Kurama's Spring Flower

By Eternal-star

30.1K 1K 91

Yoko Kurama was believed to be a fox that would never settle down and remain a cold hearted thief all because... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Part Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Merry Christmas
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four

Chapter Thirty One

276 14 1
By Eternal-star

After seeing that the two have been dealt with, Yusuke says, "I guess now we go up the stairs." Kurama nods at his words, and we start to move until Kurama releases a small gasp before saying, "It seems my fight is not over." This makes all of us look at him in shock, before acknowledging the pieces of Genbu reconstruct themselves whilst Genbu laughs. "Guys I think he's putting himself together." Kuwabara says with uncertainty whilst me and Yusuke watch with wide eyes. "You can disassemble me all you like. I'll come back together everytime. Actually, it makes for a very nice attack!" His head, hands and arms then detach from his body and fly at Kurama, who gets back into a fighting position and shouts, "Rose Whiplash!" And his whip slices through the pieces of rock. "Right in the head! Let's see him come back now!" Yusuke cheers whilst Kuwabara smiles.

However they reform again. "Want to try again?" Genbu asks him with a smirk. "Er...okay that was luck." Yusuke says as he takes in the sight of Genbu in one piece again. "Everything has a weakness. What's his?" I ask aloud, not expecting anyone to know the answer. "Let's end this." Genbu growls. "How would you like to be stoned to death?" And with that, he fires the same parts of his body like bullets at Kurama, who uses his whip to break them into smaller rocks again and try to stop those smaller rock from harming him. But then chooses to jump away from them, however the small rocks follow him and manage to hit him making him grunt. He looks to the side and must have seen something, because he then lays to the ground. The rocks pause and start heading back to him, causing Kuwabara to yell, "They're coming back!" And Yusuke shouts, "Kurama!" Kurama looks back to the rocks coming his way and narrows his eyes before standing up and staying there, making Yusuke ask, "What the hell is he doing?! He's gonna get killed!" The rocks fly and hit him, but he doesn't dodge their hits. 

I notice his eyes then widen before he reaches out for something and then crouches as the rest of the rocks remain behind him. "You're not even fighting back now!" Genbu laughs. "All those blows must have made you insane!" Kurama looks back at Genbu and starts to lightly laugh as Genbu starts to reassemble. "Yes, I'm sure of it." the stone beast continues. "You're laughing at nothing...wait, how did you get on the ceiling?" I gasp as I take in how Genbu has assembled himself. "What's wrong?" 

Me, Goro, Yusuke and Kuwabara end up bursting into fits of laughter at the sight of Genbu. "I heard of brass balls before but come on!" Yusuke manages to joke in his fit of laughter. "I'd like to see him use a toilet!" Kuwabara adds through his laughter. "Oh my god!" I manage to say in between fits of laughter. "What did you do to me?!" Genbu roars, horrified when realising he has not reassembled correctly. Kurama raises his left hand, which holds a glowing rock as he says, "I took this." Surprisingly Genbu didn't know it's relevance or seem aware that it must be apart of him as he asks, "What's that?!" To which Kurama answers, "I believe this is the equivalent of the hypothalamus portion of the brain. It regulates all the functions of your body, including the process of putting them back together. It seems to relay an energy signal when you separate, making it very easy to find."

Genbu was not happy with what he has been told, making him roar, "You can't do this! Give it back to me!" Kurama tosses the rock in the air. "Give it back!" Genbu orders. "Fair well." Kurama says coldly before cracking his whip to slice the rock in half, making Genbu exploded with a bright yellow light. "Now the battle is over." Goro says with a smile, before Kuwabara adds, "I don't think he liked that. Hahaha." And Yusuke looks to Kurama and praises him, "Good work, Kurama." Kurama then releases a small grunt as he kneels down and holds his side, making me rush over to him and ask, "Kurama, are you alright?" He doesn't answer me, making Hiei say, "If Kurama is injured, we're going to have some problems." Kurama looks past my worried self and to my smiling brother and says, "I'm sorry, Yusuke." Yusuke waves it off and says, "Nah, you've earned yourself a break anyway." Kuwabara looks at Yusuke as he says, "Yeah, I'll handle the next one." I help Kurama get up as we all make our way to the stairs, mentally preparing ourselves for the next Saint Beast.


Once up the stairs we stop by a window, which Kuwabara decides to stick his head out of, whilst Hiei and Goro stand guard as myself and Yusuke look to Kurama. "How terrible is your wound, Kurama?" I ask him. He moves his hand away from his side and says, "Fine as long as I can walk." Hiei is displeased with his answer, so he says, "He'll survive, but is in no shape to fight. That means we only have five fighters left, and one of them is worthless." Goro looks at me with concern, until he listens to what Kuwabara says, "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself short-stuff." Yusuke frowns at him and says, "Maybe I'm going out on a whim here, but I think he meant you." Kuwabara raises an eyebrow at him and says, "Is that so? Then maybe I should show you something." He then turns to face the five of us with his hands on his hips. "What in the world did you think I was doing for the last six months while you were off training with Genkai? Letting you get better than me? Nu uh!" He then holds out his right hand as if it was holding something and it begins to glow with a yellow ball of energy in his palm. "SPIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIT SWORD!" He yells and a sword made out of yellow Spirit Energy appeared in his hands. And he points it at Yusuke, who starts shouting, "Hey! Watch it!" 

He then holds it closer to himself with a smile on his face as he starts bragging, "See what I've learned, Urameshi. I don't gotta use the tip of that wooden sword anymore. It's just my pure energy, and I bet it could kick the crap out of your Spirit Gun." Yusuke frowns at what he says and sticks up his middle finger whilst saying, "That depends on what finger I use." Hiei then speaks, "Well, as it turns out he's only partially worthless." Kuwabara's smug look disappears quickly and he starts aiming the sword at Hiei and shouts, "OKAY, WANNA DIE?!" Hiei smirks and says, "I dare you." Kuwabara moves but Yusuke stops him. "Hey!" He shouts, causing Goro to release a small growl and say, "All this shouting is pointless. It's only hurting my ears and informing the enemy that are alliance isn't that strong." But Kuwabara ignores his words as he says, "Yeah, yeah. Let him live. I'm pretty sure he'll say sorry after he sees what else I can do. Sword get long!" And with that his sword grows in length that it ends up going through the ceiling. "Wow. It even comes with a spear attachment." Both me and Yusuke say in sync, making Goro look at us with wide eyes and says, "You two talking in sync still remains unpredictable." Whilst Kuwabara only says, "I can make it any size I want it to be." And I then whisper to Yusuke whilst he focuses on shrinking it, "Bet he can't say that to girls about his dick." Yusuke chuckles and whispers back, "What girls?"

Kuwabara was oblivious to our exchange except for the three Demons around us, as he laughs and says, "I know when Genbu showed up, I got a little what's the word...FREAKED! But that's not gonna happen from now on my friends, because Kuwabara got the good stuff." He then gasps as he looses his footing and falls to the floor, making Goro ask out loud, "What just happened?" Kuwabara says, "Don't worry guys, sometimes the sword makes me a little dizzy." I groan and facepalm whilst Yusuke leans over him and says, "You're not making us look good."

Before Kuwabara could add anything, Yusuke's communicator rings again, and as soon as he answers it, we see Botan with a panicked look on her face as she speaks, "Yusuke! You've got to hurry!" She then gasps, making Yusuke ask, "What's the matter Botan?" It is quiet for a moment because Botan has moved to do something, before she looks back into the communicator and says, "Listen, Yusuke. I think the Saint Beasts have launched another wave of insects. I found a whole batch by an elementary school!" Yusuke asks in response, "They're taking over kids now?!" To which Botan replies, "That's right." Yusuke's brows furrow even more as he asks, "I thought you said, these insects only like taking over the minds of depressed people?" And Botan answers with, "Well that's because depressed people are more easily influenced. The same is also true for children, but if the bugs get into them the I'm afraid..." She is forced to stop her words and looks up at something, which I am assuming is an infected person as I hear her gasp and someone growl. She then starts screaming, but Yusuke doesn't seem to understand why as he snaps, "Okay, you're afraid, I get it! Finish your sentence!" Goro and I look at him in disbelief. "Sorry Yusuke, but I'm being chased now!" Botan manages to inform us. "You're being chased?! By who!?" Yusuke shouts into the communicator, making me snap at him, "Probably by someone who's infected, dumbass!" I then take the communicator from his hand and speak, "Listen, Botan. You keep running and stay alive. I'll send Goro to help out if you need it." To which she responds, "I may actually need his hel-Ah!" She cries out at the end, and we can see her getting attacked. "Can't you call for help or something?!" Yusuke asks, whilst Goro looks at me and says, "I'll get going." Whilst Kuwabara shouts, "Run away!"


Third person's POV

The infected person brakes in and grabs at Botan, making her scream and try to break out of his grasp. She thought that it was going to be her end, until suddenly the infected released a pained grunt and let her go as he collapses to the ground, revealing Goro standing behind it with his hand in a chop position. "Are you alright?" Goro asks Botan calmly, making the Grim Reaper blush slightly and stare at him. "Hey, Botan! Botan!" They both hear Yusuke's voice shout from the communicator that sits on the floor, making Goro pick it up and turn it on, allowing him to see Yusuke, Kuwabara and Akina on the screen. "She's alright. I teleported in time and knocked the infected out." Goro says calmly into the screen. Akina nods and praises, "Your skills are improving, Goro." Botan manages to pop her head over Goro's shoulder and says, "Well, I'm not making a career out of this. You go and destroy that whistle, before we have to fight this entire city!"

"Right." Yusuke says before everyone suddenly hear a roar echo through the hallway, causing some of the walls and bits of the ceiling to fall apart. "I don't know what kind of monster makes that sound, but I've got a hunch it's our next enemy." Kuwabara says after the roaring stops. "Yusuke!" Botan speaks through the communicator. Yusuke looks down at it and says, "Sorry, I'll have to call you later." He ignores Botan's attempts to stop him and turns off the communication. The remainder of the team were then met with another loud roar. Kurama gasps and speaks with wide eyes, "It's Byakko, and he doesn't sound very pleased." Akina and Yusuke look to one another, before looking forward and say in sync, "Let's go!" And all five of them start running towards the source of the sound. And it was a good thing that they were because the ceiling behind to cave in behind them, which Kuwabara notices as he grunts out, "This is dangerous."

They ran out of the hallway to find a set of curing stairs, and they continue to run up them, for them to discover that they have run out of a tower and into an open platform with a broken pillar across from them. And on this pillar was the next Saint Beast, Byakko, who looked like a giant humanoid tiger with mane-like sea green hair that flows down his back, light bluish fur with grey stripes on his arms, cheeks and legs, and two bottom canine teeth large enough to reach up his cheeks. He has yellow eyes with red pupils. He wears a toga, what appear to be leopard skin leg warmers, and has a red sash as a belt. "Tiger." Hiei says after seeing him, whilst Kuwabara lets out a noise of fear and the other three just stair at their enemy.

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