Theres a place where lost things go

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Josie was sleeping in her bed next to Lizzie when she jolted awake from a dream. One where she walked out to the old mill in the middle of the night to talk to Jade then kissed her. Lizzie turns to her sister

Lizzie- You were having a sex dream.
Josie-What? No, I wasn't.
Lizzie-Please tell me it wasn't Landon. Or Hope, for that matter.
Josie-I wasn't having a sex dream.
Lizzie- was it Amelia? I would be okay with it being her as I've said I would allow the two of you.
Josie- omg just go back to sleep

The girls turn away from each other and fall back asleep. A few hours later Hope and Ameila are getting out of bed getting ready for the day as Emma called them all to the gym. Hope faces her sister.

Hope- how are you doing today?
Ameila- you mean after getting into a car accident then doing a spell and absorbing more black magic and now I can't do magic without feeling pain?

Hope looked at the girl with sympathy and Ameila let's out a laugh  as she runs her hand through her hair

Ameila- I'm fine really, don't worry a little sore but I'm staying whelmed
Hope- we will figure out the magic thing I promise
Ameila- I know, are you okay?
Hope- now that you are all back I am

The two walk into the gym to be joined with the twins,raf,and mg

Emma-As supernaturals, we all carry a burden. Our eyes are open to evil.  And recently, you've had to face it. Some of us process these traumas by suppressing what happened. For others, it's easier to bury it deep inside and pretend like nothing's happened at all. Still, others may take a different route, such as...
Hope- Pushing people away in an attempt to self-isolate?  Because everyone they love is in perpetual danger, which often results in them becoming perpetually dead. See? There. That's it. That's my therapy.
Ameila- or the fact you have to live with knowing your sole purpose for being born was to kill your sister and yourself. The fact I can't control my emotions so it's easier to push everything away.
Hope-Can we go now? Because, uh, Landon's outside trying to fly
Ameila - and could use a spotter.
Emma-I'm afraid not, because the point is we can all do better at processing the traumas we've been through.
Lizzie- you just trauma dropped on her and you both have issues and you thought she would let you go?
Ameila- wasn't my best idea but it was worth a shot
Emma- anyway this is why Dr. Saltzman has asked me to conduct a special group lesson today.
Lizzie-I, for one, could really use this, and I would appreciate everyone's support.
Mg-Honestly, I don't know why I'm here, but I'm down to help.
Emma- you will all have an important role to play in this simulation.

The group rolls there eyes

Emma-Oh, stop looking at me like that. It'll be fun. This device was created by Professor Rupert Vardemus.
Josie- Ew.
Emma- Okay... The real Professor Vardemus. He's quite famous in mystical therapeutic circles. It's his variation on a Chambre de Chasse. All your psychological concerns will be transferred inside to form a shared narrative. Now, the world you create together can be anything, from pirates on the high seas to spies in the Cold war
Mg- or heroes in Gotham or mcu?
Emma- I suppose so

Ameila and mg fist bump

Emma-But no matter what it ends up looking like, it will be designed specifically to help you. Out here, you're unconscious. You'll have no awareness that you're in a simulation.
Lizzie- So, it's like a game? Mm. Uh, how do I win?
Emma-Simply reach the end of your story and you'll be given an escape word. Say it aloud and you'll become self-aware again, then wake up here, having discovered something valuable in the process.
Emma- Any questions?
Ameila- Uh, yeah. I have a question. What the hell is she doing here?

Ameila stared at Jade in anger and jealously

Jade-Hi. Uh, sorry I'm late. Uh, weird dreams.
Emma-You're just in time, Jade. Don't worry. What we're about to do here is merely a simulation. And I'll be in it as well, and self-aware the whole time. I promise to keep a careful eye on all of you.
LIzzie-Everyone think of bright, sunny, tropical beaches

Ameila Mikaelson/Legacies storyWhere stories live. Discover now