This Christmas was surprising violent

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The two Mikaelson girls had woken up. Hope was over in Ameila closest borrowing clothes since you know her's are gone. Ameila had gotten up and took the second ring off her necklace.

Ameila- here

Ameila handed the ring to Hope

Hope- you sure?
Ameila- it's yours.

Hope took the ring back and Ameila reached back and hugged her

Hope- what's this for?
Ameila- making sure your real
Hope- come on

The girls exit the room and Ameila looks out the window and hits Hope in the arm

Ameila- is that snow??
Hope- what!? it's october.

The girls rushed outside to which Ameila is hit in the face with a snowball from Kaleb. Her eyes flashed gold in anger.

Ameila- Hawkins you better watch it you little
Hope- what is going on?
Kaleb-Don't be a Scrooge, Mels It's Christmas.
Hope-No. It's October.
Kaleb-Christmas is a state of mind. It's a feeling in the air. Now you feeling it?
Ameila-Definitely feeling something. Starts with Mur ends with-

Hope grabs Ameila's hand and rushes her inside to be met with Ric

Hope-Dr. Saltzman. We need your help.
Ameila- Oh dear god what are you wearing?

The two grown adults were wearing the ugliest christmas sweaters

Ric-Dorian had an extra one. Lucky me, right?
Dorian- No, Ric. We're the lucky ones. Because Dr. Saltzman is gonna spend Christmas with us.

The students aburbted into a cheer

Ameila- okay new plan

Ameila grabbed Hope's hand and dragged her to Lizzie's room


Lizzie half asleep sat up

Lizzie-We get it, Hope. You're back. Now disappear again.
Ameila-Ah. You're still a bitch. Thank God.
Hope- Ameila language come on
Lizzie- mhm love you too amelia.  What is happening?
Hope- I don't know. It's like everyone in the school is happy except for us. Too happy. Like scary happy. Merry, even. They all think that it's Christmas. And the snow probably doesn't help.
Lizzie-It's snowing? How?
Hope-Uh, another monster, I'm guessing.
Lizzie-This is terrible news. It's freaking fall. Not winter. What am I gonna wear?
Ameila- only you make this into a fashion emergency
Hope- hmmm something to travel in? I'm gonna need you to hit the road.
Lizzie-You want me to quest for Frodo Baggins, don't you?
Ameila- I don't get that reference. But she's going after Landon? I thought that the monsters weren't after him now.
Hope-We don't know what they want, or even who they're working for anymore. I just need Landon to be safe.
Lizzie-Fine. A little locator spell and then off to Mordor I go.
Ameila- why her and not me?
Hope- I need you with me

Lizzie starts grabbing clothes when Josie walks in with a tray of cookies

Josie-Ho, ho, ho! I come bearing gifts. More like a peace offering, really.
Lizzie-I thought that the four of us had already made peace.
Josie-Well, this whole school year, I have been really naughty. I've not been the supportive sister that I want to be or the supportive best friend, And then there's Landon. It was wrong of me to be jealous when his subconscious just chose you. But thankfully, Christmas is all about forgiveness, right? Cookie?

Lizzie stares at the mikaelson with wide eyes

Hope- Run.

Lizzie grabs a jacket and runs out while Ameila turns innocently and faces Josie

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