Artistic Love【Laurence X Read...

By Mariko_Akiyama

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[ Chapter 1 : Elixirs ]
[ Chapter 2 : Headmistress ]
[ Chapter 3 : Fairies & Trolls ]
[ Chapter 4 : Middle Finger ]
[ Chapter 5 : Relics ]
[ Chapter 6 : Books ]
[ Chapter 7 : Chocolate ]
[ Chapter 8 : Invitation ]
[ Chapter 9 : Curfew ]
[ Chapter 10 : A Secretary ]
[ Chapter 11 : Lover's Quarrel ]
[ Chapter 12 : Amazing Cookie ]
[ Chapter 13 : Blood Boiling ]
[ Chapter 14 : Hangout Spot ]
[ Chapter 15 : Drawings & Tangerines ]
[ Chapter 16 : Adventure ]
[ Chapter 17 : Cup Of Tea ]
[ Chapter 18 : Rules ]
[ Chapter 19 : Family Reunion ]
[ Chapter 20 : Lesson & Manners ]
[ Chapter 21 : Her Games ]
[ Chapter 22 : Jars Of Paints ]
[ Chapter 24 : Illegitimate ]
[ Chapter 25 : Geology ]
[ Chapter 26 : Masterpiece ]
[ Chapter 27 : Obsessed ]
[ Chapter 28 : Sprained Shoulder ]
[ Chapter 29 : Revenge for Yeshua ]
[ Chapter 30 : Special Guest ]
[ Chapter 31 : Preparations ]
[ Chapter 32 : A Festival ]
[ Chapter 33 : Shooting Stars ]
[ Chapter 34 : Last Night ]
[ Chapter 35 : Scars ]
[ Chapter 36 : Game of Assassin ]
[ Chapter 37 : Conservatory Garden ]
[ Chapter 38 : Affections ]
[ Chapter 39 : A Farewell ]
[ Chapter 40 : Black Magic ]
[ Chapter 41 : Jealousy ]
[ Chapter 42 : In or Not? ]
[ Chapter 43 : An Herbal Soup ]
[ Chapter 44 : Justice ]
[ Chapter 45 : Peace & Quiet ]
[ Chapter 46 : Back in School ]
[ Chapter 47 : The Unexpected ]
[ Chapter 48 : Cousins ]
[ Chapter 49 : Adorable ]
[ Chapter 50 : Practical ]
[ Chapter 51 : Keeping Warm ]
[ Chapter 52 : My Children ]
[ Chapter 53 : Declared War ]
[ Chapter 54 : Camp ]
[ Chapter 55 : Another Flame ]
[ Chapter 56 : Heirlooms ]
[ Chapter 57 : Claws & Bites ]
[ Chapter 58 : Infinity ]
[ Chapter 59 : Back In Camp ]
[ Chapter 60 : A Warning ]
[ Chapter 61 : Was Home ]
[ Chapter 62 : Our Future ]
[ Chapter 63 : Waterfall ]
[ Chapter 64 : Bathtub ]
[ Chapter 65 : It's Okay ]
[ Chapter 66 : Sleeping Sickness ]
[ Chapter 67 : Important Matters ]
[ Chapter 68 : Messy Beginning ]
[ Chapter 69 : Frenemies ]
[ Chapter 70 : Fucked Up ]
[ Chapter 71 : Villain In My Story ]
[ Chapter 72 : Outsider ]
[ Chapter 73 : School Protocols ]
[ Chapter 74 : Earth & Art ]
[ Chapter 75 : Ruined My Life ]
[ Chapter 76 : Control ]
[ Chapter 77 : Promise Is A Promise ]
[ Chapter 78 : Red Box ]
[ Chapter 79 : Forgive The Unforgivable ]
[ Chapter 80 : Golden Hour ]
[ Chapter 81 : Celebration ]
[ Chapter 82 : Firstborn ]
[ Chapter 83 : Baby & Friends ]
[ Chapter 84 : Traitor In Our Midst ]
[ Chapter 85 : Authority Has Arrived ]
[ Chapter 86 : Powerful People ]
[ Chapter 87 : To Love ]
[ Chapter 88 : Two Bodies In One ]
[ Chapter 89 : Copycat ]
[ Chapter 90 : We Protect You ]
[ Chapter 91 : Praying ]
[ Chapter 92 : It Was Her ]
[ Chapter 93 : Corrupted ]
[ Chapter 94 : Sisterhood ]
[ Chapter 95 : No Turning Back ]
[ Chapter 96 : The Ritual ]
[ Chapter 97 : Memories ]
[ Chapter 98 : Cherish ]
[ Chapter 99 : Snowy Owl ]
[ Chapter 100 : Flowers & Sunsets ]

[ Chapter 23 : Surprises & Gifts ]

65 5 0
By Mariko_Akiyama

Y/n's pov.   

" It's so early " I yawn and Jemma brushes my hair.

" Earlier than school hours " I said.

" This is your first breakfast with your family, you have to have a good impression " she said.

It's the next day and I was woken up by Jemma, apparently this is the hours of them waking up everyday, I'm not bothered by it but what bothers me is they help me take a bath. I mean I could've taken my own bath but they insisted and start scrubbing me in the places only I've touch, they also put in some kind of salt in the water saying it good for the skin and all.

I feel violated but at least I feel clean in some way.

" I think I already made a bad impression when I met aunt Talia, she was already rolling her punches just because I'm an illegitimate child " I said.

" Don't say that miss, although it's true, both parents are noble and you have noble blood " she said.

" I guess so " I said and look down at my owl bracelet.

" Other than that, your twin brothers are coming home today, they'll arrive after breakfast " she said.

" I have never seen the lynx cat anywhere since I arrived, have any idea here it could be? " I asked.

" The cat is actually in the garden where she stays while Elliot is away " she said.

" What's her name? " I asked.

" Lulu " she said, I chuckle.

" That's a cute name " I said and she finishes up doing my hair.

" Also, after your practice today, I was thinking you might like to hangout with the girls like they always do " she said.

" A definite no " I said.

" Why is that? " She asked and I stand up from my seat as I adjust my outfit.

" Have you been in that room yesterday?, It was mostly Tessa being a bitch and eating, Paige who's clearly spoiled and then Malia who doesn't really talk much " I said and walk up to the mirror as I see she's done my hair wonderfully again.

" Miss Malia has always suppressed her feelings to herself and a little introvert, but she is talented in her own way with embroidery " she said.

" Really?, What was she working on yesterday? " I asked.

" That's just a simple handkerchief she likes to make with different designs and give out to people, I have one of my own " she takes out a handkerchief as I turn around to her.

It's a pink fabric and I see two love birds sown beautifully onto it.

" Wow, if I try that, I'd been poking my finger by the time I touch a needle " I said and she chuckles as she put it away in her skirt pocket.

" You haven't seen the tapestry she's been working on " she said.

" Tapestry?, For what? " I asked.

" Oh right, you haven't known, Madam L/n's birthday is coming up next week, Malia has been making a tapestry as a gift, I've seen half of the process, it's beautiful " she said.

" Grandma's birthday is coming up? " I asked, she nods.

" What about Paige and Tessa, do they have a gift for her? " I asked, she nods.

" Tessa has been secretly ordering delicacies that Madam L/n has not tasted yet, as for Paige, I haven't seen what she got for her but as far as I know she's planning a big surprise " she said.

" Wow, then maybe I could make something for her too " I said.

" What will you get?, If it requires some difficult task, I may be able to help " she said, my eyes averted to the big canvas Faris got me.

" You don't need to " I said.

I walk pass her and approach the shelf that has fit in my huge room, it's next to the balcony with enough light, I have tons of colors and different sizes of paintbrushes I can work with.

" Are you planning to paint a portrait of Madam L/n? " She asked.

" Something like that and more to something I can think of out of the box " I said and pick up the new clean brush from the cup on the table next to the big canvas.

I back up and have the brush vertically and horizontally on the canvas to see how I should paint with the picture in my head. I had already painted the white base last night for another painting but now this information comes in, I have a whole new plan on what to do with this canvas.

" Like what? " She asked.

" If I tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise and a gift if grandma finds out " I said, she chuckles.

" I understand " she said.

" Okay, let's go for breakfast "

~ Time Skip ~

I sit here next to mom and she has her hand on top of my left hand for reassurance as I smile and the maids place the plates in front of us. I see the honey drizzled on the top with some kind of thick cream beautifully swirled on this soft bread.

" It's waffles " Yeshua said as he sit to my right.

" Oh " I said and see everyone starts to dig in their food.

I see there's a fork and knife just beside my plate and a napkin on my lap, I look around to see the others are using it in a way. I watch as I hold the fork on my left hand then the knife on my right, stab the waffle with my fork and use the knife to cut a section for me. I eat it and my eyes lit up to the sweet and wonderful taste, I didn't wait to dig in further.

" So Y/n " I raise a brow as I turn my head to the right at the end of the table where grandma sits while eating her dinner.

" Yes? " I asked.

" M/n mentioned of your gift, your immunity to magic? " She asked, I nodded.

I swallow everything in my mouth first before clearing my throat.

" Magic doesn't affect me at all " I said.

" How is that? " Paige asked, I shrugged.

" It just doesn't, I touched a phoenix flame once " I said, Tessa snickers.

" That's impossible, phoenix flame burns forever and you'd lose your hand before you could even touch it " she said.

I take another bite of my waffle as she eats her waffle with an expression that says I'm bluffing.

" That's amazing " Declan said and I smile.

" Thank you " I said.

" We'll believe when we see it " Anthony said.

" Everyone don't gang up on her " aunt June said.

" If you do have the gift of immunity, are you able to do magic? " Uncle Jack asked, I shake my head.

" I tried but nothing works " I said and see I already finished my waffle without realizing.

" That's fairly odd, all nobility should be able to do magic very easily, have you tried using a relic? " aunt Hyria asked, I nodded.

" It just won't happen " I said.

" Extraordinary " grandma said, I smile and pick up my glass of water.

I finish it in one go then put it down on the table, I pick up my napkin and wipe my lips.

" I'm done " I said and put the napkin down on the table as I leave the dining room.

I head out then immediately run up the stairs and to my room.

Yeshua's pov.   

I see mom sigh as Y/n just ran out without even excusing herself.

" M/n, you have to look out for your daughter, she has a rare gift like Yeshua's odd eyes " aunt Hyria said, I smile.

" I'll take that as a compliment, aunt Hyria " I said.

" I'm aware of that Hyria, she just needs some adjustments to the household, sooner or later, she'll be improving better than you think " mom said.

" I highly doubt that after what she's done to my maid, she was reckless " Talia said.

I heard about that incident, though I think of Y/n was brave to stand up for herself.

" She had a reasonable action, you can't hold that against her " Jack said and aunt Talia looks at her husband in disbelief.

" Father's right mother, she did had a reason " Paige said.

I look at mom again who barely ate half of her breakfast, I put down my fork and knife then use the napkin on my lap to clean my lips.

" If you'll excuse me, I'm stuffed " I get up from my chair and leave the room. 

Y/n's pov.   

" Alright " I take a sit on my stool and see the white base of my canvas has dried out.

I dip my paint brush in the red paint and start stroking my brush on the surface.

" So why am I not allowed to see it? " Jemma asked.

" I just have a hunch your gonna gossip to other maids and everyone's going to find out " I said, she chuckles.

" Then I shall stay here if you need any assistance " she said, I hum as I keep painting.

" Oh yeah, could you get me some chocolate? " I tilt my head to the side to peek my head out form the big canvas, she curtsy.

" I will be right back " she said and I smile as she leaves my room.

When she open the door Yeshua stood there and entered my room.

" Oh hey, what are you doing here? " I asked then pop my head back to my canvas.

I continue on painting.

" I came to talk to you about what you did " he said, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

" What'd I do? " I asked and see him approaching me.

" You exited the dining room without excusing yourself, aunt Talia count that as disrespecting others " he said.

" She's not the queen of the house so, she needs to take it down a notch " I said and continue painting again.

" Not only aunt Talia doesn't like it, but mother will be stressed if you keep it up " he said.

I look up at him.

" Why? " I asked, he grabs a chair and sit down next to me.

" Aunt Talia is not exactly who she says she claims to be, nice, generous or polite, deep down she has done a lot of damage to us than you think " he said.

" Mom said the same thing " I said as I lower my brush.

" You grew up in a hard life and that's a reason, though that reason won't always help you " he said.

" Do I really have to do what the noble does? " I asked.

" Your a noble, should act like one, it's the only way we live " he said.

" What did she do to mom? " I asked.

" Mostly humiliated us, we might be a low status of a noble family but others think of us much worse, so try not to do anything stupid that'll worry mom " he said.

" Is she sick?, I mean, I've notice that she's very frail and most of the time she's struggling to even walk " I said, he nods.

" She's been for a long time, that's why us brothers and sister. . . " he nudges me and I snicker.

" Should look out for each other " he said.

" Thanks for the speech but, I can take care of myself " I said.

" Just be on a lookout for aunt Talia's schemes " he said, I nodded.

" I know " I said then turn back to my canvas.

I continue to paint and carefully stroke my brush to how I want it to paint on the canvas.

" Faris overdid it again " he said, I chuckle when I notice him looking at the shelf full of jars of paints.

" That's what everyone keep saying " I said.

I put the brush I'm holding behind my ear as I switch to another brush that is already dipped with a royal purple color, I see it has a little to much on the brush to I scrub it off into the jar and wipe it on my hand to the thickness I want before stroking the brush on the canvas in another section.

" What are you working on? " He asked.

" A gift for grandma's birthday, don't tell anyone or they might steal my idea " I said, he chuckles.

" I won't "

Brother-sister bonding.



~ Mariko

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