It will all be painfully clear soon enough

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After the hug Ameila had just left without a word and went to bed. The next morning Lizzie was banging at her door and forced her out of bed and now somehow she was in town square with Lizzie,Hope, and Josie sitting on a bench. No place Ameila would rather be right.

Lizzie-Reporting for portal duty! I brought backup.

Lizzie wrapped her arms around the girl. The order went Ameila, Josie, Lizzie, and then Hope.

Lizzie-So, this is nice, right? Together again.
Hope- It's great.
Josie- It's awesome.
Ameila- Yup amazing
Lizzie- I mean, for the three of you not to be talking to each other just because you're competing for the love of the same garden gnome while Ameila was forced to think she was crazy and was lied to by her best friend and sister.
Ameila- you lied too
Lizzie- shhh I think we're more evolved than that as women.
Hope- Absolutely.
Josie- Without a doubt.
Lizzie-Good. Because, personally, I've never been better. My work paid off. My mind is sharp. All perceived mental breakdowns were a figment of my imagination fed by two manipulative vampires who will remain forever my enemies.
Josie-What's going on with Sebastian?
Amelia- Downton Abbey
Lizzie- nice one mels! He wants us to enroll him to keep him off the streets. But after deliberately letting me think that I was unwell, I will not let that happen.
Hope-You should forgive MG.
Hope-He didn't want to hurt you.
Lizzie-He hid things from me. Zero stars.
Ameila- He's not the only person keeping secrets.
Hope-I didn't want to hurt any of you either.
Josie-Yeah, well too late
Ameila-zero stars.

Hope was playing with the prism in her hand when Josie took notice

Josie-Is that what I think it is?
Hope-Yeah. Here. I don't need it anymore.

Hope handed the prism to Josie

Lizzie- Look at us. Clear hearts and minds. Letting the power of our intellect rule the day over our emotions. Moving forward with dignity and grace. This is the true definition of girl power. I'm proud of us.

Lizzie wrapped her arms around the girls pulling them into a hug. Ameila taking small glances at her sister to see if she was real. That is when a sphinx appeared.

Sphinx-Greetings, witches.
Lizzie-Who the hell are you?
Ameila- cat boy?
Sphinx-An answer for an answer. There are two sisters. One gives birth to the other. And the other, in turn, gives birth to the first. Who are they?
Hope-Night and day.
Ameila-The sisters are Night and Day.
Sphinx-Ah. Your reward for answering correctly is to know that you are in the presence of the master of the ancient lands. The all-holy, ever-divine sphinx.

The girls shrugged there shoulders and grabbed hands

Sphinx- People are usually more impressed.
Josie-It's been a long semester.
Ameila-Prohibere. Invisique.
Lizzie-See? Girl power.

The twins and Ameila took the sphinx back to the school while Hope headed to mystic falls high to see Ric

Hope-Hey. So, good news. We caught another monster. It's a sphinx, in case you had that on your Malivore bracket. Which must mean that the zombie's probably roadkill by now, right? Unless Malivore is actually starting to send two monsters at a time, in which

In the mist of Hope's rambling Ric got up and pulled her into a hug

Hope- 'Kay. Uh, good morning to you, too.
Ric-You told me your story. But now, with the memories, I'm just happy to have you back.
Hope-I wish everyone else felt the same.
Ric- You're just gonna have to give them time.
Hope-Actually planning on doing just that. I'm headed home to New Orleans to do research on how to close the portal with my aunt and her circle of witches. Josie and Landon are mad at me and Ameila god she probably hates me.
Ric-Ameila doesn't hate you.Now, this trip to New Orleans, is it round-trip or one-way?
Hope-To be honest with you, I don't know.
Ric- She will hate you if you leave again
Hope- she won't even talk to me. She hugged Freya and I and left without a word
Ric- she is being distant because she's hurt but she doesn't want you to just up and leave she likes that your back looks for little ques of it.

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