It Took a Little Time (Levi A...

By Daunt1ess_

4K 243 104

"People get together at their own pace, but for them, it simply took a little time." *DISCLAIMER: I do not ow... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (Retold Chapter 12)
Chapter 46 (Retold Chapter 21)
Chapter 47 (Retold Chapter 33)
Chapter 48 (Retold Chapter 36)

Chapter 22

79 4 16
By Daunt1ess_

Good god, I have written this chapter over like 6 times. I'm not satisfied with it, but I know if I keep working on it more I'm ultimately going to hate it and then I won't finish it at all so here you go!

Happy Thursday and enjoy the weekend!

For any of you who are reading this and start school soon, or have already started school, I hope you have a wonderful semester/school year! :)

-Simone <3

"Do you want me to get you anything to eat? I'm on my way to have brunch with my mom."


I put my phone in the cup holder and waited for it to connect to my car. "I really don't wanna go to this."

"Then don't go."

I chuckled as I backed out of my parking space and headed towards this restaurant where I'm meeting my mom, aunt, Carter, and grandma for brunch since they haven't seen me in a while.

Not my fault I don't want to be around them.

"If only it were that simple. This outing today will hold them over for a bit. I probably won't see them until the baby shower after this."

I heard shuffling in the background. "You're still going?"

"I am. I don't have a problem with the baby. It's the parents I have a problem with." I mumbled, my mind flashing to a memory that I quickly shook off.

I haven't told him everything about the situation. Only that Marcus cheated and got someone else pregnant. I'm not ready to have that discussion with Levi, not yet. Maybe before the baby shower, I'll tell him.

Levi huffed. "I guess yeah."

"Well, I won't keep you. I just wanted to tell you that I left."


"I'll see you later Levi."

"See you at home."

I ended the call with a small smile on my face.

Ever since we got back things between us have been slightly different. Levi is much more touchy with me than before and I'm sure it has to do with the fact that we kissed on the pier... and then went back to the hotel and made out some more. It's possible we would've gone all the way, but we were interrupted by Hanji and Levi's squad who were drunk out of their minds and we had to help get his squad back to their rooms.

We haven't kissed since then though, but I can say I'm more comfortable when it comes to touching him, even if it's something simple as having my legs in his lap. He also seems much more comfortable touching me too. His hand will occasionally be on my leg or my knees, playing in my hair sometimes, little touches like that and I get butterflies every time.

I played some music to make the drive go faster and within another ten minutes, I was at the restaurant called Sal's. It was a burger place that I had never been to so I hoped the food was good.

I parked my car and walked inside, letting the host know my family was already there and seated. She told me I could look around until I found them and if they weren't here to come back up to the front.

After thanking her I walked around and spotted them in a booth in the middle of the restaurant away from the windows which I was thankful for as it was snow on the ground here in Chicago.

"There she is!" My mom said happily as she slid out of the booth to give me a hug.

I said my hellos and hugged everyone and sat next to Carter with my aunt closest to the aisle and my grandma and mom across from us.

I hit Carter as soon as we sat down and she looked at me like I was crazy as she held her arm.

"What did you hit me for?"

"For telling my momma about the trip when I specifically told you not to."

"Oh yeah how was it? You went with a guy right?" My mom asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"I told you it was him and his mom."

"What's his name again?"


"How'd you two meet anyways?"

"He came into the tea shop when I worked there. He was in the military so-"

My mom gave me a puzzled look. "The military? How old is this man? You've known him since high school?"

"He just turned thirty-nine a few weeks ago," I explained.

Where is our waiter?

"He was in the military? Maybe your dad knew him. What's his last name?"


My family stared at me like I had just kicked a puppy. Shock and uncertain emotions were on their faces while Carter smiled because she knew this already.

"You said, Ackerman?"

I sighed, already annoyed that she was repeating me. "Mom I'm not repeating myself-"

"I heard about them," my grandma chimed in. "How dangerous they are for their skills."

"I heard they're good at anything they do. Anything," my aunt said as she sat back in the booth.

"You've been friends with an Ackerman this whole time and never said anything?" My mom asked, clearly hurt that I didn't tell her.

"I didn't know he was an Ackerman when we met and you and dad were always gone with Nelly somewhere so there was no point in me telling you."

My mom went to say something when she was interrupted by our waiter who took his sweet ass time getting to our table.

"Hello, ladies how are we doing today?"

That voice.

I looked up to see those beautiful green eyes.


His eyes met mine and I swear I saw his cheeks burn. "Ash."

He was dressed in a black graphic t-shirt with the restaurant name on the front, blue jeans with his black apron on his waist, and black shoes. His curls were voluminous and looked shiny, even in the dim lighting of the restaurant.

"I didn't know you worked here."

He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah, I actually started working here over break. Needed the extra money you know?"

I smiled sincerely. "Good for you. I'm happy you were able to get another job. I remember you telling me you were looking."

"I'm just glad I found one."

My mom cleared her throat loudly to get our attention. "And who's this?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her being extra. "This is Danni. A classmate. Danni this is my mom, my grandma, and my aunt. You know Carter already," I gestured to each person as I introduced them.

Danni smiled and waved at my family. "It's nice to meet you. I see where Ash gets her looks from."

Excuse me?

My eyes widened and Danni sent me a quick wink causing my stomach to flutter a little bit.

"Boy you better work for that tip," Carter said with a laugh making everyone else laugh as well, taking the attention off of me.

Thank you, Carter.

"What can I start you off with to drink?" Danni asked as he held his hands behind his back, looking around the table.

I spoke up first. "I'll have a strawberry lemonade."

Carter went next. "A sprite."

"Me too," my aunt answered.

My mom looked through the drink menu as if she doesn't order the same thing to drink at every single restaurant we go to. "Can I have water with lemon please?"

Danni nodded. "Sure. And for you ma'am?"

My grandma closed her menu and said "Let me get a strawberry margarita."

My mom sighed. "Mom you do not need to be drinking."

"Girl hush I am grown and if I want some alcohol I will get some."

Carter looked at Danni who was smiling at my mom and grandma. "Ain't you gonna write that down?"

"I don't need to. I've been a waiter at other restaurants before so I can memorize orders."

"I'll believe it when I see it," I said teasingly.

Danni rose an eyebrow at me. "You doubting me Ash?"

"I absolutely am. You forget to do homework."

"That's different." He bit down on his lip and shook his head at me. "Alright let's make this interesting then."

"How?" I asked, genuinely intrigued.

"If I am able to memorize your entire meal from now until dessert with no screwups and have the most perfect service, you'll let me take you out."

My mouth fell open slightly at his boldness in asking me out in front of my family and for asking me out in general.

What could go wrong?

"Okay," I agreed.

Danni tapped the table. "I'll be right back with your drinks."

Once he was in the back all eyes were on me.

"Just friends huh?" My mom teased.

I stayed silent.

"He sure is a cute lil thing," my aunt said with a nudge of her shoulder on mine.

My grandma smiled and slapped on the table in agreement. "Ain't he?"

My mom sat back in the booth with her arms crossed over her chest. "When's the last time you've been on a date?"

I shrugged. "I don't remember."

She sighed and rolled her eyes, not happy with my response.

"Oh wait! I have an announcement to make," Carter beamed as she clapped her hands.

I turned so my body was facing her a little bit, ignoring my mom's glare on the side of my face.  "What is it?"

She held out her hand to reveal a shiny ring on her ring finger. I screamed and jumped up and down in my seat as my family also yelled in excitement and happiness for my best friend.

"Oh my god! When did he propose?!"

"Last week! He took me shopping, I got my nails done, then took me to dinner and when we got back to the apartment he had it all set up. Roses on the floor with candles everywhere and he asked."

My mom held Carter's hand to get a better look at the ring. "Carter it's beautiful!"

I smiled and hit Carter on her arm. "About time Reiner asked you."

She turned to me in disbelief. "You knew?"

"Of course, I knew. It was so hard to not tell you or even give you hints."

Carter smiled at me. "I'm proud of you. You had me thinking you were in the dark just like me."

"So when's the wedding?" My aunt asked.

"It'll be in some months maybe and I want you," Carter poked my nose, "to be my maid of honor."

I gasped and hugged her tightly. "Duh! I absolutely will! When are we going shopping?"

"I wanted to browse in a week or so if you're up for it?"

"Yes, I'm up for it! My best friend is getting married!" I rocked our bodies back and forth in the booth, my cheeks hurting from smiling so hard.

I was incredibly happy for her. She had been hoping for so long that Reiner would propose and he finally did. When he told me about it and asked me to keep it a secret was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.

I'm the type of person that wants to have people open their Christmas gifts early because I can't wait until Christmas due to me being excited. I love to see how people react to what I got for them and Reiner asking me to keep this secret felt like that.

"Now we just need Ash to get married," my mom commented once me and Carter pulled away from our hug. "Or she'll be alone forever."

Here we go.

I forced a smile. "Nelly will be next I'm sure."

"If you got out there instead of being at home all the time you would've had a man by now."

"I would've had the same man if said man didn't cheat and get someone else pregnant." I shot back.

"Ash you have to let that go."

I looked at her in confusion. "Let it go?"

My mom sighed. "You know what I mean. You can't hold grudges forever."

"And why not? You know what I'm not gonna do this with you."

"There you go again. Shutting me out. And you wonder why me and your father left you alone all the time."

"Tasha...," my aunt said, basically telling my mom she went too far like she always does.

My grandma looked at me sympathetically. "She didn't mean that baby."

"Yes she did," I told her blinking back tears. I looked down into my lap and picked at the skin on my fingers. "It's fine."

"Here are your drinks," Danni returned setting them down on the table. "Are we ready to order or do we need a little more time?"

"Uh we still need a little time," my aunt replied sweetly, hoping he couldn't feel the tension at this table.

"Sure take as much time as you need."

I barely talked the rest of the time we were there. Of course, my mom didn't apologize. Instead, her apology was to act nice to me afterward as if she didn't do anything wrong. Danni returned a few minutes later to take our orders, clearly sensing something was wrong due to my silence.

He gave me a look asking if I was okay and I put on a brave face to tell him that I was fine. I wasn't sure if he believed me or not, but he didn't press the issue further.

At this point, I was no longer hungry and ready to go back home. I didn't want to be here anymore and part of me was starting to regret coming out in the first place.

Danni of course didn't mess up our orders so he would be taking me out on a date. My family, Carter, and myself made sure to leave him a nice tip with me, and Carter giving extra since he has a baby on the way.

I told my family and Carter bye and gave them forced smiles. As I was walking out with the box of my untouched food, I heard Danni call out to me.

"Are you free next week?"

Turning to face him, I stepped aside to let some other customers leave the restaurant. "I am."

He smiled. "Great. I have an idea as to where I should take you."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah wassup?"

"Why did you ask me out? You've never been interested in me... in this way before so why now?"

He bit his lip and took a deep breath. "Truth is I've liked you for a minute, but with my ex and then the baby I wasn't sure if I should even approach you about it, but then I saw you with your friend. The guy who came to class to give you your stuff one day."


"Yeah. I saw how he looked at you and I wanted to shoot my shot before you ended up with him, if you did so," he shrugged his shoulders. "I went for it. Plus I know you used to like me."

My eyes widened. "You did?"

He nodded. "I heard you tell Carter one day. I was with my ex so I obviously never did anything about it. I don't know how you feel about this guy Levi, but all I'm asking for is one chance."

One chance.

That's all he's asking for.

Why do I feel guilty?

I love Levi with my whole heart, but I still don't know if he feels the same. I mean he must have if we kissed as much as we did and how he's been acting recently, but I still needed to hear it out of his mouth. That's another conversation I would have to have with him. One that I'm terribly afraid to have.

Am I afraid he'll reject me? Yes. If he were to not return my feelings I know it would break me, shatter me and that is scary. I've only felt that way once and it was when I realized I loved him the day before he left. I never want to feel pain like that ever again.


Is me going on this date wrong? Nope. We're not together so if he were to see other people it would be fine.

Would it really be okay?

I'm not one to date people with kids, but because I know Danni I figured it shouldn't be too bad. He was respectful, nice, really cute, and a hard worker, among other things that I liked and looked for in a guy.

Maybe this date could ultimately tell me what I wanted.

Making up my mind I said, "Then you better make this the best date I've ever been on."

Danni smiled and walked backward toward the kitchen. "I'll text you."

I smiled back. "Looking forward to it."

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