We're not worthy

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Ric had called an assembly for the students talking about some field day while Ameila sat with her sister holding her hand as she laid unconscious. Raf was sitting on the edge of the bed where Landon laid.

Ameila- come on Hope please

Lizzie had walked into the room with a bag

Lizzie- you both missed an assembly of which my father decided we needed to have a field day.
Ameila- im sorry a field day... why?
Lizzie-  apparently its his plan to get everyone to stop looking at jo likes she some axe murderer.
Raf- she isn't though she was being controlled by dark magic
Ameila- who said it?
Lizzie- Alyssa Chang I guess she's mad Josie snapped her neck or whatever. But its not like she really died or anything.
Ameila- yeah shes fine and shes breathing plus I'll go snap her neck right now to prove a point
Lizzie- lets go talk to my dad

Lizzie grabbed her hand to pull her up but she stayed seated

Ameila- Liz... I can't what if-
Raf- it's ok i'll call you if anything happens I promise
Ameila- fine only because I wanna ask Ric what our plan is.

Ameila and Lizzie exit the room to find Ric in the hallway

Lizzie-A freaking field day? As in an entire day spent in an actual field. That's your plan to get everyone to stop looking at Jo like she's an ax murder?
Ric-Have you got a better one?
Ameila- ric respectfully this is the stupidest plan ever. A field day while two students of yours are not waking up. New plan tell everyone to fuck off and leave Jo alone or they can deal with me.

Ric just looked at the younger girl with a tired expression not even bothering to correct the girl on her language .

Lizzie-Based on my own personal growth, I have created a step by step approach.
Ric-Elizabeth, I have got time for exactly one step, and that involves you looking out for your sister as well as Ameila. While I deal with Landon, among many other things.
Ameila- other things as in my sister
Lizzie-Dad, that's impossible. I'll have to deploy the nuclear option, which is me backsliding to using my mean girl bully pulpit to persuade everyone to forgive and forget all the awful things that Jo did. And I'm just not that person anymore.
Ameila- none of those things were her fault ok
Lizzie- they weren't yours either but yet you still blame yourself

Ameila looks down at her feet. Josie then is heard coming around the corner carrying a bunch of kickballs. The girls turn and face her. Ameila takes a breath realizing they havent talked in person yet since the whole once upon a time trip

Josie- Lizzie! Oh Ameila hi-

Josie's shoes then tie together causing her to trip and the balls to fly everywhere. Then Alyssa Chang and her Witch Bitch posse appeared

Alyssa- Oh, careful, witches. Don't let her catch you laughing, or she might snap. Your necks, that is.
Lizzie- on second thought let the games begin

Ameila eyes flashed there golden color as she let out a growl Lizzie tried holding back Ameila but she pulled out of the hold and started making her way to Alyssa. Lizzie turned to her dad with a look that said I tried. Alyssa gulped back some air as she tried to do a spell to stop Ameila but she rebounded it.

Alyssa- cerebrum Frigidus
Ameila- resiliant

Just as Ameila got close enough to swing at the girl. Josie grabbed Ameila and pulled her into her chest. Alyssa scoffed

Alyssa- yeah control your lap dog
Ameila- I'm gonna rip her head off
Josie- no your really not. Calm down mels

Alyssa walked away. Ameila got up first muttering an apology to Josie and Ric. She then helps Josie off the floor. Ric and Ameila went back to the room with Raf. While Josie and Lizzie headed out to set up field day.

Ameila Mikaelson/Legacies storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora