Danganronpa Midnight: Lantern...

By sleepyysanctuary

21.2K 690 1.8K

Chiyo Yagami was looking forward to the first day of her final year at Hope's Peak Academy. That is until she... More

Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - The First Day
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Unfamiliar Surroundings
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Unfamiliar Classmates
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Welcome To Camp
Nozomu Academy Interlude
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Satoshi, Finn
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - Motive
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Kokoro
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Ryoko, Shunsuke
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - The Party
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 1 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 1 - Scrum Debate + Class Trial 2
Chapter 1 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 1 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 1
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Akihiro, Kairi
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Tatsuo, Akihiro and Shouko
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Motive
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Camping
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 2
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 3 + Scrum Debate + Closing Argument
Chapter 2 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 2
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Kenjiro, Ryoko
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Akihiro, Satoshi and Hidemi
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Motive
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Kokoro, Shouko
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Movie Night
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 3 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 3
Nozomu Academy Interlude 2
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Beach Day
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - FTE: Shimura, Kokoro
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Motive, FTE: Kenjiro
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - FTE: Yuna, Shouko
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Boating Trip
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 4 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 4
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection
Happy Anniversary!
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Shimura, Satoshi
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Ryoko
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Motive
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Kenjiro, Shouko
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Last Supper
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 3
Chapter 5 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 5
Chapter 6 - An Encounter of Destined Despair
Epilogue - Greetings To An Old Conclusion
Final Game Stats
thank you!! (again)

Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Shouko, Yuna

162 9 11
By sleepyysanctuary

I dragged my legs along the dirt that made up most of the paths on the camping grounds, occasionally kicking some small pebbles that were in my way.

Who should I talk to...Who even is available right now? Some people have to be busy with their labs and cabins.

That's when my foot came to a stop at a root of a tree that had dug itself underground. Slowly looking up, I realised I was directly under Shouko's lab.

I could hear some...mumbling? Sounded frantic too.

I wonder what Shouko is up to right now. Supposed I should check up on her.

Firmly, I grabbed the bars of the wooden ladder and climbed my way, pushing myself up once I reached the top of her lab. Getting up off my feet, I glanced around and saw Shouko desperately looking out of the small window, holding up one of her many ghost-hunting equipment while looking around.

She's really into this...The girl didn't even hear me climb up here.

A bit of a weirdo, isn't she?

"Uh...Hey?" I called out to Shouko causing her to flinch. When she did, the metal box in her hands she was using slipped and fell to the floor.

"Oh...Oh no! Crap!" She exclaimed, not even looking back at me. Instead, she leaked out the window to check it.

"Ah, sorry about that." I rubbed the back of my neck before thinking of an idea. "I can get it for you if you want."

"Y-Yes! Please! What if it breaks?"

"Alright, alright...! I didn't expect to get this rushed."

After I climbed back up the ladder, I tossed the thing carefully around my hands and then inspected it.

"Hey...Someone is lucky. It's completely fine." I shrugged then she snatched it out of my hands and got back to work. "What are you even doing?"

"A...last-minute hunt...Every second counts." She replied, staring out the window as the machine occasionally beeped.

"And this ghost hunt has you all stressed and out our breath because...?"

"Because this might be the last time I ever ghost hunt in my life!" She explained, fully focused. "I...I need to find something. I gotta!"

When Shouko is really concentrating, she seems not tired at all. In fact, she's more energetic. I guess ghost hunting really is her life.

"Why are you so stressed about finding a ghost anyway? Even when they don't exist..." I mumbled that last bit so she didn't hear me.

"I...I just have to! Cause I have to see him again." She said, finally turning around.

"Whose 'him?'" I asked.

"W-Wait. You actually want to know?" Shouko was surprised.

"Uh...Yeah? Why is that so shocking?"

"Because no one has actually bothered to ask...Most just assume I'm a weirdo and walk away."

I won't bring up the fact that I called her a weirdo literally two seconds ago.

But do I really want to learn more?

Do I want to learn more about Shouko?
> - Yes <
- No

"Well, it doesn't look like I'm walking away, am I? And I'm sure this won't be as weird as the ghost hun with you and Aki a few days ago." I sat myself up upon the table. "So go ahead. Who is this mysterious 'him?'"


"Is it...a friend? Relative? Not trying to be rude but I really have no guesses right now." I crossed my arms. "So who is it?"


"...Your cat?" I repeated. "What does your cat have to-"

"My...dead cat." She corrected herself.

"O-Oh." I realised immediately. "Oh..."

"Yeah." She looked out the window again.

"So the reason you hunt ghosts is to see your cat?" I assumed.

"It makes sense. The day I lost him...I was alone. In my garden. I refused to believe Crusty was dead!" She cried.

"C-Crusty?!?" My words caught in my throat at the name.

"Yes, his name was Crusty. I found him while I was searching the trash near my house. He smelt. His fur was crusty too." She acted like it was nothing.

"He smelt? Crusty fur? That's not sanitary- Wait, why the hell were you searching through rubbish?!?" I exclaimed.

Every word she says just makes this story even more bizarre.

"Because...Because I forgot." She shrugged. "I think...My parents threw out some of my little jars."

"Jars?" I wondered.

"Yeah. My collection of dead insects. I liked to keep them in nice small jars so I could watch them. I never found them though..." Shouko informed me, as my jaw dropped.

"R-Right! Cause that's completely normal...!"

"His smell, his messy look, his weird noises...all of those things made me connect with Crusty for the short time we knew each other."

"What the...Short time?"

"It hurts that I only knew Crusty for nine solid days." Shouko casually mentioned, turning around. "I tried to hide him in my room, but he...He didn't make it. I even found the biggest box I could find."

"S-So...You knew this cat for only nine days? And kept him in a box...And then he inspired you to ghost hunt?!?" I tried to piece everything together.

"On the day he died, I saw him! In my garden. A-A ghostly apparition right in front of my face!" She insisted. "It had to be him! Crusty loved my garden! He was always searching in the garbage and smelling the dirt. From there, I saw more spirits, all around my garden. I couldn't take my eyes off them. Even if it was just for a second."

"I'm honestly scared to ask, but what do you mean?"

"As soon as I blinked, all the images of ghosts had disappeared. Every last one of them...Even Crusty." she explained. "But I'll never forget the scene I saw, right before my eyes. I think about it every day as a constant reminder."

"And this got you into ghost hunting?" I guessed.

"Of course it did...My curiosity was peaked and I had to know more. Not just about the tons of ghosts, but for the spirit of my cat that I saw. It's all for Crusty now. Now...All my focus is on hunting! Though now I don't mind sensing human ghosts for as often as they usually appear. They can be fun too."

"I see."

"My ghost hunting...didn't get me many friends. During lunches or breaks, I'd usually be alone with my gear." Shouko sighed but smiled. "I'm glad Aki is here! Someone who finally understands."

"Are you sure about that?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Ha...Yeah, no way. I know Aki really cares about the content more than hunting down ghosts but...but we do feel that connection. He really is my friend! I'll do anything for our friendship. Aki even called us 'besties!'"She got excited.

"How sweet," I replied. "...So you've sensed ghosts, but haven't seen anymore after that one time, huh?" I summarised.


"And all of this...for your dead cat."



I was about to call her out and accuse her of making everything up, but then again...

Shouko has basically revolved her whole life around this. If I say anything, she'd get upset or pissed. And if she's super into it, I guess I should just leave her be.

Besides, I shouldn't risk crushing her.

"I suppose I can't even blame you." I folded my arms. "If my dog died, I'd feel terrible. And I didn't even want him at first. Now I love the guy to bits."

"That's...nice." Shouko nodded. "Everyone has someone who they'd want to bring back from the dead. Or...At least see again. For me...It has to be Crusty."

"...I'd pick my mum." I sighed.

"Y-Your mum?" Shouko repeated. "I...I'm sorry. I-"

"It's fine. You didn't know, so why should you be sorry." I shrugged.

"...I won't pry." She sighed. "But if I get any ghost signals or readings and they happen to be related to a Yagami...I'll let you know."

"You...You're seriously gonna hunt my mother?" I asked.

"N-No. Hunt makes it sound like I'm going to capture her. I'll...I'll tell her you said hi."

Despite my whole brain being convinced ghosts weren't real, I smiled at the idea. "Thanks, I guess."

"It's no problem. Now I have two important ghosts to find...Crusty and your mum. I'll definitely see them...Hopefully before the talent ban, at least." She clenched her fists in determination.

"But hey, if you wanted to honour your cat so much, why not something normal like a vet or doctor?" I wondered.

"No. Those animals...would never be Crusty."


We spent the remaining time we had left hunting for some ghosts. Even though I was sceptical, I really did try to help this time. Handling equipment, reading off signals...But soon, the time limit ran out and we had to exit the lab.

"That's...it." Shouko stared up at her now locked up Ultimate lab.

"No more hunting for the rest of your life...You must feel pretty bummed out." I glanced over at her.

"For real. I'm sorry Crusty...And I'm sorry Chiyo's mum." She sighed almost wiping a tear from her eye.

Why is she sorry?!?

Shouko then faced me. "Um...Thanks. For helping and everything."

"No problem." I nodded.

"Oh yeah! I-I need to find Aki and figure out what we should do...Sorry, but I'll see you soon."

"It's fine. See ya." I waved her off as she jogged off towards the cabin area, probably where Akihiro was waiting right now.

Now that I think about it, Shouko and Akihiro were both pretty lonely before this killing game. And now they're apparently 'besties'. What an interesting friendship.

But I got to learn a lot about Shouko and her weird motivations for becoming a ghost hunter. All of this for a dead cat...I can't insult her determination. It's actually pretty admirable.

Now, with the talent ban in place, what am I supposed to do? It's not like I could do any writing before with my stupid rule, but now everyone is just basically talentless.

Maybe...Aha! That's it!

The gym has never failed me before. So I suppose a quick workout before tonight's preparations is a good idea. It would get me pumped up for building tents...

Ha! See! Chiyo, you're so smart!

...Why am I talking to myself like this?

I slapped myself to snap out of it, but then stared at my hand.

"God, this killing game is messing me up." I sighed and began making my way to the gym.


Refusing to wear those uncomfortable as hell workout uniforms again, I decided to just take my blazer off and work out in my shirt.

It's not preferable but...It has to do for now.

I hung my blazer and bag on the door handle of the gym and looked around, realising I wasn't alone. In the corner with her hands in boxing gloves up in front of her face was Yuna. She was facing a punching bag and started throwing her fists at it.

She's really immersed in this, huh?

"Hey," I said, but she didn't see I was here yet. "Yo."

Still no reply...

"Hey, Yuna!" I yelled, eventually catching her attention.

"A-Ah!" Yuna yelped, backing away from the swinging punching bag before noticing it was me. She replaced her scream with an awkward laugh. "Oh...Oh! Chiyo! I-It's just you. Way to give me a fright."

"Sorry. But what can I say? You were just so into boxing right there, I had to get your attention somehow." I smirked.

"That makes sense...Sorry." She awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

"It's no problem. I didn't mean to get in your way or anything. You can continue, I'm just here to get a few exercises in." I mentioned.

"Of course. We are meant to share the gym after all. If you need anything...let me know." She nodded and walked back to the punching bag.

I took out one of the mats that were lined up against the wall and placed it down on the floor, thinking of what to do.

Hm...I guess I could spark up a conversation with Yuna. That way we have something to talk about while we work out.

Another great idea, Chiyo!

Should I start a conversation with Yuna?
> - Yes <
- No

"So..." I started speaking while getting on top of the mat, preparing to do some lunges. "Why boxing out of all sports?"

"Hm?" Yuna perked up, realising I was starting a conversation and nervously laughed. "O-Oh...It's nothing major."

"Oh come on. There has to be some sort of reason. Why do you enjoy it then?" I asked.

"Well, if I had to pick something..." she thought for a moment, tapping her finger against her chin. "I suppose...It helps me let out pent-up emotions. And it seems I've been boxing more lately...so I guess that's more emotions I've been building up. So in the end, I just punch them away!" Yuna grinned.

"I see. This killing game has been more than a pain in the ass, so no wonder you've got those emotions pent up. I won't judge the whole boxing to relieve emotions thing." I shrugged. "Then, in the outside world, what makes you build up so much emotion you eventually let out? The killing game can't be the only reason."

"Uh...I mean...Probably the weird sense of shame I feel? I don't know." She awkwardly laughed.

"Huh? Shame?" I repeated. "Why's that?"

"I..." Yuna struggled to find the right words, eventually sighing and shaking her head. "No, forget I said anything. There I go messing up again..."

After that, Yuna just went back to boxing.

Hold on a second! How is she going to just say that and leave it there? Now I'm just confused.

"Uh...Why aren't you so vocal?" I wondered, attempting to get her back into talking.

"H-Huh? What do you mean?" She realised I was speaking again and jumped.

"I've noticed it. Sometimes you barely talk. It's like...You're trying to hide or something. And when you do speak up, it's not for very long. Why's that?" I asked.

"I-I..." she stuttered for a moment before sighing. "...I just don't like the spotlight or attention. That's why. I mostly speak up when giving orders to other technicians and that's it."


"Every time I feel eyes on me or a second of attention, sure it feels alright at first, but soon I get reminded of my failure."

"...Failure?" I repeated. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that's what I am. Just a failure..." she took her gloves off and sat down instead. "I was supposed to be an actor, you know?"

"Really?" I joined her on the bench.

"Yep. Just like my parents and the rest of the theatre. I was meant to be up on stage acting and singing my heart out."

"I see. And why didn't you?"

"I...I couldn't do it." She held her head in her hands. "At first, when I was just a beginner, it was fine. But when I started focusing and just saw all the eyes on me...I couldn't do it! All the spotlight and attention...On me?!?" She exclaimed.

"So, it's just stage fright?" I assumed.

"Stage fright times by a hundred." She groaned. "Even when I get compliments, that attention makes me freeze up. No wonder I was a terrible actor. That's why I stayed backstage."

"And I presume that's where your theatre technician talent comes from?"

"Yeah. The more I was backstage, the more I realised how much this work suited me much more. I watched the other technicians and was...so amazed. I mean, all the hard work and management. And all while being away from a massive audience. It's...It's perfect."

"Right. And what does this have to do with you being a failure?"

"...My parents wanted me to be an actor just like them. But...I failed. I couldn't do it! All those eyes...A-And their disappointed faces!" She remembered, shaking her head at the thought. "I can see them now whenever I think of it! Their expression of just...Defeat. A constant reminder of my failure!"

"That's why you feel that sense of shame, huh?" I glanced at her, and in between holding her head in her hands, Yuna nodded.

"Y-Yeah..." she admitted. "Even when I see Akihiro recording on his damn handbook, it reminds me of all the eyes and failure. I...I hate it! No wonder I'm better backstage. I just...Can't handle anything else."

"...If it helps, then I think you're amazing." I patted her back.


"I mean, I can't think of anyone else who could do your talent better than you. That doesn't sound like a failure to me." I smirked.

"C...Chiyo...!" She groaned through her hands, hiding her red face and trying to get me to stop,

"Oh come on! If there is one person I can rely on here, it would definitely be you, Yuna." I kept going just to tease her. "No one here is as strong and nice as you after-"

"U-Ugh...!" Yuna stood up in under a second, hiding her face and shaking it profusely. Though, the blush behind her hands was incredibly easy to see.

"Well, well, well. That's exactly the reaction I was expecting." I laughed.

"Not funny...Especially after what I've just told you!" she sighed, picking up one of her gloves off the floor and holding it. "Although, now with this talent ban and our soon lack of talents altogether...That has left me thinking. What am I going to do?"

"How so?"

"I can't do theatre technician work, and I definitely can not be an actor, so what else is left for me? It's not like I have any other skills..."

"Seriously?" I got up alongside her. "There got to be tons of other skills and stuff you can do. Cut yourself some slack."

"I suppose." She lowered her head. "I-I guess...When the time comes for me to decide what to do, I'll have it figured out. I'll just have to see."

"That's the spirit."

I got to find out more about Yuna and her personality. To be honest, I wasn't expecting a lot of that. Though, I wouldn't mind watching her box again. She's super strong!

My eyes glanced up to the clock in the room and shot wide open. "Shit!"

"H-Huh?" Yuna faced me. "What is it now?"

"We have to get going. Everyone is meeting at the camping site in about five minutes. We can't be late." I informed her, picking up my bag and blazer before putting them on.

"S-Since when do you care about timing...?" She asked. "Is this sudden urgency for Hidemi or something?"

"S-Shut it!" I exclaimed, denying that immediately. "And hurry! I am not going to be late."


Yuna soon got finished preparing herself. Then, we set off for the camping site, having a small conversation on the way there.

That gives us just under a day until we can leave this place talentless...Finally!

But I have to suffer through a night in some uncomfortable tent!

Although...I wonder who I'll share a tent with...


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