Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight?

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The next moring when Lizzie woke up she looked over to see Ameila with her head in her knees with headphones on. She could only assume the girl barley slept. Lizzie reached over and checked her phone seeing she had a message from her dad to meet up. Lizzie gently placed her hand on Ameila shoulder causing the girl to take her headphones off.

Ameila- morning, everything okay?
Lizzie- Super squad meeting
Ameila- hm great
Lizzie- did you sleep at all?
Ameila- I was just up early
Lizzie- well come on we gotta get ready you can borrow some of my clothes or Josie's if you want.
Ameila- okay thanks and thank you for letting me stay

Lizzie smiled at her friend before getting up. The two got ready and headed to a class room where everyone was waiting. Hope looked at Ameila when she walked in with pleading eyes but Ameila wouldn't meet her gaze she did however smile at Landon. While yes she was mad at Hope she wasn't mad Landon and was happy the boy was back.

Ric-I guess the saying is true. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Landon-Actually, the original quote is from George Santayana, who said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Not that it really matters.
Ric-It's good to have you back, Landon. But the monsters are back, too.
Landon-Yeah, I always miss the good ones. Like, first there was the mummy, and then, and then a minotaur, and now a leprechaun?
Lizzie- Like I said before mophead, the minotaur wasn't about you
Landon- yeah yeah anyway what did it want?
Ric-We believe Malivore sent it to retrieve the Ascendant.
Landon-Makes sense. Malivore can't meatsuit me if he's stuck in a prison world, so of course he wants a way out.
Hope-That's not happening on my watch. Our watch.

Hope looked over at Lizzie as Ameila let out a laugh

Ameila- of course because Landon above everyone else safely. Screw everyone if we die but as long as Landon is safe it's fine. No offence to you Lan
Hope- Ameila...
Ameila- don't.
Ric- girls

Ameila got up and walked out. She heard her heartbeat in her ears she felt as if she couldn't breath. She pulled out her phone and called Josie

Josie- hey
Ameila- hi...
Josie- Mels? You okay?
Ameila- I- uh I don't

Amelia felt her vision blur and heard some mumbles coming from the phone. The next thing she knows she is sped away by Mg and is now at Mystic falls high with a concerned Josie. Josie gently cups the girls face to get her to look at her.

Joise- hey I need you to breathe okay, follow my breaths
Ameila- I- I can'tt

Ameila slide down onto the floor. Josie grabbed her hands. She hasn't really seen Ameila have a panic attack before she knew she had them but usually Hope was there. So she did the one thing she could thing of, she kissed her and Ameila breathing slowed.

Josie- Hey your okay now
Ameila- how did you- Why did you?
Josie- I read somewhere that when you kiss someone they hold there breath.
Ameila- that's smart. Thank you
Josie- do you wanna talk about it
Ameila- just everything that happened yesterday with Hope, i just never expected her to betray me like that and she's my sister-
Josie- you were let down by the person you least expected
Ameila- yeah then today I just saw her sitting there all happy like nothing happened and it just became to much.

The school bell rang and Ameila let go of the girls hand

Ameila- you should probably get to class
Josie- I can stay if you need me too

Ameila knew she should just lie and tell her it's okay since things are complicated  but truth is at that moment she didn't care

Ameila- stay please
Josie- I will

Ameila Mikaelson/Legacies storyWhere stories live. Discover now