I thought you would be happier to see me

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Josie, seeing who was at the door, quickly grabs her and Finch's shirt as they slip them on.

Josie- Amelia...

Amelia- omg

Amelia ran her hand through her hair pushing it back as she let out a laugh.

Amelia- This is just wow

Amelia walks out the door with tears. Josie who threw shorts on ran out after grabbing her wrist spinning her around.

Josie- please just let me explain.

Amelia- seems pretty self explanatory. While I was dying, turning, saving my sister, and helping defeat malivore. You were fucking cheating... worse with her.

Amelia's breaths were becoming uneven as she tried to hold back tears. If Josie had super hearing she could hear the girls heartbreaking

Josie- I was upset and had a momentary lapse of judgment.

Amelia- I would never have done this to you

Josie had tears also in her eyes

Josie- I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you.

Amelia- Well congrat-fuckinglations you did. I opened up to you. I let you in. Damn it I love you Josie. Don't you get that! I started getting along with Finch because I knew she was your friend. I did it all for you and for what...

Finch came out of the room

Finch- Look Mels it truly didn't

Amelia- Stop just don't speak or come closer. It is taking every ounce of self control to not kill you.

Josie looked down and saw Amelia's hands in a fist assuming her nails are digging into her palm for her to stay calm a tactic she falls too. One that normally Josie can just grab her hand and hold it gently for her to stop but not in this case. Amelia finally met Finch's eyes and hers were glowing there golden color with the veins trailing down.

Finch- I'm sorry.

Amelia- I have to go find my sister. So it seems we are done Josette you are free to be with Finch now.

Josie- Amelia wait!

Amelia rushed off as her breathing had gotten worse and her nails dug so deep there was blood. Unknowing to Amelia Lizzie saw the whole thing in the hallway go down she scoffed at her sister before going after her best friend to comfort her.

Lizzie- Amelia you need to calm down. I know everything is turned to an extreme right now but you need to breathe

Amelia knew Lizzie was there but truth was she couldn't hear anything over her beating heart which Lizzie must had guessed as she pulled her to the ground gently with her. She was able to have her open her hands and the cuts healed quickly leaving only dried blood. Lizzie guided Amelia's head to her chest so she could listen to her steady heart. Amelia tried to pull away but Lizzie kept a firm hold she wasn't worried about her wolf/vamping out on her as her eyes were there normal blue. She was just having a supernatural panic attack.

Amelia- I can't I can't

Lizzie- shhh yes you can

Amelia- I just want my sister

Lizzie- I know. I know

Amelia settled in Lizzies arms. Lizzie had seen Hope do this with her when her nightmares were bad as a kid. She remembered walking by the room and seeing Hope holding her sister or even sometimes the other way around

Lizzie- I'm sorry for what happened with Josie.

Amelia- I walked in on her when I was looking for you both or your dad. Something happened with Hope when we defeated Malivoire

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