Life was so much easier when I only cared about myself

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An assembly was called. Ric took the stand as all the students waited for him to speak.

Ric- as you know Ameila and Josie are still missing But even as I speak, we're doing everything we can to find them . Jed and the wolves are attempting to track them . Kaleb and the vampires have compelled local police for any help that they can provide. We will find them and bring them home. That said, I just want to reiterate, under no circumstance should any of you approach them. While they are our family and friends ,they is under the influence of black magic and... not themselves . Your safety and There's is my top priority. I promise you we will get through them and bring back the Josie and Ameila we know and love safely. But first... we just have to find them

Just a Ric finished his speech the doors as the top of the stairs bursted open revealing Ameila and Josie. Lizzie and Hope looked up at there siblings with baited breath.

Josie- we are right here
Ameila- who missed us?
Josie- Did you really think that I would miss my birthday?
Ameila- cough Lizzie cough twin
Josie- Oh, your right Mel's I'm sorry, our birthday.

Josie smirks in Lizzie's direction as fear fills Lizzie as she looks at Hope.

Ameila-So... what did We miss?

The group breaks off as Josie spells other witches to help set up.

Josie- babe can you please go fix the banner

For a moment Ameila froze as part of her brain fought against the magic because of her heart for Josie. The dark magic was controlling her making her evil but she was fighting. Mg approached the two.

Mg- You multiplied like Gremlins.
Josie-Supervillains need a squad, too... with a little help of a black magic suggestion spell.
Mg-Can I talk to you for a sec? Without the squad.
Josie-You guys know your assignments. Start prepping my birthday bash without me. I'll catch up.

Ameila also goes to walk away but Josie grabs her hand so Ameila turns to face Mg(while yes Dark Josie is "evil" she still has her feelings for Ameila she's just more bold now. While Ameila should be bold her mind is in a consent battle so she really isn't focused on her feelings)

Josie- I need to make sure that my party goes off without a hitch.
Mg-About that. Happy birthday, Jo. To replace the one I spilled root beer on, when I first got to the school. I think that was the day we became friends.
Josie- You're never gonna give up on the good inside of me, are you, MG? It's not my style.

Josie pulled the boy into a hug and started siphoning him as he grunts in pain. Kaleb vamp speeds over and pushes Josie off causing Ameila to flash her eyes at the boy

Ameila- watch yourself Hawkins
Kaleb-What the hell is wrong with you both?
Ameila- she was just having a little fun
Josie-Oh, wait where are my manners Kaleb, would you like a go? Plenty of hugs to go around.

The girls resume party planning. Mg and Kaleb meet up with Hope and Lizzie as Landon helps Raf.

Kaleb- okay so Josie just tired to suck Mg like a juice box what's the game plan?
Mg- wait where's Dr.S?
Hope- oh Kaleb and I put him in the therapy box
Lizzie- oh whatever there is little a death party being planned
Hope-okay well listen I still think Mg plan to try and reach them could work
Kaleb- did you forget the part where I just said Josie tried to kill Mg without blinking an eye
Mg- it's fine. But I think we need to start with Ameila. Separate her from Josie
Hope- Josie is acting like a hive mind for the black magic. The two are connected from the siophing it. Now non siphoning witches have never aborsed black magic.
Mg- I think Ameila was trying to reach us... leaving clues she's fighting. Like when she mentioned her scarlet witch era.
Kaleb- how does that help didn't she go crazy in that one movie?
Hope-no no Mg is onto something anytime we watch it she always says Wanda isn't a villain she refuses to believe it she was just being
Lizzie- controlled... plus the night in the prison world when Josie smashed the hourglass was  the same time we crashed and I thought I was crazy but I saw her eyes flash from black to blue
Hope- constant battle... she's being fighting it we can reach her

Ameila Mikaelson/Legacies storyWhere stories live. Discover now