & Wei

"Hey! Wu, Wei." Eugene begins, walking up to them. "Could you 2 maybe, oh, I don't know, put in a good word for me and Webs?" he asks them. "Those guys look a little..." he continues, pointing at the rest of the group.

Wei snarls angrily at him

"Okay, never mind." Eugene concludes, shaking his left hand & stepping back.

A distant growl caused Thunder's big ears to perk up. He looks towards where the sound came from and growls loudly, grabbing the group's attention

The group looks towards where Thunder is looking and as the mist clears up, growling and roaring can be heard, followed by a quiet snarl

Ryu sees 2 Mist Twister where both heads & necks are a seafoam color with golden horns & seafoam whiskers and goatee & grey body, and a Mist Twister where both heads & necks are a yellowish green color with golden horns & yellowish green whiskers and a goatee & grey body

2 more Mist Twisters rise up from the lake. 1 where the left head & neck are lime with mahogany head frills, while the right head is more mahogany than lime, but both have golden horns, black whiskers, and a black goatee. The other Mist Twister is completely purple, so its heads, necks, head frills, whiskers, and goatee are all purple, and it has golden horns

The left purple head lets out a soft squeak

"Whoa... It's a whole family." D'Angelo states in amazement and realisation.

"This must be their home." Ryu hypothesizes.

Wu growls loudly at the lime-mahogany colored Mist Twister, who growls back in response, and this makes Wei growl at them as well

"Guess the Vikings didn't know everything, huh?" Jun asks Ryu smugly.

"Guess not." Ryu replies, nodding his head. "Good thing Wu & Wei have you, and you always have faith in them." he says to her, looking at her with a smile.

"Yeah, well, your book wasn't exactly wrong." Jun admits. "Just maybe once we translate it, we'll have more context." she adds.

"Yeah, man. Plus, we gotta add to it. Build on top of those who came before us." D'Angelo explains.

"Yeah. Good point." Ryu admits, holding up the book. "I've technically already been doing that whenever we met a new dragon or learned something new about a dragon already discovered in my book." he reveals. "So I'll just have to translate the whole book and copy any new info into my Book of Dragons." he explains.

Ryu then looks at Jun with a smile, who's already smiling at him

Wu bites down on the cap of Jun's hoodie with a growls

"What... Whoa!" Jun yells in surprise as Wu puts her on his saddle.

This makes Jun laugh as Wu & Wei walk over to the other Mist Twisters. Thunder, seeing the happy Mist Twister family, lets out a sad growl and lays his body down on the ground. Ryu goes to sit down to his right. Thunder lets out a sad grumble, still looking at the happy Mist Twister family, as Ryu opens the book to the page of the mountain. He then opens the folded page that holds the mean-looking drawing of the Titan Wing Mist Twister holding a smaller Mist Twister in its left front paw while throwing another Mist Twister into the opening of the mountain with his right front paw. Ryu erases the heads of the Titan Wing Mist Twister and draws them more accurately as Thunder lets out a curious growl at what his rider is doing. When Ryu is done, he shows it to Thunder, who lets out an impressed grumble

"Yeah. My drawing skills are pretty good, right?" Ryu asks him.

Instead of replying, Thunder looks back at the happy Mist Twister family, getting a sad expression on his face. Seeing the sad expression on his dragon's face confuses Ryu. Ryu then looks at the happy Mist Twister family; he can see Wu & Wei amongst them, with Jun sitting on Wu's saddle and laughing happily

A complete yellow Mist Twister nuzzles its heads into Wu & Wei and Jun pets the other Mist Twister

Thunder then grumbles somberly, putting his head down and Ryu realizes what's bothering Thunder

"I know, bud. I know." Ryu says comfortingly petting Thunder's right front paw.

Ryu then scrolls back to the page that holds the drawings of the original riders

"Hopefully, in the end, we can all figure out where we come from." he tells him.

The group stays there for a bit longer as Ryu fills in the new things the group learned about the Mist Twister in his Book of Dragons

Well that's it for this episode/chapter.

I got the description info for the original group from the HTTYD wikia page along with the information about the Titan Wing Mist Twister, so all rights for the info goes to that site.

As you could read, it was an intense day for Ryu & Jun.

Hope you all enjoyed it.

Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night

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