You have to pick one this time.

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Hope and Amelia walked into the gym as Landon stares at them

Landon-Hello, Clarice. God. Sorry. Unexpected side effect of taking over Landon's body is I now have all his memories. Do you know how many movies this kid has seen?

Hope-At least he gives us a shorthand. I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible.

Landon-Oh, come on. You have to be a little impressed with how I tricked Landon out of the darkness. All it cost me was The Necromancer's freedom.Which it sounds like he screwed up again.

Amelia-Actually, Ted did something noble. Which I'm not even gonna try explaining to you. But I will explain this. You're not Hannibal Lecter. You're the lamb.

Hope opens a bag of torture tools

Landon- Such a movie nerd. But You won't kill me neither of you will because You'd be killing him. For all its human fragility this vessel is perfect in that way.

Hope-Well... I mean, it's not that perfect. You're gonna give me proof whether or not Landon's still in there, and you... whatever... because, you know, if not...

Hope waves a knife at the cage

Landon-Look, I share your frustrations. I want to kill you both, too. But doing that would only make you guys a fully activated Tribrid. We're at an impasse.

Hope- You're right. I'm not gonna kill you until I know that Landon's alive. But I have no problem hurting you until I know that he is. In ways that he'll heal from and thankfully won't remember until I bring him back.

Landon-Does your headmaster know you're planning on torturing me? Do your friends?

Hope- Need-to-know basis. But don't worry, I'm sure that they'll come for you. You know, once they hear you start screaming.

Landon started at them both a small movement of the eye maybe fear

Amelia- don't worry we are klaus mikaelson and Hayley marshalls daughters after all

Landon-Do you really wanna be doing this with your sister, you always were telling Landon how you wanted her to be different. Huh hope?

Amelia looks over at Hope

Hope- he is right you need to go

Amelia- Hope-

Hope- please just go find Josie

Landon- moms mad

Amelia flashes her eyes at Landon before walking out to find her girlfriend. Amelia ends up wondering around and finds Josie in Rics office with all the super squad plus Ric but minus her and Hope.

Amelia- hey Jo- what's going on?

An angry Hope walks in

Hope-Dr. Saltzman, what the hell?

Amelia-Well, this is awkward.

Hope-Nobody told us that there was gonna be a Super Squad meeting this morning. Just like nobody told me about the barrier spell that was put up in the gym.

Ric-That's because this is an emergency session about how we're gonna deal with Malivore. And how you guys fit into that plan.

Hope-Then I'm all ears. Plan away.

Ric-Not my plan.

The girls look at Mg

Mg-Cleo's the key to all of this,our problem being that Landon...Mali... Malivore... Malidon? Has consumed her. Which means we have to assume,that she's in the belly of the beast, in the pocket dimension inside of Mali... whatever.

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