Motivation of Memories: The S...

By NubianGoddess494

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After the death of her grandmother Genevieve Elise Anne Bonsu is finally moving out of her parents home. Grow... More

Welcome (A/N)
New Beginnings
Nice 2 Meet U
Final Straw
What U Deserve
Impulse Decisions
Party at Paisley
Party at Paisley: Part 2
Wake Up
Greatest Showman
Music To My Ears
Its All Accidental
Bad News
Morning Bliss
Full Disclosure
Dinner on Me
Dinner On Me: Part 2
Talking Through The Turbulence
Long Way Home
Internal Conflict
Just U & Eye
Safe Distance
Cars & Conversations
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Eye Know
Dancing with the Devil (Roles Reversed)
Later That Night
Just the 2 of Us
Morning Introspectives
A Dark Day
U Should Go
Family Ties
Mind on U
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Home Is Where the Heart Is: Part 2
Meet Me in the Middle
In A New Light
Phase One
Getting Acquainted
Come Clean
Beach Party with the Band
Eye Remember 2
Let Me Make It Up 2 U
Eye've Got an Itch 2 Scratch
Eve've Got an Itch 2 Scratch: Part 2
The French Mistake
Rehearsal Gone Wrong
Interpersonal Exploration (Roles Reversed)
Tonight We're Gonna Party
Tonight We're Gonna Party Part 2
The Voices
Meeting Madonna
First Day
Rest, Relax, Reveal.
We Will See
Expect The Unexpected
Eye Promise
On the Road
On the Road: Part 2
Late Night Arrival
Sound Check
Show Up
Show Up Part 2
Show Up Part 3
1 Month 2 Go
Rude Awakening
LA Bound
Hold It
New York New York
New York New York: Part 2
Fear and Sensitivity
4 U
Eye Am Her Keeper
Truth B Told
Dreams and Nightmares
Do My Eyes Decieve Me
Waiting Game
Home Sweet Home
Smoke and Mirrors
Old Friends New Feelings
Deep Sigh
Genny from the Block
Let Me Carry That
Holidays On The Road
Holidays On The Road: Part 2
Holidays on the Road: Part 3
Christmas at Paisley Park
Unspoken Feelings
Tell Me Something Good
Rest & Realizations
New Year's
New Years: Part 2
Valentine's Day (Roles Reversed)
Valentine's Day: Part 2 (Roles Reversed)
Wake Up Call
Eye'll Tell U
Show Me Who U R
Pleasant Realities
Sweetest Dreams

B Mine (Roles Reversed)

63 5 1
By NubianGoddess494

Genevieve's POV

Last night, after we went swimming we spent time at the festival on the pier. Prince and I spent hours playing games and riding rides. When it got late he convinced me to get on the Ferris wheel. We held each other through the ride and halfway through fireworks started outside. It was amazing to see them from up high. After the Ferris wheel, we sat with the band around a fire eating s'mores and singing songs. I'm so grateful for him and the friends I've made. The Revolution isn't just a band it's a family. A dysfunctional family but a I wouldn't have it any other way.

Groggily, I make my way down to breakfast. My options are cold cereal, watery eggs with sausage or undercooked bacon, lumpy oatmeal, pastries or fruit. I pick up a pastry and a banana and sit beside Prince. I'm usually the first person up but today it looks like everyone beat me. I smile seeing he's already made me a cup of coffee. Picking up the cheap mug, I down the coffee, hoping it will wake me up.

"You okay?" Prince asks softly.

"Huh? Oh, I'm...I'm fine just tired." I let out a big yawn and rest my head on his shoulder.

"G, you've never been this tired in the morning. What time did you fall asleep?" Miko asks seeming a bit concerned.

"She didn't. She was up all night." Apollonia chimes in.

"Why is everyone yelling?" I massage my temples and try to focus on one thought at a time.

"Is that true?" Prince asks softly.

"I couldn't sleep. I came down here and sat in the lobby for a many hours and then fell asleep." They all look at me with worried eyes and I feel a little bad. "I'm just gonna sleep until it's time to get ready."

"What time you waking up?"

"Probably around 2."

"You need three hours to get ready?" Andre asks around a bite of cereal.

"Fifteen minutes to shower, an hour and a half for hair, half an hour for makeup, fifteen minutes to get into the dress and accessories, half an hour just in case anything goes wrong."

"Does it normally take you that long?" I shake my head.

"No, but I have to do my hair and that could go a lot of different ways."

"Let me walk you upstairs." Finished with my underwhelming breakfast I hold Prince's hand as we make our way back to the fifth floor. I unlock my door and climb back into bed. Prince joins me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling the covers up to our necks. This is what I needed. I sigh finally feeling at peace and allow myself to drift off to sleep.

I wake up several hours later feeling refreshed. I check the clock and see it's 1:15. Getting up, I walk to the bathroom and see a note.

"Hey, G. The rest of us girls stopped at the mall to get something last minute. We're getting ready in Brenda and Susan's room tonight. I already brought your clothes over. Meet us there. Room 548. -Apollonia"

I decide to start getting ready early so I can take my time doing everything. In the shower, I just let water run over my body. Starting with my hair, I let it fully saturate with water. I detangle with me fingers as I add shampoo and conditioner. Then, I lather up and wash every inch of body three times. Next, I shave my legs and anywhere else that's started to get hairy since the last time I shaved. Finally I enjoy the warmth of the water some more. I feel at peace letting my worries flow down the drain. Turning off the water, I step out, dry off, and cover myself in lotion. Now it's time to do my hair. I plug in my large barrel curling iron to give time to heat up while the trapped heat in the bathroom disappears. I rest in my bed wrapped in a towel for the being then, there's a knock. I peek out the door and smile seeing Prince.

"Hey, mama. How do you feel?"


"Good. I got you some food since you missed lunch." He hands me a takeout container yo take it gladly. "We went to a Chinese place in town. I got your usual."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Well I gotta get in the shower. I'll meet you back here when I'm dressed, alright?"

"Alright." With that he leaves down the hall. I sit down for a moment scarfing down the combination fried rice. Once I'm full I make my way to the bathroom. I comb out my hair adding a bit of oil for shine. Starting in the back, I stretch piece after piece over the curling iron. I am careful around my ear and hairline using the barrel to smooth each piece and make my roots extra flat. If I was at home I'd sit at the stove with a hot comb but this will have to do. Once my hair is as straight as I can get it I throw on some clothes and make my way to Brenda and Susan's room. I knock on the door and a voice calls out telling me it's open.

I walk in and see everyone sitting around waiting to get their hair and makeup done.t heart flutters seeing the stylists are Black. Looking around everyone is in varying states of being ready. Wendy and Lisa are completely dressed and are waiting for makeup. Brenda and Susan have their makeup done and hair done but are currently steaming their clothes and Apollonia is sitting in the makeup chair but is fully dressed. The hairstylist gestures for me to sit down in her chair and I'm hesitant. I've been doing my own hair since I was in high school. She gives me a reassuring smile and I calm down long enough to have a seat.

"Hi, I'm Kim. I took a look at your dress and thought we could just do some big Donna Summer curls." I nod and she quickly gets to work curling each strand of my hair. I'm happy she picked Donna Summer. Her curls have always been my favorite. The medium sized curls paired with the thickness of her hair was always so beautiful to me. Tighter curls have come into fashion but I don't think they suit me and the chemicals it would take to get my hair to look that way make me nervous. I look best with wavy curls or my natural hair anyway. Nothing in between. She works in large sections curling my hair and pinning it out of the way.

"Is everybody excited?" Susan smiles holding her dress up to her body in the mirror.

"I still can't believe I'm in a movie." Apollonia smiles getting out of the chair and switching places with Lisa.

"This time last year we were all on set."

"This time last year I was still just an assistant." I add slightly shocked. It's amazing how much a year can change things. I was in a relationship with Tyson a year ago, I only had one friend in town and I didn't know what my next step was. Now I'm dating Prince, I've choreographed for a movie, I've joined a band, and I'm going on tour.

"Where do you want your part, honey?" Kim says handing me a mirror. I point to the left side of my head and she goes back to parting and curling my hair. By the time she's finished everyone has started putting on their clothes. I switch to the make up chair and close my eyes. This woman wastes no time applying thick liquids to my face. She fills in my eyebrows, and covers my eyelids in bronze and gold pigments. Then she does something I'm still not used to and applies thick false lashes to my face. My lips are painted with my favorite dark red lipstick and my cheeks have a matching blush. When she hands me a mirror I'm shocked. Despite having practiced this makeup with her before, I'm still shocked at how clean everything looks. The lashes make my eyes pop and the bronze and gold compliment the gold already present in my eyes. I thank Kim and the other woman, standing up and walking to the closet. I pull my dress out of the bag and smile looking at the black fabric. Apollonia and Susan and help me into it and zip it up. Then, it's back into the chair for final touches on my hair. She takes down each pin and runs a comb through every curl. They blend together and I'm left with beautiful wavy hair. The whole room stops as I stand up. The girls look at me with stars in their eyes. The same way I look at z Jack Jack every year on her birthday. I'm growing up and changing before their eyes.

Looking in the mirror I realize I left my earrings in my room. I walk barefoot across the floor and am joined by Apollonia who wants to grab a cigarette from the room. Alone together in our room we take a moment to breathe.

"You feeling okay?" She asks rummaging through her purse.

"Just a little nervous."

"Don't worry, G. We'll be here with you." I walk to the dresser and pull out the small box I keep my earrings in. One by one I put them in and start feeling complete. They're just diamond studs but I can't go out without earrings. I look around the room and see most of her stuff isn't here. Her suitcase, her makeup, and her hair brush aren't where they were when I fell asleep.

"Apples, where's all your stuff?"

"It's in Wendy and Lisa's room. I thought you might want the privacy tonight."

"Privacy for what?"
" know? Reflect and get your thoughts together."

"Um, okay."

"I'm gonna go smoke. I'll see you in the limo."

Alone again, I feel a ball of nervousness building in my stomach. My first red carpet. I can't believe it. I'm extremely grateful for this moment but I can't help but wonder what's next. Unable to quiet my thoughts I decide to go find Prince. He can usually at lease help me calm down. I lift my dress as I walk through the door and down the hall. I can hear a lot of commotion behind the door. This must be where they chose to get ready. I knock on the door nervously and wait for someone to answer. I smile when Prince answers the door.

"Hey, Gene.." he stops mid sentence with a slight gasp.

"Hi, Prince." His eyes look over my body and I can't help but blush and look down at the floor. With a single finger he lifts my chin so I can meet his gaze. He examines my eyes and the warmth of his irises makes my heart sing.

"You look... stunning." His voice is low as he continues to look at me.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" I ask twiddling my thumbs behind my back. He looks behind him for a second and steps out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

"Let's just go to yours." I smile taking short steps with him down the hall. "Why'd you come to my room? I told you I'd come get you."

"Apollonia went to smoke and I was nervous."

"What for?"

"I've never walked a red carpet or been to a premiere before."

"Don't worry. You'll be on my arm the whole night." I sigh a little happy to know he doesn't plan on going anywhere.

I unlock the room and we head inside. He close the door behind us and immediately walks to the center of the room. He takes of his jacket tossing it in the chair beside my bed. Taking a seat on the bed he takes a moment to get comfortable. Slowly, careful not to trip over my dress I make my way to him. Once I'm in front of him his arms snake around my waist pulling me closer. I gasp when he buries his face in my stomach like he always does.

"Stop before you wrinkle my dress!" He lets me go and forces a straight face as I eye him down. Carefully, I smooth out my dress hoping it isn't too wrinkled.

"I just need you close to me."

"We can be as close as you want when I'm not in these clothes."

"Not with you rooming with Apollonia."

"She already told me she's staying with Wendy and Lisa tonight."


"I'm not really sure. Something about me wanting the alone time afterwards." I shrug. It still doesn't make sense to me, but I appreciate her thinking of me.

"Maybe it's for the best, Genny. You got everything?" I nod quickly throwing on my shoes and grabbing my purse. We follow the long hallway to some stairs and take them to the back entrance where our limo and our friends are waiting.

Prince's POV

Genevieve gets into the limo and greets everyone. I follow suit and take a seat beside keeping her close. Andre moves seats coming to sit beside me for a moment while the women talk. I scoot away from Genevieve hoping she isn't paying attention.

"Tonight's a big night. How do you feel?"

"I'm excited about the premiere. Still nervous about her."

"No matter what your life is changing for the better tonight." He pats me on the back with a smile. "I know it'll all be okay."

"For my heart's sake, I hope you're right."

"I don't know what you're worried about, man. Everyone can tell she's crazy about you and you're crazy about her. Why can't you see it?"

"I just worry I'm not good for her."

"What do you mean?"

"She's perfect, man. She's kind and smart and funny and passionate and compassionate and everything else good in the world. I wouldn't say I'm a devil but I ain't no saint."

"She knows that and have her tell it she ain't a saint either. She's gonna tame your fire and you're gonna set her a blaze. Y'all need each other like the sun needs the moon." I look over at her and my heart skips a beat. She really is perfect. I want to be the man she needs. The man she deserves. I want to give her everything I have. I don't want to mess this up. "You are what she needs and she's what you need."

"I hope you're right." Andre hops back to his seat and gives me a thumbs up. I nod to trying to encourage myself. The limo stops and the door opens. One by one they file out.

"You ready?" I ask Genevieve as we inch closer to the door. She looks outside and I can see her getting overwhelmed. Her face fills with panic and her body freezes. She shakes her head violently her knuckles white from gripping the seat. "Just hold on to me. If they ask you a question just ignore it. I'll talk for you." I look her in her eyes and try to make her believe me. She takes a deep breath and nods giving me the okay. I step out of the limo to the excitement of a sea of people. I reach into the limo and wait for her to take my hand. She gently puts her hand in mine and I hold it as she steps out. I wrap her arm around mine, keeping her close to me as we wait to walk the carpet.  "Just smile and keep your head up. You'll be fine." She shakes out her nerves and adjusts her posture as we inch closer to the front of the line. A man in all black points to us and tells us it's our turn to walk. When we step in the carpet the questions and flashes begin. A slurry of questions gets thrown out but I try not to focus on them. We stop for pictures and things seem to be going okay until I feel Genevieve pull away from me and I come back to reality.

"Who's your surgeon?"

"Is that your real hair?" The questions they're asking alarm me and I can tell she getting scared.
I look at her, her face full of fear and decide to end it. I grip her hand tight and pull her through the crowd. We pass the rest of the band, Apollonia 6, and Morris Day and The Time. We hurry up the stairs and into the building. We turn down the first hallway and find a bench hidden in a gap in the wall.

"You okay?" I ask softly still holding her hand."

"It was just really bright. So many questions. I-I didn't know where to look."

"You did fine."I offer trying to console her. "You made it halfway. Besides, they asked you some pretty rude questions."

"Who's my surgeon? Really? In the era of thin busty women why would I even get this done?"

"You know these LA folks don't know anything about good eating. All they eat out here is bird food." She laughs a little and smiles straightening out her dress. Do it now. You've got nothing to lose. I sigh preparing myself for what's about to happen. She looks at me and I look back at her feeling more focused. "Genevieve?"

"What's wrong?" She adjust her seating to face me. My heart beats out of my chest as I prepare to say these words.

"You told me 9 months 3 weeks and 6 days ago that as soon as my divorce was finalized you wanted me to show you how serious I am about you. Have I done that?"

"Yea. We've seen each other at least twice a week since then." She shrugs. My stomach churns as I try to decipher her words. Stop overthinking. It's still a yes. Move on.

"I don't just want to date you anymore. I want you to know I'm crazy about you. You've been by my side since you started working the film. This movie could be a big hit or a complete failure but no matter what happens I want to know you'll be with it through it all."

"I'm not going anywhere. You know that." My face falls. She's not getting it. I shouldn't have said anything. She rests her hands on my arm and and I look down at them. I take them in my hands and look up at her again. I can feel her concern and her eyes tell me she knows I have something to get off my chest. Just say it. "Genevieve Elise Anne Bonsu, will you be my girlfriend?" Her eyes tear up as she nods and jumps into my arms. I hold her close and rest my head in my favorite place. She said yes. I pull away just little and smile looking into her eyes. We seal our relationship with a kiss. I hold her there hoping she'll stay with me forever and be present in this moment. When we pull away our foreheads on each other as we bask in our feelings.

"Let's get outta here. I wanna see if this fancy movie theater sells popcorn."

Genevieve's POV

We stand up holding hands and make our way back to the main lobby. By now everyone's inside and sipping cocktails just outside the actual theater. Sporting us, all of our friends make a circle around us.

"So? What happened?" Andre asks. Everyone in the circle looks between me and Prince waiting for an answer. I look up at him and he blushes.

"She said yes." He smirks looking down at me. They all cheer celebrating our new relationship.

"Thank God." Apollonia smiles.

"It's been a long time coming." Andre adds. A server comes around offer champagne and Prince grabs us each a glass. Without words we cheers to our new relationship. Looking out at our friends we raise our glasses. "To Purple Rain." Andre smiles. We echo his toast before taking a collective sip. The doors to the theater open and ushers begin to escort us inside. We all have a seat in the first row and my heart is full of joy. Prince looks at me and smiles leaning into me.

"There's no one else I'd rather be here with." He whispers sweetly. I kiss his cheek and rest my head on his shoulder as the movie begins to play.


After the movie we leave the venue smiling from ear to ear. We all loved it and the other people in the audience seemed to love it too.  We spend the entire ride recalling our favorite scenes and moments on set. The ride comes to an end and we walk back into the hotel. Holding Prince's hand, I enter the lobby and watch as everyone heads for the elevator. Prince turns to me with excitement in his eyes.

"Wait here." He runs away disappearing into the hotel. I find a bench to sit on and wait for him to return. Several minutes go by and he comes back downstairs. He gestures for me to join him in the elevator. I smile running over to the elevator and directly into his arms.  I stay there the entire ride to the fifth floor. When the door opens he hold my hand pulling me down the hall. When we arrive at my door we stop. He looks at me with that same look of excitement as before.

"Open the door." Hesitant, I insert my key still looking at him and open the door. As I walk into the dimly lit room dozens and dozens of roses come into view. Candles cover every flat surface that isn't occupied by roses filling the room with a dim warm light. On the table, is a a cheese plate, two bottles of champagne on ice, and a small cake that says "Be Mine". I turn to him and he walks over to me. Together in the middle of the room we take it all in.

"You did all this for me?"

"Only the best for you. I want to give you the best of everything." He moves the hair out of my face tucking it behind my ear. His hand finds it place under my chin and he kisses me. His lips are soft and taste like honeysuckle. He holds my face as we kiss and I feel my heart swelling.

He's mine and I'm his.

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