To Whom It May Concern

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Hey, little author's note here, just a heads up the beginning of this chapter is the beginning part of this is what it takes. But then it goes into to whom it may concern because the other episode is just Hope in the therapy box if you want Amelia in it as well I can go back and add it but for now we won't'

As Amelia kept downing drinks she realized she hadn't seen Hope so she walked over to Lizzie.

Amelia- heyy Lizzzie
Lizzie- Hello my drunken friend
Amelia- do you know where Hope is?
Lizzie- Who?
Amelia-  myy sister
Lizzie- you don't have one. Jesh how much have you had to drink

It then dawned on Amelia Hope probably went through the portal again this sobered her up a little. She left the party to head to the graveyard, not before running into a pole. I did say only a little.

Amelia- Motherfucker who put that there

Amelia found her sister in the graveyard walking back to the school with tears in her eyes. Amelia hugged her sister and then smacked her

Hope- what was that?
Amelia- jumping througggh the portal againn dumbass
Hope- are you drunk?
Amelia - what if I am mom

Amelia then noticed her sister's tears, she reached up and whipped them

Amelia- what's wrong?
Hope- I'll explain when we get there

The two made their way back to the school in that time Amelia had fully sobered up. Ric on the other hand was drunk. Hope tried to explain her story but nobody believed her and Lizzie just thought Amelia was still drunk.

Ric- I'm still confused
Amelia-Because you're drunk. And we really need you to focus.
Hope-This is a matter of life and death.
Ric-First things first... I'm only buzzed. Secondly, you haven't told any of us why we should believe anything that you said, Miss... Hope, right?
Hope-Mikaelson, actually. Klaus's eldest daughter.
Amelia- see Lizzie's sisters
Lizzie- I think you are hungover but is anyone else thinking that she's a monster?
Hope-I know why you'd think that because I know that Malivore monsters exist. I know that the reason why you're celebrating is that you just defeated them. I also know that you're a witch. An annoyed witch probably wondering why MG's off with Alyssa Chang instead of you.
Lizzie-Or psychic.
Amelia- Elizabeth just trust me

Hope then points to Kaleb and Ric and then lastly Josie who Amelia kept seeing her stare

Hope- You're a vampire. I'm doubling down on drunk.  Also a witch.
Josie-Actually, I gave up my magic.
Hope- you didn't tell me that Amelia that's gonna make this more difficult.
Amelia- she had it a few hours ago!
Ric- Wait make what more difficult?
Hope-Do you remember that spell that Josie did to get rid of the oni? Which I know about, clearly.
Ric-Listen, we don't doubt what you know. We just doubt how you know it.
Amelia- look will you all just trust me I promise. Landon means a lot to you, too.
Josie-I believe you both of you. And I can teach it to you if it's okay with my dad.

It had been 3 weeks since Josie helped Hope with the spell and everyone remembered her and Landon. The group had been trying their hardest to figure out how to find Landon. It was taken a toll on Hope, she was staring at her bed no doubt lost in her memories when Amelia placed a comforting hand on her shoulder

Amelia- hey we will find him, don't worry
Hope- I know it's just hard

The two were interpreted when Lizzie walked in

Lizzie-All right. Commence Operation: Rescue Hope from Herself. I know that you don't want to hear this right now...
Hope- I'm in.
Lizzie - ...but... Wait, what?
Hope-I'm in. For whatever crazy thing you were about to say.
Lizzie-But I had a whole speech.
Amelia-I'm sure it was amazing Captain America
Hope- I'd rather not talk right now. Let's just do anything.
Lizzie- Great. Dad wants us to run the tour for prospective students.
Hope-Except that I can't handle being around a bunch of strangers right now.
Lizzie-Okay, I knew I'd need my speech. You know, when MG and Alyssa hooked up, I wanted to crawl into a hole for days.
Hope-Are you seriously comparing Landon dying to you not realizing that MG was a good guy until it was too late?
Lizzie-Okay, well, it's-it's not a competition, Hope.
Hope-Maybe Wade could do the tour.
Lizzie- Wade? Okay, well, you're grieving, so I will overlook that suggestion. All I'm asking for is one shift. As soon as MG and Kaleb get back with the first wave of returning students, they can take over the tour from you. And then things can get back to normal. I think it would be a good distraction. For all of us.
Amelia- hold up all of us?
Lizzie- yes my dearest best friend this operation includes you too since you have been hiding from your problems as well.
Hope -Josie's first day?
Lizzie-Thank you for acknowledging that I am handling it with a surprising amount of dignity and poise.
Amelia- oh that's today. I forgot

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