Follow the Sound of my voice

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After driving through the night only stopping to get a change of clothes it was now day time and the girls found themselves at a circus- correction carnival.

Lizzie-I hate the circus.

Hope-Oh, good. This is a carnival.

Lizzie-No, you're right, that's so different.

Lizzie turns to her bestfriend who looks almost looks frantic and on edge

Lizzie- are you okay?

Amelia-If we see a clown, I'm out of here.

Would now be a good time to mention Amelia's fear of clowns. She's not afraid of much but clowns, bugs, and snakes are big up there. To be fair the clown's fear was Kol's fault.


The girls were younger and Kol was watching the girls and wanted to watch IT and Hope was all on board but Amelia wasn't sure about it. But he assured the younger girl it would be okay.

Amelia- Uncle Kol I don't know about this movie

Kol- darling don't worry me and your big sister will protect you. Isn't the right Hope?

Hope- Yup!

So moral of the story Amelia spent the entire move curled into her sister's side and after a sleepless night the next morning Kol thought it would be funny to get a clown mask and scare her. Lets just say Amelia almost burned him and the compound down.

Amelia- AH ignis

Kol ripped off the mask which had been set on fire. Hayley and Hope had come running down the hall. Amelia immediately went into her moms arms.

Hayley- what in the bloody hell is going on

Hope- Uncle Kol showed us a scary movie last night and Amelia didn't like it

Kol- I thought it would help her I scared her she would realize it's me and there not scary

Hayley put Amelia down and Hope wrapped her sister in a hug calming her down. While Hayley smacked Kol upside the head.

Hayley- you thought it would be okay to scare a witch

Kol- I'm sorry

The two girls were just finished bicking when Amelia was pulled out of her memory when Hope nudged her arm.

Lizzie-I thought we were killing Aurora. Why are we here?

Hope-We are here, young Padawan, because... a carnival's the perfect place to blend in while we run some tests.

Lizzie-I feel deep down that I am going to wish that I didn't ask this question, but... what kind of tests?

Hope-Before I find our thousand-year-old vampire, I just need to know that you are in control of your new powers.

Lizzie-Hope. Sweetie Sire. You've been a vampire for what, five minutes? I am just as good at this as you are. Need I remind you,my mother is a vampire.

Hope-Who's never around. Your father's an alcoholic vegetable

Lizzie- Least my parents are alive.

Lizzie knew it was a low blow but Hopes emotions were off but she did momentarily forget Amelia was there to which she shot the girl an I'm sorry look

Lizzie- What about Amelia she's new to being a vamp too

Amelia- My family was more or less all vampires so

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