Motivation of Memories: The S...

By NubianGoddess494

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After the death of her grandmother Genevieve Elise Anne Bonsu is finally moving out of her parents home. Grow... More

Welcome (A/N)
New Beginnings
Nice 2 Meet U
Final Straw
What U Deserve
Impulse Decisions
Party at Paisley
Party at Paisley: Part 2
Wake Up
Greatest Showman
Music To My Ears
Its All Accidental
Bad News
Morning Bliss
Full Disclosure
Dinner on Me
Dinner On Me: Part 2
Talking Through The Turbulence
Long Way Home
Internal Conflict
Just U & Eye
Safe Distance
Cars & Conversations
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Eye Know
Dancing with the Devil (Roles Reversed)
Later That Night
Just the 2 of Us
Morning Introspectives
U Should Go
Family Ties
Mind on U
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Home Is Where the Heart Is: Part 2
Meet Me in the Middle
In A New Light
Phase One
Getting Acquainted
Come Clean
Beach Party with the Band
B Mine (Roles Reversed)
Eye Remember 2
Let Me Make It Up 2 U
Eye've Got an Itch 2 Scratch
Eve've Got an Itch 2 Scratch: Part 2
The French Mistake
Rehearsal Gone Wrong
Interpersonal Exploration (Roles Reversed)
Tonight We're Gonna Party
Tonight We're Gonna Party Part 2
The Voices
Meeting Madonna
First Day
Rest, Relax, Reveal.
We Will See
Expect The Unexpected
Eye Promise
On the Road
On the Road: Part 2
Late Night Arrival
Sound Check
Show Up
Show Up Part 2
Show Up Part 3
1 Month 2 Go
Rude Awakening
LA Bound
Hold It
New York New York
New York New York: Part 2
Fear and Sensitivity
4 U
Eye Am Her Keeper
Truth B Told
Dreams and Nightmares
Do My Eyes Decieve Me
Waiting Game
Home Sweet Home
Smoke and Mirrors
Old Friends New Feelings
Deep Sigh
Genny from the Block
Let Me Carry That
Holidays On The Road
Holidays On The Road: Part 2
Holidays on the Road: Part 3
Christmas at Paisley Park
Unspoken Feelings
Tell Me Something Good
Rest & Realizations
New Year's
New Years: Part 2
Valentine's Day (Roles Reversed)
Valentine's Day: Part 2 (Roles Reversed)
Wake Up Call
Eye'll Tell U
Show Me Who U R
Pleasant Realities
Sweetest Dreams

A Dark Day

91 6 1
By NubianGoddess494

Prince's POV

It's our final days on set and I've never been so conflicted. I'm excited for the movie to be finished so the world can see it, I'm happy I had the chance to participate in it, I'm definitely glad I won't have to wake up as early in the morning but, I'm still sad I won't see everyone anymore. Sure the band and I will start practicing for our tour eventually but there will be several months of just waiting to hear when the premiere is.

As I sit in hair and makeup I think it all over, only to be interrupted by a pat on the back. I look up and see Andre holding a pastry in his other hand.

"Hey, man. I haven't seen you since we went out. I tried to call but you never answered! How'd it go with G?"

"Sorry, Andre. I've just been thinking about this movie. Can you believe we really did it?"

"We ain't done yet! I gotta admit I'm a little surprised he wants us to redo Purple Rain but, I guess it's better to have more takes than you need." I shrug not feeling too upset about the extra day of filming on the schedule. At least we get paid. "But, don't change the subject. Tell me about you and G!"

"Well, after we left y'all at the restaurant I told her how I was feeling. If we truly are dating then I don't want her to worry about anything. She's not my girl, not yet but, I told her to stop fighting with me about picking up checks."

"What she say?"

"She asked me if I'd buy her drinks. I said yes. Then she asked me if we could get snacks at the gas station and I said yes. We walked in grabbed some stuff and headed to the lounge. Great pick by the way."

"Y'all got there pretty early. It is a really nice spot."

"She picked our tables while I got us drinks and I immediately saw a bunch of dudes staring at her. Some guy approached her and she gave him the cold shoulder. He didn't leave til I walked over. We sat and rapped y'know? Just kinda felt the place out. Anything happen after we left?"

"Nah, we all just finished eating and headed over. Mayte was pissed and gave Morris hell the rest of the time they were at the restaurant." He climbs into his chair as the artist approaches to tame his hair.

"Did they come to the lounge?"

"Yea, I guess you wouldn't have noticed. You was too busy making out on the dance floor."

"It was not all that."

"I'm just playin' but, y'all look real good together."

"I think so, too." I smile.

"What'd y'all get into after y'all left?"

"We went back to my place, opened the wine, danced around in our pjs and then talked until we fell asleep. She stayed for breakfast the next day and I took her home around 4."

"She was there that long? You must really like her."

"I told you man. This feels different in every way."

"What're you gonna do when you can't see her everyday?"

"We have plans." I shrug. "I'm taking her to the movies later this week." A figure stands in the open door and we shift our focus.

"Oh hey, Wendy."

"Hey, have you seen Genevieve? She was supposed to be here over an hour ago they need her to fix something with Apollonia 6."

"Nope, haven't seen her." Andre shrugs. Then, they both turn to me.

"Don't look at me, I haven't seen her either. She told me she was driving herself today."

"Okay well, if she stops in here tell her to come to the main stage." Without another glance she turns around and leaves.

"G, is never late." Andre says standing up.

"Yea, I hope she's alright." We make our way to the stage and Albert is fuming.

"The one time, I really need her she isn't here! Has anyone called her yet?" A few of the production team say yes. "Call her again and keep calling until she answers or appears!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm here now. It has been a terrible morning."

"I hope you've got a good reason for being two hours late!"

"My... my father and my baby sister were in an accident. I've been consoling my mother all morning." Alberts face softens as he hears the news.

"I-I'm sorry. How is your family?"

"My father hasn't woken up yet. My sister is alright but shaken up and slightly bruised."

"Why don't you adjust this last scene with the girls and you can call it a day." She nods and they walk over to the Apollonia, Brenda, and Susan. She's talking and even dancing but, I can tell she isn't all there. Her head hangs heavy when ever she thinks no one is watching. Once she's finished I walk up to her. She looks up to me with somber eyes.

"Let me walk you out." I wrap my arm around her and lead her out to the parking lot. We find her car and stand there for a moment. I can see her shutting down so I've gotta move quickly. "Do you wanna talk about it?"


"Do you need anything?" She opens her arms wide to me. I step into them and pull her into a tight embrace. She takes deep breaths as I rub her back, rocking her gently. "Do you want to stay with me for a few days?"

"No, I need to be near the phone."

"Do you want me to stay with you?" She looks up at me in shock.

"You'd do that for me?"

"I don't think you should be alone right now." She sighs and nods. "Okay, I'll go home during lunch and throw some clothes together. I'll come over as soon as filming is done for the day."

"Okay." She says hugging me tighter. I squeeze her a little in my arms and kiss the top of her head. After a few moments, she lets go and I walk over to the building, not heading inside until she pulls off. I wave energetically, hoping she sees me. She pulls out of her parking spot and pulls up at the curb near me. I jog over to her door and the window comes down slowly.

"What do you want for dinner? I'll pick up whatever you want."

"Pizza from the place you like."

"Large pepperoni extra pepperoni extra cheese?"

"Yes, please."

"Anything else?"

"A big bottle of Coke."

"Okay. I'll pick it up on my way."

"Thank you."

"No problem, mama. In the meantime why don't you get some rest."

"I will. See you tonight."

"I'll see you then."

Genevieve's POV

I drive straight home. Once inside, I walk over to my answering machine and check for any missed calls.

"Hey Ellie Bean. I'm home from the hospital. Jack Jack and I are okay. The restaurant will be closed for a few weeks until I'm in less pain and can figure out how to move around the kitchen but, we will be okay. I love you, Gen Gen. Bye bye." The message ends and I delete not wanting to relive that moment. Without a moment to process I head to my room. I don't shower or put on sleep clothes. I just strip and curl up in my bed. I lie there taking deep breaths as I pray for my family, for sister to not be scared, for my father to heal, and for my family to be able to manage.

I allow my eyes to close for a while as I try to relax but, anxiety fills my heart. My heart begins to race and my body begins to sweat. I shoot up from bed and walk to the bathroom. Impulsively, I turn on the water in my bathtub. I plug the drain and add my special bath remedies. Rose scented bubble bath and my special epsom salt mixed with peppermint oil add a pleasant aroma to the bath as it continues to fill. I grab my favorite robe and hang it on the door knob before checking the water. I stick my foot in to test the temperature. The hot water feels good on my constantly aching feet, so I decide to get in. Once both feet are planted in the tub, I turn off the water. Before I forget, I throw my hair into a high bun of sorts so it's out of the way. I part the bubbles down the middle and have a seat in the gap, allowing my body to sink as low as it can without my hair getting wet.

I sit there in silence and let the warm water and pleasing scents soothe me. My eyes rest closed as I take it all in. I imagine myself floating on my back in the ocean. I stay like this for a long while until a knock brings me back to reality. I climb out of the now cold bath and quickly dry off. I yank my robe from the door, throwing it on as I head to the door. Standing on my toes, I look through the peephole. I open it immediately seeing his curly hair. Without a word, I allow the door to swing open as I walk to the couch and take a seat. He closes the door carefully, locking it. His bag drops to the ground and he takes off his shoes before crossing into the room. He sets the food down on the counter and slides a few items in my fridge.

"I got the pizza and the Coke. I also got you some ice cream some bananas and those graham crackers you like."

"Thank you." I sigh.

"I'm not really hungry yet, but do you want a slice?"

"No, thank you." I sigh again.

"You just getting out the shower?"

"No, I took a bath."

"How was it?"

"It was nice, I fell asleep."

"Why don't you change into something comfortable and I'll come in and we can lay down and talk." I nod standing from the couch.

In my room, I throw on shorts and a t-shirt. Putting on lotion is now a tomorrow problem. I open the door as he's exiting the bathroom. I take note of his physique in his normal clothes. He looks so strong in his navy basketball shorts and a simple white tank top. He smiles at me softly and walks into the room. He lays down first and I climb in bed after him. I rest my head on his chest first knowing that's how close I want to be. From there, I cross a bent knee and an arm over his body. Slowly, he adapts to the way I've decided to lay. His arms wrap me in warmth and tenderness, filling me with peace and comfort.

"They're closing down the restaurant for a few weeks." I mutter softly afraid of the words leaving my mouth.

"That's good. You're dad will have time to heal."

"But that's weeks of income my family won't have."

"Do they seem concerned about it?"


"Then why should you?"

"They're my family. They need me."

"Genevieve, if they really wanted you to come home, if they really needed you there, don't you think they would've asked?" I sit there pondering for a moment. He's probably right. Baba thinks it's going to be okay but, I still worry for them. I've never been away from my family this long and it's probably just starting to weigh on me. Lots of people get into accidents. This time it just happens to be people I know.

"You're right..." I sigh. He rubs my back as I take deep breaths. "I just want him to be alright."

"You're a daddy's girl, aren't you?"

"A what?"

"A daddy's girl. Like you favor your dad over your mom."

"I guess so." I shrug. "He's just always been there for me. My mother can be very hard to please. She wants me to live a quiet life like her."

"Four kids is a quiet life?"

"You know what I mean. She always thought I would marry an accountant and live in upstate New York. Someone's quiet and well-kept housewife. When I told her, I wanted to choreograph for a living she practically disowned me. Her goal was always for me to marry and live close. I'd raise my children and help with the restaurant while supporting my husband."

"But you want more?"

"I want my husband to be interesting. I want my life to be interesting. I've seen more places in the passed few months out here than I've seen in my whole life and I've lived in three countries. I know she just wants me to be protected and provided for but I don't see why my life has to be boring. Baba always wanted what I wanted. If I called right now and said I want to move to Alaska he'd ask me if I need a better coat. He only wants what I want for me. He's give me everything he had if it meant I was happy. I owe him everything."

"Well, what would make you happy?" I open my mouth to respond but my stomach growls loudly interrupting my thoughts. "I think the answer is food." He chuckles.

"Can you get the graham crackers?" He looks down at my in disbelief. "Please?"

"If I have to eat this pizza by myself imma be upset."

"I'm sorry! I'm just not that hungry." Rolling over I allow him to stand up and watch as he leaves the room.

I can't help but smile to myself. I feel safer with him here. He calms the storms that rage in my mind. His smile and his touch makes them all disappear until there's nothing left but me and him. I just hope this feeling lasts.

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