A place in this world - peace...

By caffeine_and_writing

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Elliana alwyn just wants to have a normal college experience despite who her parents are. But that's easier s... More

moving out
the first day
all too well
friday night party
the talk and the date
two boys
panic and friend-zone
hold me
old habits and kisses
truth or drink
rain is pouring down
telling the parents
going home
school and therapy
dinner at the Alwyn's house
doctors appointment
i'm pregnant
alex moves in
6 weeks pregnant
christmas eve
the ring
shopping and anouncement
fall in the snow
engagement party
the baby is a.....
baby shopping
a long day
its time
everything changes forever
meeting the family
home and one week
sister talk
back in time - part1
back in time -part 2
back in time - part 3
night changes
school again
people know
Not the Christmas we planned
home and yes to the dress
the wedding part 1
the wedding part 2

bridal shower

184 10 3
By caffeine_and_writing

** Sunday June 2th - 2041 ** 11 months old **

I'm currently trying to get ready for my bridal shower, but that's not easy with an 11-month-old crawling around our bedroom. She is so fast now and walks if she holds onto something, like walking sideways along the coffee table. We figure that she is really close to independently walking which is exiting. According to our doctor she is ahead of the developmental milestones that they look for.

«Mama» she says and crawl over to me. She can now say mama and dada, not perfectly but pretty good. She doesn't actually say words obviously, but mama, dada, and other sounds strung together. But I love it when she says mama, it makes me feel all the feels. She also says this thing if we scold her for getting into something she shouldn't, she says «uh-oh» which almost makes me laugh but can't because it could encourage bad behavior.

«Thats so good Emilia, I'm mama» I say and caress her head and hand her a toy before I continue doing my makeup.

«I'm back» Alex says as he comes into the bedroom «dada» she says and crawl over to him. «Dada went and got you something special. Grandma got you something you were supposed to get for your first birthday, but she heard how good you are at almost walking, so she got you a push toy» he tells her, but I don't actually think he knows what he is talking about. I was just sending mom a video yesterday of her walking along the coffee table, and she told us to come get that so she could work even more on walking.

«Wow baby you look beautiful» he says as he looks over at me and I blush «is this a tease at to what your dress is going to be like» he says and come over and lay his hands on my hips. he has been trying to get hints about my dress ever since I first picked it out, but I've stayed tight lipped. Its currently stored at Meghan and her fiancé jack's house. Oh, and Meghan is also pregnant with their first child that's due in December which is exiting.

«Nice try babe, but you're not getting any hits until the day off. Which is only two months away might I add» I say and gently peck his lips.

I'm already finished getting ready, so I take Emilies hands in mine, stand behind her and let her toddle her way into the living room. She loves it when we let her do that because she gets to practice those walking skills. Of course her learning to stand up and toddle has caused sleep regression as she would rather practice that then sleep. But according to my mom and my distressed call to the pediatrician its completely normal. Sleep regression is a sign she is working in a new important skill, so im trying to view it as that.


I arrive at my mom's house where we are having the bridal shower which Betty has organized as she is my maid of honor. all I know is that it's going to be in the backyard, I don't even know who is coming.

«Hello, I'm here» I say as I walk into the house and hear muffled voices.

«The bride is here» Meghan and Betty yells as I come out into the backyard, and everyone gushes over me «hi» I say with a big smile on my face.

«That dress, damn you look good» Betty says and give me a hug. She came with me to pick it out, but now I'm all dolled up with makeup and did my hair too.

The garden is so pretty, they have pushed all the glass open on the outside dining room that they can close and use when it's cold too, but its sunny so it's open. Its decorated beautifully with soft pink flowers and greenery.

Then further down by the couches there is a green wall with miss to Mrs. on it, a beautiful pink couch infront and flowers on the back too. Betty did say that there was a pretty area to take pictures now that I think of it.

«This is so beautiful» I say after greeting everyone.

Aunt Blake, James and inzes came. aunt Selena came. Lauren and Abigail and Rebecca came as well as my friend Anna from school. The girls in my family that lives in the UK came, aunt Tina that's married to Uncle Tom and their daughter Gabriella who is sixteen. Uncle Patrick's wife Tina, she didn't bring her daughter Mia as she is only 3 years old. Then of course uncle Austins wife Rachel and their 14-year-old Clara came. Obviously, my mom, sisters, future mother-in-law and future sister-in-law is here too. and Betty my maid of honor. That means I have 20 guests plus me here.

It makes me so happy that so many people have come out to do this for me and take time out of their otherwise busy lives to celebrate my last 33 days of being a miss before I become a Mrs.

It's a brunch set up, so we all find our places and get some good food, and I also even get myself a glass of champagne. I've already pumped enough for Emilia for the rest of the day, so if I throw out the milk afterwards it won't hurt. I've also got those things that help you test the milk and see if there is alcohol in it.

There was a waffle bar, as everyone knows I'm a sucker for a Belgian waffle so that's perfect. We had that at the engagement party too because I love it so much. It's also exiting to not really have planned much of this myself so I can be surprised along with the guests. The only thing I did help with as the answers to this game we will play where it's like a «he said, or she said» thing. The guests will get a series of questions and Betty filmed me and Alex answering the questions about who of us it is. Then Betty will keep score. It sounds like a fun game so I'm excited to see what people think. She said she was getting those signs that looks like a Ping-Pong racket and placing a picture of me on one side and Alex on the other side.

«So welcome to Elliana's wedding shower, as the maid of honor I'm apparently supposed to say something so I'm going to try, and I'm going to make it short. Thanks for everyone taking time to come here today to celebrate her last days as an unmarried woman. She has about a month left of being miss Elliana Alwyn before she becomes Mrs. Elliana Alwyn turner. Enjoy the food, there will be a game later, some deserts and opening of presents» Betty says before sitting down again.

«Are you scared to get married? Like you will be legal tied to someone that sounds scary» Clara says, and I shake my head. «Not really. I mean I got with Alex about five and a half year ago, and even back then we talked about spending forever together. Obviously that's something kids say, but then we talked more about it and how one day we would be married, have kids and grow old together. Obviously you need to take that with a grain of salt when you're sixteen, but it feels like it was meant to be all along. I'm not scared at all» I say with a smile. There isn't doubt in my mind about this, I can't imagine spending my life without him by my side.


We start playing a game and Betty stands by the tv asking questions and playing the videos. It's funny walking people guess and laughing at the questions and answers.

«Who is the most likely to get lost driving» she asks, and I giggle, that's for sure me. I can even manage to get lost with the use of a freaking GPS that's me in a nutshell.

«Who said I love you first» she asks, and I grin as most people got it right, it was Alex. «Ellie tell everyone the story» she adds, and I nod.

«We had this date and sat in his car before we were going to head back to my parents' house. Why our parents even let us do that I wonder at this point because there is no way Emilia is even allowed to be near a guy without my direct eyesight.... Anyway... he started speaking about how he wants to spend the Christmas break with his girlfriend, and then I said I wanted to spend it with my boyfriend and asked if he knew him and then I went on and described him. But then Alex did the same thing but in a longer speech and ended it with saying that he loved me» I say, and people saw aw which is cute. I remember that night.

«Ellie tell them what happened the morning after» my mom asks with a raised eyebrow, and I blush and shake my head. «I will tell them then. Ellie came into my bedroom almost in tears and I was really confused, but I understood why when she took of her turtleneck. She had a big hickey on her neck and said that Joe would kill them if he knew. Me being a good mom covered it up and while I did, she said that it was good and then she said that she needed to learn how to cover these things up» she says, and everyone is laughing «clearly she enjoyed it so much that she wanted more and an asked for the concealer»

That morning was interesting, it got worse when my dad found out about the hickey, but it worked out in the end. now I can look back and laugh about that first night we spend together and how he gave me his shirt to sleep in.

«Who taught who how to make out» Betty asked, and I almost burst out laughing, we made out the first time in the trampoline place which was fun. Some people actually thought I taught Alex but that's not true as he was my first kiss.


We finished the game, ate some desert, took lots of pictures and now it's time to open presents. a lot of the presents are for both me and Alex but things like bath bombs and stuff are for me.

Betty hands me a box with a cheeky grin on her face so I'm nervous to open it up. It's of course some sexy white lingerie and I blush «what did you get» Kenzie says innocently, and my eyes widen. «She got sexy underwear for her wedding night» Meghan says before I can come up with an innocent answer.

People are giggling and I will scold Betty later but it's also funny. We have already been promised a babysitter for the wedding night and a room at a hotel, so we don't bother Betty. You can't really plan on being up to have sex on your wedding night because sometimes you're just not in the mood, but hopefully we are. I'm for sure wearing this sexy lingerie though, and it's a style that I can wear under my dress thankfully, which I assume she planned out.

Meghan's gift is no less embarrassing than Bettys, it's a book all about how to spice up your sex life and I think I might die now. This is for sure when I die. «You're a good girl Ellie, but there is nothing wrong with being a freak in the sheets» she says, and I have no words to give her right now. She is Meghan, of course she would say something like that. What I know is that I'm for sure getting her back for that at her bridal shower.

After a few more gifts the front door open and Alex, Gabriel and Emilia come in. She is wearing cute dress and tights as she is holding Alex's hands «mama» she says when she sees me.

«Hi baby girl» I say and lift her into my lap, and he wraps her arms around my neck.«Of course the future husband comes by at the end of a shower» Betty explains to me as I didn't know he was planning on coming. I do know some people do bridal showers with both genders though.

«She is getting so big» my aunt Tina says, and I look down at my daughter clinging to me. She is getting at that age where she is shy around people other than those she sees often.

«Are you shy baby girl? Thats my aunt Tina» I say and point towards her but Emilia isn't having any of it, she wants mommy cuddles.

«She is for sure a mommy girl» my mom says, and I agree.

I was unsure about having a bridal shower, but I'm happy we did it because this was a lot of fun. Hanging out with the girls, talking and playing games was fun, especially with those I don't see so often. My family from the UK are staying here until the wedding I think my mom said, and then the rest are flying over closer to the big day. It's going to be nice spending some time with those aunts and cousins I don't see that often. It's sad that they live on the other side of the world, but that's just how it is when your parents are from two different continents.


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