I couldn't have done this without you

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Hope and Ameila had arrived back in the morning from New orleans when they walked into there room they are met with a third bed and Alyssa Chang on it.

Alyssa-Oh. It's just you.
Hope- Alyssa, what's all this?
Alyssa- I moved in while you guys were gone or whatever. Your side's over there.  My room is getting re done so I got put in here since it's the biggest room. I go to bed at 10:00, so no late-night visitors. And I don't want ants, so no eating in the room.
Ameila- Oh hell no

Ameila flashed her eyes and let out a low growl towards Alyssa as she walked out of the room.

Alyssa- Later, roomies.
Hope- calm down
Ameila- Calm down? We have to share a room with my archenemy. Ugh!

Ameila barged out of the room looking for ric. But it's is actually Hope who finds him as Ameila runs into Lizzie and mg

Lizzie- my bestfriend senses are tingling

Lizzie grabs Ameila arm and pulls her on the couch next to her

Ameila- ow
Lizzie- what's wrong?
Ameila- what's wrong??? Is your father putting Alyssa is my dorm room while I was gone
Lizzie-The flaming shedevil?
Ameila- yup. You didn't know?
Ameila- probably didn't want you telling me because he knew I would put rats in his bed.
Mg- woah mels hey here look the new nightwing comic

Ameila took the comic from Mg and laid her head on Lizzie shoulder and read it while the two talked.

Lizzie-So you get to see all of these amazing alternate universes, but then, eventually, everything just resets back to normal, and the heroes don't even remember any of it? Lame.
Mg-I got to say, I'm surprised you wanted to hang out. I thought you weren't gonna talk to me ever again.
Lizzie-Gaslighting me was a reprehensible act,
Ameila- and a bad friend move
Lizzie- yes but keep supplying me with superheroes in spandex, and we'll call it a wash.
Mg-Okay. Come clean. You-you hate all this nerdy stuff.
Lizzie-Okay, fine. I'm trying not to have sex with Sebastian again.
Ameila- I thought you liked our superhero movie nights?!
Lizzie- sh sh sh I do

Lizzie patted Ameila head

Mg-I thought you hated him, too.
Lizzie-I did. I mean, I do.

Hope's first day back consisted of her getting lost looking for classes but Ric helped her find her way. Hope then spots Landon and josie talking.

Landon-Hey. How's it Uh, hi.
Hope- Josie didn't leave because of me, right?
Landon- I hope not. Um, I see you are back from your trip home
Hope- Yeah. We uh

Ameila walked over to the two hearing how awkward the convaseration was going

Ameila-Alyssa Chang has taken 80% of our room!
Landon- the Alyssa Chang! Oh no the horror

Ameila smacked him in the arm

Ameila- do not try me kirby!
Hope- pft please plenty of space for the nine things I still own. Anyway What's going on?

Sebastian finally reappeared

Landon- Uh, Dr. Saltzman is having me test Sebastian here to see if he can stay at the school.
Hope-Call if you need backup?
Sebastian-I can assure you, I will be on my best behavior. Even a sidekick can handle me.

Ameila growled at him

Ameila- you better or else! I don't care what you and Lizzie have going on I will rip you to shreds
Hope- ok we will be going now

Hope dragged Ameila away who was glaring daggers at the boy. Josie was in her room with the sandclock full of the darkmagic in front of her and a spell book next to her. She begans to mutter a spell as purple lightening surrands the black fog as she gets flashes of her smashing the clock then the school burning up, then a dark version of herself then finally Ameila on her knees screaming with her eyes switching between her normal blue and pitch black. Josie snaps out of her trance and lets out a gasp which Ameila heard down the hall and rushed in, Ameila cups Josie face

Ameila Mikaelson/Legacies storyWhere stories live. Discover now