Screw Endgame

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Hope was sitting on the bench in town square guarding the portal when Lizzie came up behind her.

Lizzie-Hope Andrea Mikaelson.
Hope- What?
Lizzie- It's official. I remember everything. When I woke up from that spell Josie and Ameila blasted me with, you popped into my messed-up brain like an acid flashback.
Hope-How? You are literally the only person  on the planet who knows that I exist.

Hope jumps up and hugs the girl which Lizzie returns

Lizzie- Epic former frenemy reunion is gonna have to wait. We have bigger drama. Josie and Landon are having sex tonight.
Hope- What?
Lizzie-There's a decade dance.
Hope-Okay, well, that doesn't mean-
Lizzie-She asked me to find an excuse to stay with my dad. You have to stop it. Speak your truth. Spill your beans, tell your tale.
Hope- Why didn't you tell her?
Lizzie-Because I didn't want to be the one to break her heart nor Ameila's. That's your job. 

Some lady appeared out of the portal

Hope-Ugh. Not a good time.
Lizzie-Mm. Who the hell are you?
Keeper-I'm the Keeper. Ah. And this is gonna be a lot easier than I thought. Welcome to the game.

The keeper snapped her fingers and nothing happened so the girls thought.

Lizzie-Well, that was anticlimactic.
Hope-We have to get to the school to protect Landon.
Lizzie-More like protect Josie from Landon by warning her she's about to have sex with a human-sized muppet and not the love of her life.
Hope- love of her life?
Lizzie- Ameila duh its obvi

The two girls stepped foot onto the street when a speeding car came by and hit them. They then respawned in the center of town.

Lizzie- What just happened?
Hope-I think the game just started.

Josie was in charge of setting up the dance till Lizzie got there which of course meant Ameila, Raf, and Landon were dragged to help. Josie was feeling better after yesterday black magic episode but Amelia had black veins on her arm from grabbing the sword. They were slowly fading but it definitely still hurt the girl.

Josie-All right, everybody work together. And Lizzie's gonna be here any second.
Ameila-trust me, you do not want to have only 98 red balloons.

Ameila comment caused everyone to laugh well besides Josie who kept a serious face as Lizzie would freak over this. Landon and Raf were talking as they moved the table.

Landon-What's so funny?
Raf-You said you and Josie were getting pretty intense, right?
Landon - Yeah.
Raf- And it's a dance.
Landon-It's a dance. So?
Raf-She thinks it's gonna happen tonight.
Landon-No, there's no way.
Raf- Dude, sex after a dance is so
Landon - So, what? Eighties?

Ameila had overheard their conversation and her heart dropped after hearing how serious they were getting no matter how hard she tried Ameila could not deny the fact she loved Josie. Josie approached the group with Ameila in tail.

Josie-Hey. So, I talked to Lizzie, and she's actually gonna stay in town with my dad tonight.
Landon- Good.
Josie - Yeah. Just an FYI, right?
Raf-I want to be able to handle the dance tonight.
Landon-Yeah, in case Hope happens to accept the invitation you sent her?
Ameila- you invited Hope?
Raf- yeah you know after she turned me back and has been around alot she seems kinda cool.
Landon- ouuu
Raf-Dude, how about you worry about yourself tonight?
Landon-I am.
Raf- you coming tonight Ameila?
Ameila- probably not just helping set up
Josie- she will be there.
Ameila- why? I don't have a date.
Landon- you have us!
Ameila- great.

Back with Lizzie and Hope they have been still trying to cross the road.

Lizzie-So, since we're trapped here, are we ever gonna talk about how you came back from Malivore and decided not to tell any of us?
Hope-Sorry. I'm a little busy keeping us from being roadkill. Projectium Deflecta. That should protect us.

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