Was this the monster you saw?

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Hope had finally woke up causing Amelia to put down her phone

Amelia- took you long enough

Hope- What happened?

Amelia- Lizzie left with Aurora.

Hope- and you didn't stop them?

Amelia- nope. Now i'm going to get coffee so

With that Amelia got up grabbing the car keys and heading down stairs and after a minute Hope joined her in the car. After stopping for coffee they switch seats so that Hope can drive, to which they end up back at the school. The students had set up a welcome back party and while they were hiding in place and Hope using her stealth snuck behind Kaleb and Cleo while Amelia leaned against the wall

Cleo-Headmaster Saltzman is just out of the hospital. I mean, I know my powers of inspiration are currently gone, but are we certain a surprise party is the best idea, given his current condition?

A car door opened in the distance and Hope finally spoke up startling everyone

Hope- Cleo's right.

Amelia-You're gonna give him a heart attack. Can you stop hiding now?

Everyone leaves their hiding spot and Amelia pushes off the wall as they look around in confusion

Kaleb- What the hell are you two doing here?

Hope-Crashing your little party, apparently.But this is a business trip. We came to make you an offer.

Wade-What kind of offer?

Hope-That is none of your business. I'd rather talk to Dr. Saltzman. Now that he's walking and talking again, he'll be much easier to manipulate than you idealistic youngsters, especially with all the ammunition I have.

Amelia- omg Hope

Amelia rubbed her hand over her face with frustration when Ric walked in

Ric-Hope. Amelia?


The confetti cannon goes off causing Amelia to swat some away. Hope walks off to his office and before Mg and Ric could follow Amelia threw her arms around the man despite not always agreeing with him and butting heads she does care for the man and was glad to see he was okay. Mg and the other students seemed to relax seeing the girl display emotions meaning her humanity is back.

Amelia-I'm sorry Ric

Ric- you didn't do anything kiddo

Amelia- not for that

Ric tightened his hug for a moment knowing he meant the turned off humanity Mg had filled him in. Ric let go and started limping to his office Mg turned to the girl

Mg- welcome back super girl

The three entered the office Mg helping Ric sit down. Hopes feet on the desk.

Hope-We have a problem. Beyond the cane, obviously.

Ric-My body and brain are still having trouble synching up because of what you did to me. The doctors said I'm lucky to even walk! And if I could, I'd probably try to kill you for murder my daughter.

Hope- Uh-uh. Attempted murder. As you've obviously heard, Lizzie is now a Heretic.

Amelia mutters an omg under her breath

Amelia- Ric... in Lizzie's defense she's a smart girl and did come with a plan

Ric shot the younger girl a look while Hope looked at her sister with a smirk.

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