Artistic Love【Laurence X Read...

By Mariko_Akiyama

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[ Chapter 1 : Elixirs ]
[ Chapter 2 : Headmistress ]
[ Chapter 3 : Fairies & Trolls ]
[ Chapter 4 : Middle Finger ]
[ Chapter 5 : Relics ]
[ Chapter 6 : Books ]
[ Chapter 7 : Chocolate ]
[ Chapter 9 : Curfew ]
[ Chapter 10 : A Secretary ]
[ Chapter 11 : Lover's Quarrel ]
[ Chapter 12 : Amazing Cookie ]
[ Chapter 13 : Blood Boiling ]
[ Chapter 14 : Hangout Spot ]
[ Chapter 15 : Drawings & Tangerines ]
[ Chapter 16 : Adventure ]
[ Chapter 17 : Cup Of Tea ]
[ Chapter 18 : Rules ]
[ Chapter 19 : Family Reunion ]
[ Chapter 20 : Lesson & Manners ]
[ Chapter 21 : Her Games ]
[ Chapter 22 : Jars Of Paints ]
[ Chapter 23 : Surprises & Gifts ]
[ Chapter 24 : Illegitimate ]
[ Chapter 25 : Geology ]
[ Chapter 26 : Masterpiece ]
[ Chapter 27 : Obsessed ]
[ Chapter 28 : Sprained Shoulder ]
[ Chapter 29 : Revenge for Yeshua ]
[ Chapter 30 : Special Guest ]
[ Chapter 31 : Preparations ]
[ Chapter 32 : A Festival ]
[ Chapter 33 : Shooting Stars ]
[ Chapter 34 : Last Night ]
[ Chapter 35 : Scars ]
[ Chapter 36 : Game of Assassin ]
[ Chapter 37 : Conservatory Garden ]
[ Chapter 38 : Affections ]
[ Chapter 39 : A Farewell ]
[ Chapter 40 : Black Magic ]
[ Chapter 41 : Jealousy ]
[ Chapter 42 : In or Not? ]
[ Chapter 43 : An Herbal Soup ]
[ Chapter 44 : Justice ]
[ Chapter 45 : Peace & Quiet ]
[ Chapter 46 : Back in School ]
[ Chapter 47 : The Unexpected ]
[ Chapter 48 : Cousins ]
[ Chapter 49 : Adorable ]
[ Chapter 50 : Practical ]
[ Chapter 51 : Keeping Warm ]
[ Chapter 52 : My Children ]
[ Chapter 53 : Declared War ]
[ Chapter 54 : Camp ]
[ Chapter 55 : Another Flame ]
[ Chapter 56 : Heirlooms ]
[ Chapter 57 : Claws & Bites ]
[ Chapter 58 : Infinity ]
[ Chapter 59 : Back In Camp ]
[ Chapter 60 : A Warning ]
[ Chapter 61 : Was Home ]
[ Chapter 62 : Our Future ]
[ Chapter 63 : Waterfall ]
[ Chapter 64 : Bathtub ]
[ Chapter 65 : It's Okay ]
[ Chapter 66 : Sleeping Sickness ]
[ Chapter 67 : Important Matters ]
[ Chapter 68 : Messy Beginning ]
[ Chapter 69 : Frenemies ]
[ Chapter 70 : Fucked Up ]
[ Chapter 71 : Villain In My Story ]
[ Chapter 72 : Outsider ]
[ Chapter 73 : School Protocols ]
[ Chapter 74 : Earth & Art ]
[ Chapter 75 : Ruined My Life ]
[ Chapter 76 : Control ]
[ Chapter 77 : Promise Is A Promise ]
[ Chapter 78 : Red Box ]
[ Chapter 79 : Forgive The Unforgivable ]
[ Chapter 80 : Golden Hour ]
[ Chapter 81 : Celebration ]
[ Chapter 82 : Firstborn ]
[ Chapter 83 : Baby & Friends ]
[ Chapter 84 : Traitor In Our Midst ]
[ Chapter 85 : Authority Has Arrived ]
[ Chapter 86 : Powerful People ]
[ Chapter 87 : To Love ]
[ Chapter 88 : Two Bodies In One ]
[ Chapter 89 : Copycat ]
[ Chapter 90 : We Protect You ]
[ Chapter 91 : Praying ]
[ Chapter 92 : It Was Her ]
[ Chapter 93 : Corrupted ]
[ Chapter 94 : Sisterhood ]
[ Chapter 95 : No Turning Back ]
[ Chapter 96 : The Ritual ]
[ Chapter 97 : Memories ]
[ Chapter 98 : Cherish ]
[ Chapter 99 : Snowy Owl ]
[ Chapter 100 : Flowers & Sunsets ]

[ Chapter 8 : Invitation ]

104 5 4
By Mariko_Akiyama

Y/n's pov.   

" I bet she hasn't even had a boyfriend " I hear the girl behind me whisper, the other girl chuckles.

" Who the hell wants to date a village girl? "

" She could smell like a pig " they both giggle silently and I roll my eyes as I copy the notes Derek wrote on the blackboard.

" Probably lives like one too " they laugh harder in silence.

" Quiet " Derek said as he reads the book he has in hand while his feet up is on his desk.

It's almost five o'clock meaning class is almost over and I want to eat my chocolate, apparently snacks aren't allowed in classes which is bullshit. It wasn't like that during hunting for a deer, but the most bullshit part is you are not to leave this classroom until you finish copying the notes, another problem, Derek's handwriting is shit.

I raise my hand and clear my throat at the same time to get his attention.

" Yes, Y/n? " He asked.

" What the hell is that word? " I gesture to the board.

He turns his head to the board as well.

" Next to the word 'cause', part C " I said.

" Combustion " he said.

" I read that as connhoskien "

" Excuse me? " He asked.

I look back up at him.

" Oh your handwriting looks like a chicken " I said.

I hear the other students snorted and some holds their smile and Derek just looks at me unimpressed, I just smile and continue on copying the notes since I'm almost finish.

" She's the chicken " I hear the girl behind me said.

I ignore it and complete my notes, as I write down the last word the bell chimed in time and I close my book then put away my quill and ink bottle in my bag that Elvenia has gotten for me and I thanked her.

" Read those notes, there will be a test by the end of the week " Derek said.

Everyone seem to put on an annoyed face expression as they leave the room, I finish up and hang my bag on my shoulder, I wait for the others behind me walk pass first since they were earlier. In the end I was the last one to walk out. I adjust the strap on my shoulder and make my way back to the library.

" Hey Y/n "

I slow down then turn around from the familiar voice, and why am I not surprise to see Rowena approaching.

" Yes, Rowena? " I asked as she approaches.

" How'd you do it? " She asked.

" Do what? " I asked.

She grabs my arm and start pulling me.

" Hey!, Ow–. . .your hurting me! " I said as she keeps dragging me to a corner of an archway.

" What?! " I push her hand off as we stand here.

" I thought you can't do magic " she said.

" I can't " I said.

" Doesn't look like it to me " she said.

" Why?, Insecure I'll be stronger than you? " I asked, she rolls her eyes.

" How'd you touch my phoenix flame? " She asked.

I stand here stunned by her question but I clear my throat.

" I-. .I don't know what your talking about " I turn away but she pulls me back.

" Don't play stupid!, I saw you in the library, you touched my phoenix flame like it's nothing " She said.

" Why do you care?! " I push her hand off.

" If your gonna start a fight, I suggest you give up, I have no time for this " I said.

" I'm not! " She said.

We stand here and look at each other and I see the seriousness in her face and confusion combined, she looks at me with a more skeptical look, I inhale then look around where people are walking around to their next class and some going up the stairs then exhale as I turn to Rowena.

" Well? " She asked, I sigh.

" Not here "

~ Time Skip ~

" I suppose you can call me a freak " I said.

" Cool actually " she said, I snicker.

" That's the first, especially after everything you told me " I said and we walk down this library corridor of bookshelves.

I have a cart of books to push.

" You have only been here for two days, you don't know me " she said.

" Yeah whatever " I said.

" So you grew up basically. . .immune to any magic? " She asked, I nodded with a hum.

" Practically how my spell didn't work " she said.

" I don't know how I did it, but I can't control it, like you and your phoenix flame magic " I said and put a book in it's shelf.

" I have control over them, people just annoy me " she said.

" No wonder you have no friends " I said.

" I have friends " she said.

" Name one " I chuckle.

" You " she said, I furrow my eyebrows and turn to her.

" And Lumina "

" One day we were in each other's necks and the next we're friends? " I asked.

" Yeah, you have cool magic so we're definitely friends " she said.

" First off all it's not magic, second of all, we have so many differences, we can't be friends " I said.

" Why not? " She asked.

" Farmer girl. . .princess " I pointed to my chest first then to her chest.

She pushes my hand off.

" Not a princess " she said.

I snicker and walk away.

" Hey, I'm being serious " she catches up.

" Shhhh! " Esmus hushes.

" Whatever you say " I said.

" I also saw you and Laurence " she said.

" So? " I asked as I approach a bookshelf.

" And you look pitiful tasting chocolate for the first time " she laughs.

I roll my eyes and put in some books.

" Make fun of me and chocolate all you want but what you can't do is stop me " I said.

" I'm not complaining and it was a cute scene of you and Laurence " she said, I snicker.

" As if " I said.

" I'm being serious, him wiping the chocolate off your lips was golden! " She said.

" Not a chance " I said.

" I see it " she said.

" Your forgetting all of you in this school is a noble and I'm just. . .normal " I said.

" Doesn't mean you can't be together, and correction, half of the people in this school is not noble " she said.

" Hold your horses it's been two days since I met all of you " I turn to her.

" It's not too late to start am I right? " she shrugs.

" Shut up " I said and finish up the books.

" Rowena " I look over my right shoulder where I see a fair with red light dust following it.

The fairy has dark auburn red hair with a pair of brown eyes, with an envelope.

" Aurora, and why do you have an envelope? " Rowena asked.

" You got a letter " Aurora said.

" From who? " Rowena takes it.

" The royal family " she said.

" Whoa " I said and approach her.

I see the seal on the letter.

" Probably an invitation to something " she said and open it.

She didn't take out any card or paper but a pretty gold dust sprinkle in the air making words and beautiful designed as a paper.

" Dear miss Vaitla " a male voice spoke out.

" You are invited to the royal banquet with the queen of Yoviel tomorrow morning, you may bring gifts and to dress in a presentable way, Her Majesty " I flinched when the dust just poof and sprinkle everywhere in different colors.

" Whoa " I chuckle as I swing my hand in the air and the dust disappears.

" You got invited to the palace! " I turn to Rowena who's face tells me she's not surprised.

" Are you not excited? " I asked.

" Not my first time being there, noble remember? " She asked.

" Oh, right " I said.

" Rowena " I turn around to see Lumina approaching.

" Hey " Rowena fold her arms.

" Did you get the letter?, I got invited to the palace " she squeals.

" Shhh! " We hear Emus.

Damn, his ears are everywhere.

" Yeah, I got invited alright " Rowena said.

" What about you? " Lumina turns to me and I shake my head.

" Not yet at least " I said.

" Of course your not, your not a noble " Aurora sit down on Rowena's shoulder but she push her off.

" Thanks for pointing that out "  I said.

" Awe, don't worry, there are other students here who won't attend " Lumina said.

" Y/n! " I turn around and see Elvenia flying in speed.

I stand here and she crashes onto my chest which felt like a poke.

" Are you alright? " I chuckle as she backs up and holds her head.

" I'm okay " she smiles up at me.

" What's the hurry? " I asked.

" Heamistress asked for all ladies and gentlemen to head over to the main hallway for an announcement "

~ Time Skip ~

" This is the biggest part of the school " Lumina said.

" I can see that " I said and look around.

" Well, the palace is bigger " said the fair with blond hair and dark blue eyes.

Dillon, Lumina's fairy.

" Let's find a seat " Elvenia said.

This hall is filled with long tables, we head over to the front third table to the left and take our seat.

" Mind if we join? " I look up to my right to see Laurence taking a seat.

Lumina is to my left and Rowena next to her.

" We? " I asked.

" Don't mind if I do " I see Travis sit down next to Laurence.

" I'm still wondering how Travis is a noble " I said.

" We're debating on that " Laurence said.

" Hey! " Travis exclaimed.

" Hello " I see two fairies flying on to the table.

" Hi " I said.

" Finally got a person for you, Elvenia? " Asked the fairy.

He has jet black hair and dark brown eyes.

" Shut up Felix " Elvenia toss some kind of a ball dust which cause him to fall backwards off his chair.

" Hey, that wasn't very nice " Felix gets up and brush the dust off his clothes.

" Your not nice yourself " Laurence said.

" It's not something he can control " said the other fairy.

He has light brown hair and orange amber eyes.

" Your the same Oliver " Travis said.

" Where's Dante?, Isn't he always with you? " Lumina asked.

" He found someone to entertain " Rowena gestures her head and I look ahead of Laurence as the others turn and we see Dante by a table with all girls.

" Wow " I said.

We all then look over to the dog who popped up on the table.

" Hey Scouts " Lumina said.

" Ah! "

I was startled to the fairies screaming and immediately flying behind me while Elvenia goes under my hair as usual.

" He's behaving, don't worry " Garroth takes a seat next to Travis.

" Does he swallow fairies on a basis? " I asked.

" Basically " Sylvia flies down on the table and sit down on the mini chair.

" Attention students! " We all turn our heads to the back of the front of the hall where there's a few steps up to a lectern.

There is where miss Layla is standing with a few teachers behind her, I notice Derek is really hating his life standing there with a long face.

" We all tonight received good news from the royal palace, an invitation " she said.

" Boys will be having a banquet with the king while girls are to be with the queen, for this occasion we have a prior request from Mrs. Zvahl " she steps away from the lectern and Mrs. Zvahl steps forward.

" Thank you headmistress for the introduction, now onto my request, I will like to have everyone's answers through a survey sheet, this will have to do with your outfits to the palace to be more presentable " she said.

I see all the fairies fly away in this room to the front where there's a stack of papers, I look at Elvenia over my shoulder and she stays there giving me a sympathy smile, I smile back at her.

" It's alright " I quietly said.

All of them come back with a sheet of paper and pass it off.

" Fill out these form and pass it up before curfew  "

I was so focused on fishing in genshin that I almost forgot about this!



~ Mariko

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