Ameila Mikaelson/Legacies sto...

By Madison_Grayson2713

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What if Hope had a younger sister, another tribrid. How you might ask.... Well by magic from vengeful witches... More

Backstory to always and forever
This is the part where you run.
Some people just want to watch the world burn
We're being punked Pedro
Hope is not the goal
Mombie Dearest
Death keeps knocking on my door
Maybe I should start from the beginning?
What was happening in your dream?
Their singing happy birthday
We're gonna need a spotlight
Theres a mummy on main street
Worst nightmare
Lets finish this dance
I'll tell you a story
There's always a loophole
I'll never lose Hope
This year will be different
You remind me of someone I use to know
Since when do you speak Japanese?
Screw Endgame
Thats Nothing I had to Remember
It will all be painfully clear soon enough
This Christmas was surprising violent
Home for the weekend
I couldn't have done this without you
This is why we don't entrust plans to muppet babies
Kai Parker Screwed us
You can't save them all
Theres a place where lost things go
Facing Darkness is kinda our thing
We're not worthy
Goodbyes sure do suck
Salvatore The Musical
Hold on tight
To Whom It May Concern
Yup its a Leprechaun alright
Long time, no see
Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight?
All's Well That Ends Well
You can't run from who you are
I was made to love you
One day you will understand
This Feels Culty
A New Hope
Fate's a Bitch, Isn't it?
You have to pick one this time.
There's no I in team or whatever
We all knew this day was coming
See you on the other side
I thought you would be happier to see me
You're a Long Way from home
Someplace far away from all this violence
You Will Remember me
I can't be the one to stop you
The Story of my life
Follow the Sound of my voice
Not all those who wander are lost
Was this the monster you saw?
The only way out is through
Everything that can be lost may also be found
I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for you.

Life was so much easier when I only cared about myself

518 17 12
By Madison_Grayson2713

An assembly was called. Ric took the stand as all the students waited for him to speak.

Ric- as you know Ameila and Josie are still missing But even as I speak, we're doing everything we can to find them . Jed and the wolves are attempting to track them . Kaleb and the vampires have compelled local police for any help that they can provide. We will find them and bring them home. That said, I just want to reiterate, under no circumstance should any of you approach them. While they are our family and friends ,they is under the influence of black magic and... not themselves . Your safety and There's is my top priority. I promise you we will get through them and bring back the Josie and Ameila we know and love safely. But first... we just have to find them

Just a Ric finished his speech the doors as the top of the stairs bursted open revealing Ameila and Josie. Lizzie and Hope looked up at there siblings with baited breath.

Josie- we are right here
Ameila- who missed us?
Josie- Did you really think that I would miss my birthday?
Ameila- cough Lizzie cough twin
Josie- Oh, your right Mel's I'm sorry, our birthday.

Josie smirks in Lizzie's direction as fear fills Lizzie as she looks at Hope.

Ameila-So... what did We miss?

The group breaks off as Josie spells other witches to help set up.

Josie- babe can you please go fix the banner

For a moment Ameila froze as part of her brain fought against the magic because of her heart for Josie. The dark magic was controlling her making her evil but she was fighting. Mg approached the two.

Mg- You multiplied like Gremlins.
Josie-Supervillains need a squad, too... with a little help of a black magic suggestion spell.
Mg-Can I talk to you for a sec? Without the squad.
Josie-You guys know your assignments. Start prepping my birthday bash without me. I'll catch up.

Ameila also goes to walk away but Josie grabs her hand so Ameila turns to face Mg(while yes Dark Josie is "evil" she still has her feelings for Ameila she's just more bold now. While Ameila should be bold her mind is in a consent battle so she really isn't focused on her feelings)

Josie- I need to make sure that my party goes off without a hitch.
Mg-About that. Happy birthday, Jo. To replace the one I spilled root beer on, when I first got to the school. I think that was the day we became friends.
Josie- You're never gonna give up on the good inside of me, are you, MG? It's not my style.

Josie pulled the boy into a hug and started siphoning him as he grunts in pain. Kaleb vamp speeds over and pushes Josie off causing Ameila to flash her eyes at the boy

Ameila- watch yourself Hawkins
Kaleb-What the hell is wrong with you both?
Ameila- she was just having a little fun
Josie-Oh, wait where are my manners Kaleb, would you like a go? Plenty of hugs to go around.

The girls resume party planning. Mg and Kaleb meet up with Hope and Lizzie as Landon helps Raf.

Kaleb- okay so Josie just tired to suck Mg like a juice box what's the game plan?
Mg- wait where's Dr.S?
Hope- oh Kaleb and I put him in the therapy box
Lizzie- oh whatever there is little a death party being planned
Hope-okay well listen I still think Mg plan to try and reach them could work
Kaleb- did you forget the part where I just said Josie tried to kill Mg without blinking an eye
Mg- it's fine. But I think we need to start with Ameila. Separate her from Josie
Hope- Josie is acting like a hive mind for the black magic. The two are connected from the siophing it. Now non siphoning witches have never aborsed black magic.
Mg- I think Ameila was trying to reach us... leaving clues she's fighting. Like when she mentioned her scarlet witch era.
Kaleb- how does that help didn't she go crazy in that one movie?
Hope-no no Mg is onto something anytime we watch it she always says Wanda isn't a villain she refuses to believe it she was just being
Lizzie- controlled... plus the night in the prison world when Josie smashed the hourglass was  the same time we crashed and I thought I was crazy but I saw her eyes flash from black to blue
Hope- constant battle... she's being fighting it we can reach her

Lizzie wonders out of the room and makes her way to the gym. Hope comes in and sits next to her and Lizzie let's out a sigh

Lizzie- Okay, that settles it. My sister is definitely a monster. Who else would decorate for our birthday party with black? I mean if this was an Ameila party this would fit.
Hope-Shouldn't you be in, like, witness protection or something?
Lizzie-If she still wants to kill me, the safest place I can be is right here next to you, through she has a tribrid too but anyway spill the plan I wanna help.
Hope-Okay, fine, but just, like, keep it down. I don't want them to know that we're up to anything.

Ameila and Josie appear behind them

Ameila-Up to what, exactly?
Josie-Come on, guys, this is all so unnecessary. If you have something to ask us, go ahead. I don't bite she might though
Hope-Then I will. Where's Josie and Ameila ?
Ameila-we are right here, silly.
Lizzie- The real ones, our Josie and Ameila our sisters
Josie-. So you mean Weak Josie and insecure Ameila? There gone... I thought I made that very clear. Thanks to you, selfish sissy. And I killed your Ameila back in the game-
Lizzie-You're right, okay? I was selfish. If you just come back, I'll try and change.
Josie- You always try to change. And it never sticks. So, pass. Any other questions? Hope-You said you came back here for a reason. Because deep down, you know that we can bring the good inside of you both out.
Josie- You're right. I do have a reason. And now I have to ruin the surprise.

Josie unspelled the banner revealing happy merge day

Lizzie-Merging isn't even possible. We're not 22
Ameila-Yeah, see,  I did a little research it turns out that's just a guideline. Kind of like driving a car or smoking cigarettes. Nobody wants you to do it before you're old enough, but you can.
Josie-So see you both tonight? Finger foods at around 7ish and then the Merge at 8. Oh, and don't be late, Lizzie, or else I will have to do something drastic.

Lizzie runs out to her room and started packing as Hope was quick behind her with Mg in tail.

Lizzie-Five minutes, Mikaelson. And this plan of yours had better include a nuclear warhead.
Hope- I'm making a potion...

Lizzie stared down the girl before she carried on packing

Lizzie - Oh! Fizzy, refreshing. But last time I checked not a nuke.
Mg-- Lizzie? Please.
Lizzie-Okay. Tell me about this potion.
Hope-It will create a fortified locality within your psyche when you merge.
Lizzie- What do you mean "when"?
Hope-Well, there's really no way around that part. But if this works, it'll create a safe space in your mind, divide Josie's consciousness and yours when you absorb her. And after we detox her with a dark magic cleanse, we'll be able to put Jo's mind back into her body.
Mg-And, uh, both of you will be normal... ish.
Lizzie-Okay, you said when I absorb her. Does this stupid plan only work if I win?
Hope-Technically, yes. But... we believe in you.
Lizzie-Well, there's your first mistake right there, okay? I am my biggest fan and even I know that Lord Josiemort is gonna squash me like a bug.
Mg- That's why I'm here.
Lizzie-To clean up my bug guts?!
Mg-No. To train you

Mg stood with a proud smile as Lizzie spun around to face Hope

Lizzie- and what will you be doing
Hope- getting a Mel's back because she's the best way to get to Jo's heart

Hope went off to find Amelia as she grabbed Landon to help. Josie on the other hand was having a talk with the almighty necomancer. The duo had found Ameila getting a drink and sitting on the counter

Hope- can we talk?
Ameila- hm little sibling bonding. Guess it's your turn to try and get my good side
Landon- time to come back to the light side

Ameila got off the counter and approached Landon and as she spoke she poked at his chest

Ameila- Kirby did you ever think that maybe I'm happy now. Hmm finally free. No worries with the weight of failure

As Ameila got closer to Landon face though the boy didn't move an inch Hope went to come pull him back as Ameila pulled Landon to her.

Amelia- scared I'm gonna hurt him? He can't die you know... or maybe there's a limit to his power. Maybe we should find out
Hope- stop.

Hope went to advance towards her but Landon shook his head

Landon- she's trying to push your buttons
Hope- this isn't you. Mom and dad would hate this for you
Ameila- really the mommy and daddy issues card. News flash Hope I'm living up to the mikaelson name. I was born to be a villain wasn't I.
Hope- then kill me... I don't think you can through because you Ameila Marshall are a protector and the very best of our family. It's true you balance me out keep me sane you are light not darkness.

With every word Hope stepped closer to the girl in the process Ameila had let go of Landon. Truth be told Hope started breaking the wall separating Ameila from herself the moment her parents were brought up.

Hope- I love you and so does our family I know you have a hard time with that because of the past but I wouldn't lie to you. You are my sister and that's all that matters.

Ameila blue eyes her true eyes shined and for a moment Hope felt herself smile but it was short lived as Josie appeared snapping Ameila back under the dark magic Hope backed off

Josie- what's going on here?
Ameila- pathetic emotional attempt to bring me back
Josie- I'm not losing you ... am I babe?
Ameila- no
Josie- then snap Landon's neck

Hope stood protectively in front of Landon as Ameila looked at them and back at Josie

Ameila- it's not worth it he would just come back in a fire mess and that's not good for the party.
Josie- right... let's go

The two walked away

Ameila- so what have you been up too?
Josie- oh business deals of sorts killed Alyssa Chang
Ameila- you killed her??
Josie- just dead weight plus she was a bitch

While Ameila didn't like the girl but her heart still felt a ping of hurt. Hope had made an impact on the girl. Mg had run over to Hopes room as she worked on the potion

Mg-Lizzie's car is gone. She bolted.
Hope-Is she... ? I knew Josie was dangerous... I just didn't think that she was capable of something like this.
Mg-It's my fault. If I could've just gotten through to her...
Kaleb- Like I keep saying, there is no getting through to them.
Hope-We are not giving up on them The only way to protect the school is to bring them back.
Kaleb - Tell that to Alyssa, Hope.
Mg - If we give up now, she'll have died for nothing. So we have to stick to the plan.
Hope-And you need to bring Lizzie back. She needs you, MG. We all do.

Hope had ended up trapping Kaleb in the box as well while Mg took off on a race against time to find Lizzie. Meanwhile back in the gym Ameila had thrown a knife at the necomancer

Necomancer- what was the reason for that.

He pulled the knife out but before he could throw it back at the girl Josie took it

Josie- knock it off
Necomancer- you said she would be cool
Ameila- I don't like you.
Josie- shut up

The gym began to fill with people as the necomancer took the mic

Necomancer- It's party time, Stallions! Vampires, witches and werewolves. Children of all ages. It's the event we've all been waiting for. The... Merge! In the crimson corner and robe, hailing from Mystic Falls, Virginia, the former Queen of Codependency, the reigning Sultan of Siphon, Josie Saltzman!

The noises of the gym were blocked out by Ameila mind as she felt over by guilt because if Lizzie walks through that door she could die. But she didn't understand why she cared she shouldn't right. Ameila was pulled out of her thoughts as Josie pulled down her hood Alyssa being brought back to life something she still hadn't noticed . She then muttered under her breath

Ameila-You are one hell of a hype man.
Necomancer- Houdini said the same thing. And in the blue corner, the Queen of Mean, the Blonde Banshee, She Who Is About to Be Siphoned into Oblivion, your very own... Elizabeth Saltzman!

When nobody walked through the door Ameila couldn't help but let a sigh of relief come out. Josie on the other hand grew angry

Josie-Well, my selfish sister didn't show up. Who am I gonna kill? Should it be...... vampires? Maybe witches? How about some werewolves?

As the fractions grew worried Hope walked through the door and flipped into the ring as everyone cheered

Hope-Why not try all three? Mels this is when you make a teen wolf entrance joke.
Ameila- not today. But if you wanna fight I'll give you one

As Ameila flashed her eyes and went to move forward Alyssa grabbed her arm and stabbed her with wolves Bain as thr necromancr motioned for Josie to go forward

Ameila- thought you died bitch...
Alyssa- immorality darling.
Necomancer- nothing personal baby mikaelson but if Josie can kill one tribrid I'll just have to kill you.

Ameila fought to stay awake as Josie and Hope fought

Hope-Lecutio Maxima!
Josie - Scutum!
Hope-How did you even get here?
Necomancer-Oh, you survive this, I'll tell you the whole story. -
Josie-Ah. - This isn't any fun. You're not even fighting back.
Hope-Neither are you. I know that you're in there, Josie.
Josie-Give it up, Hope. What's it gonna take to get it through to your thick wolf skull that I'm Josie now? -

Throughout the battle Hope would look over to her sister who was leaned up against the pole fighting to stay awake.

Hope-Incendia! You are not Josie. I know that you think she's weak, but I know the truth... she's strong. You're strong. No one could shoulder the burdens that you carry. And you're always there for your friends when they need you. So, please, Jo, we really need you right now.
Necomancer-Enough of this drivel! What are you waiting for? kill the Tribrid.

Dark Josie had backed up with her head in her hands trying to silent the voices for a moment the real Josie spoke

Josie-Shut up. Everybody, shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Hope?
Hope-Jo, is that you?
Josie-. Did you really think that you'd be the one that would bring out my good side? I don't even think she likes you. Ascendo. So, any last words for your tombstone?

Josie had lifted Hope into the air right above a stake. Seeing her sister in danger broke whatever hold the black magic had on her. Though she struggled to get up she stood in front of josie

Ameila-I know you're in there, Josie. Fight. This isn't you. Now out her down
Josie- damn they got through to you. I thought you liked me
Ameila- I like the real you.

Hope smiled had the revelation of her sister being back. Before anything else happened Lizzie walked through the door using her magic to put Hope down on the ground.

Lizzie-I should have mentioned this earlier. But black really isn't your color.
Josie-You're late to your own funeral.
Lizzie-No. I am right on time to kick your ass.

As Lizzie complained about the potion Ameila placed her hands on Josie chest stopping her from moving forward. Also allowing the others to get ready

Ameila- don't do this.
Hope-Thanks for coming back.
Lizzie-Like I had a choice. Dirty trick, sending Jiminy Cricket after me.
Mg-You would've done the right thing if I was here or not. Now siphon me. You got to be at full strength.

Lizzie pulled Mg into a kiss as she siphoned him

Lizzie-Just to be clear, that was for you and not me. Just in case I lose.

Ameila allowed her eyes to glow has she held back the girl she loved to protect her best friend. Josie whispered into her ear.

Josie- I liked it better when you were with me. Truth be told I see why Josie likes you, I have a soft spot for you too
Ameila- then stop
Josie- you still didn't get me a present... how about a birthday kiss

Josie pulled Ameila in for a kiss and at first it was gentle and soft because the real Josie broke through at there touch but once again dark Josie won. She started to siphon the dark magic out of Amelia strengthening her. Ameila ended up passing out from the wolvesbain and lose of energy before she fell Lizzie caught her smiling that her best friend was back

Lizzie- welcome back mels

Lizzie handed Ameila off to her sister as she approached her own.

Lizzie-All right, Sister Satan. Let's dance, but I'm not getting my Merge on until I know that the rest of the school is safe.
Josie- Everyone out. Now.
Necomancer-You heard her. Let's go. Come on. Move.
Lizzie - For the record, this huge act of selflessness fully cancels out all of my previous misdeeds.
Necomancer-Enough of this foreplay. It's time for the main event.
Josie-Mm. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this.
Lizzie- Apparently, not long enough to think of something clever to say.
Both-Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem...

Lights were flicking as confetti flew around. Mg look at Hope full of worry as Hope held Ameila closer to her.

Mg-You really think she can win?
Hope-If she can't, let's pray plan B works. ...
both-sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus...
mg-Is she winning?
Hope-I don't know.

After awhile both girls fell as Ric ran in

Ric-Girls. God. Girls. No, no. I know.

Josie stood up as Ric cradled Lizzie

Josie-Oh. Don't cry, Dad. One less mouth to feed.

Josie left as Ric carried Lizzie and Hope carried Ameila with Mg close behind as they entered rics office. Kaleb soon joined them as Lizzie gasped awake

Lizzie-Dad, what's going on?
Rics-You're alive, sweetheart. And that's all that matters right now.
Lizzie-That means that I won, that-that I...
Ric - Josie's fine. She thinks she won.
Mg-But, uh, Hope had a plan B. The potion she made wasn't just to keep your mind separate from Jo's. It linked your life to Landon's temporarily. So when you died, he died, too. But since he's immortal, you came back when he did.
Ric- Hope thinks we can get Josie back.
Mg-That's where your boy MG came in the clutch.
Kaleb- Calm down.
Mg-I helped Hope do an old-fashioned vampire head dive. That's why you had to go through with the Merge. Hope needed Josie to be vulnerable. Josie's shields were down, so I sent Hope into Josie's mind as well as Ameila which worked good since she was unconscious . And then I juked themout of there before anybody knew what we were doing.
Lizzie-Why didn't anyone tell me?
Ric-Hope couldn't risk Josie figuring out the plan when the two of your minds melded in the Merge.
Mg- makes you feel better Mel's is gonna wake up in Jo's mind confused. Plus, we knew you weren't gonna run away for real. Heroes save the day, even when it's hard, right?
Lizzie-So... there in Josie's mind?
Ric-Yeah. There's, um, more... to that. Lizzie, till Hope comes back, no one else can know you're alive. The Necromancer's spying on us, so... we have to play to his camera.

Hope woke up in Josie's mind to see Ameila still unconscious at her feet.

Hope- hmm sorry Mel's

Hope slapped Ameila awake as she shot up and looked around confused

Ameila- what in the once upon a time acid trip hell...

Off to Josie mind they go! Also I apologize for any mistakes,I've had to type on my iPad because I don't have my computer at the moment. But anyway enjoy and have a goodnight

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