Kai Parker Screwed us

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So little author's note obviously I skipped the what cupid problem episode and thats because Ameila is stuck in the prison world and that episode has nothing to with them. So I recommend watching the episode as everything that happens is the same just double Hope's panic because her sister is gone too. If you really want I can do the chapter later. Anyway on with the chapter.

Josie gave Ameila side eye after her comment while Lizzie stared at her father in disbelief. Sebastian stood leaning against the wall with a smug look.

Lizzie-You lied to me? You told me that Sebastian chose to leave the school.
Ric- I said he made his choice. He refused to respect our rules.
lizzie- So you sent him here?

Sebastian moved off the wall as he spoke, Ameila and Josie stood off to the side watching this unfold.

Sebastian-He had help. There was a witch who did the spell. Dark hair, kind eyes. Amazing accent.
Lizzie- Emma. How could you, Dad?
Ric-You can yell at me after we arm ourselves.
Josie-Dad, why do we need weapon so bad?
Ric-All you need to know is that we're in danger, and we need to find a way out now. We're in a new world now.
Ameila- Why do we need weapons if we still have our magic?
Sebastian-Perhaps you are no longer the one in charge.

Ric then quickly stabs Sebastian with a stake before throwing him to the ground. Ameila was quick to act pulling ric away.

Ric- To be clear, my girls and I are leaving, you are staying behind and yes, I am in charge.
Ameila- oh well fuck ameila right
Ric- I said  my girls. And Sebastion your lucky all I used was a stake I could have Ameila give you a wolf bite
Lizzie- Oh, my God. Dad. This is about Uncle Kai, isn't it?
Josie-That's why you're so worried? I know this has to be hard for you, but you said he was desiccated.
Ric-You don't know what he's capable of.
Ameila- your crazy uncle Kai?
Lizzie- you know about him?
Ameila- jo told me after I heard people talking bad about my dad
Ric-And until I'm positive no one's set him free, I'm not taking any chances.
Josie- Dad, who could have set him free?
Ric-I'll explain all that later. Right now, I need you to go to the meadow and get the Sand Clock before anyone else finds it. Then I need you to come back here and hide. And stay hidden.
Josie-Dad, this is all my fault. If I hadn't done black magic in the first place, we'd have never been in this mess.
Ric-We all make mistakes don't blame yourself.

Ric walks out the door

Lizzie-I I can't believe that this is happening. I'm so sorry, Sebastian.
Sebastian- You are not responsible for your father's overreactions.

Ameila walked over to the two bending down

Ameila- stay still and I'm sorry in advance Seb

Ameila pulled the stake out. Lizzie sent a thankful smile to Ameila

Sebastion- Argh. Seb?
Ameila- sebastian is to long
Sebastian- well thank you Lia

Ameila left the two alone after realizing this mirrored the house when Damon lived there and he has a sword in his room

Lizzie-What did you do to upset him so much?
Sebastian-He wanted to keep me away from you.
Lizzie- I'm glad you're here. Circumstances aside.
Sebastion- But we should not stay here.
Lizzie-- Don't worry. When we find a way out of here, you're coming with us.
Sebastian-You you misunderstand me. I meant this house. This town. There's a whole world out there, Elizabeth. We have an entire planet to ourselves. So come with me and experience it. Just for one day. Hmm?
Lizzie- We can't. My dad said
Sebastion- He lied to you. Again. Trust me there is no one else here.

Sebastian smirks at the girl as they stare into eachothers eyes. As Ameila comes down the stairs, sword behind her.

Ameila- ok lovebirds
Sebastian- where presay did you get a sword?
Ameila- upstairs. Wheres Jo?
Lizzie- don't know but we are leaving
Ameila- okay be careful
Sebastion- your not gonna try and stop us?
Ameila-nope I trust you not to hurt her or else I'll bite you so
Sebastion- I won't hurt a hair on her head Lia
Lizzie- i love youuu
Ameila- yes I know. I'll wait for Josie

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